Bai Lu: "No gift~~~"

Seeing this scene, everyone present showed a knowing smile, and March 7th took out his camera to record such a lively scene. The train went back and forth, with many people boarding and leaving, but such lively days as today are rare.

Bai Lu's words made Dan Heng fall into silence. For some reason, Dan Heng felt familiar when looking at Bai Lu's appearance. He knew that Bai Lu might be his good friend in the past life. After all, he was once the Vidyadhara Dragon Lord. Although he no longer had the memory of his previous life,...

Thinking of this, Dan Heng shook his head and gave up all words. All these choices are left to Bai Lu himself. If Bai Lu is willing to follow, he will protect Bai Lu with all his strength.

Pei Guang still doesn't know the various twists and turns of Xianzhou, because in his opinion, he can slowly collect the various story backgrounds after the main plot is completed. Anyway, judging from everyone's collection of various information, he will wait until the main plot is completed. Do it again.

Chapter 160 Fu Xuan "I won't ship the goods? Am I a monster?"

Tingyun felt a little ashamed when he started singing and dancing, but what should I say? After she got used to it, she found it quite interesting.

Of course, the most important reason why she did this was to see what Pei Guang could do, otherwise she would have given up her choice and left.

Pei Guang was also very fast. After distributing the spoils and explaining the combat strategy, Pei Guang got up and led his people to prepare to set off.

Pei Guang: "Miss Tingyun~ Stop jumping, we have received your buff, we should set off now. We are not familiar with the road to Dandingsi yet, so I will trouble Miss Tingyun."

Tingyun stopped singing and dancing, and came to Pei Guang's side with a smile: "As long as the little girl can help my benefactors~ I'll leave it to the little girl to lead the way~ But the little girl remembers correctly that Lord Taibu seems to have a mission that requires my kindness. Will you guys do it?"

Pei Guang pointed in the direction where Fu Xuan was waiting: "It's not a big problem. She is right there. In fact, I can roughly guess her mission. It is nothing more than a trap that blocked the troops from moving forward. Send us to help us solve it. Guaranteed. If not, we can encounter the fuse link that we like to see. ”

To be honest, Pei Guang felt a little empty after not encountering the fuse link in three consecutive maps. He had clearly prepared various types of fuses and even various fuse materials for the fuse link. However, so far, he had not used them once. , What a pity, what a pity.

March Qi on the side folded his arms and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Obviously in Tianbo Division, the man named Yu Kong said that this is an internal matter of the Ark, and we outsiders cannot participate, but what do we feel now? Everything was involved.”

Pei Guang patted March Qi on the shoulder: "I like to hear this kind of thing, but this time in my many years of gaming experience, it is already a very comfortable time. At first, the little leader's tone was a little unkind, but overall it was still very comfortable. Give us face. Look at other leaders and important NPCs, who doesn’t treat us as important personnel?”

This is what I thought on March 7th. Except for the first time they started to control the sky, everyone from Jingyuan to Yunqijun was polite to them. This was also the one where I had the most fun and encountered the fewest doubts among so many pioneering trips on March 7th.

Xingze took out the stick, jumped left and right and said eagerly: "I can't wait now, but Aguang, do you think we will ship the goods this time?"

This sentence made the other seven people in the team look at Pei Guang, and Pei Guang made an estimate and said: "According to previous experience, elites like Kafka can deliver goods, so the former elite of the boss should also be able to deliver goods." Will it be shipped? This is an elite monster before the boss. If it doesn’t produce anything useful, I can only give a bad review on the stitching of this map.”

Xing looked at March 7th: "Okay, with Aguang's words, we will definitely ship the goods."

March 7 suggested: "Should we guess who will produce the treasure this time?"

Bai Lu stuck her head out at this time: "I guess A Guang! It doesn't matter if I win or not, I mainly have confidence in A Guang."

March 7 looked at Bai Lu: "I said... why are you stealing my lines?"

Bai Lu spread her hands: "Whoever tells me first, how about you say it again?"

Pei Guang complained: "Don't guess at this kind of thing. If the reward milk of the elite monster is gone with a mouthful of poisonous milk, we will have nowhere to cry. But if we encounter an elite monster, please take your time. Point, if you have a pocket, be more merciful."

Xingze said thoughtfully: "Be merciful? Aguang, didn't you say that all the people in the Secret School of Medicine King should be killed?"

