Pei Guang: "It's not hard to guess. Just a few routines. After all, games come from life but are higher than life. But to be honest, sometimes things that happen in reality can be put into any game, animation, or novel creation. , they all have to be sprayed with shit, but reality can come true.”

Regarding Pei Guang's speech, Jing Yuanshen had the same feeling: "Who says it's not the case? Sometimes even I can't understand it, but that's all~"

Xing on the side heard this tone and couldn't help but complain: "Everyone! Something bad is going on! He is going to use us."

Pei Guang turned to look at Xing: "Three hundred strokes! He put three hundred strokes in our faces!"

At this moment, the expression on Xing's face became solemn, and the flame gun in his hand ignited with blazing flames.

Xing: "I don't know who I am, I don't know where I am, let's go! Aguang, March, Uncle Yang! Let's cut down the trees! Today we will cook this secret of the King of Medicine and Jianmu in one pot! But that's all. Come back, this tree...can we cut it off?"

After hearing this, Pei Guang thought: "I don't know! But according to my experience, if it is wood, a wooden ax should be enough, right? If not, just make an iron axe. Building wood is also wood. I I think you can use an axe. If you don’t have an axe, you can use your stick and I can use my sword. Although it looks very big, it should only be a matter of time before it is chopped down.”

March 7th looked at Pei Guang: "That's it, let's Jianmu and Yao Wang secretly pass on the pot. I remember that Taidivination said that there is a secret passage from the Gongzao Division to the Danding Division. Let's Just leave?"

Looking at the three words that made the Star Train members happy to act, Fu Xuan looked at Jing Yuan: "General, you can't always have a group of people at your disposal? This kind of thing Yunqijun..."

As soon as Fu Xuan's words came out of her mouth, she suddenly felt a familiar feeling. Where did this feeling come from? Fu Xuan fell into thinking.

Obviously, her brain had forgotten where this feeling came from, but Fayan did not forget it. Fayan reminded Fu Xuan's brain crazily, and Qi Guanzhen's reminder also made Fu Xuan realize it instantly.

While she was deep in thought, she suddenly changed the topic: "Although the Yunqi Army can do this kind of thing, General, I dare to promise that the Yunqi Army is definitely not as efficient as them, but we can't let them do this in vain, well! I will let my subordinates I also brought out some of Taibusi’s decorations and gave them to the pioneers if they liked them.”

Through Qionguanzhen Fuxuan, I know why Pei Guangmen was so happy when he heard that he was given these decorative porcelains, and he could really sell them. Not to mention anything else, the rare materials belonging to various star gods can be hammered out with their own scraps of copper and iron. Fu Xuan couldn't figure out the reason for this even if he thought about it.

After all, there was an imaginary energy reaction when the Star God took action. But when they started, there was no reaction. It was just that this material appeared in the void.

But even so, Fu Xuan was actually a little embarrassed. How much were these decorations worth? The decorations are all mass-produced in factories to support the brand's appearance. Even if they are broken into pieces by the pioneers, resold and thrown back to the factory for recycling, they will still come out as they were originally.

It’s just a little time, but the most indispensable thing for the people of Xianzhou is time. In the end, such a little thing is a tattered thing for Xianzhou, and the fourth natural disaster was invited?

Fu Xuan, who didn't know what the Fourth Natural Disaster was before, might have scoffed at it, but now that he knows what the Fourth Natural Disaster is, Fu Xuan can only pray for the person who taught the secret of the King of Medicine, and pray that the player Pei Guang won't do it for efficiency and mass production. Doing something that makes the average person see their sanity collapse.

Let’s not talk too much about it, let’s just say that when you open the Qionguan Array and see all kinds of machines in the cube world, even the cube people make people shudder. If it were replaced by a real person or a fertile creature, other people would probably be shocked to see it. Think about who is the fertile creature.

Fu Xuan felt that the strange feeling disappeared after she changed her words. At this moment, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

And Fu Xuan turned his attention to Pei Guang and his party: "Therefore, the powerful enemies of Dan Ding Division will be left to you to deal with, and what I say..."

Jing Yuan: "Fu Qing, you can't run away. This is a military talisman. It's up to you to control the Yunqi army and coordinate outside the Dandingsi Cave Sky near Jianmu."

"Ah? Shall I lead the troops?"

Jing Yuan: "Don't you always want to try what it's like to be a general?"

Fu Xuan said dissatisfiedly: "You usually don't let me, but this time suddenly..."

Fu Xuan thought of something and replied with a firm tone: "I understand, I will do as you say."

Jing Yuan: "Very good. As for leading the way, I still need to trouble Miss Tingyun for a while."

Jingyuan's words made Tingyun, who had said little along the way, speak: "This is also the duty of the little girl, and it is unshirkable."

