Since he let the edge go in the end in the Linyuan realm, it proved that Dan Heng didn't want to kill him at all, otherwise Pei Guang would have just forcibly sealed this immortal guy.

Since Dan Heng didn't want to kill him, and the Star Core Hunter also sent him a mission, which was related to Xing, Pei Guang had no intention of killing him.

Elite monsters, come and touch the corpse once. Besides, no player can refuse the beauty of such a serious person fighting with himself with a spoon.

No one can resist the shame of being killed by a cute pink rabbit, but at the same time, no player will mind fighting someone with strange weapons.

As a result, Kafka also had his own ideas about Pei Guang's deception, so Pei Guang entered the room and helped Blade transform the weapon.

The modification of weapons is simple and crude. Take the opponent's weapon, apply weapon special effects, and leave.

This was Pei Guang's plan, but when he looked at the weapon with a broken blade, he was stunned for a moment: "Good guy, this type of weapon? But judging from his previous battles, he didn't know how to control the sword with Qi? He just slashed flatly. And a flat slash with special effects? Tsk, what a pity.”

People outside could clearly hear Pei Guang's complaints. March Qi leaned against the window and asked curiously: "Does this weapon have any words?"

Pei Guang: "It doesn't count. Among the many characters I know, those who have this kind of weapon broken but reassembled will be very strong in the future. There is no guarantee that this guy will become a real boss in the future, or become a real boss in the future. Our strong teammates.”

March 7th complained: "If it has anything to do with us, then these are the two outcomes, right? Either an enemy or a companion?"

Star: "Is there a third option?"

Pei Guang: "Of course! Become material and be incorporated into the power grid."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became cold, and even when he was sleeping like a baby, his body shivered subconsciously.

On the contrary, March 7th thought seriously: "If we follow what you said, Aguang, does this count as becoming an enemy?"

Now March Qi is used to Pei Guang saying a few scary words without any trouble, but according to March Qi's analysis, since they are all used as resources, this kind of people should be regarded as enemies, right?

Pei Guang replied seriously: "No, if it really becomes a resource, it has nothing to do with whether he is an enemy or not. It's just because I need him to become a resource."

March 7: "Hey, so cruel!"

Pei Guang: "Xinghai Yitang, I can do whatever I want."

March 7 shook her head vigorously: "No, no, I can't imagine you like that. On the contrary, I feel pretty good the way you are now. Let's explore one world after another together and discover one unknown after another~ One day, we are tired of playing. ~Just find a nice planet and live~ Uh-huh~ Is this what you said before, Aguang? Don’t you want to live like this in just a few days?”

Pei Guang: "Of course I want to do it~ It's too tiring to play strategic management, especially in this real model, where you have to abandon human nature to a certain extent. Although you can do it, I still feel tired just thinking about it."

Pei Guang walked out of the room while complaining, while Kafka looked at March Qi with interest. In her opinion, this girl was very special, her identity was special, and her current existence was also special.

She didn't even know what means March 7 used to restrain Pei Guang. Unfortunately, as a star core hunter, Elio would not tell her the prophecies and information that she should not know at this time. of.

After equipping the blade with a weapon special effect, Kafka looked at Pei Guang: "Thank you for your help. Next, I will use the magic of speech to make Ah Ren forget some memories, and at the same time let him accept the gift you gave him, but Here, I also ask you to help me hold back the Yunqi Army who is about to come here. When I used the Spirit-speaking Technique on Ah Ren, I couldn't do two things at once. When I released the Spirit-speaking Technique, I was interrupted, which hurt both me and him. very dangerous."

Pei Guang: "No problem, don't worry, I promise not to let anyone disturb you."

Kafka: "Thank you~ But~ it would be too boring to just let you guard me. Do you want to play a game together?"

Pei Guang: "Oh? Do you want to play a game of Gwent?"

Kafka thought seriously: "Well~ I'm not good at this kind of card game. Let's play truth or dare. One of you and I will ask each other questions, and the person who answers will tell the truth once. , a lie, a little game that Silver Wolf often plays, to pass the boring time, so that our meeting this time will not be so boring, how about? "

Hearing this, Pei Guang nodded: "Okay! We're just bored, let's play together, but the unit I'm sending here is! Xing! Come on!"

Xing: "Huh? Me? Ah Guang, come here."

Pei Guang: "Kafka has something to do with your identity and background. Isn't this an opportunity for you to ask questions? Why don't you want to ask him why he feels close to her? I'm not sure my previous guess was right. She She’s really your mother~”

Before Xing could speak, March 7 was shocked: "Really or not? I don't think Xing is similar to her. Although I don't want to admit it, she is more mature than Xing, and she is more like a bad woman, while Xing …”

March Qi looked at Xing, and saw Xing with his hands on his hips. The smile on his face was pure and innocent. He was innocent but also scornful. Say these two are mother and daughter? Are they related by blood? March 7th is absolutely unbelievable.

