March 7th looked at Pei Guang: "Look at how scared Pam is, scaring out so many pieces, but you don't have to worry, Pam. I believe he can definitely do what Aguang promised!"

Pam: "This is the handkerchief I'm most worried about! Ahem, Passenger Pei Guang, I like your gift very much. Thank you for your gift. I don't need handkerchiefs like Jianmu or anything else."

Originally, Pam didn't talk so much, but now Pam was so excited that she started to panic in fear.

Pei Guang: "As long as you like it, don't worry, this gift comes from an aboveboard source! But the reward we get after killing the Lord of Extermination will not reduce the hatred of other forces."

Pam didn't speak this time, she just silently held the gift from Pei Guang and was thinking complicatedly about where to put the gift.

It really didn't dare to speak. It was afraid that if it spoke, Pei Guang might misunderstand what he said. Is there any chance that Pei Guang can drive the fairy boat back if he just says that the fairy boat is good?

Although Pam felt very happy and touched to be taken seriously in this way, at the same time she was moved and felt that she had to pull Pei Guang a little bit. After all, Pei Guang had been chosen by Kailuo Destiny, and it was even possible that Pei Guang's appearance and Akivili It's all related.

No matter what, Pei Guang cannot be allowed to do stupid things for his own reasons. At the same time, as the train conductor, he feels that he must play a guiding role to prevent Pei Guang from going too crooked at least.

Not to mention too much, just think about blowing up the fairy boat. As long as you don’t do it, you will win!

Of course, after thinking so much, Pam was finally moved by Pei Guang. Just saying that he could get Jianmu for him if he liked it, this sentence simply pierced Pam's heart.

Think of so many unknown guests. Although they respect and care for it, no one has gone so far as to say that if it wants stars, it will pick the stars for it, and if it wants the moon, it will pick the moon.

Pam hugged the gift happily and decided to hang it in a conspicuous place. So where to hang it? Pam looked left and right, and felt that the trash can that Beloberg had given to the train crew was quite good, so she hung a display cabinet on top of the trash can and hung the Jianmu fruits that Pei Guang had cooked. above.

As for whether this thing will attract Fengfu people or people with bad intentions? Pam is not worried about this at all. The things that belong to the train, unless it is the Star God himself or the owner of the item, no one can take away the things or people on the train without the permission of Pam or the owner.

Because it is, Train Conductor! Pa~~~

Seeing Pam happily preparing, March Qi's expression became more solemn, because she remembered Pei Guang's words in Taibosi again.

At first, March Qi thought that sentence was Pei Guang's usual perverted statement, but seeing Pei Guang being so kind to Pam, and recalling the blade at that time, March Qi's expression became more solemn.

And when March 7th started to think about it, she started to stare at Pam. She used to feel cute when she looked at Pam, but why now...

"You can't really be so perverted to Pam..."

March Qi showed a shocked expression. Before she met Pei Guang, she would not have thought this way. But after meeting Pei Guang and reading and understanding Pei Guang's words to a certain extent, March Qi always felt that there were really people in this world. You will be interested in Pam, and you will even feel that Pam ranks among the best among such discordant websites.

Thinking of this, March Qi shook her head vigorously and hurriedly threw away the bad things.

"Who did you learn this from? It's A Guang, that's right!"

March 7 confidently dumped the blame on Pei Guang. Of course, her behavior of dumping the blame was okay in some respects. After all, as a player, especially a player who has played all kinds of butter, Pei Guang still doesn't care whether he is a human or not.

But it doesn't matter if it's limited to playing games in front of the screen. For games like this in the real world, Pei Guang still prefers the opposite sex with good-looking human figures.

Pam happily hung up the specialties that Pei Guang brought back. As for whether there will be Fenghuo people who feel the Jianmu fruit and cause trouble in the future? Pam said it was not a big problem.

Without Pei Guang, Akivelli's train started running and no one could catch up. With Pei Guang, let's consider whether we can outrun this train. Have you seen the fairy boat? The last person who was about to secretly attack the Trail Blazers had his head chopped off and hanged.

After Pam hung up the gifts, Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 decided to go back to their rooms to have a good rest. The train would stay at Xianzhou for seven days. During these seven days, everyone wanted to have a good time in Xianzhou. A fun lap.

But, everyone plays differently. For example, Walter, after exchanging information with Jizi, followed the Cloud Cavalry Army to look for the remnants of the Medicine King's secret transmission or the world-splitting creations that appeared under the influence of the star core.