Hearing Tingyun's agreement, Jingyuan looked at Pei Guang again: "The two caves of Dandingsi and Linyuan Realm are adjacent to the Jianmu Seal. I would like you to check it out."

Pei Guang was thinking at this time: "I have a question, what are the building materials here?"

Jing Yuan showed a surprised expression: "Oh? Have you seen Jianmu elsewhere?"

Pei Guang: "As expected of General Shence, yes, there is also the legend of Jianmu in my hometown. I am very curious whether you Jianmu and I have heard that the legendary Jianmu is the same thing..."

Jing Yuan opened his mouth and introduced: "Jianmu, that is an ancient artifact left on the immortal boat by the pharmacist of the Fertile Star God. It is a miracle that can shape life at will and conquer death. The ancestors of the Luofu people were born after taking Jianmu. Only through divine food can one obtain the body with invisible longevity and transform into a seed of immortality.”

After hearing this description, March 7th complained: "Sounds good, baby? Wouldn't it be great if we cut it down and use it to make weapons?"

Jing Yuan: "Yes, it is a treasure, but it is also a source of disaster in the future."

Pei Guang pondered: "If we allow everyone to live forever in this way, it will inevitably lead to population expansion and insufficient resources. If there is no preparation in advance for the harm that immortality may bring, it will be fatal to any society." "

March 7 looked at Pei Guang: "Hey? Why do you say that?"

Pei Guang: "It's very simple. Resources are limited. Let me use an analogy. In a game I played before, the population limit was 200, and different arms occupied different numbers of the upper limit. In the early stage, I needed basic soldiers to fight for me to obtain resources. , but when I need more powerful units for combat in the later stage, what should I do with this basic unit?”

Xing mused: "Dispose of them. From a game perspective, it is most efficient to dispose of them all or even dismantle them all to recycle resources and build more powerful units to win."

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes, but having said that, when faced with immortality, let alone the ancestors of Xianzhou, I am actually moved by it. What we are talking about now is only after the fact, and it is just bragging and chatting. Dashan, by the way, I want to know the background of the story. I can only say that I can learn from the background of this game and prevent myself from making the same mistakes in the future.”

Jing Yuan: "It seems that you don't need to explain too much, you all understand how much harm Jianmu has brought to Xianzhou, but now..."

Pei Guang took out the wooden sword: "It's not a big problem. Let's set off now to complete the task as soon as possible and receive the three hundred draws as soon as possible!"

Now Pei Guang can be said to be eager to try the three hundred draw. Judging from his previous experience, the three hundred depends on the luck of their group. At worst, they can get one gold, and with good luck, they can get two or even three. Not a problem either.

Pei Guang felt full of energy when he thought that the mission reward was a guaranteed 300 draws, and could go up.

Jing Yuan: "Okay! Okay! Okay! Later Fu Qing will open the shortcut to Taibu Division for everyone's convenience."

Hearing this, Fu Xuan smiled and said: "General, you were a step too slow when you said this. I told them just now when I was watching the formation."

This sentence made Jing Yuan look surprised and pleased: "Very good, Fu Qing, just go ahead and do it this time. As for Jianmu, you are also troubled."

Under the guidance of Fu Xuan, the group of people prepared to go to the Engineering Department. However, during the process of advancement, Xing's cell phone suddenly rang. Xing subconsciously picked up the phone and looked at the content on the phone, her face changed.

Pei Guang: "What's wrong?"

Xing: "Do you still remember that I also accepted a mission in Changletian to find clues to the secret biography of the King of Medicine? Now I have made new progress in this mission. An alchemist from the Alchemy Division who I know discovered the recipe. A major breakthrough and an important clue was discovered. Let me go and take a look. Aguang, what do you think of this mission? Should I put it down and let’s do the main story first?

After hearing this, Pei Guang fell into deep thought. After thinking for a moment, Pei Guang shook his head: "No! If you do this branch line, I can contact you at this time, which proves that this branch line should have found very important clues. You should look at the branch line first. What, and I looked at the small map. The direction we are going is the general direction of Dan Heng, Xi'er, and Yinlang. If we go here, we have enough manpower. What I am worried about now is you, you Is it okay to do the mission alone?”

Xing clenched his fists: "No problem at all~ After I complete this branch and obtain enough information and mission rewards, I will teleport directly to you and leave one teleportation opportunity. Is that enough?"

Pei Guang nodded: "That's enough. One time is enough to deal with any accident. Be careful. We are the secret enemies of the King of Medicine. If they can't defeat us, they will poison us. Don't eat or drink strangers' food."

Xing: "I know~ I'm not stupid~ I definitely won't eat food from strangers."

