Xing quickly cleaned the battlefield and said, "Look! There seems to be a big flower bag in the creation furnace!"

March 7: "It used to be made of wood, but now it belongs to us, let's move on!"

Pei Guang: "Bai Lu, come in quickly. Let's move forward quickly. The flower buds and the roots of the surrounding trees are all ours."

At the same time, Walter and Tingyun on the other side, led by Master Gongshu, had arrived at the square in front of the Creation Furnace. In this square, near the root system of the Creation Furnace building wood, a huge bud was waiting to bloom.

When Walter and his party approached, the buds that Jianmu cultivated to protect his own roots bloomed at this moment.

The blooming buds raised a lot of dust, and under the cover of the dust, a deer-shaped figure came out.

Seeing this scene, Walter's expression became serious, and when he was serious, Pei Guang, Xing and March Qi ran over with a whoosh.

When these three people arrived, they saw the flower buds disappearing and the abundant black deer appearing. Seeing this scene, March Qi murmured to himself: "It's over, our treasure is gone."

Pei Guang looked at the Fengshenxuan Deer and thought deeply: "Actually, it's not that it's gone, it's that it has become a spirit!"

Xing: "We turned into animals, what should we do?"

Pei Guang looked at Fengshenxuan Deer and was so greedy that he almost drooled: "Xing! You don't understand, deer are full of treasures. In my hometown, deer antlers, deer fetuses, deer whips and deer blood, The heart, tail, meat, brain, muscles, bones, and internal organs are all treasures, and they are all precious medicinal materials! It’s not gone, it’s become more valuable! This Jianmu monster is so generous, he knew we were here, and he gave it to us. Give me a big gift!”

Walter on the side reminded: "Be careful! This guy is very difficult to deal with!"

Bai Lu poked her head out at this time: "It's okay, I'm here! Just let it look inside my gourd..."

Bai Lu controlled the coffee and let it fly into Xuan Lu's mouth. This time Bai Lu directly used the amount of ten people, but when the amount of ten people flew into Xuan Lu's mouth, it was spat out by Feng Rao Xuan Lu. .

Seeing this scene, Pei Guang directly put the bucket containing Bailu on the ground: "Everyone is ready! Start attacking! There is a boss ahead."

Xing took out his bat: "I'll attack its head!"

Pei Guang: "I'll chop off its legs, bones, meat, and internal organs."

March 7 took out the pot and said, "I'll help you cook it next to it."

Walter: "The enemy is very strong, why don't you..."

Before Walter finished speaking, he saw Pei Guang taking the lead, and the three of them rushed up with a roar. Seeing the Pei Guang trio rushing up, Fengrao Xuanlu stamped his feet, and more than a dozen building logs popped up on the ground. Root system, different root systems have different powerful powers.

However, the moment the root system appeared, Pei Guang raised his sword and dropped it. The infinitely durable and strengthened wooden sword with real damage cut off all these roots with one blow, and quickly put it into the storage space when its power disappeared.

Xing and March 7 were very fast. One set up the flame gun and the other raised the pot. At this time, Bai Lu quietly came to the pot with the trash can on his head.

However, this Fenghuo Xuanlu was not a vegetarian. Seeing Pei Guang and his group approaching it, it aimed at March 7 and prepared to hit it with its head. However, when it was about to launch a powerful physical impact, Pei Guang raised his middle finger and launched taunted.

"Your grandpa is here!"

Fengsheng Xuanlu has no brain. It is just a defensive life form created by the roots of the tree to protect the roots from absorbing energy. Because of this, it ate Pei Guang's ridicule.

When it rushed towards Pei Guang, it changed its path and rushed towards Pei Guang. At this time, Pei Guang took out the lid of the trash can. The moment it was about to hit him, he waved the lid to launch a rebound.

At this moment, Fengrao Xuanlu felt that his head was buzzing. However, at this moment, Xing cooperated tacitly and swung the bat and hit it on the back of the head.

Hearing a duang sound, Fengrao Xuanlu's head was smashed and flew forward a little.

Pei Guang took advantage of this moment and waved the weapon again to complete the rebound. Xuan Lu's head received two rebounds and a heavy blow, only to feel his head buzzing, and at the same time, his body lost control.

At this moment, Pei Guang raised his sword and lowered his hand. The antlers, legs, and tail of the Fengsuo Xuan Deer were all cut off and returned to the public storage space. Xing Ze immediately took out the single-molecule power saw. , began to cut on Fengshengxuanlu.

While cutting, Xing complained to Pei Guang: "A Guang, is this the boss you are talking about?"

Pei Guang thought deeply: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake in my judgment. This is a little monster."

However, during the cutting, an accident happened. Under the protection of Fengsheng's power, the limbs of the fatally injured Fengshen deer regenerated. At the same time, feeling threatened by the powerful force, Jianmu gave more power to the Xuan deer.

