In fact, even if the Immortal Star God was still there, he would not care about these things at all. Even if he really cared, he would only care about them who were about to be embarrassed.

Pei Guang and Dan Heng threw out the garbage bags. When these people dodged, Dan Heng activated his power and the garbage bags burst instantly.

Seeing the garbage bags burst, these Chiming assassins wanted to hide. If it was explosives or hidden weapons, they could hide, but they could not hide the garbage everywhere, not to mention that the garbage bags thrown by the two people perfectly sealed the movement of all of them.

The moment the garbage bags burst, the pupils of these Chiming assassins shrank, because at the moment of breaking, he felt the instinctive disgust and disgust from normal cognitive life.

Dry and wet scattered, seeing these garbage, these Chiming assassins knew that as long as they touched them, their lives would be over. They went all out to resist the erosion from the garbage.

However, at this time, Pei Guang activated the taunt skill and interrupted their own defense skills.

"You bunch of bastards, a bunch of trash, come and beat me up if you can!"

This time Pei Guang activated the taunting skill. At the moment of activating the skill, these people looked at Pei Guang at the same time. The moves that were originally prepared to resist these trash stopped instantly. At this moment, these trash fell on them.

Dan Heng felt a little suffocated when he saw this scene. Although he wanted everyone to recognize that he was Dan Heng, it did not prevent him from feeling sorry for these people. Why not provoke Pei Guang? If you provoke others, at most you will die quickly. If you are more miserable, you will be turned into a rich evil creature or an antimatter pawn. But if you provoke Pei Guang, it will be worse than death.

At this moment, these Chiming assassins instantly lifted their invisibility. They wanted to kill Pei Guang! Kill Dan Heng! Kill them!

The anger made their strength surge instantly. These people were considered to be very skilled in the Chiming tribe. Now in the explosive state, they burst out with amazing power. Even Dan Heng felt that he had to be cautious after seeing it.

Pei Guang continued to taunt calmly: "That's it? That's it? You bunch of scum, is that all you can do?"

The trash plus taunting successfully made all the Chiming assassins present forget their mission. They were only sure of one thing now, to kill Pei Guang, to kill him.

The Chiming assassins moved, they rushed towards Pei Guang, but when they rushed over, they saw the boat that Pei Guang and Dan Heng were sitting on moved. Looking carefully under the boat, the water dragon controlled by Dan Heng was towing the boat forward.

The Chiming assassins chased behind and ran in front of the boat, and Pei Guang on the boat kept taunting.

If it was just taunting, it would definitely not be able to stop their hatred. They have reason, and reason will let them complete the mission first.

But unfortunately, Pei Guang first made their reason return to zero, and then launched a taunt. It must be admitted that this move is very effective.

Although the taunting stopped them, the cost was a little bit high, that is, the strength, speed, and endurance of these Chiming assassins increased by 100%. But unfortunately, even if their strength increased dramatically, they could not catch up with the boat that Pei Guang and Dan Heng were sitting on.

What? Bai Lu? Damn Bai Lu, they will fight Pei Guang and Dan Heng no matter what.

However, what they don't know is that what awaits them will be the most painful future. Even in the long, long future, they will wonder why they were so stupid in their previous lives when they are reborn!

Players are all torture kings. Pei Guang, who has attracted hatred, has already begun to think about how to torture these guys. Bai Lu is reluctant to kill, so he won't kill, but not killing doesn't mean Pei Guang will let them go.

For ordinary game players, the way to torture the enemy is nothing more than killing, killing, killing, killing in various ways, but for sandbox game players, the ways of torture are varied.

That's right, Pei Guang said openly that he would torture these guys and record this scene and send it to all the Chiming people who have bad intentions against Bai Lu.

As a player, he is very narrow-minded. If anyone dares to do something to his companions, he will not show mercy.

Chapter 9 Monthly Bounty

In August, I counted a total of 1,400 monthly tickets and 751 blades.