Pei Guang said solemnly: "Of course we will kill them all, but for the mastermind behind the scenes, the man behind the scenes who left his wife and family torn apart and destroyed his family, death is his release. We must not let him die under any circumstances. If he can be captured alive, he can be handed over to Fu Xuan." Or Jingyuan handles it, I think it can get the maximum punishment."

March 7th thought: "I think Lord Taibu and the general are both very talkative people. What if she doesn't get the punishment she deserves, or is even let go?"

Dan Heng, who had been silent for a long time, said: "If it is the leader of the secret biography of the King of Medicine, the only thing that will await her when she is captured alive is the trial of the Ten Kings. Although the punishment methods of the Ten Kings are not as cruel as A Guang's, they are definitely better than killing her directly." More cruel."

Pei Guang: "In your hometown, I listen to you. Anyway, if there are pockets that can be shipped, I will catch them. But I don't force it. If the other party really resists stubbornly, it doesn't matter if they are killed directly. Sooner or later, we will have rewards or something. In my case It seems that you are ten thousand times more important than the so-called reward.”

Xing Ze looked at Pei Guang and asked curiously: "What if we encounter a reward that is more important than us?"

Pei Guang pondered: "To be honest, I can't think of a more important reward than yours. The power of the Star God? I think that my level should be no worse than these background boards, or that I am level enough to use these background boards. I am confident that I can do it. As for the weapons, equipment, and props? It’s enough that these things can be used. And I also plan to wait until the later stage to have all the skills and levels of each teammate with the best equipment. When I face the commander later, I will He shouted: Galaxy Lancer came out, and then saw Dan Heng blasting the enemy with a shot. "

Pei Guang is not stupid. Many games have settings where you can kill a certain kind NPC or important teammate to obtain the best equipment and props. It’s hard to say how many rounds you play, but in the first or second round, except for natural killers, no one will Willing to exchange companions or humane NPCs for weapons, equipment or props. The data game is still like this. In this real environment, sometimes it is really hard to be cruel.

As a player, Pei Guang does whatever he wants. Since he can't bear it and can't be cruel, then he won't do it. There is nothing to worry about. As a player, you don't need so many reasons to do things. As long as you want to do it, then you can do it. Get it done.

March Qi on the side nodded with satisfaction after hearing Pei Guang's words: "Yes, I like what you said. Come on! Ah Guang, say a few more words."

Pei Guang: "What do you mean, it's time to set off. I guess Fu Xuan has been waiting for us for a long time, right? Let's go, let's go~"

Pei Guang's idea is also very simple. Since the resource supply is sufficient, it is time to complete the mission and defeat the boss to obtain various resources to improve himself. When he thinks that there will be elite monsters and may even be shipped, Pei Guang feels full of motivation. .

However, as soon as Pei Guang took the first step, he saw Fu Xuan holding his breath at the agreed place.

"What are you doing?"

Pei Guang's words allowed Fu Xuan to successfully break the power.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I'm practicing holding my breath."

Because of Pei Guang's words, Fu Xuan choked on his own breath. Looking at Fu Xuan who was choking, March 7 came to her caringly and patted her on the back: "Slow down, there is no one among us. eat you."

Xi'er complained: "I think if she can ship the goods, what A Guang will do may be more terrible than eating."

Xi'er thought of poor Sambo. After being marked by Pei Guang to be able to ship goods, he was forced to leave the Yaliluo system by Pei Guang. According to Pei Guang, the mini map had Sambo's mark, but this guy just couldn't Returning to Belloberg, it became clear that Pei Guang could not purchase goods well.

You must know that the things currently coming out of Sangbo are all top-quality products used by Dan Heng. If an NPC like this produces top-quality products, Pei Guang will feel like he has lost 100 million if he doesn't purchase them a thousand, eight hundred times.

Xingze reminded in a low voice: "Xie'er, don't tell the truth. After all, she may be our companion in the future. It would be bad if she is scared away."

Xi'er: "Hey, I'm telling the truth. If she can't accept this, I think she won't join. Besides, that guy Sambo just cleaned up, but no one felt sorry for him. All the bad things he did Although the crime may not lead to death, it is more than enough to let Aguang catch him with explosive equipment a few more times.”

At this time, Fu Xuan calmed down. When she heard Xi'er's words, she said directly: "If I can give you what you need, just come and arrest me. I just hope that you will give me something." After getting something good, help Xianzhou when he is in danger."