Its antlers were reborn, and its limbs were reborn. At the same time, under the influence of the power of fertility, the antlers bore fruits that symbolized the power of fertility. At the same time, the powerful force knocked away Xing and Pei Guang, who were dividing the deer.

Seeing this scene, Xing's eyes widened: "The material is reborn?"

Pei Guang: "It looks like an infinite rebirth type? Good thing! I guess this is the kind of treasure monster that depends on how many resources the player can collect within a certain period of time. Let's work hard to collect more of these treasures."

The Fengrao Xuanlu, which was originally reborn and prepared for revenge, was about to launch an attack, but when it looked up and saw Pei Guang holding a wooden sword and Xing holding a monomolecular chain saw, looking at the existence of these two gate species, the Fengrao Xuanlu's body subconsciously It took a few steps back. At this moment, the most primitive fear of the creature was aroused in the newly born creature.

As a creature of Fenghuo, it deeply understands what a terrifying creature the Fenghuo people are. Although the few people in front of it are not Fenghuo people, in its instinctive perception, these people may be more terrifying than Fenghuo people.

It turned around to run, and seeing the opponent about to run, Pei Guang launched a taunt, but this time Fengrao Xuanlu launched an effect resistance, ignored the taunt, and ran away.

However, it could no longer run away. Walter naturally saw that Pei Guang and Xing had special means to collect materials from it. In this case, how could they let it go.

"See how the stars are destroyed!"

The Star of Eden, the zeroth rated power, resembles a black hole!

Walter pushed up his glasses handsomely, and while activating his ability, he said: "Survival or destruction, you have no choice."

Walter, who arrived at the fairy boat, used his strength for the first time. At this moment, the black hole seemed to wrap up the rich black deer that was about to escape. For this kind of enemy who could recover even from fatal injuries, Walter actually felt that Tricky.

However, when he saw the behavior of Pei Guang and his group, he understood what he, as a senior, should do. The Fengrao Xuanlu was not even an enemy to Pei Guang and Xing, and was only an ordinary prey at most.

Under Walter's attack, Fengsuanxuanlu's body was cut into pieces, and Pei Guang and Xing also came up immediately with dismantled weapons.

Pei Guang gave a thumbs up to Walter: "Uncle Yang! I love you!!! The synthesized baby this time, I will honor you first."

Apart from anything else, Pei Guang was happy to give all his gains this time to Walter due to Uncle Yang's reliable appearance. What do you want as a player? Of course it was fun, Walter made him feel happy, how could he make Walter, who was so reliable, unhappy.

Xing: "Come to work~ Aguang, how to distribute these materials?"

Pei Guang: "I'll chop off the legs, you chop off the antlers."

Xing: "Ah Guang! Which part can be reborn if I keep it?"

Pei Guang: "The part that cannot be retracted is the part where it will regenerate. Keep that place. Don't chop it accidentally. We still expect it to mass-produce materials for us. Slow down, slow down, and cut it completely. I am prepared this time "I didn't expect it to be resurrected before, but now that it dares to be resurrected, I guarantee that it will not survive for five seconds. Look, it has grown peaches again."

Xing poked curiously: "Do you think it tastes good?"

Pei Guang casually chopped off the grown peach: "Don't eat it randomly. This is probably the raw material. You may get a debuff if you eat it randomly, but it's not a big problem. We have Bai Lu and Qi'er. Let's let them experiment. Look! It’s cut off and grown again.”

While the Fengsheng Xuanlu was being dismembered here, March Qi and Bai Lu on the other side were looking at the pot.

March 7: "Only add the antlers, and the result will be a decorative special effect. Add the meat to Bailu's medicine, and it will be a special medicine. Eh."

Bai Lu: "Good guy, do you know the effects of these things?"

March 7: "I don't know~ I just think these names are interesting, so I picked them up casually~ But by the way, I synthesized this venison with seasonings. Can you eat it?"

Bai Lu took the venison and opened her mouth and took a bite. After taking a bite, Bai Lu nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yeah! This taste is five-flavored, oh oh oh! It also has the recovery ability of my medicines, and a small part of the rich recovery ability. The only thing The side effect is don’t eat too much. Eating too much can easily strain your body, so burp~have another piece~"

March 7: "Come on, come on~ How about you try the peach I synthesized?"

Bai Lu took a bite: "Hmm~ It's sour and sweet. Why does it still smell like cola? But the recovery effect is the same, which is comparable to my medicine."

March 7 excitedly introduced: "I added a little bit of cola to it ~ I call it Coke Peach!"

This time, March 7th, I completely realized the joy of synthesis. Because there was no formula, synthesis was completely blind with eyes closed.

What? waste? It doesn't exist, as long as it can unlock new synthesis recipes, it is useful.

