In the next week, Ian investigated the slave ship and interviewed several merchants on the list, and finally submitted the conclusion that "the slave ship does not exist" to Illyrio.

Although Ian himself knew the result, he knew that the investigation process was also the basis for Illyrio to further evaluate his own value, so he did not really paddle, but handled all the details carefully.

During this time of working together, Ian developed a good friendship with Hazru, the leader of the 'little mice'.

Ian hopes that Hazru's intelligence network will be useful in his possible future struggle with the players hidden in Pentos.

After the investigation was completed, Ian never left Illyrio's house until the end of the month.

During this time he continued to improve his sword skills and attempted to become a true shapeshifter.

Originally, Ian wanted to buy a young eagle to cultivate affection from an early age, but the growth cycle of an eagle is not short, and Ian found that he could not afford such a time cost.

So he finally chose to let Denzel, the Dornishman, buy back a falcon that had been through the dealer's hands once and had most of its wildness worn away, and was ready to change shape by forcibly occupying its consciousness.

Unfortunately, his two previous attempts failed.

Today, Ian prepares for his third attempt.

After breakfast, Ian went to the courtyard outside the bedroom and walked all the way to the marble pool in the center of the courtyard surrounded by six cherry trees.

In the middle of the pool is a statue of a naked boy. He holds an assassin's dagger from Braavos and is about to assassinate. He is handsome and elegant, only sixteen years old, with shoulder-length blond hair.

Ian opened the cage, and a falcon immediately jumped out, trying to fly away.

Unfortunately, there was a hemp rope tied to its paws, which held it tightly, preventing it from flying high. In the end, it just landed on the shoulder of the painted statue in the middle of the pool.

The Falcon flapped its wings twice and soon gave up struggling after realizing that he was still restrained and became quiet.

The next moment, Falcon and Ian rolled their eyes at the same time.

Ian only felt a tearing pain in his head, followed by the feeling of being out of body.

Different from the out-of-body experience that Ian knew, the moment Ian used alien magic to try to control the falcon, he lost all consciousness and fell into endless emptiness.

Then he felt a force attacking him. The force impacted his consciousness and seemed to want to defeat his will.

Soon, his consciousness began to blur.

Ian knew that this was the resistance of Falcon's consciousness, and he had stopped at this step the first two times.

The first time, Ian felt the most intense resistance. Because he was afraid that pushing hard would cause his own mental damage, his first attack was just a taste of it.

The second time, the resistance of Falcon's consciousness was obviously much weaker than the first time. Although it was still very tough, it lacked the feeling that it was better to be broken than to be ruined the first time.

But this time, the resistance of Falcon Consciousness almost only stayed on defense. It seemed to be waiting for Ian to retreat on his own initiative.

But Ian did not retreat this time. He endured the severe pain, adhered to his true nature as a human being, and launched an attack several times more violent than before.

Doubt, fear, and the last emotions of the trembling falcon spread into Ian's soul bit by bit.

He felt himself melting, melting into the white unknown.

The chaos ended abruptly, and Ian found that the will to resist had disappeared.

Falcon's remaining consciousness surrendered to him.

Gradually, Ian's senses began to return, first to touch, then to hearing and smell, and finally to sight.

Ian Falcon stood on the shoulder of the Assassin sculpture, its eyes clear again.

Ian adapted to his new vision, and everything became extremely clear in his eyes. He looked straight ahead and saw small bugs on the leaves more than ten meters away. He looked at Keith in the courtyard and found that their movements looked like It's as slow as slow play.

Finally, he saw himself standing on the edge of the pool, rolling his eyes while being supported by Luo Er.

At this moment, he felt that deep in his consciousness, there was still the sensation of his original body, but it was very weak.

"Cut the rope." Ian ordered in a low voice. He found that he could still control his body. He could not control the activities of two bodies at the same time, but he could switch freely.

After receiving Ian's order, Keith acted decisively and cut off the hemp rope tied to the falcon's leg.

The next moment, Ian Falcon flapped his wings again, soared into the sky, and flew towards the sky.

The Falcon accelerated very quickly, and Ian felt that in just a blink of an eye, he reached an altitude of hundreds of meters.

fly? Is this what it feels like to fly?

I'm flying! The falcon controlled by Ian flapped its wings happily and flew higher into the sky.

This feeling of lightness, this feeling of breaking free from all constraints

For a moment, Ian seemed to have left all the pressure behind. All he could think about was freedom and flying.

Higher, higher

He fluttered his wings through the clouds and climbed higher into the sky.

That's the sun. It turns out that the sun is so magnificent when seen from this angle.

Wait for the sun?

What am I doing? Damn it!

The moment he saw the sun, Ian's consciousness finally came back to his senses and broke away from this unprecedented weird state, because at the moment he was bathed in the sun, he suddenly thought of the story of the Wings of Icarus.

This made him frightened, and he turned around and dived below the clouds.

"Of course, the most important thing is not to possess birds, they are the worst. People should not leave the earth. If you stay on the clouds for a long time, you will no longer want to come down. The feeling of flying is extremely addictive.

I know some skinchangers have tried hawks, owls, and crows. When they return to their true bodies, they will become trance-like and stare endlessly at the unlucky blue sky. "The contents of the memory brought about by the shapeshifter skills once again appeared in Ian's mind.

Was it just a moment before he almost lost control? Flying smoothly over Pantos, Ian felt a sense of survival after a disaster.

Um, wait for the rest of the life to be hammered? I am a falcon now. My wings are real wings instead of feathers glued with beeswax. They will not melt due to high temperatures! Ian suddenly thought absurdly.

The next moment, Ian once again felt ridiculous about what he just thought, because this is not the world of Greek mythology. Even though he has flown to an altitude of several thousand meters, he is not really close to the sun. Not only has the temperature here not increased. , but it was extremely cold.

What's wrong with me? Because the consciousness has entered the body of the eagle, has the brain become dull?

Not daring to stay in the eagle's body any longer, Ian quickly flew back to his courtyard, returned his consciousness to his original body, and hastily ended his shape-shifting state.

In just a few minutes, he already felt a huge mental load.

He needs rest.

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