Fu Xuan is very open-minded. Pei Guang is a very good person. As he said, although it is difficult to understand what he does, from the perspective of Xianzhou, everything he does is beneficial to Xianzhou. And being caught by Pei Guang is not a bad thing. It is quite interesting to just drink a cup of coffee and sleep happily. If you are lucky, you can also see the Star God Theater.

After resting by himself, Pei Guang got the treasure, which was also beneficial to Xianzhou, a win-win outcome.

However, when Fu Xuan said these words, Pei Guang showed a visibly disgusted expression on his face. Seeing this expression, Fu Xuan asked doubtfully: "Your expression? Why are you so disgusted?"

Pei Guang: "Ahem, don't worry, I don't dislike you because you ship garbage. Oh~ I remember you said you had a mission for us. Give us the mission quickly and let us go down and kill everyone."

Fu Xuan looked at Pei Guang: "I'm going to make garbage? Can I make garbage? After all, I am Taibu Sitaibu, one of the Six Imperial Guards, and the future general of Xianzhou. Can I make garbage?"

At this time, March 7th said with precision: "That...Taifu! Don't be angry if I tell the truth. What you produced is on the same level as Yunqijun and Moyin Shen. In Aguang's eyes, you are A little monster."

This sentence made Fu Xuan's thoughts return to Huixing Port. At that time, she was easily captured by Pei Guang. When she woke up, she was in a bucket of "This is a little monster". Only then did she remember that she was still there at that time. She thought this was Pei Guang's mockery of her, but after Bai Lu's explanation and his own calculation, Fu Xuan forgot about it.

Now after being reminded by March 7th, she remembered all this, and the expression on her face first froze, then she questioned, and finally she became a little angry.

"Am I a monster? Am I a monster?"

Pei Guang held down Fu Xuan, who was a little angry: "Ahem! It doesn't matter whether you are a little monster or not, and we don't expect to ship anything from you. Mission! Mission, don't worry about the little monsters."


Fu Xuan took a deep breath angrily and suppressed her restless heart. She finally saw through that she was becoming more and more irritable since she met Pei Guang and his group.

After calming down, Fu Xuan said, "Here's the thing, I need your help with something, come on! Please look over here."

Following Fu Xuan's guidance, the group saw a large alchemy furnace not far ahead, and around the alchemy furnace, smoke covered a large area. At this time, Fu Xuan also started to introduce.

To put it simply, this smoke-filled place is the last place where the members of the Medicine King's Secret Legend stayed. Their leader is also here, and the smoke that appears in the alchemy furnace in this area can make the Xianzhou people fall into the demonic body. At the same time, this The gadgets also have a certain impact on the Amanji clan and the Vulper clan.

Therefore, Fu Xuan hopes that Pei Guang and other "short-lived species" will help to close the alchemy furnace here so that she can lead the Yunqi Army into this area.

The believers of the Medicine King's Secret were not strong. Compared with the Yunqi Army who had rich combat experience, a head-on confrontation with them would be in vain. However, the appearance of this smoke was a dimensionality-reducing blow to the Yunqi Army.

Fu Xuan also thought of other methods, but unfortunately, these smokes have special powers, and blowing them with wind will not work.

You can hold your breath and march, but you can only move for a short time. At the same time, there is no one in the cloud cavalry who didn't hold their breath, and ended up falling into the devil's body. Because this breath-holding is not simply holding your breath, but closing the connection between the inside of the body and the outside air.

If simply wearing a mask was effective, the Yunqi Army would have fought in long ago, but don't underestimate the Yunqi Army's armor. This helmet has a function similar to an oxygen mask, allowing the Yunqi Army to fight in any extreme environment.

But no matter how easy it is to use, the armor is not completely covered. As long as the breath cannot be completely held, the smoke will enter the person's body, causing Yunqijun to fall into the demonic body.

Don't underestimate Xianzhou technology. Xianzhou people just have some special feelings, but in fact, from armor to swords and bows and arrows, they are all high-tech products. Even flying swords are high-tech products. Take a look at the high-tech flying swords that automatically patrol enemies.

Because of this, when smart technology would rebel and ordinary equipment could not effectively avoid danger, Fu Xuan could only ask Pei Guang for help.

After telling this, Fu Xuan said: "Please help me, Aguang. Of course, if this is dangerous to you, please refuse directly. Your situation is very special, and I don't know if these smokes will harm you." Effect."