Walter said that he is not good at fighting, but he is not good at fighting. The big robot he likes is very good at it. Walter cannot resist the temptation of large robots, especially this large robot can be used for fighting! ! !

Dan Heng, on the other hand, is temporarily staying in Xianzhou and preparing to learn some medical knowledge from Bai Lu. He is a pioneer and must follow the train all over the world. But he felt that what the train crew needed now was not a combatant, but someone who was proficient in medical skills.

I am the reincarnation of the Vidyadhara clan, and I still have some of the power of Dragon Lord. Learning medicine and becoming a doctor will be of great help to everyone.

Xi'er's plan here was very clear. After confirming that she could move freely, Xi'er did not play in Xianzhou, but went back to Beloberg to share some of the public medical and technological information she obtained from Xianzhou. , culture, etc. back to her planet. She also bought a large amount of basic supplies to bring back.

She knew that her hometown needed these, and Bronya needed these too.

As for Silver Wolf? When Kafka and Blade were captured, she took advantage of the Cloud Cavalry Army not paying attention and took them to a safe location.

Everyone has something to do, but what about Pei Guang? What he has to do is to take a rest, tidy up his backpack, and then go to the Black Tower to experience the 'real experience game'.

In the room, Pei Guang sat on the floor, staring at the ceiling blankly.

He was not lost in thought, let alone thinking about life, but rather looked at his various skills and various information prompts in the system, and sorted out his backpack to see what needed to be thrown away, what to give away, and what to keep for himself.

This trip to the fairy boat was full of rewards for Pei Guang. It can be said to be a bumper harvest of skills, equipment, and props.

The only pity is that the good sword in his village has not been upgraded. It was obviously upgraded in the first dungeon, but the weapon was not upgraded in this dungeon where he fought a large boss. This made Pei Guang very uncomfortable.

Pei Guang is happily organizing his backpack, checking system prompts and various information automatically recorded by the system, and admiring the best record in the game automatically recorded by the system.

Time passed little by little, and Xing in the next room returned to his room to catch up on his sleep. The trip to the fairy boat seemed to be very short, it only took a little more than one day to start and end, but this one day gave Xing a feeling that he had experienced forty or fifty days.

It has been less than a month since I woke up, but now I feel like I have spent three or four months.

The feeling of fatigue from the inside out made her body become lazy. Lying on the comfortable bed, Xing rolled twice on the left and right twice. She chose a comfortable position to lie down and closed her eyes.

However, just as she was enjoying this simple and comfortable rest, she vaguely heard footsteps in the corridor. The footsteps were very light, as if they were tiptoeing for fear of being discovered.

Hearing the footsteps, Xing thought of a lot in his mind. The clicking footsteps were very soft, as if he was avoiding something.

Something exciting was about to happen, and Xing had a familiar feeling. She felt that an evil spirit was trying to snatch her treasure.

As a pioneer, how could she watch someone snatch her treasure?

No matter what, she couldn't let this devil do evil on the train. The train was her home, March 7's home, and Pei Guang's home. Since someone wanted to take action on her home, she would let the devil know how the flame spear charged.

Listening to the direction of the footsteps, Xing Neng was sure that the demon was heading towards Pei Guang's room next door. When she thought of Pei Guang, Xing's pupils tightened. She knew that Pei Guang was the richest person on the train.

"So that's it! Its target is actually our Aguang?"

From Xing's point of view, this evil demon is definitely a minion of Lord Annihilation. It wants to avenge its master, and it wants to sneak attack Pei Guang while he is resting.

At this moment, Xing couldn't stand it anymore. She quickly stood up and came to the door with lighter steps.

The guy outside the door didn't notice Xing's movements in the room. She was still walking cautiously towards Pei Guang's room. She opened Pei Guang's room.

Just when she was about to enter Pei Guang's room, Xing took action: "Cunning villain! Don't even think about attacking my companion, go to hell!!!"

Xing took out her bat and rushed out. The moment she came out, her body froze because she saw March Qi opening Pei Guang's door and preparing to go in.

At the same time, March Qi's body froze. The moment she saw Xing, she had no idea of ​​sneaking into the room and taking pictures of Pei Guang while he was sleeping. She directly covered Xing's mouth: "Shhhhh!!!"

On March 7, he never expected that while Xing was sleeping, he was going to sneak into Pei Guang's room to see if Pei Guang was awake and have a casual chat. As a result, Xing woke up before he even entered the house?