After hearing this, Kafka smiled and said: "If you want to ask this question, I can give you the answer."

Xing: "Quick! Tell me, Kangkang, are you and I related by blood?"

Kafka blinked: "Yes! Genetically speaking, you are my child. However, Silver Wolf, Aren and Sam are not suitable to take care of children, so the heavy responsibility of teaching you falls on me. Go ahead and make me miserable, and I will dump you to the train crew as soon as I get the chance."

As soon as this sentence came out of his mouth, Xingxing looked at Pei Guang: "Aguang, you are experienced, do you know whether this sentence is true or false?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know, but when she said this sentence just now, her eyes were wandering. Tsk! This sentence is definitely not entirely true. It is not entirely true. According to the rules of the game, it can be defined as a lie. That is Next time you ask a question, she will definitely answer the truth.”

Xing: "That's it! Then ask us! Let us think about whether our answer is the truth or a lie."

When Xing was eager to play, Kafka interrupted the game: "There is no way to continue this game~ The Cloud Cavalry Army has come over. According to fate, they will start a game with you. Fighting, but now that fate has changed, I don’t know what will happen specifically. Please help me stop the Yun Cavalry Army~ Don’t let the Yun Cavalry Army disturb me~"

Pei Guang: "No problem!"

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Kafka smiled. She looked at the blade and was about to use the spiritual spell. According to the original prophecy, she should be looking for stars this time, but because of Pei Guang's appearance, she gave up looking for stars and instead looked for Pei Guang.

The prophecy did not know what the outcome would be, but Kafka used the guess that Pei Guang would bring Xing, and the next prophecy was that Xing and the Yunqi Army would definitely have a battle, forcing the Yunqi Army back to give her time to use the magic of speaking. .

Of course, there was a little surprise in the prophecy. Xing might become rebellious and use other methods to lure away the Yunqi Army, but no matter what, he accomplished his goal.

Now Kafka is curious about what Pei Guang's appearance will make of this prophecy.

But what happened next, neither Kafka nor Elio predicted.

Because after Pei Guang heard Kafka's words, he looked left and right, and he actually saw the Cloud Cavalry Army searching everywhere. There were a lot of Cloud Cavalry Army. They were in groups of four, with a total of nine groups of Cloud Cavalry in two directions. The cavalry is patrolling and searching.

Looking at these Yunqi troops, Xing and March Qi both looked at Pei Guang, while Pei Guang waved to both sides of the Yunqi troops at the same time.

The Yunqijun on both sides were startled when they saw Pei Guang. The Yunqijun here were all the Yunqijun in charge of the Taibo Division. They knew exactly what Pei Guang and his party were doing.

Seeing Pei Guang waving, these cloud cavalry troops came closer.

"It's you, benefactor. As expected by Lord Taibu, you will come to Taibusi. We, brothers and sisters, are here to welcome you."

The oldest of these Yunqijun came to Pei Guang and greeted Pei Guang. After a brief polite conversation, Yunqijun asked: "Dear benefactors, have you encountered any problems? What's the matter? Need our help?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes, look over there."

Following the direction Pei Guang pointed, all the Cloud Cavalry troops looked at Kafka and the blade. The moment they saw the blade, some Cloud Cavalry troops nervously raised their weapons, but the leading Cloud Cavalry Army waved their hands. He waved his hand. Although the other Yunqi troops were nervous, they carefully put down their weapons when they saw the leader speaking.

The leader of the Cloud Cavalry: "Kafka, the hunter of the starry sky, there are still other important criminals..."

Pei Guang: "That's right! Of the two Star Hunters, one is still a wanted criminal. I called you here to tell you something. Kafka is helping the man named Blade Controlling the Demon Yin Body. I want to ask you for help. , don’t make any noise, and don’t let irrelevant people come here, okay?”

As soon as these words came out, Yun Qijun was silent. Not only Yun Qijun, but March Qi and Xing who were originally curious about what Pei Guang was going to do were also silent.

If it had been a day ago, the Yunqi Army would have already taken action before Pei Guang could even speak. But now, the Yunqi troops are looking at each other, because Fu Xuan has given an order to entertain the pioneers well. If the pioneers come to Taibusi, they must cooperate with the actions of the pioneers.

At the same time, Pei Guang and his party are also the benefactors of many people in the Yunqi Army. According to internal information of the Yunqi Army, Pei Guang and his party together with the general defeated the Lord of Extinction, and even hung the head of the Lord of Extinction on the Immortal Boat. ahead.

But as soldiers, they must carry out orders. The order they received was to capture the star core hunters Kafka and Blade. However, the wanted order for Blade has not been removed, so they must capture Blade, even if Pei Guang is a benefactor. , also doesn’t work.

"My dear friend, I'm sorry, we..."

