After going back and forth, no one knew that an outsider had obtained important secret codes and tokens. The Yao King secret believers hiding in the dark saw this scene and shouted softly: "Brothers and sisters, what are you doing?"

Hearing the sound, Xi'er looked directly over, feeling that the Medicine King's secret disciples were being stared at by such ugly hoods, and felt that her brain was short-circuited at this moment.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about this lifelike hood, wherever you go, anyone can think of the person wearing this hood as a rich and evil creature.

Xi'er came over at this time. She looked at the Yao King's secret disciples who appeared, drew a random pattern on her chest with her hand and said, "We have captured the top brass!"

The secret disciple of Medicine King: "Higher level?"

Xi'er said confidently: "Watch your tone!"

The followers of Medicine King’s Secret Tradition were shocked: “I’m very sorry…”

Although Yao Wang Secret follows a flat management internally, it also admires capable people internally. If Xi'er's answers are a little soft or hesitant, it will feel that there is something wrong, but Xi'er answers confidently and walks around. The individual is not human at first glance. He looks like a walking fertile creature.

The most important thing is that she can match the code and the token. It’s just that Ta couldn’t understand why these people were making such a big fuss. But then I thought about it, it was only right to make a big show of it, now that the fight has started, and now I want to be arrogant, just to show the lackeys of Yao Gong how powerful their followers of the Merciful Medicine King are.

At this time, Dan Heng added: "One of these two is an ordinary cloud cavalry, and the other is a judge of the Ten Kings Division. We are going to hand them over to the leader and use their blood to sacrifice the flag for our actions!"

The secret disciple of Medicine King: "That's right, use the blood of these lackeys to sacrifice the flag!"

Xi'er: "In that case, let's go there first!"

Followers of the Medicine King’s Secret Tradition: “Wait a minute!”

He took out a map from his pocket and handed it to Xi'er: "This is our defense in the Engineering and Construction Department. You go over there quickly. If you are late, you will be in trouble."

Seeing this map, the expressions of Xi'er, Dan Heng and Yin Lang did not change at all, but when Rakshasa saw it, the corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously. He knew that this plan was unreliable, but what he didn't expect was , this unreliable plan actually came true, and without saying anything, the other party actually gave the map directly?

Not to mention Rakshasa, Xue Yi in the barrel was also watching. When she saw that this group of people could easily blend in and gain trust and obtain the map so easily, she even doubted whether Xier and the others were medicine kings. Did the secret person get tricked?

Chapter 7 Monthly Bounty Opens~

As the title states, the reward was launched in July.

The bounty period is throughout July! ! ! This month's blades and monthly passes will also be included in the bounty. .

This month I feel a lot more secure. There are more people feeding me and fewer people chasing after me. I can safely and boldly lower the bounty requirements.

Based on perfect attendance of 120,000 words per month

Two hundred monthly tickets for two thousand words

One hundred and fifty blades and two thousand words

If you give a reward, there will be no reward. If it is exposed, you will not be able to update it.

Just give me some free blades, etc. You don’t have to spend special money on cookies to buy them. It’s just a small interaction with everyone. I also wish all gentlemen that in the new version, you can directly draw the character you want~~~

Chapter 152: Crazy kid

Xi'er couldn't understand the map, so Dan Heng took the map and observed it carefully. After looking at it for a moment, Dan Heng suddenly realized and said: "The defensive layout here is very ordinary. The nearest hidden sentry is hundreds of meters away. You What kind of accident happened here? Isn’t it..."

Hearing Dan Heng's words, the believer smiled: "That's natural, but we are not here to confront the lackeys of Demon Gong Fuzu. We are only responsible for observation and support here. As long as we delay those who are trying to get to Dan Heng through here. Dingsi’s people will be successful.”

Dan Heng pondered: "In other words, no one else knows you are in danger here?"

Yao Wang's Secret Follower: "You don't know that in order to prevent the brothers and sisters from getting emotional and missing the plan, every ambush point in the Gongzhao Division is separate."

This believer made it a point to answer all questions, say what was asked, and reveal everything that was confidential or not.

After becoming the demon body, the emotions will be more or less affected by the demon body and become easily agitated. The purpose of staying here is not to have a head-on conflict with the enemy, but to delay it.

