Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 142 Aegon Targaryen

"Your Majesty, he still has room for improvement," Ian said reluctantly. "If we want to make him a wise king, we may have a lot of work to do." At this point, Ian looked at him with fear. He glanced at Illyrio and hurriedly added, "Of course, I am ready to spend my whole life advising His Majesty."

"You don't have to be nervous, Ian," Illyrio said with relief. "His Majesty has lived with me for so long. I know him better than you, so I know that what you tell is the truth. Aegon the Conqueror is reincarnated," Illy Leo repeated what Ian had just said about Viserys, "He will never be Aegon the Conqueror. You know that, don't you?"

"No," Ian unexpectedly retorted, "He will become when we restore the Targaryen dynasty, history will write him as the second Aegon the Conqueror, even greater than Aegon the First. , because Aegon had three dragons and Viserys had nothing."

"So do you think it is possible for us to restore the Targaryen dynasty under the leadership of Viserys?" Illyrio continued to ask.

Ian's face darkened, as if he was asked about his pain point, and he was speechless for a moment.

Illyrio didn't speak, and could only look at Ian quietly.

Under Illyrio's scrutinizing gaze, cold sweat broke out on Ian's forehead soon, and then he began to become 'irritable and restless', making small movements with his hands.

Finally, Ian put down the knife and fork in his hand and met Illyrio's gaze.

"I don't know what's the point of asking these questions?" Ian said impatiently, "If possible, of course I would rather serve Prince Rhaegar, but we only have Viserys, right?" Ian became more and more irritable as he spoke,

"I must be loyal to a king, either a usurper or a Targaryen. If the usurper kills my whole family, what else can I do except assist His Majesty Viserys in his restoration?"

"Yes, that's right." Ian was so excited that he simply put on an expression like "I'm done pretending and I'm showing off my cards." "I doubt His Majesty Viserys' ability and character. Do you know that? Your Excellency Illyrio , when I first saw Your Majesty, he was pinching Her Royal Highness the Princess’s arm with his nails.

And just last night, he tried to beat the princess's defenseless sister, who had no intention of resisting, and the reason was just out of anger. What kind of king can do such a thing?

My knowledge is shallow, and I can only think of one person for such behavior." Ian paused, "Aerys II, the Mad King! And he happens to be the father of His Majesty Viserys.

Of course I know that Viserys cannot become Aegon the Conqueror, even I prayed all night last night hoping that he would not become the second Mad King, but there is no choice, right? I want to take back Darry City, and I want to revive the Darry family.

As we all know, the plow farmer can only fly again under the flag of the red dragon on a black background! And Viserys is the last true dragon! he"

"He's not," Illyrio said softly, interrupting the snarling Ian.

"He is my only one." Ian stopped mid-sentence, "I didn't hear clearly, what did you just say?"

"Prince Rhaegar's son is still alive." Illyrio spoke again.

Snapped! Ian slapped his hands on the table and stood up suddenly.

"Aegon, his name is also Aegon, Aegon Targaryen, the eldest son of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia Martell, and their only son."

"Lie!" Ian said unceremoniously, "Little Prince Aegon was brutally killed in the nursery by Gregor Clegane of the Mountain during the Usurper War. My father was more than ten years old. He told me this story many times and warned us never to forget this hatred!"

"The person who was killed by the lackeys of the Lannister family was just an ordinary peasant baby, but the real Prince Aegon had been hidden by a loyal minister in advance. I'm sorry that I can't tell you who he is yet."

Sorry I already knew who he was, Ian replied in his mind.

"Prince Aegon was then sent to Essos to be raised by men as loyal as you."

"How is he?" Ian asked impatiently, and then seemed to realize that this was inappropriate, so he turned his face to one side, but the eyes that kept secretly glancing at Illyrio 'exposed' his feelings towards this The expectation of an answer.

"People say that he is just like Prince Rhaegar. He is as handsome, as kind, and as strong in martial arts. I even think that in many aspects, he is even better than Prince Rhaegar. For example, in terms of fulfilling his obligations, he will not be as good as Prince Rhaegar. Prince Rhaegar is so willful that he will be a perfect monarch."

That's so willful. He had a wife and children and eloped with Lyanna, the daughter of a duke and the fiancée of another duke. Rhaegar's contribution to the fall of the Targaryen dynasty is no less than that of your father, the Mad King. , Ian couldn't help but curse.

But at the same time, his eyes shone with excitement, and a smile appeared on his lips involuntarily.

"Thank you Seven Gods." Ian murmured casually, and then retorted as if he suddenly realized his gaffe and didn't know what he was hiding,

"But what can this change? Prince Rhaegar has not proclaimed himself king. As the son of the Mad King, His Majesty Viserys is above Prince Aegon in the line of succession! Viserys is our legitimate king."

Illyrio smiled, pleased with Ian's reaction.

Because what Ian is asking is ‘What does this change? ’, in other words, ‘How to do it? ’, and as we all know, the question of ‘how to do’ something only arises when it ‘needs to be done’.

Although Ian is still speaking for Viserys, this detail reveals that his heart is actually biased towards Aegon Targaryen, and he is even thinking about how to replace Viserys with Aegon VI. of the throne.

Of course, what Illyrio didn't know was that all the details of Ian's performance today had been rehearsed countless times, and he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Do you care about the so-called law?" Illyrio asked slowly.

"Of course I don't. But the law is the law. A nephew cannot become the king before his uncle. This has been a rule since ancient times." Ian didn't seem to have that much confidence when he spoke.

"But the law stipulates that as long as you kill the eldest son of the previous king and pardon the 'regicide' and those villains who eradicated his descendants, you can become the new king." Illyrio slowly took a sip of red wine .

"What are you talking about? This is too ridiculous." Ian heard what Illyrio meant, but still pretended to be stupid.

"Don't you have this in the laws of Westeros?"

"Absolutely impossible, Your Excellency."

"Then why is Robert Baratheon sitting in that iron chair?"

Ian opened his mouth wide, showing an expression of doubt about life, and then his eyes glowed as if he had opened the door to a new world.

"So, your last choice? Viserys or Aegon?"

"Your choice is my choice, Your Excellency Governor, without you, we can't do anything." Ian said without hesitation.

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