It is equivalent to twelve chapters, which is 24,000 words.

Last month, I updated more than 170,000 words, which is more than enough!

This month, I will continue to offer rewards. The old rules are 200 yuan per month for 2,000 words, and 150 yuan for 2,000 words.

Now there are more people following the book than when it was put on the shelves, so I can be bold and carefree. As for the recommendation ticket reward? I'm not stupid, I will really die if I open it. Now I can update leisurely, and I feel very happy! !

Chapter 200 Send the Chiming to reincarnate and kill the Chiming tribe

In the Linyuan territory, Pei Guang and Dan Heng sat in the boat and sailed all over the Linyuan territory, and behind the two people, more than 20 Chiming assassins chased the two like crazy.

Pei Guang: "Come here! Trash deserves to eat trash!"

While speaking, Pei Guang threw out the garbage bag again, and with the cooperation of Dan Heng, these assassins ate the garbage.

Such behavior made these assassins even more furious.

Chiming assassin: "Stop if you can!"

Pei Guang: "Catch up if you can."

Chiming assassin: "I'm going to kill you!!!"

Pei Guang: "You can't kill me."

Dan Heng on the side had to admit that Pei Guang's talent in angering people was not exaggerated. Not to mention these Chiming assassins, even if he saw it, he would feel his head buzzing.

While the two people were pulling hatred here, Bai Lu on the other side had already realized something. She stretched out her hand and pointed it at these Chiming assassins.

"Assassinating the Dragon Lord is a great rebellion. Now I, Bai Lu, will grant you reincarnation, clean up your mind, and become a new person!"

The power from immortality instantly covered these Vidyadhara Assassins, and they were dumbfounded.

Their bodies felt strong vitality, which came from the healing power of the Dragon Lord in the past. However, today, this healing power was different.

This power is healing their bodies, but at the same time it is also making them... degenerate!

The Scale Origin Realm is where the Vidyadharas reborn. Borrowing the power of the Scale Origin Realm, Bai Lu allowed these assassins to complete reincarnation in just a few breaths. These Vidyadhara Assassins’ eyes widened. They had never heard of it. This kind of power.

The power that can force people to reincarnate is simply...

However, before their minds could figure it out, their bodies had turned into one Vidyadhara egg after another. Although the physical body turned into a vidyadhara egg, its clothes were left in place, waiting for Pei Guang to pick them up.

Noticing that the enemy had disappeared, Dan Heng also stopped controlling the water: "Did it succeed? This is... the ability that can change the entire Vidyadhara clan..."

Dan Heng also didn't expect that Bai Lu could really develop this ability, but Bai Lu was able to develop this skill thanks to Pei Guang.

Seeing her success, Bai Lu also jumped up excitedly: "Succeeded! I succeeded, A Guang! Look, I can send all the bad guys of the Vidyadhara clan to reincarnation!"

Bai Lu is very happy now. The principle of her skill is very simple, which is to use pure immortal power to heal her physical body. However, because the power of the treatment is so strong, the cells think they are bursting, and the cells and the Marrow of Vidyādhi think that the body is damaged. Inflict fatal damage and quickly enter the reincarnation stage.

After entering the reincarnation stage, the body will find that it has not suffered any harm or misjudgment at all. But they had all reincarnated, so they just let nature take its course. So under the influence of Bai Lu, these Vidyadhara Assassins completed their reincarnation.

It's a very tricky way to use it. In Dan Heng's opinion, this is also a way that can be used theoretically, but why is no one using it? The reason is very simple, because a vidyadhara who is really seriously injured and reincarnated will not have time to use it like this, and generally if a vidyadhara really wants to be reincarnated, he will go directly to reincarnate without asking the Dragon Lord to help. If Long Zun really wanted to reincarnate someone, he wouldn't use such a troublesome method.