Just as the leader Yun Qijun said his sorry words, Pei Guang took out his mobile phone and called Fu Xuan. Fu Xuan answered the phone in seconds: "Oh? A Guang? What's the matter?"

Although there were many things on Fu Xuan's side, he immediately picked up the phone when he saw the message was from Pei Guang.

Pei Guang said at this time: "I met the star core hunter Blade here. I took over Kafka's mission to protect her and let her seal the demon body of Blade. Now there are some cloud cavalry soldiers who want to catch him. , I want them to listen to me and not arrest him.”

Pei Guang simply and quickly explained his current situation, and Fu Xuan over there thought for a moment and gave an answer after hearing it: "As a star core hunter, his wanted warrant has been cancelled. He is currently wanted for other reasons, but you said he is deeply trapped in the demonic body? Since that person named Kafka has a way to seal the demonic body, let her do it. Before the seal is completed, I will ask all the Cloud Cavalry to refrain from disturbing them. After all, there is no interrogation value for people trapped in the demonic body~" It's a pity that the two people were not on a video call. If it was a video call at this time, Fu Xuan's expression at this moment would definitely be seen. Taibu Si Taibu said that people trapped in the demonic body have no interrogation value. This is simply the biggest joke in the world. But it is obvious that Fu Xuan's words made the surrounding Cloud Cavalry relieved. Fake? The surrounding Cloud Cavalry naturally would not think it was fake, because when Fu Xuan answered Pei Guang, they received an order from Fu Xuan. Let them stay put for the time being, let Kafka seal the demonic body of the blade, and contact her to make a decision. The leader of the Cloud Cavalry looked at Pei Guang: "Fu Taibu has spoken, benefactor, we will not disturb her treatment process. But benefactor, we will not let the Star Core Hunter go, this is our duty." Pei Guang nodded: "Of course, the mission I accepted is just to protect her from being affected by the Cloud Cavalry during the sealing process. If you don't disturb her, my mission will be completed~ As for you wanting to catch him? You can catch him after I complete my mission." The leader of the Cloud Cavalry: "That's good, by the way, benefactor, I heard that you taught us brothers and sisters a special dance in Liuyundu. This dance can increase our strength when we dance. We learned it. I always feel that the movements are not standard. Since you are here, can you give us some pointers? "

Pei Guang: "Of course no problem! I tell you, this dance is actually very simple, and it works better with weapons in your hands."

Leading Cloud Rider: "Indeed, according to the brothers who fought in Liuyundu, this dance can increase our strength while dancing and fighting, and we can also fight these evil creatures at the same time."

Pei Guang: "That's right, after all, it is an aura skill, but since you want to learn, let me teach you the standard movements. Back then, I studied this dance seriously for a long time before I learned it! Yeah! By the way , we can't interrupt her healing behavior, so let's not play music, how about it? "

Leader Cloud Rider: "No problem, we just want to learn the standard movements from you, but I don't know if we will have the opportunity to dance like this on a complex battlefield..."

Pei Guang: "Oh? So eager to learn? Ahem! Not only do I master this simple dance, I also know some simple dances with a clear sense of rhythm, which are very suitable for the use of halo when the army is marching. Are you interested?"

Leader Cloud Rider: "Please teach me! If you have music, you can send it to me. Our helmets may look simple, but they actually have many functions. When playing sound, it will not emit external It affects the star hunter sealing the magic Yin body. There are a lot of, to ensure that you have any scene, any battle, stabilize the military heart, and increase the combat effectiveness! "At the same time, the other side, Kafka completed the memory seal of the first stage of the blade, with Pei Guang's weapon dress, it really facilitates Cafa. Divide memory. The first premise of the blade is much simpler. At the same time, because of the whole episode, because of the whole episode, Kafka did not know what happened in the outside world and did not feel that someone was disturbed. At the same time, she heard a slight applause and excited gasps.

She turned her head subconsciously, but at the moment she turned her head, Kafka was silent.

She saw a group of cloud cavalrymen dancing in a triangle formation, a few behind Pei Guang, a few at the left intersection, and a few at the right intersection. It can be said that the cloud cavalrymen have surrounded this place.

However, the cloud cavalrymen who surrounded this place did not capture her and the blade, nor did they make too much noise. Instead, they wore equipment and danced happily with Pei Guang, who was leading the dance.

Pei Guang had changed from the dance of the Axe Gang to the New Treasure Island at this time. There was no skill, and the dance was full of emotion.

In Kafka's eyes, when Pei Guang swayed his body and waved his arms in the air, the cloud cavalrymen followed closely and made such movements. And with the help of their own high-tech equipment, the cloud cavalrymen did the same standard movements as Pei Guang.

At this moment, Kafka's expression froze. She rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath: "Hmm... Am I in A Ren's memory? Why do I have such a dream?"