Pei Guang: "Let's go, let's go~"

So Pei Guang and Xingbing were divided into two groups, one to do the main line and the other to do the branch line. The separation was only temporary. There was a teleport on the star to indicate that when Pei Guang was in danger, he could just teleport over and kill everyone.

Two flowers bloomed, one on each branch, and his eyes turned to Dan Heng, and the time went back to a few hours ago.

Dan Heng's actions were not smooth either. Before Pei Guang and the others returned to Liuyundu to deal with the scumbag, Dan Heng had already followed the girl named Su Chang on the fairy boat all the way to Xingcha Sea.

But something unexpected happened on the way to Xingcha Sea. Su Chang took a detour with the attitude that she was a member of the Yunqi Army and she would help anyone she could, so she spared her life. What a good guy, he was spared all the way to the Construction Department.

This road was quite detoured, and I don't know how Su Chang, a girl with a lot of money, spared it, so she decided to take a detour ahead of Pei Guang and his party to the Engineering Department.

After all, Qiongyi failed, and Su Chang was also a second-hand driver in controlling Xingcha. She drove wherever there was a signal, and she drove all the way to the Engineering and Construction Department.

No, when they arrived at the Engineering Department, Su Shang took everyone to rest for a while. At the same time, Su Shang was still studying how to move forward next. While studying, he took the opportunity to listen to Rakshasa's story.

However, Xi'er was someone who couldn't rest. She entered the quantum state directly. While exploring the surroundings at will, she also knocked on the porcelain placed around her.

Xi'er's behavior was outstanding and she did not leave a way for future generations to survive. With the cooperation of Silver Wolf, she knocked all the goods around her that could be shipped. Presumably, by the time Pei Guang and the others arrived, there would be nothing left here. .

When breaking the last porcelain, Xi'er looked at the purple material and nodded with satisfaction: "The harvest is good!"

Yinlang on the side collected the fallen materials from the porcelain and complained: "We two are so unlucky. Aguang's side has already produced gold, but we don't have any gold here."

Xi'er: "You blame me?"

Silver Wolf: "Do you blame me?"

Xi'er: "Aren't you an ether editor? Is it difficult to change it into gold?"

Silver Wolf complained: "I tried it, but unfortunately, my ether editor can't affect what comes out. I really don't know what the principle is."

Xi'er: "According to A Guang, this is called quantum entanglement, and it's called Schrödinger's treasure. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter why it came out. If it comes out, just use it. Okay, let's go back quickly, don't let Dan Heng The cold pink cute rabbit is waiting for you."

The original Yinlang was still expressionless, but after hearing these words, she couldn't help laughing. Along the way, Dan Heng can be said to be the source of happiness for everyone. Not to mention the messy things, Dan Heng poked those demonic bodies with the cute pink rabbit and made them scream, which made Su Shang giggle. laugh.

Silver Wolf: "Indeed, go back quickly, I don't want to keep walking."

Now Silver Wolf just wants to go back to that bucket, play games in the bucket, and let the black tower villain lead the mine cart to lead him around. What a wonderful little life it is.

But what makes Silver Wolf a little uncomfortable is that he sent a reminder to Blade to run quickly, but until now, Blade hasn't seen the text message. If he doesn't see it and doesn't run, what will be waiting for Blade next? Silver Wolf I can't even imagine it.

Apart from anything else, she knew that Pei Guang had shared some special new gadgets with Dan Heng in the public storage space. If these gadgets were taken out, she would not know whether her body and mind would die, but social death would definitely be inevitable.

But on the way back, Xi'er vaguely heard something.

"Huh? This sound? The sound of fighting?"

Silver Wolf also concentrated at this time: "It's the sound of fighting, probably... there!"

When Silver Wolf pointed in one direction, Xi'er's figure had completely disappeared, and Silver Wolf also ran quickly in that direction.

After going around two intersections, the two people saw a girl surrounded by a group of demonic figures. They said something was wrong with the girl. Although the girl looked human, parts of her body were similar to machines.

Seeing this person, Silver Wolf blinked at first, then turned around and took out a bucket and got into it himself.

Xi'er on the side: "What's wrong?"

Silver Wolf: "This guy is from the Immortal Boat Ten Kings Division. She should know that I am a star core hunter. I am suitable for public appearances. Can you deal with these demonic bodies?"

Looking around, it was just that dozens of demonic bodies had surrounded the short-haired woman named Xueyi. These demonic bodies were not ordinary demonic bodies, but the demonic bodies secretly passed down by King Yao. Originally, Xueyiyi They were taking advantage of the opportunity to capture the star core hunters. Who would have thought that they would encounter these guys here.

With his own injuries, Xueyi didn't know how long he could hold on.