As long as it is delayed until the Medicine King's secret millennium plan succeeds, they will be the winners.

At this moment, it seemed to see the fruits of victory waving to them.

However, his happiness stopped at this moment, because he saw that the sky was spinning, and when it was spinning, he noticed that a sickle had cut off his neck.

At the same time, Xueyi and Sushang also climbed out of the barrel. Now that the key information has been obtained, they no longer need to hide. The next task is to collect the secret disciples of the Medicine King from the Gongzhao Department, and then go to Dan Dingsi.

And Xier, who had succeeded here, also sent a message to Pei Guang.

Xi'er: "As expected of A Guang, your idea was executed without any brain and it was a success."

Pei Guang, who was on his way, received the message and took out his mobile phone. When he saw the message, he replied dumbfounded: "As long as it's easy to use, don't be reckless if there is danger."

Xi'er: "I'm not stupid. I've told you so many times that I just don't have the smart brains of you smart people, but I'm not stupid~"

After joking with each other, Xi'er put away her mobile phone. At this time, everyone had taken off their decorations and returned to their normal state. Xueyi looked at the map handed over by Dan Heng and couldn't help complaining: "Your strategy is really strange. Although the idea is wild and unreasonable, it still has some truth. According to my analysis, your companions should have obtained important information from the Medicine King's secret biography in a short period of time, otherwise it would be difficult to achieve such great results. "

Xue Yi is also experienced. Although the operations of Xi'er and Dan Heng seem confusing and incomprehensible, if you peel off the silk and cocoon, you can find that its core principle is simple and crude.

Obtain the enemy's information and tokens, disguise themselves as the enemy, and use the information gap to maximize benefits from the enemy.

Xi'er: "Don't delay here, let's move on. The target is Dandingsi. Kill these enemies!"

Because of the map, the group of people moved much faster, but it was precisely because they moved a step faster that the two groups of people who had a chance to meet were unable to officially join together for the time being.

The group here took the Xingcha to Gongzaosi via the special Xingcha ferry in Taibosi before Pei Guang and his group. In the process, Xing trotted all the way back to Changletian.

She glanced at her phone, which contained a message from Danshu. Danshu had thoroughly 'studied and understood' the pharmacology of Long Pan Qiu Yue, and wanted to entrust Xing to send it to Shence Mansion.

No, when she returned to Chang Letian, she immediately found herself in the pavilion, admiring the regrown trees. If you look carefully, you can see that there was a smile on her lips.

When Xing ran over, the woman named Danshu turned to look at Xing: "You are here. Judging from your footsteps, you are in a hurry?"

Xing: "Yes! I have to complete the task quickly to receive the reward, and then go help~"

Danshu: "I see... I have studied the prescription you got, Longpan Qiuyue. Now that I have reached a preliminary conclusion, please help send it to Shence Mansion."

Xing took the conclusion handed over by Danshu and was about to get up and leave when suddenly curiosity made her stop: "Is there any conclusion about this thing?"

Xing's speech did not go beyond Danshu's expectations, and she replied: "Based on the results, the mysterious liquid you brought can be regarded as the antidote to the dragon's leap. That liquid can allow all the cells in a person's body to enter a..." It is a very magical state of indolence. In this state, these cells will not divide or go crazy. At the same time, even the clear essence of this liquid cannot resist its magical power. I really don’t know where you got this thing.”

Xing complained: "You may not believe it, but we picked it up on the street."

This sentence stunned Dan Shuqian. After being stunned for a long time, she said: "If you really picked it up, you are very lucky..."

Star: "Indeed! I always feel like I'm the luckiest in our group!!!"

Having said this, Xing proudly puffed up his chest. Sensing Xing's proud look, Danshu said: "By the way, I remember you said that if there is a task, I can entrust you to do it. I have some things that I want to trouble you with." You do it.”

Xing's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a mission, but when he thought that Pei Guang and the others would arrive at the Engineering and Construction Division for their main mission, Xing glanced at the small map. In the small map, Pei Guang and his party had already taken the Xingcha to the Engineering and Construction Division. It seemed that it would take some time to arrive at the Engineering Department. If he was faster, he should be able to complete the task and arrive in time, so Huxing agreed.

