Game of Gods

Chapter 681: Xinghai battleship (below)

Seeing Yuan Chenfei take the energy pool again, blue laughed: "This is not useful to me!"

A glory of energy has rushed out, and this time it is no longer a monk skill, but a more powerful combination of system technology.

Yuan Chenfei has absorbed the energy pool again, but unlike the previous one, he did not release the absorbed energy, but instead greeted the empty energy pool against the blue sky, all the energy glory rushed into the energy pool.

Blue sky for a moment, I don't know well.

The energy pool is an energy storage device that can be released or stored. It is now an energy body, but it can be installed by the energy pool.

Blue has understood Yuan Chenfei's intentions, blame the pace of stopping forward.

But the energy pool suddenly produced a strong suction, which actually pulled the blue sky forcibly.

how come?

Blue was shocked, but he was powerless to resist, and the entire energetic body was instantly taken into the energy pool.

The energy pool has a self-blocking ability. Once the energy enters, it cannot escape without special opening. This time the blue sky is completely closed in the energy pool.

"Look, it's quite easy to deal with you." Yuan Chenfei said he had swept to the command center.

But at this moment, the energy pool suddenly produced a huge response, Yuan Chenfei didn't even look at him, and threw out the energy pool in his hand.


The wild explosion has caused the command center to be broken up, and by the way, a group of Xinghai Guards who just rushed over also blew up.

Blue sky has reappeared, but it is returning to the physical form, but how it looks miserable, it is a rotten flesh, and it is gradually recovering the human form in the constant wriggling.

"Dare you dare to do this to me!

Crow shouted, about to strike again, bang!

Suddenly, he hit his head.

"Who hit me?" Bi Luo turned back in anger, but saw the King of Sun.

Sun King's face was iron blue: "Look at what you did!"

Only then did Blue find out that her own behavior of breaking away from the energy pool was taken by the entire command center.

His energy shock was too strong, most of the equipment in the command center was destroyed, and the command center was temporarily disabled.

"Damn, kill that kid, everything is worth it!" Bi Luo yelled and scooped up another thing.

This time it was a stone.

This stone is a manifestation of the essence of Xinghai's scientific and technological energy use. It can release super high energy in an instant, and its power is enough to destroy this starship.

The King of Suns was also startled by the madness of Bi Luo: "What are you doing?"

"Kill him!"

The anger-crazed blue sky has lifted the stone up and turned into an energy entity again.

It's just that the energy entity is extraordinarily violent this time. It is just that existence can wipe out everything around it.

He hurriedly rushed towards Yuan Chenfei, and now he attacked casually, with the power of mountains and rivers breaking. The consequences of such an attack on a starship can be imagined.

Yuan Chenfei did not fight with him, he retreated directly.

Blue is screaming and chasing and killing. He is an energy body and has a fast speed. Yuan Chenfei is completely faster than him. Almost every heavy punch hits him with precision. The violent energy scrubs Yuan Chenfei's body and takes his Body ablation.

This is the first time that Yuan Chenfei has been beaten so hard by an opponent.

However, Yuan Chenfei remained calm, walking inside the starship. Each attack not only caused damage to Yuan Chenfei, but also caused great damage to the starship.

As the two hurricaneed along the way, it was like a beam of destruction, banging all the way through the starship, and saw that the King of Sun was also extremely heartbroken.

Yuan Chenfei hasn't done much damage to the starship yet, but Blue has to dismantle the starship.

But as Bi Luo said, as long as he can kill Yuan Chenfei, everything is worth it.

But if you can't kill it?

The King of Japan couldn't help but have this idea.

He didn't dare to think about it.

However, looking at Yuan Chenfei's calm expression, behind such a calmness, the King of Sun had anxiety.

At this moment, the king of the sun saw that Bi Luo had chased Yuan Chenfei into a cabin.

Seeing that cabin, the king's face changed greatly: "Blue sky, don't go there!"

But the speed of the blue sky was too fast, but he rushed in, and the wild energy broke out, and the cabin was instantly destroyed.

This was the unknown cabin he had destroyed, and the blue sky didn't care, but at the moment the cabin was destroyed, Yuan Chenfei laughed suddenly: "Thank you very much!"

Suddenly grabbed Blue, and disappeared with Blue.

Space jump!

It turned out that this cabin was a space imprisonment cabin, responsible for the space defense in this area, but was destroyed by the blue sky.

As the cabin broke down, Yuan Chenfei was able to use space to jump, he actually caught everything and ran away.

Where did he go? There are no signs of blue sky and Yuan Chenfei everywhere.