In the past that Fu Xuan saw, Pei Guang had been 'alive' longer than the longest living person in Xianzhou. She was not sure whether the smoke had any effect on Pei Guang.

Pei Guang: "When you send out this mission, I can be sure that the smoke has no effect on me. Because it does have an impact, the mission will prompt me to collect props or consumables that can resist these effects. So, your mission I took it."

Fu Xuan: "Thank you!"

March 7th: "Hey~ Lord Taibu is so polite. Ahem~ I'm not complaining about anything else, I'm just complaining about your magnanimity in letting us touch the body. We've decided to do it for you. Although we can't ship the goods, we still show our sincerity. , we feel it.”

Xing nodded: "That's right! Although Lord Fu Xuan is a little monster and can't produce anything good, this kind of kindness is very rare. According to A Guang's words, since we are players, we cannot be ashamed of every treasure box and every treasure. Every reward and every trust. Let us help you open the final seal and kill the elite monster here."

In Fu Xuan, Pei Guang and his team saw the greatest sincerity. Just because she was willing to let the players touch the body, the players were very willing to do her task.

Pei Guang was planning from the side: "Since the people here are all members of the King of Medicine, let's become rich and evil creatures and sneak in!"

As he spoke, Pei Guang put on the Fenghuo Xuan Deer suit. Seeing the living evil creature reappear, Fu Xuan complained: "To be honest, if you appear on the battlefield in this state, you will really be regarded as a Fenghuo evil thing. But then again , Your equipment is weird. Even though you are wearing normal clothes, it has no effect on your actions. I really don’t know how you do it.”

Pei Guang: "Player characteristics, it's okay. If you want to fight any rich evil creatures in the future, you can call me. I promise to make the rich evil creatures into equipment and use this equipment to get more rich evil creatures. Everyone, put on your suit. , let us hunt in the smoke those who are trapped in the darkness.”

Xing also put on the suit at this time, but she looked at Pei Guang doubtfully: "Ah Guang! Isn't our task to close the alchemy furnace? Can't we just close it?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, no, no! You don't understand the routine of this kind of mission. According to my understanding, closing this alchemy furnace will definitely attract waves of monsters. Then there will be another alchemy furnace defense battle, troublesome . Since this world is so free, we don’t need to follow the mechanism. Let’s kill everyone first and then close the alchemy furnace, so we don’t have to forcefully defend the alchemy furnace?”

Xing couldn't help but clapped his hands: "As expected of A Guang, he just wants to be fulfilled. Then let's go! Let us go."

Pei Guang: "That's right, let's go and kill a few fertile beasts to sacrifice to the sky. I remember that Xianzhou believes in the Emperor Gong Si Ming, right? Come on, let's go to the countryside and follow the Romans and kill two Emperor Gong Si Ming to sacrifice the flag. I can't guarantee it. Emperor Gong bless us and let us ship it.”

Xing: "What kind of sacrificial flag should I use?"

Pei Guang: "Just use the heads of fertile creatures? According to my experience, generally gods like heads. Bull heads, sheep heads, and fish heads are all liked by these big figures. Since the hunting star gods are hunting Rich Evil Creation, let’s sacrifice the heads of several Rich Evil Creatures. I wonder how we can improve our luck?”

Xing: "What should I do if I don't ship the goods?"

Pei Guang: "Then change your letter. I don't believe it anymore. So many Star Gods didn't let us ship? If it doesn't work, try that Nanook. I remember when I was in Beloberg, once you believed it, he I’ll deliver the goods to you. Even though he’s the final boss, as long as he delivers the goods to us, there’s no problem in saying goodbye for now.”

Xing: "What you said makes sense! Speaking of which, I have to talk about my light cone. Look! Golden Legend. Are you envious? Are you envious? Look at this flame gun, orange equipment! A Guang Ah~How many gold outfits do you have? Oops~Isn’t it just one?”

Pei Guang stopped and looked at Xing, who also felt a strong murderous aura at this time.

Pei Guang: "I have decided. Don't worry about this medicine king's secret teaching. I will kill you, an old dog, first to sacrifice to heaven."

Pei Guang reached out and grabbed Xing's shoulders and shook him vigorously, while Xing smiled happily under the constant shaking. His companions watching this scene also showed knowing smiles.

