Game of Gods

Chapter 206: Count Vampire


With the bite of Demeter Bavarian, the professional wailed in pain.

Then, as the blood of the professional poured into the mouth of Demit Bavarian, everyone could see that Demit Bavarian's originally dry body gradually became ruddy. The dry skin became shiny, and the original stubborn face also became rosy and shiny. Carefully distinguished, it can even be said that it is a somewhat manly beautiful man.

"It's a vampire! He's a vampire!" A professional yelled.

Everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Demit Bavarian was undead. Vampires belonged to the undead. Is n’t that just an immortal existence?

However, life does not die, but it does not mean that you cannot kill, vampires cannot be invincible.

"It's the twenty-ninth-level lord." At this time, Chen Fei, who was back to the original, had already spoken.

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved.

Twenty-nine lords, like the undead wizard Patino. Of course, Patino is a wizard. He is good at illusions, group attacks, and weak in heads-up. Demeter Bavarian is obviously an individual attack type, so his personal strength must be stronger than Patino, but the level is limited There, it should be beyond the limit.

There are forty professionals here, and there is no problem in stacking each other up by number.

So after hearing Yuan Chenfei's words, everyone's sense of stress suddenly decreased.

At this moment, seeing that the professional is in distress, several professionals have already shot at Demit Bavarian.

Under attack, Demit Bavarian has tossed the professional in his hand, and the person has pulled out a **** phantom and easily avoided the attack. Those attacks exploded on the treasure shelf, but did not even break a bottle. Only the defense mechanism was triggered, and each one lit up the mask.

Ignoring the professionals who attacked him, Demit Bavarian actually appeared directly next to Yuan Chenfei and grabbed him with one claw.

Yuan Chenfei did not expect that he would not attack those who attacked him, but instead attacked himself, but it was a shock. Fortunately, the battle could have made his response not slow. In time, he blocked his sword, and Demet caught him On the sword, in a single blow, Demitt turned to attack Liu Li with fast speed.

璃 Liu Li's emptiness blade horizontal frame also blocked the sword, his body shook a bit, and he stepped back two steps, shouting, "His strength is not great!"

Although Li was repelled by Demeter, Liu Li's argument was that he was weak.

Because she hasn't transformed yet, as a twenty-nine-level lord, she can only push a non-transformed druid back a few steps, and she is obviously somewhat ashamed of his level in strength.

"Yeah." Yuan Chenfei responded.

No doubt, Demeter is a kind of highly sensitive opponent, very fast, but the average attack power. Even the professional who was previously bitten by him, although he lost a lot of blood, has no worries about his life.

This is a good thing.

To deal with powerful BOSS, the most feared thing is that the opponent's attack is too fierce. With one move, it is really mowing, and it is useless to have a large number of professionals. Because in the face of irresistible opponents, it will easily lead to morale collapse. Once there is no fighting spirit, no more people are meaningless.

Demeter's inability to kill the enemy in one shot meant that he was not incapable of confrontation, which made it difficult for the joint forces to be destroyed and the quantitative advantage to be exerted.

The next moment, many professionals have already shot at Demeter, all kinds of skills are released, and a bright halo bursts in the air.

Someone tried to use the control technique on Demeter, but the control technique mostly needs to lock the opponent. Demeter is too fast to be locked, and it is difficult to play a role.

In the face of numerous attacks, Demet's body is erratic and comes and goes, and ten or seven or eight of his attacks are unsuccessful, while he himself continues to shoot. A pair of ghost-like claws caught Li Zhanjun, Yuan Chenfei and Han Feiyu at the same time.

飞 Han Feiyu was too late to escape, and was shot by Demet with a claw on his chest. The chest was shining brightly, and a shining alchemy aura had already appeared.

Alchemy Array-no dust.

This is the only protection skill of the alchemist, and his defense ability is not weak, which also allowed him to successfully avoid the fate that was severely damaged by Demeter.

At the same time, a series of blessings on the sixth day fell on Han Feiyu-this was specifically explained by Yuan Chenfei, and Han Feiyu must be protected. Otherwise, with the habit of the sixth day, absolutely no one except Yuan Chenfei.

With a single blow, Demmit turned to attack Xia Ning. Not that he didn't know the reason to hurt his ten fingers, but that he couldn't stop. Because once stopped, the professional's control technique greets him, even if he is fast, he can be charged to death. Therefore, he must constantly change the target of the attack, so as to keep himself locked.

Squinting to see Demeter rushing in, Xia Ning blessed Fengling himself, his body fluttered, and the fire shield was released at the same time. Three orb of fire elements orbited her and slammed on Demet — he couldn't hide, but he didn't bother to hide either. One claw fell on Xia Ning, and she felt so suffocated and flew away. At this time Yuan Chenfei and Li Zhanjun arrived.

Demeter's attack was when he was the slowest. Yuanchen flew out a sword like electricity. Although Demeter diddge in time, he hit a sword.

The injury is not serious, but the grotesque scar feature has already been activated, and Demeter only feels itchy all over his body. He was a vampire, and the itchiness disappeared long after he gave up his life and turned into a vampire, but after hitting the sword, the long-time itching sensation reappeared, and the action was slowed a step.

战 Li Zhanjun seized the opportunity and hacked Demet with an axe. This axe was quite powerful. He made a thick and long wound directly on Demet, but he was also hit by Xia Ning's fire elemental orb.

"Don't fire a shield!" Li Zhanjun yelled.