Besides, the Fenghuo Xuanlu is very powerful. As long as it launches a fatal attack, the body will recover quickly. Considering the characteristics of sleepy coffee, Pei Guang did not dare to feed Fengsuo Xuanlu with coffee, but chose to take it alive.

The king of medicine secretly teaches to take the essence of enlightenment alive, and the pioneers take the black deer treasure alive.

While dismantling and experimenting here, Master Gongshu, who was secretly observing, also came out at this time. He shivered when he saw this scene, and then turned to look at Walter: "I would like to ask, is your companion really Isn’t it a fertile creature?”

According to Master Gongshu's understanding, it seems that only rich evil creatures will treat rich life in this way. Looking at Pei Guang and Xing's cruel behavior and the behavior of Yue Qi and Bai Lu's posthumous cooking, Master Gongshu found himself on the fairy boat. To the richness of life.

Walter thought deeply: "I can be very sure that none of them have anything to do with Fengsheng, it's just..."

Chapter 155 Fengrao Xuanlu: "I am Fengrao's creation, you are the evil creatures"

For the first time, Master Gongshu saw the abundant evil creatures alive in Xianzhou, no! None of Pei Guang and his party had a life of abundance, let alone the power of abundance. That was fine. They were not creatures of abundance, just evil creatures. It was not a big problem.

Pei Guang and Xing's actions did not stop. As the guardian of Jianmu's root system, Fengrao Xuanlu continued to absorb the power from Jianmu's root system, and the powerful power of fertility healed its body.

Its body does not have anything like a core, but its body's vitality is very strong. After being fatally injured, it will be reborn from the most vigorous pieces of flesh.

Just like now, Pei Guang's speed is very fast, and he can chop meat and limbs almost in the blink of an eye, but Xing's speed is slower. The monomolecule chain saw is very strong, but the cutting speed is not as fast as the speed of its recovery.

Xing cut and harvested at the same time, and asked anxiously: "Aguang! My efficiency is not good! Is there any way to improve my efficiency?"

Pei Guang: "Improve efficiency? Let me think about it?"

Pei Guang's eyes lit up after thinking for a while: "I know what to do. It's very simple. Let me make you some weapons. Come on! You can cut the weapons, and I'll come up behind and make some handy weapons for you."

While talking, Pei Guang came to March Qi and Bai Lu. At this time, the two were happily synthesizing various consumables and props. Seeing Pei Guang coming, March Qi asked curiously: "What's wrong, A Guang? Is there anything we need to do?”

Pei Guang: "No, I just made some tools to improve the efficiency of the star. Let me have a look!"

Pei Guang took a look at the synthesis formula. Not to mention, the two of them synthesized at will and indeed synthesized a lot of strange materials, and these strange materials were exactly what Pei Guang needed.

Pei Guang looked at these materials and said excitedly: "Sure enough, this deer is a treasure. These materials can be made into weapons and equipment after being synthesized. Let me try it out."

Pei Guang used deer bones, deer skin, and a little coffee to synthesize materials that were not affected by the power of fertility, and then used these materials to make bone knives, bone axes, and bone shovels.

According to Pei Guang's understanding, his weapons may be continuously upgraded and can meet various needs during the upgrade process. Although Xing can obtain various weapons, she needs to be proficient in various weapons and target them according to different enemies.

In the latter case, it is simple to harvest a certain material more efficiently. In various traditional skills of games, if you want to kill a certain monster, you need the material of this monster. If you want the material of this monster, then You need to kill this monster.

Pei Guang followed this theory and made tools from Xuanlu materials that were completely transformed into materials after being synthesized.

After making bone knives, bone shovels, bone axes, and bone saws, Pei Guang carried the props to Xing and handed them to Xing.

"Come on, give it a try!"

Xing took the Fengsuanxuan deer bone product. Xing didn't say much and started to use it directly. After using it, her eyes lit up: "It's easy to use. It feels better than this chain saw. This knife cuts off the meat in one go. And this With the chain saw, the antlers came off easily, and with this axe, the bones were knocked off with just a little force.”

Pei Guang said proudly: "It's a traditional skill. Remember, if you feel unsatisfied with the efficiency when harvesting certain enemy materials, then use the materials of this enemy or higher-level enemies to make tools and just chop them. By the way, this deerskin But okay, I put it on my trash can lid, which adds a lot of defense and can even reflect 50% of the damage."

Only then did Xing notice that the bucket lid that Pei Guang put on his head and the box lid that hung on his arm were both wrapped in a layer of deerskin. Seeing this, Xing worked even harder.

Cramps and bones are pulled out, and buttonholes and teeth are pulled out. From the antlers and the big peaches on the antlers, down to the deer's hooves and tail, there are internal organs and pieces of meat of various creatures, and on the outside there is its deer skin.

The two of them were not very professional at first, but gradually they became more and more professional.

