Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 200 Four-person Alliance

Branded City

"Arm your wildlings? No, my father would never agree to such terms." Jaime Lannister flatly rejected Odis's proposal. "My father will give you a chest of gold as a reward for saving my life." In return, it is absolutely impossible for him to send weapons, armor and food to arm a group of savages when the war is about to begin!"

"Free men," Odis corrected.

"No matter what you call them, they are just a bunch of rabble!" James paused as he spoke, but did not correct his somewhat extreme words. "You have no training, no discipline, and no honor. You said you have One hundred thousand troops, I take this as real.

But I can tell you that even if there are millions of you, I only need to use two thousand knights to charge once in the wilderness to leave you with no armor left. "

Odis's shapeshifter is only at the intermediate level, and 200 kilometers is already the limit distance that he and his eagle can control at the same time. Therefore, he never heard the conversation between his allies and Tyrion, otherwise he would definitely You'd be surprised at how well Tyrion knows Jaime.

He just frowned, expressing dissatisfaction with James' answer.

Odis knew that Jaime was telling the truth, just like when Stannis's cavalry came outside the wall in the original book. The wildlings claimed to be a hundred thousand, but they were frightened as soon as they heard the warning of the cavalry's incoming attack. The cavalry in Nice had no intention of resisting at all, and the heavily armored knights in the West were far more elite than Stannis's mercenary cavalry.

According to Odis and the others, he only planned to select 10,000 to 20,000 from the 100,000 savages as the main force and train them effectively, while the others would be used as cannon fodder at most.

Therefore, regarding the blackmail of the Lannister family, ah, this cooperation is crucial for them to seize the North.

Casterly Rock

"Go and summon all the lords here for a meeting immediately." Tywin Lannister ordered the attendants as he put a letter into the fire and burned it.

"Have you decided to go to war? We have no news about Jaime and the others yet." Tywin's brother Kevan reminded.

"Jaime has arrived at Brand City. The maester of the Malbrand family has sent a raven." Tywin pointed to the ashes in the stove. "The letter Tyrion wrote from beyond the wall did not lie. The wildlings really took my son." Sent back."

"Then do we have to agree to the savage's conditions?"

"I can't judge for the time being," Tywin shook his head. "Tyrion wrote a very good prospect in his letter, but he has always been good at talking nonsense. After Jaime returns to Casterly Rock, I plan to follow him back to Casterly Rock first. Let’s talk to the savages and weigh their worth first.”

"And" Tywin paused, "if Robert dies, we will need a new king, and both Joffrey and Tommen are in the hands of the wildlings."

Less than five minutes later, a group of Western nobles gathered in Tywin's conference room.

"Earl Terrence Kenning, you and Lord Lins Leighton will lead 2,000 people to Deep Cave City to guard the Golden Road. You must ensure that no army from the Reach enters the West from there." Tywin did not Explain more and start giving orders directly.

"Yes, sir." Earl Terrence Kenning and Earl Lins Leighton quickly took the order and left.

"Stafford Lannister, you immediately lead 6,000 people to Crake Hall to meet with Lord Roland Craher's army. You monitor the coastal road. If you find the main force in the Reach, immediately attack Casterly Rock. report."

"Yes, my lord." Stafford Lannister also accepted the order and left.

"And you, Kevan, you will go to Golden Teeth City. I will ask James to meet you later."

"We are responsible for preventing the invasion of the Riverlands army?"

"No, you will gather all the remaining forces we have, raid the Riverrun Valley directly to the east, wipe out the Tully family's standing army before the royalist army can gather, and turn the riverlands into a scorched earth." Tywin said coldly. The underground commanded.

Northern Territory

Winterfell hasn't been this lively in many years.

At the call of Eddard Stark, except for the lords from the Tombs, the Marshlands and White Harbor who were waiting to join them on the King's Road in the south, almost the entire northern lords brought their armies. Gathered here.

Colorful flags are flying in the camp outside Winterfell. The Karstark family's white sun flag on a dark night, the Glover family's red and silver armored gauntlet flag, Countess Mormont's big black bear flag, the Dreadfort Lord Roose Bolton's flag of the Skinned Man, House Horwood's moose flag, House Severn's battle ax flag, House Tallhar's towering Three Sentinels flag, and House Umber's terrifying chain-shattered Roaring Giants flag.

Even not counting the armies of the southern lords, the northern army gathered at Winterfell at this moment already has 18,000 people, which is more than what Robb Stark received in the original book when he summoned the vassals after Eddard was captured. There were six thousand more people than the twelve thousand.

This made Lorraine (the player) couldn't help feeling that even the northerners, who were known for their honesty and honesty and were only loyal to Stark, had some selfish motives when faced with the call of their old and young masters.

Lyanna has already followed Robert to White Harbor, where they will take a ship south to King's Landing to gather the royal army from the south.

Loran learned from Eddard Stark that so far, Riverrun, Storm's End and Highgarden have all begun to respond to the call, while only Eyrie and Sunspear have not responded yet.

Eddard Stark's judgment of the former is that Lysa Tully is in great grief, and as long as she is given some time to recover, she will definitely let the knights of the Vale join the war. As for the latter, in a sense, he believed that Dorne was dispensable in this war.

Eddard Stark is too optimistic.

To be precise, everyone is too optimistic about this war.

In a five-on-one or even six-on-one war, Lorraine could not achieve enough feats to win Casterly Rock. He needed to reduce the strength of the royal army so that he could become crucial in the subsequent war.

In a sense, they are already halfway there.

The Tyrells of Highgarden were not Robert's allies during the Usurper's War. As royalists of the Targaryen family, they had never been able to squeeze into the core of power in Robert's dynasty.

The reason why they were so active this time. They even gave Robert a reply and started to gather the army before rushing to Riverrun and Storm's End was because they finally saw an opportunity this time.

Cersei Lannister is dead, and the position of queen of Westeros is vacant. Robert's three most important allies, Stark, Tully and Arryn, now have no daughters to marry. This is Opportunity for House Tyrell.

They want to use this King Qin War to send Margaret to the throne of Queen Robert, so that Highgarden can officially join the inner circle of the new dynasty.

From this, Lorraine could imagine how angry Duke Mace Tyrell would be when he heard that Robert had brought back a 'Lyanna' from the North, and how angry the Queen of Thorns would be?

You, Robert, are willing to marry a girl from a small noble family in the north, but you are not willing to marry into my Tyrell family. This is a naked humiliation.

Of course, this alone would not cause High Court to withdraw from King Qin's war.

Therefore, other matters will be left to the other two allies. They will attack the Great Wall from outside the wall and force the Northerners to withdraw from the war first. In this way, Highgarden, whose desire for marriage cannot be satisfied, and the second-five-year-old who is littlefinger Lady Lysa of the Eagle's Nest City, controlled by Tsai, can naturally begin to defy the Iron Throne.

By the way, I forgot to mention that they are an alliance of four.

Although they cannot all trust one person, give points to him and then go out to share the money, they can trust two or two. In other words, their plan is to leave only two people in the alliance in the end, and then get the bonus of one billion, and after they go out, the two winners will divide the money with their allies.

This sounds a bit incredible, but it is precisely because it is difficult for players to believe that there is a four-person alliance that allows them to join forces to eliminate other players who came to Winterfell by playing fake cards and singing a double act, and became the leader of Winterfell. Winner of Winterfell.

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