Xing's promise made Danshu smile: "It's like this. I'm stationed in Changletian this time. I was originally here to treat some compatriots and deliver medicines, but I temporarily took over the work of researching and analyzing medicine prescriptions from Shence Mansion, which delayed it. It takes some time. I prepared some medicine. It would be bad if I wasted time. I originally wanted to ask my colleagues to do it for me, but now we are in need of healers everywhere. I can’t count on them. After thinking about it, I have to ask you. How about mutual benefit?”

Xing: "No problem! Leave it to me! As long as the reward is enough!"

Danshu smiled: "I will give you a big gift."

Hearing that there was a big gift, Xing Quan's face showed an expression of excitement. She took the medicine and was about to leave. But when she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered that she didn't know where the person was.

Danshu smiled at this time: "Her home is near Youxating. It is easy to find her there."

Xing took the medicine and ran all the way to the designated location of the mission without looking back. Time was tight and the mission was heavy. Xing saw that Pei Guang and the others seemed to be arriving at the Engineering Department soon. If he didn't hurry up, he might not be able to catch up with the interesting things. Something happened.

Thinking of this, Xing took out his flame spear, fully activated his protective power, and charged as fast as possible.

It didn't take long for Xing to arrive at the place Dan Shu said. When she arrived, she looked around, but when she was looking around, Xing saw a scene that made her blood pressure soar.

I saw three children surrounding a blind little girl. The blind little girl stood on the edge of the pool and cried in fear. Around her, the other three children did not help the little girl in difficulty. Bullying her.

The mean little boy: "Little blind man, go up to the stairs. If you can go up, but you can't get down, come down with a whimper~"

Annoying little boy: “She can’t get off~”

The arrogant little boy on the other side said: "Hey, that alien over there, what are you looking at here? Is this what you should be looking at?"

Originally, Xing was in a good mood today. She had arrived at Xianzhou, experienced so many things, and was about to start a group book, but when she saw this scene, she felt her blood pressure soar.

She kept reminding herself that these are just children and cannot be treated like children. However, looking at the crying little girl standing by the pool, Xing still took out her mobile phone and sent Pei Guang a message.

Xing: "Aguang, we encountered an extremely difficult matter."

Pei Guang: "Can't you solve it? Get there immediately!"

At this time, Pei Guang and his party had arrived at the Engineering Department. Tingyun was just about to introduce the situation of the Engineering Department. Pei Guang looked at Yue Qi and Walter: "Qi'er, Uncle Yang, and Miss Tingyun, please wait. Let me know, Xing needs my help."

March 7 asked worriedly: "Can we help?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "It shouldn't be necessary. I looked at the map and it's in Changletian. At the same time, there are no enemies around, so I can just go there."

March 7: "Okay, go ahead, we'll wait for you here."

Walter: "If you need us if you need anything, just ask us."

Pei Guang: "I will definitely say that Xing has encountered some difficulties that only players can encounter. I'll go take a look... Bai Lu will be left in your care."

Pei Guang put the trash can on his back on the ground, then he took out a trash can. After entering the trash can, he closed the lid and teleported directly to Xing's side. Looking at Pei Guang's movements, Tingyun blinked and asked curiously: "Huh? Is this the teleportation skill that my benefactor mentioned?"

March 7 nodded: "That's right! You can teleport to another trash can through the trash can! Although it is very restrictive, it is very easy to use."

Uncle Yang also said: "Although there are great limitations, we need to admit that this is a very convenient ability to travel."

Tingyun: "I see. I heard my benefactors talk about teleportation before. It turns out that this is such an ability. It's really interesting. I wonder if the little girl has a chance to try this ability?"

March 7th invited: "Of course you can~ As long as you become a pioneer, you can. This is much easier to use than the realm anchor~"

March 7th and Walter are telling lies with open eyes, but what if they know the truth and reveal it? She didn't bother to say anything at all. She was playing games in the bucket, drinking drinks and eating snacks. She was a happy group.

Regarding this indulgent life, Bai Lu said that she has followed the rules for so many years, what happened to Happy today? As for how March 7 and Walter deceived people, what does this have to do with her?

Walter looked around at this time: "It may take a while for them to come back. Xiao Sanyue, you rest here while I ask around about the situation."