The hall area is not small, but more than forty people are fighting, and it is still a bit narrow. As soon as Xia Ning's fire shield is opened, there is not much damage to the enemy, but it can take a piece of injury.

Xia Ning had no choice but to turn off the fire shield.

Sure enough, Yuan Chenfei was right, this lava robe is not suitable for the current fighting environment.

In fact, the lava robe is the single-headed artifact of the elemental mage. In group battles, it really hurts its own people more than the enemy.

At the same time, among other professionals, I don't know who's control technique hit Demet. Demet's figure was stagnant, staying still, and a large wave of skills came.

But this product is not only fast, but also strong in vitality.

The most terrible thing is that the professionals do not cooperate well, everyone puts skills at the same time, and even the control skills are handed together. Control skills are not like other skills, there is no overlap. Demeter had a bunch of control skills in that moment, but the only time affected was only two or three seconds, and then he resumed his mobility.

The next moment, he retreated sharply, without losing speed, slammed into the arms of a professional, picked him up and bit him down, and at the same time his body fluttered quickly to avoid attacks. The professional yelled wildly, However, he couldn't escape Demeter's embrace. The wounded area just started to heal quickly. Obviously, his blood-sucking ability is a powerful attack and he has the ability to recover.

Everyone was struggling to chase, but Demet did his best to dodge without attacking, and few people could really attack him at his speed. Especially the professionals have just surrendered their control skills, and for the time being no one can restrict him.

A moment later, he was fully injured, and he lost the professional, who was sucked to death by him.

Demeter continued to attack on Yuan Chenfei and others.

"Fuck! Why did this kid hit us?" Li Zhanjun was furious.

Forty professionals, each one takes forty. But the fact is, Demeter is almost just looking for them to attack.

"The law of recovery." Yuan Chenfei said deeply.

Carter Mill's game was finally unlocked at this time.

Obviously, Demet's priority offensive goal is directly related to their previous gains.

Wu Yuan Chenfei, Liu Li, Li Zhanjun, Rouwa, Xia Ning, Han Feiyu, and sixth grade are all his priority offensive targets. In addition, there are four professionals who should also benefit from the previous breakthrough. Only the professional who was sucked is not. The purpose of Demit's blood sucking is to recover, so in his mind, this is related to hatred. Nothing.

所以 "So Demet's hatred is established through treasures?" Xia Ning also responded.

Demeter had yelled, "The treasures here are mine. The thief must die!"

切 "Cut. Who do you think is afraid of you?" Li Zhanjun dismissed.

Although Demeter is strong, in the current situation, it is hard to say who wins and loses.

大家 "Everyone be careful, don't let Demeter **** blood. Some of us pull hatred, others attack with full force! Control techniques are used in turns, don't let them go together, as long as you hold him once, you can control him!" Li Zhanjun already called.

This is the best way.

But the question is, is it useful?

He Changqing stopped suddenly.

He stood there, motionless, and Demeter flew around in the hall, but he did not attack him.

As said, he is really a priority to attack the treasure thief. Even if others give him a chance, he will not fight.

He doesn't even have to fight, the key is to encourage others.

He Changqing has said, "Hey, what else do you fight? Didn't you see people staring at those people? They are masters, strong men, and we can deal with them. Why should we waste our energy here? Besides, we also Not a camp. "

Speaking of these words, most of the people on Shangcheng really stopped.

Only Brother Yuan and another professional are still calling, "Hey, hey, no, we are being attacked."

"You just have to protect yourself," Shang Cheng said coldly.

At the time of the deal, he was full of enthusiasm, talked well, and understood politeness, but at this moment he completely changed his face.

Abandoned the attack, Shang Cheng said directly, "He Gongzi, what do we do next?"

怎么 "How to do it?" He Changqing raised an eyebrow. "How come you can come back empty-handed when you come to the treasure trove? We don't do this downfall. By the way, we can do something good for ourselves."

He Changqing said, he had begun to pick up the treasures on the next shelf.

Gao Shangcheng frowned: "Dmitt gives priority to attacking thieves."

"I know, but the benefits they get are all legendary. We don't take legendary ones, we can take the rare ones below. Believe me, this will not affect Demeter's attack sequence."

"But if they are all dead ..."

"They're all dead ~ ~ We can't take the treasure, is there any difference?" He Changqing asked back: "Furthermore, I didn't say I should wait until they die. When they can't hold on, We'll have time to do it again. "

As soon as Wu Shangcheng stayed, he laughed: "My son is saying, please, my son."

承认 He admits that He Changqing is justified, but the cunning and cautiousness peculiar to the businessman still made him choose to take a step slower.

He Changqing has sneered standing in front of a piece of fine equipment and reached out to grab.

Like the mythical weapon, that piece of light armor popped up a light curtain, blocking He Changqing's hand.

He Changqing closed his hand, and then punched in a violent blow on the mask, which was like ripples of water ripples, emitting a piece of halo.

"Hey!" He Changqing gave a low sigh, and already had dozens of consecutive punches on the mask, even Han Bingzhang, Seven Injury Boxing and Fuhu Boxing were used. Under a violent bombardment, the mask suddenly cracked, and He Changqing had grasped the piece of fine equipment in his hands.

"What's the situation?" Everyone was lost.

He Changqing sneered: "All the treasures here have been blessed with shields. But like the shields of professionals, they are not indestructible."

It turned out to be this way. Everyone came to their senses together and attacked the treasures around them.

Then the Earl of Demeter really ignored them, but he attacked Yuan Chenfei and others with all his strength.

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