As for the dragon masters of each immortal boat, because of their strong strength, the dragon masters who hold the light do not dare to beep too much. Moreover, the power of the dragon master can only be inherited by the dragon master. The dragon master who inherits the power is too strong, even if All the Vidyadharas united together could not defeat Dragon Lord, which resulted in at most some bad voices in the clan, but they would not do anything to Bai Lu like Luofu did.

Bai Lu was not strong enough. He also considered the prosperity of the Vidyadhara and did not want the Vidyadhara to die, so he mastered this ability through the various knowledge he learned from Pei Guang along the way.

Is this ability strong? It's not strong. For ordinary people, over-treatment is nothing. Only the bodies of the Vidyadharas will misjudge and make them think that they are dead. At the same time, this skill is only useful for ordinary vigilantes. At the same time, this skill requires the use of the power of the Dragon Lord, which means that only the Dragon Lord can use it.

Do you want to say strong? Very strong, except for Long Zun, all of them are ordinary vidyadharas, but in Luofu, with this Bailu, there is no need to worry about being assassinated. Even though it took a long time to use the energy storage for the first time, it was just Bai Lu's constant attempts.

After the first experience, it will be much easier to use it next.

Bai Lu was very proud at this time with her hands on her hips. She was waiting for Pei Guang's praise. However, after waiting for a long time, Pei Guang's voice was not heard, let alone the praise. This made Bai Lu curious.

"Aguang? What's wrong?"

Bai Lu realized that Pei Guang was not looking for her, so she looked over curiously and saw Pei Guang thinking about something not far away. When Bai Lu asked, Pei Guang looked over.

"I'm thinking, you are a Dragon Lord. Although you are young and have not done anything big, it stands to reason that the average Vidyadharas, even those with some status, will not do anything to you. Those who dare to do this are definitely We have spied on your location. Although we have eliminated these assassins, the problem has not been solved yet. "

Bai Lu, who was originally very happy, had a frozen expression when she heard this: "Then? What should we do? Invincible A Guang! Think of a solution quickly!"

Pei Guang rolled his eyes: "How many times have I told you, don't put invincible in front of my name? This thing is a debuff! It's a curse! But what's the solution? Simple, you are the immortal boat hero and the key figure in sealing Jianmu. Today they dare to assassinate you, and tomorrow they dare to betray Xianzhou. I guess more people who hold the Vidajādhisrata have no idea whether you are a Dragon Lord or not. They can only complain a few words because you are not living a good life. They must be spying on you if they want to kill you. Although you don’t know who is spying on your status as a dragon leader, we can beat them all up.”

Bai Lu's eyes widened: "Beat them all? But what you said makes sense. Today you can assassinate me because of the position of Dragon Lord. Tomorrow, you can assassinate the general for the position of general. If this happens, we, the Vidyadhara clan, will be the real ones." There is no future! I will send all these bad guys to reincarnation!"

Bai Lu immediately followed Pei Guang's logic, but Dan Heng, who had been listening, had an increasingly serious expression on his face. According to Pei Guang's character and Bai Lu's learning ability, if he really killed the Mingchi Clan, it would be impossible. From top to bottom, most of the Vidyadhara clan members had to be sent to reincarnation by these two people.

Although Dan Heng has been expelled and is now just an ordinary pioneer, after all, he has inherited part of the power of Dragon Lord. At the same time, as a member of the Ming Dynasty, he has to think of a good way to not let Pei Guang. Recklessly.

Block it directly? Definitely not. Dan Heng knew Pei Guang too well. Although Pei Guang generally did good things, it was difficult to stop him from what he decided to do. But, you can't stop it, but you can issue tasks.

So Dan Heng looked at Pei Guang: "Ah Guang, I personally suggest that if you really encounter these Adyadhara clan members, don't let them enter reincarnation. Assassinating the current Adyadhara Dragon Lord is a crime that even a dragon master cannot bear, and even It will attract the attention of the other Dragon Lords. Leave them alive, and they will receive a more painful punishment. In addition, if the people you capture really send people to assassinate Bai Lu, hand them over to Xianzhou, Xianzhou. You will be given generous mission rewards. How nice that you have completed Bai Lu’s mission and received a generous mission reward from Xianzhou.”