After searching for nothing, the King of the Sun finally heard the voice of the King of the Night: "What's the matter, King of the Sun? Why did Yuan Chenfei and Blue Fall suddenly appear on our starship ?!"


Yuan Chenfei went to Can Xing?


The king of the sun understood that Yuan Chenfei wanted to destroy all the starships one by one with the powerful attack power of the blue sky.

"Get out of there!" He shouted.


Earth's high-altitude orbit.

Six starships have arrived here, one after the other jumping out of four dimensions.

Just after jumping out of four dimensions, countless small starships have been rushed out of the six motherships, and a large number of fighters have flew out of the starships. The fighters are also loaded with a large number of Xinghai soldiers and robot soldiers, just like locust swarms and dense subduction Down.

The attack came so fast that four hours was not enough for the military to make a correct response.

In fact they have only one thing to do-fire a nuclear bomb.

Earth's nuclear bomb has recovered, and this is their final hole card. However, because aliens attacked through the gates of the other world, a large number of nuclear bomb explosions would only cause the planet itself to suffer. Therefore, even if it suffered a fierce offensive, the earth did not use nuclear bombs in the past period.

But there is no such concern when it is released in space.

A large number of missiles loaded with nuclear warheads are ready, and at the same time as the starship appeared, one nuclear missile has flew into the air.

It is no longer possible to care about what space pollution will bring to the earth. Occupation by the Xinghai tribe is also the end of extinction.

What the people can do now is to defend their dignity by swearing.

On the Xinghai battleship, various command centers have sounded warnings.

"The enemy fired a nuclear bomb."

"Releasing interference waves for electronic interference."

"Release energy shield."

"All subships evaded immediately."

Orders were issued quickly.

As a starship battleship capable of flying across galaxies, it has already had sufficient experience in dealing with nuclear bomb-level weapons.

No amount of nuclear bombs can destroy them, but a large number of nuclear bomb explosions will still affect submarines and fighters. In order to minimize losses, moderate evasion is still needed.

The fighters and sub-ships that just flew out of the mothership just like the eggs followed.

At the same time, a large number of electronic interference waves appeared, making the nuclear missile's electronic system unable to operate normally.

But Terran science and technology are no longer what they used to be. They have learned a lot of valuable science and technology from all ethnic groups. Electronic interference alone is not enough to solve the nuclear bomb problem.

Therefore, the Xinghai tribe immediately began to release space guidance, and guided the nuclear bomb to delay the explosion while continuing to fly.

The offensive and defensive contest started at this moment. Under normal circumstances, offense is always better than defensive. However, relying on its leading edge in technology, the Xinghai tribe drove most nuclear bombs out of orbit directly, allowing them to fly endlessly into the universe. Deep space.

Some nuclear bombs detonated during flight, while others may never detonate.

Hundreds of the first wave of nuclear bombs were eventually detonated only thirteen, and the shock wave spread on the earth's surface, but only a small part hit the mother ship's hood, impacting an energy spot. Looking at the sky from below, it seems that there are several sun rising.

Some of the sub-ships and fighters that could not be avoided were destroyed, but these losses were obviously nothing compared to the huge number of Xinghai motherships.

A large swath of nuclear radiation was over the sky, but the next moment, a beam of light passed by in the heavenly palace, and all nuclear radiation was automatically eliminated.

That's the gods, but they are obviously only responsible for cleaning up the environment, but they will not interfere in the war-for them, the Xinghai tribe does not violate the rules.

With the launch of the first wave of nuclear bombs, another wave of fighters rushed out.

This time it was a space fighter produced by the system.

The space fighter was faster than the missile, and came to space in an instant, and began to launch storm bombs.

The damage of storm bombs is not much stronger than that of nuclear bombs, but these storm bombs are not fired on the mother ship, but are aimed at the subships and fighters ~ ~ Although the system space fighters do not have the capability of four-dimensional shuttle, but It's almost terrifying on three dimensions.

They easily catch up with those Xinghai fighters. Xinghai fighters and sub-ships do not have the ability to launch neutralizing bombs, and the motherships have no time to launch neutralizing bombs.

The result is a storm blooming on all sides.

This time the effect is much stronger than before, a large number of fighters and sub-ships destroyed in the storm.

At the same time, space fighters have also begun to appear in motherships. As the old strong players of the gods games, they have more space fighters.

An air battle began.

The opportunity for a surprise attack was missed, and Earth was given four hours of preparation time. Now, before the space fighters are cleared, the Xinghai clan is temporarily afraid to make a large-scale airborne.

This also gave Yuan Chenfei precious time.

It was then that he entered the Can Star.

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