Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 413 Battle of Skull Bridge

Ghouls move very fast, probably because they are tireless. They can always move at the maximum speed their body size can achieve.

Only a few minutes passed from the time when Ian's falcon hovering over the West Bridge Watch Castle spotted these ghouls through the thick fog to when they boarded the bridge of the Skull Bridge.

Ian originally planned to use dragon flames to destroy the Skull Bridge before the enemy arrived, but after careful consideration, he changed his mind - although destroying the Skull Bridge would force the ghouls on the west bank of the Grand Canyon to descend to the bottom of the canyon, and then along the Climbing up the cliff on the east coast, but unlike humans, the ghoul does not consume physical strength to complete this action.

In other words, destroying the Skull Bridge can only delay time, but it cannot weaken the enemy's combat power. On the contrary, when these ghouls were dispersed along the long offensive line, the defenders of the Shadow Tower and nearby fortresses had to expend a lot of arrows and physical strength to kill them in the thick fog.

Therefore, Ian placed some wildfire jars at the east bank of the Skull Bridge, and after leaving four Unsullied in charge of lighting the fire there, he left the bridge intact to the Corpse of Ghouls.

As expected by Ian, after arriving at the Skull Bridge, the irrational ghouls swarmed onto the bridge and rushed toward the Shadow Tower on the east bank of the canyon.

While Ian used the falcon to get close to the enemy for reconnaissance, monitoring the enemy's movements in the thick fog, he also asked the defenders on the east coast to fire in sequence according to the range of the crossbow equipment - they could not see the enemy in the thick fog, but it didn't matter. Everyone just needs to pour bullets in the direction of the bridge.

The arrow rain with obsidian arrowheads easily killed the ghoul pioneers who tried to cross the bridge in less than five minutes. This successfully forced several White Walkers to get on the bridge among the second group of ghouls, and began The dead bodies that had fallen down once on the Resurrection Bridge.

But just that, the speed of the corpses being resurrected could not keep up with the speed of being killed. Soon Ian discovered that three or four new ghosts had walked onto the bridge and joined the ranks of resurrecting the dead.

The ghouls fell down one after another, then stood up and continued to charge. The attack lasted for two hours, and the firepower from the east bank of the canyon showed no sign of weakening. After all, Ian had accumulated enough dragon crystal arrows. , and deployed enough troops to allow the crossbowmen to continuously rotate and maintain their physical strength.

The enemy just continued the seemingly meaningless attack. Dragon crystal contains powerful fire magic power. It is the natural enemy of dead creatures. Any corpse will die at the touch of a dragon crystal arrow, whether it is a wolf, Whether it was a bear or something else, they all turned into crispy skin in front of Long Jing.

The only exception is the White Walkers. Although the White Walkers on the bridge were also shot by obsidian arrows, those obsidian only melted their magic ice armor, and then smashed into the tight steel armor that wrapped them. No more progress.

"Steel Plate Armor" Ian couldn't help but twitched his lips when he saw this scene. Where are you proud of being a White Walker?

Originally, he wanted to kill a large number of corpses on the bridge and trick some of them into going to the bridge and killing them with obsidian. Unexpectedly, although these damn White Walkers looked down on the two-devil player, they were unwilling to accept his command. , but when it came to upgrading their equipment, they actually followed suit. Knowing that their magic ice armor could not block obsidian, they simply increased their physical resistance.

"What steel plate armor?" Roose Bolton, standing next to Ian, asked in confusion.

"The White Walkers wear steel plate armor, and dragonglass cannot penetrate steel. Our plan to kill some White Walkers on the Bridge of Skulls failed."

"White Walkers." Luce frowned, and many questions suddenly arose in his mind. However, seeing that Ian didn't seem to have the slightest intention to explain, he suppressed the questions, "Then we must now order the wildfire on the bridge to be lit. Is it? The magic power of those ghosts seems to be endless, and continuing to consume it like this is very detrimental to us. "

"What bad news." Ian nodded, his mood already getting worse as these White Walkers had resurrected the fallen corpses at least ten times.

The mana bars of the White Walkers are much thicker than Ian expected, and the speed at which they will recover mana is still unknown. No matter how many weapon resources he reserves in advance, if he consumes them according to the current trend, he will probably suffer the loss.

Once the crossbows and arrows on their side are exhausted, the two sides will enter hand-to-hand combat, and the corpses produced in the hand-to-hand combat will provide the White Walkers with fresh, strong, and fully armed soldiers, which will enter a vicious cycle.

"The order was sent to the shooters to gradually reduce the suppression intensity, so that the enemy can gradually advance." Ian suddenly turned around and said to the herald beside him, "At the same time, send an additional team of Unsullied to the bridge and let them hold on to the simple barricade at the bridge. Wait until the White Walkers completely surround them before detonating those wildfires."

"Yes, Your Majesty." After receiving the order, the herald ran away quickly.

"You want to lure those White Walkers to follow the attacking zombie army to approach the bridge on the east bank, and then kill them with wildfire, right? Your Majesty." After listening to this, the red-robed monk Magi Luo stood on the other side of Ian. If so, he frowned and asked.

"There are eight White Walkers on the bridge. In just half a day, they resurrected 3,000 zombies no less than ten times, and they have not reached the limit." This is not as powerful as the half-assed fake ghost that the player on Iban Island brought with him. More, "If we can get rid of them, it will relieve us a lot of pressure in the entire battle."

"But Your Majesty, based on my research, I'm worried that wildfire may not be able to kill those icy evil creatures. Any flame will be extinguished before it gets close to them, except for the 'frozen fire' in dragon flames and dragon crystals." March Luo whispered, "If you want to eliminate these ghosts, you can actually send the dragon out. Those ghosts are on the bridge, and they have nowhere to escape."

"Before I confirm the trace of that guy, I will not let my dragon go into danger easily. If I do that, I may play into its hands." Ian shook his head and rejected Magiro's proposal.

"Forget it, you are the messenger of the Lord of Light, and you have the right to decide. Moreover, even if the White Walkers cannot be eliminated, it is actually not bad to use wildfire to destroy the corpses. This will also force the White Walkers to find new corpses to form an army. "

"Who told you that my wildfire can't kill those White Walkers?" Ian said, suddenly showing a smile.


"The fire will go out before it gets close to the White Walkers, but what if. I add a little something to the wildfire jar?" (End of Chapter)

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