As soon as these words came out, Pei Guang looked at Dan Heng and felt something was wrong: "Good brother, you reminded me that I am too self-righteous. No matter how good I get as a reward for this mission, I will give you half of it."

Bai Lu: "Where's me!"

Pei Guang: "I'll give you another half!"

Bai Lu: "Half of me and half of Dan Heng, then wouldn't you be gone?"

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem, you and Dan Heng are both mine!"

Bai Lu: "But Ah Guang, how can you tell who is the mastermind behind this?"

Pei Guang: "It's simple. Judging from my many years of experience, I can definitely search for relevant clues from these people. Just follow the clues and catch them step by step."

Dan Heng: "I won't be involved in this matter. Leaving my identity here will only cause trouble for you. I'll explain the situation to Fu Xuan, and then go back to the train and wait for you. You two, no problem. ?"

Pei Guang: "No problem, let's search for these drops, and then I'll show you what player efficiency is!"

Players can kill the Lord of Destruction in one day, so it is not difficult for players to cleanse the Vidyadhara clan in half a day.

Bai Lu looked at the 'relics' covered with garbage not far away: "Aguang, go get it, I find it disgusting."

Originally, Pei Guang was still thinking about how to grab it step by step, but when he heard Bai Lu's words, he looked at the relics of the Assassin that had turned into eggs. Looking at the relics stained with garbage, Pei Guang's face became solemn. got up.

But it doesn’t matter. As a player, you can do anything to obtain mission props. I think back when I played Seven Days Kill, I just dug out a toilet after seeing it, and it was just a relic stained with garbage, which was not worth mentioning.

half a day later

In the Danding Division, Jing Yuan, who has woken up, is listening to the instructions of the doctor who examined his body. Although the ghost this time came from the Danding Division, as the Xianzhou medical institution, the Danding Division cannot cure diseases that cannot be cured here. , and it cannot be treated anywhere else.

What's more, although there is a mole in Dan Ding Division, not all the doctors in Dan Ding Division are moles. Those who treat Jing Yuan have been inspected by Qiong Guanzhen and are not in danger.

"You are in good health. You are even healthier than some young people who are two or three hundred years old. However, the general has just experienced a war. Although his health is not affected,...if possible, I still recommend that the general take a good rest for a few days."

This time, Jing Yuan's coma was not caused by injury or being affected by the power of fate. It was simply because Shen Jun walked around Pei Guang's body, causing Shen Jun's power to greatly increase, and Jing Yuan, the user of Shen Jun, was supported.

After these two days, Jingyuan had adapted to Shenjun's new power. After adapting, Jingyuan woke up.

After telling Jingyuan what to pay attention to, the doctor left. Instead, Jingyuan stood up, ready to see how Fu Xuan was handling things these days. Although Fu Xuan is still a bit immature now, letting her experience the responsibilities and troubles of the position of general now will also help her become a general in the future.


When the general came out, he saw Yanqing standing guard outside. Hearing the sound, Yanqing looked over quickly: "General, why don't you take a rest?"

Jing Yuan: "It doesn't matter. I'm in good health. This time I fell asleep unexpectedly. How are you these days?"

Yanqing: "Fu Taibu has been running things in an orderly manner these days."

Although Yan Qing said he had nothing to do with Fu Xuan, he was just talking about the matter. During the two days when Jing Yuan was unconscious, Fu Xuan commanded the Yunqi Army to arrest a large number of followers of the Medicine King's Secret Tradition. At this critical moment, all the caves quickly returned to normal. , the entire Xianzhou is recovering towards the state before the Star Core Rebellion.

Listening to Yan Qing's description, Jing Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "It looks like I can take a break."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a projection of Fu Xuan appeared in front of Jing Yuan.

