Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 501 Blackening Gaul (Additional update for autumn and winter)

"Protected Areas Bill! I oppose it!" Tu Lu suddenly jumped up, obviously he knew about this protected areas bill.

"Tu Silu, if you have other ways to get assistance, just pretend I didn't say this." Kuta spread his hands and said.

"I...amn't I thinking of a solution? Do you know the consequences of applying to become a protected area?" Tusuluo asked loudly.

"What consequences? Can it be worse than now?" Kuta asked rhetorically.

"..." Tu Sisi was suddenly speechless.

Anyamitahi also knows about this bill. The so-called Protected Areas Act, the full name is [Blue Star Natural and Native Civilization Reserve Act]. Any country can apply to become a protected area, but the consequence is that it cannot have a military, diplomacy, or heavy industry. Domestic administrative management must accept the guidance of the People's Revolutionary Federation, which is equivalent to an alternative franchise country.

However, this franchise country is at the lowest level and does not even have civil rights. In fact, just like the animals in the nature reserve, the Human Revolutionary League euphemistically calls it: to protect the original civilization and natural environment, it means to be an indigenous people for life.

Anyamitashi thought for a while, and finally refused: "Forget it, we are not so destitute that we want to be animals in the park."

"Okay!" Kuta said helplessly. He is a relatively pragmatic person. What's wrong with being a protected animal in a zoo? He wants to save face and suffer the consequences.

Gaul - Paris.

Anachar trotted back home cautiously, because she found that several melanins were following her not far away. As a white person, she understood how chaotic Paris was now.

"Jiligulu..." Those melanin seemed to be saying some dirty words with malicious intent, and Anna was so frightened that her steps became fast and chaotic.

Suddenly she saw a police car that had just stopped, and she was relieved and leaned towards the police car.

"Hoo ho! Mr. Police..." She quickly knocked on the window of the police car, and a black police officer rolled down the window glass.

"What's up?"

"There are...there are a few people who have been following me just now, that's them." Anna pointed at a few melanins not far away and said fearfully.

The policeman looked at a few melanins and raised his eyebrows and said, "Madam, they don't have any malicious intentions. You are just too sensitive."

"No, Mr. Police, they followed me two streets, which made me very uneasy..." Anna said emotionally.

"Ma'am, this is a public area. You can walk here, and they can also walk here. Please don't look at them with racial discrimination..." the melanin policeman said nonstop.

"..." Anna shook her head angrily and disappointedly, turned around and trotted home. She was extremely scared.

As soon as she returned to her apartment, Anna took out the key with trembling hands. However, people tend to make mistakes when they are nervous. She inserted the keyhole three times without getting it in.

Suddenly a sound of footsteps came from far and near, and Anna became even more nervous. She could hardly hold the keys with both hands. When she thought about the recent robberies or rape incidents caused by melanin, she was so scared that she almost collapsed.

shoot! The key fell to the ground in her hand. Just as she bent down to pick it up, a dark shadow enveloped her behind her.

"Woo... don't hurt me. Take the money in the bag." Anna, crying, threw her Chanel bag behind her and prepared to run away.

"Um...Anna, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this voice, Ana immediately breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed in front of the door, gasping for air.

"Zhang, please don't stand behind me and say nothing next time. This will scare people to death." Anna patted her chest and said weakly.

Zhang Xinghang asked curiously as he picked up the key: "Anna, you seem to be scared? What happened?"

"Those disgusting melanins followed me for several blocks!" Anna pointed in shock and whispered not far away. Zhang Xinghang turned his head and saw three sneaky melanos looking this way. He immediately squinted his eyes and looked. other side.

The three tall men and big melanin seemed to hesitate when they saw Zhang Xinghang. After all, most of the yellow people in this era are citizens of the Alliance, and people from the People's Revolutionary Alliance are not easy to mess with.

Zhang Xinghang unzipped his jacket and opened his jacket with his hands on his hips, revealing the pistol on his waist. The three melanins immediately swallowed their saliva and ran away without looking back.

When citizens of the Alliance kill people in foreign countries, foreign countries have no right to try them. They can only extradite them back to the Alliance for trial. However, there is an "extra-legal zone" deliberately set up within the Alliance. The so-called extra-legal zone is on Fiji Island, where there is a special This is a place where alliance citizens who commit foreign-related crimes are tried. Unless the crime is truly heinous, general self-defense killings will be acquitted.

If the three Melanins had dared to get close, Zhang Xinghang would definitely kill them with one shot. Looking at the Melanins who had disappeared, he opened the door with Anna's key and picked up the other person's bag.

"Would you like to come in and sit down for a while?" Anna asked quickly.

Looking at Anna who was still in shock, Zhang Xinghang nodded and followed him into the house carrying a bag of fruits, vegetables and beef.

After Anna closed the door, she immediately made two cups of coffee to calm down her shock: "Zhang, thank you so much today."

"Little things." Zhang Xinghang said while blowing on the hot coffee.

"You don't know how scared and disappointed I am today. I am so disappointed in this country. I used to think that everyone was equal and we should help those refugees, but today I know that I was wrong..." Anna chattered endlessly. He spoke as if he was venting his inner fears.

Zhang Xinghang listened and responded with a word or two from time to time.

"Is it the same with the Alliance? I mean there are a lot of refugees and black people?" Anna suddenly asked.

Zhang Xinghang shook his head and said: "No? There is no such situation in the alliance. I will return to the alliance next month. There is indeed some chaos in Gaul."

"Oh! It's not a little bit, but it's very confusing. I don't want to study in Paris anymore. I feel like I'm going back to my hometown in Marseille." Anna became a little depressed, and suddenly she reacted: "Huh? Are you on vacation?"

"No, I plan to drop out of school and go back to inherit the factory and company at home." Zhang Xinghang also felt that he had been cheated. He came to Gaul to study for two years, but his country made rapid progress.

"Your alliance has many territories in outer space. You can often go to the moon or Mars, right?"

"I've only been to the moon once, and it feels almost like the Blue Star!"

"I envy you so much. I don't know how to apply for immigration together?" Anna asked enviously.

"Um...immigration?" Zhang Xinghang couldn't laugh or cry. The alliance's immigration policy inherited the policy of the Eastern Tang Dynasty. There were many restrictions on immigration, and it was difficult for ordinary people to immigrate to the alliance.

"Very difficult?"

Zhang Xinghang spread his hands and replied: "It is indeed very difficult. Unless you are a technical talent or a rich man, or have made a significant contribution to the alliance, or your husband is an alliance citizen, it is possible to pass the immigration approval."

"..." Anna became a little frustrated, but suddenly she realized that the last condition seemed to be easier. She looked at Zhang Xinghang beside her and her eyes lit up.

Half a month later, with Anna taking the initiative to launch an offensive, Zhang Xinghang could only take her back to the alliance in the face of the enthusiastic Ocean Horse.

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