March 7: "Okay~"

While waiting for Pei Guang and Xing to return, Pei Guang appeared next to Xing and asked worriedly: "What's wrong? Is there anything difficult about this mission?"

In Pei Guang's view, Xing has no experience in handling extreme tasks, so it is normal for him to have questions. As for the number of transmissions? Pei Guang's attitude is not to use it when it is not necessary, but now is the necessary moment.

If Xingdu is having difficulty and is still holding it in, it will only affect his and Xingdu's experience of the world. What's more, if he comes and goes back once, each person can still have one teleportation left, so it's not a big problem.

Hearing Pei Guang's voice, Xing felt like she had seen a savior. She pointed to the three 'children' stuffed into the bucket not far away: "These three things, not only bullied the little girl, but also bullied me..."

Xing completed a perfect scapegoat at this moment, because when she shook people, the three little boys looked like they were going to beat Xing.

She can confirm that if it were her, the most she could do would be to drive these children away, but Xing would not be willing to do so. Once she is unwilling, her thoughts will not be clear. If her thoughts are not clear, she will probably have to give herself two times when she falls asleep thinking about this in the future. mouth.

Pei Guang looked at the little girl who was still crying, and then at the three arrogant little boys. When the most arrogant little boy saw Pei Guang appear, the arrogance on his face did not stop: "I didn't expect you to be this The aliens are actually looking for help? Then let me teach you aliens a lesson and give me a punch!"

Pei Guanghp-1

Pei Guang looked at the system prompts, then looked down at the children. He thought thoughtfully: "Xing! Have you ever played a game?"

Star: "What game?"

Pei Guang: "The fact that you can ask this question proves that you have never played it. But let me tell you now what the name of this game is. It is called Kuangbian Kids."

As soon as these words were spoken, the three little boys present panicked.

Arrogant little boy: "Do you know who I am? I'm not even sixty yet! I'm a minor!"

Mean little boy: "Hmph! You outsiders, dare to attack us? Just wait to be expelled!"

However, before the little boy could finish his words, a child started to criticize him. It was wrong to say that he was a child. The youngest of these children started at the age of thirty, and one year in Xianzhou is almost the same as the time on earth. corresponding.

Pei Guang doesn't have any psychological burden on someone who is older than him, even if he looks young.

Pei Guang: "Did you see it? It's okay for them to bully the small with their big guns, but if we do this, they will be scared. We can't stop like this. Today we will let them know what it means to bully the small with their big guns!"

Disgusting little boy: "Do you still want to be embarrassed?"

Pei Guang: "Sorry! No, I just like to bully the small."

Xing was overjoyed at this time: "I like it when the big one bullies the small ones!"

Pei Guang: "Come on! Don't they like to bully the weak? Then let us use power stronger than them to bully the weak! Little guys, remember, I will beat you, the pioneer Pei Guang."

This was a violent beating. It was said to be a violent beating, but in fact Pei Guang and Xing just grabbed three people and slapped their butts. Although the other party is older than themselves, as 'strong' people, the two of them still have a little bit of a bottom line, huh! There's a little bit of bottom left, but not much.

The force used was neither too strong nor too weak, just enough to make the other party feel a lot of pain, but not even leave any flesh wounds.

What? Why do these three have this ability? This is also thanks to the former Sambo. When Sambo was able to ship goods, Pei Guang and his team specially studied how to catch people and beat them without hurting them.

I thought that the opportunity would be useless after leaving Beloberg, but unexpectedly I still used it.

The pain was bound to make the three little boys behave for a while, but it was the little girl who gave Pei Guang a headache. He finally understood why Xing asked him for help, because this blind little girl was really difficult to deal with.

In Pei Guang's opinion, since this little girl appears in the branch line, there is a high probability that she will be an important NPC in the future, and of course there is also a high probability that she will be an ordinary NPC.

This is reality and there is no strategy, so Pei Guang doesn't want to bet on the latter. He firmly believes that this little girl will definitely be an important NPC in the future.

It was obvious that there was a discrepancy between Pei Guang's ideas and the actual task that Xing accepted, but there was no trick. Xing did not explain clearly, he just said that he was in trouble. And when Pei Guang thought about it, he felt that Xing was in trouble, so he went straight to the most troublesome thing.

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