"General! No! Something big happened."

Jing Yuan: "?"

Jing Yuan knew Fu Xuan very well. As Taibu Si Taibu, she must have calculated the time for her to wake up and was waiting for him to wake up.

Jing Yuan: "Fu Qing, don't be impatient. Speak slowly."

Upon hearing this, Fu Xuan said: "Oh!"

Fu Xuan also felt that he was too impatient, so he spoke slowly: "General, something big happened on Luofu. One-fifth of the members of the Vidyadhara clan of Luofu were beaten and arrested."

Jing Yuan: "I thought it was a big deal, wait? How much? One-fifth???"

Jing Yuan thought it was three at first, but he suddenly realized, one fifth? Am I a good boy? Has Luofu been invaded by another powerful enemy? No, even if the envoy is sent to Luofu, he will not be reincarnated one-fifth of the time, not to mention that there is Pei Guang on the immortal boat.

This being who was specially inspired by Emperor Gong Shiming has personally proven his strength. What's more, two generations of the dragon clan of the Mingchi Clan are on good terms with the pioneers. How could he watch the Mingchi Clan be slaughtered?

Fu Xuan nodded calmly and said: "Yes, one-fifth, and some of them have been forcibly reincarnated."

Jing Yuan: "What did those old guys do?"

Jing Yuan felt his head buzzing. According to this data and efficiency, he could already guess who did it. Except for Pei Guang, no one would do this, and no one could do this with such efficiency.

Fu Xuan: "Dan Heng came over and explained the situation to me. When Bai Lu was sealing Jianmu, people from the Ming Dharma clan sent assassins to kill Bai Lu. Bai Lu learned how to reincarnate the Ming Dharma clan under Pei Guang's guidance. According to Dan Heng's description, over-treatment kills people, but due to the special nature of the Vidyadhara clan, over-treatment does not lead to death, but direct reincarnation, and this kind of reincarnation... has no side effects. Damn it, these elders are crazy. How dare you assassinate Bai Lu."

Fu Xuan's description at first was normal, but the more he described it, the more Jing Yuan felt something was wrong.

Jingyuan: "Wait? Dan Heng went to your place?"

Fu Xuan: "Yes, according to him, what Pei Guang did was too big for him to participate in. However, Dan Heng successfully prevented Pei Guang from going on a killing spree. Otherwise, all the vidyadharas would have to do this this time." Sent to reincarnation.”

"Although he didn't send those guys into reincarnation, Pei Guang's methods can be called cruel. The Dragon Master who ordered Bai Lu's assassination was held by Pei Guang and rubbed his head in the trash can. People passing by posted the video online. Now the Internet is criticizing These dragon masters are all condemning. General, you don't know that these videos have gone viral. At the same time, Aguang... Ahem! Pei Guang can always find evidence from the pockets of these people. Judging from the evidence, they are all truly valid evidence. However, according to Qionguanzhen’s feedback, these evidences were obviously destroyed, but they do not know why they were repaired and appeared in these people’s pockets.”

Fu Xuan thought she was very young, but looking at what happened today, her whole body and beauty were twisted together. At the same time, she also felt what it meant to be... efficient in a true sense.

When she followed Pei Guang on this journey, she always heard Pei Guang say that it was inefficient and inefficient. She was still wondering, why was it so inefficient? Now look at what Pei Guang is doing, Luofu and even the entire Immortal Boat Alliance are not so efficient.

But then I thought about it, and Pei Guang was indeed very efficient. From the time they boarded the fairy boat to today, he had done so much in less than a week. Especially this time, you can get evidence by catching one of the Ming Clan, and you can get evidence by catching just one. In the end, all the evidence points to those dragon masters. These dragon masters were directly captured by Pei Guang and Bai Lu. The efficiency It can be called a masterpiece.

With this efficiency, Pei Guang dares to say he is second, and no one dares to say he is first.

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