Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 116 Iron Gold Treasury doubles the price

"The Morn family that replaced the Taglis family were not natives of Pentos. They started out as pirates on the Summer Sea."

"Is this Governor Cecito Moen? The cheesemonger who gave me the invitation mentioned that most of the slave trade in Pentos was his business." Ian was impressed by the surname Moen.

"Yes, Cecito Morn first established relationships with many families in Pentos by providing him with a slave transport route that could avoid the search of the purple ship fleet in Braavos. With this At one point, he gained citizenship in Pentos and quickly established himself in the upper class.

Cecito Morn was very generous, and his days in Pentos were filled with banquets, horse racing, hunting, and jousting almost every day, which makes one wonder whether the wealth he gained through secret slave trading was enough for him to squander. This confusion lasted until the position of Governor of Pentos became vacant and Cecito Moen suddenly announced his candidacy with a high profile. "

"That's when you discovered that he was actually a sponsor of Volantis?" Ian guessed.

"Oh?" Mills glanced at Ian in surprise, "Yes, Cecito Moen suddenly ran for election at that time, and then bribed more than half of the members of the Great Council with huge sums of money, and the high number of votes was indisputable The land became a member of the Seven Governors of Pentos.

Then, he revealed his purpose very clearly and began to advocate breaking the shackles that the Braavos have placed on us and restoring the ancient and glorious slave trade."

"Are you kidding?" Ian almost blurted out, "Is he assuming that the purple ship fleet in Braavos does not exist?"

Challenge Braavos, the overlord of the Narrow Sea. How much do you have to drink to say such a thing?

"Ninety-one years have passed since our last war with Braavos, Sir Ian. This is a very long time," Steward Mills smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Most Pentos have forgotten the fear brought to us by Braavos' purple ship fleet, and only feel that the agreement signed with Braavos has brought shame to our city. As Cecito Morn said The Braavos have put a yoke over our heads, so to speak, and the Pentos want to break it."

How similar is this to the Carthaginians after the Second Punic War? Ian suddenly thought.

Obviously, the Romans gave up their revenge on Carthage after going through great pains to defeat Hannibal, and generously retained Carthage's autonomy, but only restricted them from developing a navy and required them not to go through the Romans. No foreign declaration of war can be made with the consent of the State.

However, the Carthaginians played with fire and burned themselves, actively attacking Rome's ally Numidia, and confronting the Roman Senate's inspection team. This repeated backbiting finally ignited the anger of the Romans. Carthage brought disaster.

The situation in Pentos was different from that in Carthage. The Carthaginians sought their own death, but behind Pantos was Volantis, the most powerful city-state in Essos.

The situation in Pentos should be closer to Ermao. So were you governors of Pentos also comedians before?

"I understand that civilians are easily incited, but in Pantos, I think civilians should have no say, right?" Ian raised his doubts.

"Of course, the only ones with the power to make decisions in Pentos are the Governor's Council and the Grand Council, so from the very beginning, Cecito had already trapped the two governors on his boat," Mills explained.

"Through the slave trade?"

"The slave trade and the gold of Volantis." Steward Mills answered Ian's question, and then continued, "Cesi Morn has tied up Godin Hauket and Guerrero Tetrus through profit. With the support of the two governors, and the support of the old governor Passi Rotalus, who was already dissatisfied with the current situation in Pentos, the war faction's voice in the governor's council surpassed us for the first time."

"Really?" Ian felt a little confused now, "Isn't the Hauket family the so-called 'Braavos Party'? Were they the ones responsible for this thorough investigation into the slave trade?"

"That's why I told you in the first place that there were three factions in Pentos."

Ian didn't answer, waiting for Mills to continue.

“The Tetrus family and the Hauket family have always been good allies. In this generation, the sons and daughters of the two governors even have a marriage contract.

After the slave trader Governor Sessito Morn revealed his true purpose, the two families also fell to Sessito's side. With their efforts, the Governor's Council of Pentos once approved the reconstruction of the fleet and sent it to A proposal to declare war on Braavos was submitted to the Grand Council for a vote. "

"But it didn't succeed?" Ian asked curiously. If it had succeeded, the war would have started long ago, instead of just being a 'party fight' like now.

"On the day when the Grand Council of 40 families voted, Governor Godin Howcott and the families behind him turned against each other and voted against the motion to declare war on Braavos."


"Because the Iron Bank is asking for double the price."

"Pfft." Ian almost couldn't help but laugh. This is indeed something that people from Braavos can do.

The Lannister family of Westeros and the Iron Treasury of Braavos in the Free Trade City. The ultimate move of these two forces is to 'add money'.

No matter how much you give, I will pay double.

Just so arrogant.

"Then why doesn't the Tetrus family simply accept the money from Braavos? When the income is higher, they have no reason to continue to support Volantis."

"Because Braavos didn't give it to them," Mills said, he couldn't help laughing. "Instead of sending money to the Tetrus family, Braavos suppressed the Tetrus family. Several types of businesses.

Because of this problem, the Tetrus family has become the most determined anti-Braavos party. They have proposed to the council time and time again to declare war on Braavos, but they have been joined by Lord Illyrio and the Hauket family again and again. Vetoed, this was the reason why they finally fell out with the Hauket family. "

Pull one against one, the people of Braavos are so dirty, Ian chuckled to himself.

Originally, he was still wondering why Braavos didn't just send a fleet to quell the possible 'rebellion' in Pentos. Now he understood that the Pentos people could be trapped in a trap with a small amount of money that was insignificant to the Iron Bank. With endless internal fighting, what kind of war is needed?

"So," Butler Mills saw that Ian had no other questions, he continued, "The Hauket family and the Tetrus family turned against each other, and the Braavos ambassador sponsored the prince's son Hazan Moharis to let He speaks for Braavos in the Governor's Council

Then it became the situation you see today. In addition to our trade faction, the Volantis Party and the Braavos Party appeared in Pentos. "

"So, when I start investigating, Prince Hazan Mohali or one of the four governors belonging to the two parties will become the enemy I need to face directly?" Ian's attitude became more serious. .

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