At this moment, March 7 was full of resentment, but where was Pei Guang in the room? He didn't sleep at all, he was still enjoying his best performance.

As a player, there are endless happy things. In his free time, he can see his best performance and see how he and his teammates bully the enemy. Pei Guang will never get tired of watching such high-quality pictures.

Pei Guang was still a little tired when he came back, but after seeing this, he was no longer tired at all.

Just because he didn't sleep, he heard the noisy noise outside the door. He stood up and looked outside, only to see that the door of his room had been opened. Outside the door, March 7th was about to do something to Xing, while Xing's eyes widened. Look at March 7 with confidence.

Pei Guang looked carefully and saw that March Qi was holding a camera in her hand. Looking at her state again, Pei Guang smiled: "Are you all awake? Come in now~"

Hearing these words, March Qi took a deep breath. Originally, she was thinking of getting closer to him while she was awake and awake, but Xing disrupted all her plans.

At this moment, March 7 looked at the stars with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

But in Xingyan, she didn't feel this way. At this moment, she puffed up her chest. In her opinion, the naughty March Qi must have wanted to secretly take pictures of Pei Guang's dark history.

Although they are companions, they don’t call me when they do bad things? Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, she was responsible for this mess. Thinking of this, Xing felt even more proud. This refreshing feeling was as comfortable as shaking all the carbonated drinks in the convenience store.

At this moment, Xing even felt that he had been appreciated by the noble morality of the universe.

At this moment, the well-informed Pei Guang looked at the different expressions of the two people at the door, with a puzzled expression on his face. After playing so many games, he had never seen this scene before.

No, I can’t say I haven’t seen it before. There have been similar scenes in Shura fields and the like.

But Xinghe March 7 Shura Field? ? ? ?

Pei Guang had a big question mark in her head. Just when she was wondering, March Qi and Xing Yi walked into the room one after another. March Qi muttered dissatisfiedly: "I wanted to secretly take some photos for you, but I was She blocked it~"

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. I'll let you take as many photos as you want later. But looking at you like this, are you done with your rest? Now that you're done with your rest, let's get going at the Black Tower Space Station?"

Pei Guang didn't want to delve into this kind of thing, because it would be a bit of a headache to delve into this kind of thing. Instead of thinking about why Xinghe March 7 showed such an expression at the door, it is better to think about how to do the next task of the Black Tower.

Hearing Pei Guang's question, Xing suddenly became interested: "Simulated universe, let me tell you, I am very familiar with it, but I remember this can only be experienced by one person?"

Pei Guang: "Ah? Can't we form a team? Let me ask~"

So Pei Guang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Heita: "Are you here? I want to test you~"

Black Tower: "I told you, it's not testing me, it's testing the simulated universe. What? Do you have any questions?"

Pei Guang: "Can this simulated universe of yours be connected online? It feels boring to play alone."

Heita: "It wasn't possible with the previous one, but with the new version, it's no problem at all! It's still the standard three of you, right? I guessed that you guys are inseparable. Don't worry, you three can test together, The hardware is strong this time!”

After all, I have the support of Bo Shizun, so it is no problem for many people to test together this time.

At the same time, Black Tower has also considered that in reality, Pei Guang, Xing, and Yue Qi are basically the same from the beginning to the end when they form a team. So, if they enter the simulated universe and the three of them work together, will there be any unexpected results?

Pei Guang is a player. He has a special body and a star core in his body. He is also a pioneer. What about March 7th? Just use it as a limiter. After all, if you throw in a completely free player, who knows what will happen? Bring March 7 and restrict Pei Guang a little. While restricting him, you should urge him not to let him mess up. It's perfect.

Seeing Heita's reply, Pei Guang told Xing and March Qi exactly as they were. Hearing the reply, Xing jumped up happily: "That's great, it's fun to play together. A Guang, I Let me tell you, I am a closed beta player, I am familiar with this game, and the experience is indeed very realistic and very fun. Ahem, let me take you through the simulated universe this time and let me choose the hunting path and get the hunting experience. Blessings, blessings from the hunt!”

During the test, Xing had mastered the simulation of the universe. Now that Pei Guang is going to test it, can he still test the multiplayer version? Then she must be a senior and give guidance to the juniors.

Thinking of this, Xingdu became proud.