At this moment, Pei Guang noticed that Kafka had recovered, so he stopped dancing. As soon as he stopped, all the Cloud Cavalry also stopped and turned their attention to Kafka and Ren.

Kafka's face was expressionless: "As expected of you, you stopped the Cloud Cavalry in a completely unpredictable way..."

Kafka didn't know what to say now. She could only say that he was indeed Pei Guang. When she saw Elio's prediction about Pei Guang, she felt okay. She had learned about some of Pei Guang's deeds and didn't have much fluctuation after knowing what happened to Silver Wolf.

It wasn't until she met Pei Guang herself that she felt that Pei Guang was a normal person for the first time. That was because Fu Xuan enjoyed the abnormal aspects for her.

The second time, Blade blocked the most knives and surrendered quickly. She didn't have much experience, but this time, when she became the task publisher, she finally experienced the feelings of others.

Leave Request

I'll take a day off today~

I calculated that I haven't rested for a day since I started the game on April 26th~ It's just that a big stage has been completed, and there is no recommendation yet, so I'll take a day off today~

At the same time, I'll sort out the rhythm of this book and see how to write it later.

However, the next plot plan is to run the side quests that make me feel a little bit unsatisfied, and I must play the simulated universe. Players who don't play the simulated universe always feel that something is missing~

Please support me in the future~ Let me take a day off today~ I'll make it up to you later.

Chapter 180: The Cloud Cavalry Jumping to New Treasure Island, Blade's Change

In Elio's prophecy, Kafka has two results this time. One is that she and Blade are captured by the Xianzhou, and finally leave the Xianzhou after paying a certain price. The other is that Xing comes to help alone.

In the future where Xing comes to help alone, Xing will conflict with the Cloud Cavalry of Xianzhou, and after Xing hears the prophecy, he will deliberately violate the prophecy and choose not to conflict with the Xianzhou people.

However, such a fixed future lacks too many variables. Although Kafka has her own purpose in becoming a star core hunter, she can see a different future and naturally wants to try it.

But I never expected that Pei Guang could come up with a completely unpredictable result. However, Kafka carefully analyzed it and it seems that only Pei Guang can do such a result now.

According to the original prophecy, Xing will help Xianzhou with the train crew to solve the extinction king. The so-called help is to let Dan Heng remove the seal, and then let Dan Heng remove the seal of Linyuan Realm and Jianmu. Finally, the members of Xinghe train team will do odd jobs. After making friends with Xianzhou, Xianzhou will provide absolute help in the future confrontation with Xingshen.

But Pei Guang's appearance caused a big surprise in the process.

The train team did not help as usual, but completely changed the ending of Xianzhou, and even let many people who were destined to die survive.

This battle even increased the overall combat effectiveness of the Xianzhou Alliance by one tenth, and one tenth of pure strength was increased to a whole. This improvement is terrifying.

In addition, when facing the Lord of Extinction, Pei Guang and his team were the absolute main force. Xianzhou can be said to owe the train team from beginning to end, or owe Pei Guang a big favor.

In addition, among the people who met, interacted, and joined along the way, only he could lead a group of cloud cavalry to dance, eat melons and watch the show when Xianzhou was about to grab the blade, and did not disturb her demon Yin body that controlled the blade.

But how to say it? Kafka still felt that this scene was quite interesting.

"What happened?" Hearing Pei Guang's question, Kafka smiled and said, "Just do it again, but I remind you that the gift you gave to A Ren did restore his confidence, but because of this, he may continue to cause trouble for Dan Heng in the future~ You created a trouble for you and your companions~" Pei Guang looked at Ren: "Trouble? Not really, right? But then again, do you want to continue the truth or dare game?" Kafka wanted to continue, but looking at these Cloud Cavalrymen dancing with weapons, after thinking for a long time, she looked at Xing: "Of course~ But, Let me and her come. I have some questions to ask her..."

Xing: "Don't ask, if you ask, you won't know. If I ask, it means I like you, because I like good-looking people, and you give me a very good feeling. If I ask again, it means I want to see you, and have some time to eat, drink and play together~ But if you want to trick me, me, A Guang, Sanyue and my friends, then I will let A Guang capture all of you Star Core Hunters and integrate them into the power grid. "

Xing knows herself too well. Although she is smart, beautiful, beautiful, moving, considerate, cute and charming, she knows that she is not good at answering questions.

At the same time, after being with Pei Guang for so long, Xing has also learned to think more. Kafka asked what she could ask? Ask Pei Guang for information? Then why not ask Pei Guang directly? Pei Guang is the most rule-abiding person in playing games.

Of course, as long as the rules are not written, he dares to do everything.

There is no need for Pei Guang's information. Everyone in the Star Dome Train team does not know their own information. Combining Pei Guang's previous analysis and Kafka's first answer, Xing can also guess the other party's thoughts.

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