"Go on, Ian, go on, I want to know more," Viserys said impatiently.

"Of course, the most important thing is us, Your Majesty," Ian was a little irritable.

His original intention was just to help Daenerys get rid of Viserys's beating, but unexpectedly Viserys would never stop her.

If it were before today's dinner, Ian wouldn't have any complaints even if he chatted with Viserys until eternity, but now?

Damn it! I have completed the second main task, and I have also obtained the promise to help Hazan compete in the martial arts competition in your name. You have no use value anymore, do you understand? Tools that have lost their use value still want me to patiently make up stories to coax you?

Stop it! Your sister is my long-term meal ticket for the future. She is the one I need to improve my favorability! And you are just a sidekick who will soon be filled with gold!

Then Ian showed a sad expression: "Dylan and I have lost everything. You are the last support for us and our family."

After finishing speaking, Ian lowered his head and said nothing.

The atmosphere suddenly changed like this, and Viserys could not let Ian continue the topic. After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked: "Ian, what do you want? What should I use to reward your loyalty? The Darry family has sacrificed so much for the royal family, and your loyalty should be rewarded."

If you were not the Beggar King, I would definitely be happy if you said this.

"Should I make you my Kingsguard?" Viserys said to himself when Ian didn't answer.

No, no, no, the Kingsguard don't take wives and don't hold lands. You're just trying to repay kindness with hatred.

"You were born in the Riverlands, and I should give you the River Run. That's what you deserve. We will nail all the rebellious traitors of the Tully family to spears." Viserys said fiercely, violet His eyes were filled with the madness unique to the Targaryen royal family.

"Perhaps you want Casterly Rock more? Everyone in the Lannister family should die too!" Viserys became more and more excited as he spoke.

"Let's wait until we take back our homeland to talk about rewards based on merit." Ian couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted Viserys's thoughts at the right time. "Being able to serve you is already my greatest reward."

"Serve me? Okay, in this case, I appoint you as my Hand of the King, and you will command my army and subjects." Viserys said, patting Ian on the shoulder, and then he didn't know if it was because of Drunk struck, and he fell directly into Ian's arms.

God's hand of the king, you have a hammer army and subjects, Ian just complained in his heart, but what he didn't expect was that the next moment, the system actually heard a notification sound of achievement achievement.

Achievement? What achievement? Ian was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the only possibility - Viserys' appointment just now.

This made Ian dumbfounded.

However, this is an unexpected and reasonable thing. After all, the completion of the second main line means that Viserys' legal legitimacy is recognized by the system, so Viserys' appointment also has a legal basis.

Ian did not continue to think about these things at this time, but hurriedly handed Viserys, who had fallen asleep, into the hands of the servants on the side, and asked them to help him down to rest.

"Governor Illyrio," Ian quickly stopped Illyrio after getting rid of Viserys, "Something happened at the banquet just now, and I think I should report it to you."

"No need. In fact, when Oranto deliberately dragged me away from Viserys, I already knew their purpose. Well," Illyrio paused, "Let's do it like this. Let's have dinner together tomorrow morning. Let me talk to you about this in detail.”

"As you wish." Ian naturally would not refuse.

Then, Illyrio also left.

Ian stood there, recalling Illyrio's expression just now, and he was a little confused.

He originally thought that Illyrio would be angry about Yada helping Hazan in the war. After all, this incident might affect Illyrio's 'neutral' status.

But judging from Illyrio's attitude just now, he seems to be quite satisfied with the development of things?

That's all, we'll know the answer tomorrow morning.

Thinking of this, Ian was also going to ask his servants to take him to a room to rest and collect the rewards of the second main line.

But when Ian turned around, he found that Daenerys was still there.

"Why don't you go back to your room and rest? My little princess." Ian knew that 'my little princess' was William Darry's name for little Danni, and he could use such a title to arouse Danni's memories and then increase her good impression.

"I can't sleep," Dany pursed her lips, "I will marry Drogo soon. My brother said he is the reincarnation of Aegon the Dragon King, and he will help us regain our throne."

"He will." Ian could only reply.

"But he is so scary. Everyone is afraid of him. I can see it." Dani expressed the fear deep in her heart. She did not dare to say these words to her brother. It would only wake him up from sleep. "Dragon's Wrath", she and Illyrio had nothing to do with each other. Everyone knew that Illyrio only had ulterior motives for their friendship.

She could only suppress the fear in her heart, but her intuition told her that she could trust the knight in front of her, so she couldn't help but express her feelings.

But Ian's first reaction after hearing her complaint was, what's the use of telling me this? Make it as if I can still prevent you from marrying the King of Horses.

The next moment, Ian himself was stunned.

is it possible? It seems that he has never considered this issue at all, and his entire plan is based on 'Daenerys marries the Horse King, the Horse King dies, Dany hatches the dragon, and then uses the dragon as a bargaining chip to seize the city in Slaver's Bay. 'This plot is to be deployed.

But if you really want to think about it.

Impossible, Ian came to the conclusion almost instantly.

Stealing Drogo's bride in the city of Pentos in front of Illyrio, who started out as an informant? What a joke.

"So," Ian adjusted his mentality, "Your Highness, what can I do for you? As long as you give the order."

Ian's seemingly sincere words stopped Daenerys.

What could Ian do for her? He was just a knight who received the empty title of earl, and he just complained casually.

"Drogo will be very kind to you. You are her bride, the 'khaleesi' on the prairie. He will protect you." Ian said in relief at this time.

"Really?" Dany asked suspiciously.

"Do you believe me?" Ian smiled gently and touched Dany's head. At this moment, he only saw a helpless little girl in his eyes, not the future queen.

Danni didn't resist Ian's transgression. His hands were just like Uncle William's, soft and gentle, Danni thought, and then she nodded, expressing her trust in Ian.

"Go get some rest," Ian told her. "Everything will be fine."

"Oh." This time Dany nodded obediently and left.

Looking at Dani's leaving figure, Ian couldn't help but laugh.

Everything will not get better. According to the original plot, your ordeal has just begun, and your whole life will be accompanied by pain and betrayal.

But fortunately, in this life's timeline, all your suffering will end the moment after the dragon is born.

Thinking of this, the previous thought suddenly came to Ian's mind again. Is it possible?

Theoretically speaking, the most important value of the dragon mother to herself is the right to claim and the ability to hatch dragons. As long as the dragon eggs can be found, the process of letting her marry Drogo is not necessary.

Even if she hadn't had the experience of being Drogo's Khaleesi, she wouldn't have developed the habits of those in power.

For myself, it is more conducive to control. After all, it is easier to train a timid and cowardly exile than to train a queen who is used to making waves.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any capital to change the current situation. Ian finally rejected this idea. He couldn't take a meaningless risk.

But on the way to Drogo's palace bedroom, this question always lingered in Ian's mind, lingering.

is it possible?

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