At the same time, Jianmu's root system also felt the huge threat here, and continuously distributed power to Fengsheng Xuanlu. It can be said that all the power obtained in the Gongzao Division was given to this Xuanlu.

But it is a pity that although the Fengshou Xuanlu can be resurrected instantly by this powerful power of fertility, it will be instantly hit hard by Pei Guang and Xing after its resurrection, and then in the blink of an eye, everything that can be demolished will be demolished.

However, thanks to his overwhelming strength, Pei Guang made a new discovery, that is, tapping the ground with the deer's hooves can cause tree roots and flower buds to sprout on the ground just like before.

This is the ability of this black deer. As a guardian root system, it can naturally summon some roots to cooperate.

After discovering this characteristic, Pei Guang thought of Xing and March 7 and spoke.

"After discovering new characteristics, you release all the puppets and need help. Unfortunately, there are too few of us!"

Xing: "It's just a flower, right? This flower bone is also a good thing!"

Pei Guang: "Yes! Come on! Move, move. I guess this deer won't be able to hold on for long. The resurrection speed has changed from an instant to a second. We have to hold it in longer when it can't hold on any longer."

March 7: "Okay, okay~ The Black Tower Doll is released~"

Black Tower No. 1 came out and looked left and right. He crossed his arms and looked at Pei Guang: "Let me tell you, how long have you not seen each other? What kind of monster did you do again?"

Pei Guang: "Hey, where did you learn so many words? Oh! It's me, it's okay. Your task is simple now. I'll give you a few deer hooves, and you can just knock them around me. This thing can summon Jianmu Root system, knock more and I will use it to make top props.”

Black Tower No. 1: "Okay~ But let me remind you, you can give our main body a copy of this interesting thing. Trust me, she will give you very useful props."

The black towers have now turned into the shape of Pei Guang. Who is their true form? Not familiar with it, she just wanted to help Pei Guang get some benefits and get some fun things for herself.

So each of the dolls took a deer hoof and knocked it hard on the ground. After knocking, there was a flower bone with roots. Because it was near Pei Guang, Pei Guang chopped it off casually.

The flower bones produced from the roots of the building wood, the root blocks of the building wood, and various parts of the black deer's limbs are all being produced at an extremely fast speed.

Pei Guang and Xing collected the materials into the public storage space, while March Qi and Bai Lu in the back were sorting the materials. There were many materials such as venison and deer skin, and Bai Lu was boldly experimenting.

If it is a very rare material, March Qi will come here blindly with his eyes closed, but March Qi is taught by Pei Guang and is very smart to synthesize two of each item, and then leak out the share that can be synthesized into three more before continuing. experiment.

Part of the venison is made into jerky and kept for eating. Part of it is added with Bailu's special medicinal herbs and coffee to achieve a restorative effect.

The two people synthesized and synthesized, and in the end the two of them really synthesized a lot of good things.

For example, black ash synthesized from the root system of Jianmu or the body parts of the Fenghuangxuan Deer, when mixed with coffee, has the effect of resisting the power of Fengshui according to the white dew test. The resistance time and effect depend on the amount of both.

The fruit produced by Fengsuanxuanlu, combined with the medicine chewed by Bailu and the coffee slurped in the mouth, can be used to make a big peach that can heal all injuries on the body and restore all physical strength. The taste is sweet, the aftertaste is endless, and there is no pain after one bite. , after two mouthfuls, the bones will be broken and reborn, and after the third mouthful, as long as there is still breath left, it can be said that it will be life or death, human flesh and white bones.

After the Bailu test, there was no negative effect. The only negative effect is that it is easy to overeat and fall asleep after eating too much. At the same time, if the mouth is smaller, you may need to eat more mouthfuls, and if the mouth is larger, you may need to eat less mouthfuls.

This wasn't Bai Lu deliberately spitting on people, this was her really treating Pei Guang, Xing and March Qi as her own, and using all her abilities to suppress them.

As the saying goes, a dragon's body is full of treasures, and Bai Lu's saliva is a serious ambergris saliva. Not every Adyadhara clan's saliva can be used as ambergris, only the elders of the Adyadhara clan can have this effect.

Although Bai Lu is not the Vidyadhara Dragon Lord now, she will become the Vidyadharmadhara Dragon Lord sooner or later. Her dragon horns and tail prove that she is extraordinary. Because of this, her saliva is a rare treasure in Xianzhou. Now Bailu is taken out and used directly.

She added some of the power of the Immortal Path to these materials, combined with the void and abundance, and this metaphysical cauldron, to synthesize this perfect consumable that had no side effects at all, and even said that the power of the Abundance Path was under control.

There are also disadvantages. The output of this thing is low. Every time Xuanlu is fully revived, Pei Guang and Xing can pick only two peaches. And as the number of resurrections increases, the peaches become fewer and fewer, and some even get smaller and smaller. the trend of.

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