At this moment, the invisible Xi'er came over and whispered in the middle of the demon's body: "The King of Medicine is compassionate, and the trees are growing."

"Those who are farmers are of one mind, and we will reach bliss together. Sisters!!!"

Although the leader Mo Yin Shen didn't know who was speaking, since he could match the code, it must be his teammates.

And Xi'er doesn't know who these devils are, but according to the information shared by Pei Guang not long ago, those who can match the code are the enemies, the kind of enemies who should be killed in the true sense.

Because it was a mobile phone communication, many details could not be shared, but Xi'er only needed to know that those who could face the secret code were the ones who wanted to be killed.

Of course, if the person begs for mercy and says he is an undercover agent, Xi'er will still give the person a chance to live and hand the person over to Xianzhou to see if he is an undercover agent.

Xi'er: "I'm not your sister, do it!"

When Xi'er said to take action, a colorful and shining spherical energy body flew here. This energy body exploded in the middle of Mo Yin's body. This came from Silver Wolf's ether editing ability. Silver Wolf temporarily limited it through his own ability. Keep these enemies in check.

While these demonic bodies were restrained, Xi'er was also ready to take action, but when she took action, someone was obviously faster.

"Are they the people who were secretly taught by the King of Medicine?"

Xi'er: "Yes!"

At this moment, Dan Heng stood on top of a container and looked at these demonic bodies with a gloomy expression. In fact, when Xi'er and Yin Lang heard the sound of fighting, Dan Heng also heard it, so he ran over immediately.

But when he came over, what he heard was Xi'er and the secret disciples of Yao Wang. It was obvious that these people's secret codes matched, which proved one thing. They were all members of Yao Wang's secret disciples. .

And Dan Heng has not forgotten what the King of Medicine has done. According to the information shared by Pei Guang, the people of the King of Medicine took a special elixir to gain immortality, and there was a special material in this elixir. Named 'Marrow of Visibility'

Although he had no memory of his past life, his intuition and instinct made Dan Heng involuntarily angry. Because of this, when it was confirmed that they were the secret followers of Medicine King, Dan Heng became serious.

"Life and death, reality and illusion, in a single thought..."

In Dan Heng's perspective, the surrounding environment has changed with his own power, but in Xue Yi's perspective, the strange man on the container is holding a strange pink doll, and then a pink breath emerges around him, and she even vaguely sees the pink cute rabbit singing and dancing.

Then, Xue Yi saw a scene that she could never forget. Dan Heng was holding a pink cute rabbit, wrapped in a pink breath, and the long spear turned into a meteor and stabbed at the enemies present.

It's just that the light on the tip of the spear was pink due to the influence of the pink cute rabbit.

And because the power was too strong, the sound of the tip of the spear cutting through the air also triggered the cat's cry when attacking, after all, attacking the air is also an attack.

This time, Xi'er and Yinlang saw Dan Heng's true strength, the strength that was enough to force back the giant beast that could devour the stars with one shot, but this attack, whether it was Xi'er, Yinlang, or Xue Yi, as well as Su Shang and Luosha who came after Dan Heng, the expressions on their faces couldn't help but collapse.

Everyone present had seen big scenes, but they had never seen a person meowing and a cute pink rabbit poking someone.

Chapter 151 Xier: "A Guang! Teach me how to pass the level!!!"

At this moment, the pink light covered the entire battlefield, and the sound of a cat's meow brought by the spear was even more chilling.

These demons attempted to counterattack, but unfortunately, facing Dan Heng, all their preparations were in vain.

There was no exaggerated sound, only pink special effects that made people feel light pollution, but this was only in the eyes of outsiders. In Dan Heng's eyes, everything was still normal.

This is why he can use this equipment special effect so comfortably. The perspective of outsiders is not very meaningful to him. As long as he looks normal in his own eyes, it's fine.

What's more, after carrying the weapon special effect, Dan Heng clearly felt that his combat effectiveness had made a qualitative leap in battle. Although it did not directly increase his output, it successfully broke the opponent's defense.

The pink light disappeared, and all the followers from the secret teachings of the King of Medicine were strangled by Dan Heng's spear at this moment, leaving no corpse behind.

Xue Yi watched this scene, her mouth slightly open, staring at Dan Heng intently.

Familiar Yunqi spearmanship, but looking at the pink cute rabbit in Dan Heng's hand, looking at the pink special effects all over the sky and Tom's same meowing cat, even Xue Yi, who was experienced and experienced life and death, couldn't help but open her mouth.

After killing so many demons and fighting for so many years, this is the first time I have seen such a battle.

She wanted to thank him, but because her body was hurt too much, as a mechanical cyborg, she had injured her motor mechanism and could not move normally.

At this time, Xier looked at Xue Yi and asked, "How is it? Are you okay?"

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