Only Tingyun had a twisted expression on her face after listening to Pei Guang's words, because she was thinking about one thing. Would Pei Guang be so messy and attract the attention of the hunting star god? In this case? Are you still failing to execute your own plan?

Tingyun was determined. First, he would see if Pei Guang and his party would attract the attention of the patrol. If not, he would not play with them properly, and at the same time nip the danger in the cradle.

Listening to Pei Guang's description, she probably knew Pei Guang's weakness. His weakness is that he is very weak now. When he has a strong enough body and encounters Pei Guang and his group, he will kill them first. What is the aesthetics of destruction? He's dead, it's not too late to play slowly.

At the same time, she was also curious about what kind of desperate expression would appear on the companions who trusted Pei Guang when this happened in a way that was completely beyond Pei Guang's expectations. But thinking of this, she glanced at Dan Heng. This person was the key target, and he must not be allowed to enter a fighting state. Therefore, she decided to kill Pei Guang and then Dan Heng.

Even she has a hard time accepting social death.

Chapter 161: Creeper: "When did the road to save life get a trash can?"

Pei Guang and his party were taking the elevator, walking left and right, and arrived at the boundary covered by the smoke of the alchemy furnace.

Because they had been mentally prepared and prepared various props in advance, the group walked directly into the smoke without any hesitation.

In order to make things easier, Pei Guang and the others all put on the Fenghuo Xuanlu Suit. After all, this suit did not look like a human being. When they met the followers of the Medicine King's secret transmission, the other party would not regard them as enemies in this state.

So far, the followers of the Medicine King's Secret Tradition don't know that Pei Guang and his party have the ability to disguise themselves as fertile creatures. After all, those who know are either dead or caught.

Within the smoke, Pei Guang held a shield and a wooden sword, and cautiously took the lead. Walking in the smoke, Pei Guang did not react abnormally, but out of relationship, he asked his companions.

"Everyone, are there any unusual reactions?"

Xing: "No, it feels very good."

March 7: "Same, same..."

Bai Lu was vigilant in the bucket: "I didn't feel any smoke in this bucket. It's indeed your bucket, Aguang. It's so useful~ Outsiders can't see me, the enemy can't see me, not even this smoke can see me." Come to me. And this bucket is super powerful. I have tried it. I can eat all kinds of strong-smelling things in it and I can’t smell it outside. Well, the bean juice is really good~”

Although it was about to get dry outside, Bailu inside the bucket didn't feel nervous at all, but because of his unrestrained drinking movements, some saliva and soy juice spilled out.

But it didn't matter, Bai Lu took out a tissue and wiped it on the spot, then threw the tissue aside. Pei Guang will eventually collect the garbage and put it into garbage bags for fermentation, and the odor inside will also follow the garbage into the place where it belongs.

Of course, if someone wants to lick this trash can out of boredom, he or she may be able to lick the place where Bailu's saliva drips. Maybe licking the trash can will cure the disease.

At this time, Bai Lu, who was eating and drinking, looked at the trash can and touched it with satisfaction.

"It's up to you! Bucket!"

The lid of the bucket, which obviously didn't look like a perfect fit, gave Bai Lu an unexpected sense of security at this moment. She took a deep breath. The familiar smell and the breath of freedom in the bucket made her sink in. This was a good bucket. Although it was once a trash can that could be seen everywhere in Belloberg, the dignity from the trash can protected the white dew inside.

When the smoke from the outside world felt that it could defile the Vidyadhara Nagasawa inside the bucket, the trash can held its arms and refused the approach of the smoke, it! It is a dignified trash can. A dignified trash can must protect all the garbage inside and prevent the garbage from contaminating the outside world.

Feeling the will and dignity of the trash can, the smoke couldn't help but take a few steps back. It understood that its strength was not enough, and it needed to become stronger to make the inside of the trash can become a part of itself.

The approach of Pei Guang and his group made it feel proud. It kept intruding and tempting. It wanted to get into the bucket and integrate itself with the trash can.

It feels that its power is getting stronger and stronger, oh no! It is getting thicker and thicker on its own, but even so, it cannot enter the body of the trash can through that slight gap.

As for the trash can, the behavior of smoke has offended its dignity, and the dignity of the Belloberg trash can must not be tarnished! The unconscious trash can has a stronger will to protect it. It swears that if it exists for one second, it will protect the inside of the barrel, preventing the outside world from eroding the inside of the barrel, and preventing the inside of the barrel from polluting the outside world.

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