Pei Guang complimented at this time: "Oh? You are actually a beta player? Are you a closed person? In that case, the boss will take me to fly. This mission depends on you."

Xing put his hands on his hips and said arrogantly: "No problem, let me, a beta player, take you to test the simulated universe of the Black Tower."

Pei Guang: "Let's go! Let's measure the simulated universe!"

Pei Guang was very happy to be able to play together this time. There were thousands of games, but no matter what game he played, whether it was a real game or a fake game, there was only one highest configuration, and that was a friend.

Xing also became excited at this time: "Okay~"

Seeing the two happy people, March Qi was very happy, but when she wanted to be happy, she had a very bad feeling.

Not only did March Qi have a bad premonition, but the Black Tower, which was eagerly waiting for Pei Guang to measure the simulated universe, was also trembling. This tremor was not only caused by the puppet she was currently controlling, but also by her body and all the puppets.

At this moment, Heita also had a bad feeling. However, just when she was about to delve into where this bad feeling came from, the trio who had finished their rest in her office came to her in an instant.

Pei Guang: "Heita, we are here. Is it okay for the three of us to test together?"

Black Tower was about to study where the bad feeling came from, but when she saw Pei Guang and his group appearing, she gave up the idea of ​​studying it: "Of course! The three of you are more than enough, how about it? Simulate the universe, what do you think? At what point does it start? Does it start with the space station, or does it start with the Beloberg? Or start a separate planet for you?"

Pei Guang: "Can I still choose the birth point?"

Star: "Where to choose?"

March 7th suggested: "How about choosing here? The three of us met here. I don't know how to play this, but since we are starting over from the game, how about choosing here? It's very memorable. Hey~"

Black Tower: "This is not a game, it's a simulated universe...Forget it, you can just treat it as a game. Choose me, right? No problem."

Pei Guang: "Your simulated universe..."

Black Tower: "Don't make my simulated universe conform to the settings of third-rate novels. You can exit my simulated universe, and death in it will not affect your body and spirit. Just experience it with confidence!"

This question was not only asked by Pei Guang, but also by Xing, but she also understood that ordinary people could not understand how great the simulated universe project was.

Pei Guang: "Then how do we start?"

Black Tower: "Come to me, I'll let you enter the simulated universe~"

Heita took the lead and led the three people to the equipment.

For Black Tower, she was prepared to fail in this test. In her opinion, it was nothing more than blowing up another set of machines. For her and other partners, it doesn't matter if they blow up the machine. As long as they can obtain information about the Star God, even if there is only a small result, they will accept it. Of course, it could be worse.

The worst thing is that the machine is scrapped, the worse thing is that no useful experimental results are obtained, and the worst thing is that the work is completely in vain, and the time, energy, and resources are all wasted.

What other negative consequences could there be? Let alone the Black Tower, the other three couldn't think of a worse result.

After all, this time for Pei Guang to take the test, Black Tower really prepared a very good reward. She would give it regardless of whether the test results were obtained or not. Stephen even simulated what Pei Guang would do based on the player's thinking.

It's nothing more than mass killing in the game, grabbing, grabbing, killing, killing, meeting beautiful girls and handsome boys and possessing them all, and all kinds of desires are infinitely amplified. Are there any consequences beyond that?

But in fact, Heita still underestimated Pei Guang and the value of having three words sewn all over.

Chapter 183: The runaway simulated universe, ~ starts!

The way to enter the simulated universe is very simple. Standing in front of the device, Black Tower can start the machine, pull your consciousness into the simulated universe, and experience the happiness of the simulated universe.

When entering the simulated universe, the device will scan your body data and perform simulations based on the settings set by the Black Tower.

This time, the Black Tower did not set the star to be a pioneering star god. It just set it according to Pei Guang and their respective situations. During the final debugging, March 7th looked at Pei Guang expectantly.

"Ah Guang, tell me, how should we play with this?"

Xing: "Based on my experience, we have to fight and kill all the way. Let me tell you, the antimatter army in the simulated universe is very close to the real thing. The only pity is the turn-based system~"

At this time, Pei Guang responded while making adjustments: "This time it is not a turn-based system, but a real-time calculation. Bo Shizun assisted in this test. Otherwise, we alone cannot achieve such a realistic simulation." . Well, the debugging is almost finished and will start soon~"

Pei Guang: "Let's get started, we can't wait~"

Black Tower did not explain too much. After completing the body data scan of the three people, Black Tower opened the simulated universe.

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