Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 490 Uproar

May 17th.

MiLi's home, Houston Space Center.

Archimedes hurriedly rushed into the office of Director John Burns. John Burns was instilling eye drops. He was startled by Archimedes who suddenly rushed in. He put down the eye drops and said helplessly: "What's the matter? Where did the People's Revolutionary Alliance land again?"

"Mr. Director, a very terrible discovery, you will know it when you read it." Archimedes quickly handed a document to John Burns.

John Burns took it over casually. He can be said to be the most difficult administrator in the history of NASA. Facing the powerful aerospace power of the Human Innovation Alliance, NASA, which once led the Blue Star aerospace field, can only stare. How frustrating is this? Humiliation, the huge gap gave him a feeling of frustration.

However, he still put on his glasses and browsed the document. After reading less than four or five lines, John Burns involuntarily raised his glasses: "Alien? Today is April Fools' Day?"

"Director John, is this true? Would I play a prank on something like this?" Archimedes said seriously.

"When did you discover it?"

"On May 12, our radio telescope in synchronous orbit received dense all-channel radio waves, including those from the Human Revolution Alliance and one called Soth Civilization." Archimedes explained seriously.

"Oh my God, they're fighting aliens?"

"A war did occur. We mobilized all the astronomical telescopes within the coalition and discovered that a huge planet appeared in the Oort cloud in the direction of the north pole of the sun. The report contains details." Archimedes reminded.

John Burns quickly turned to the part about the rogue planet, [It is about 14.3 billion kilometers away from the Blue Star. The rogue planet appears silver-gray with a large red spot, with a radius of 2541 kilometers, about the same size as Jupiter's moon Titan...].

Then he turned to the war part, [The two sides fought a war about 14.1 billion kilometers away from Blue Star. The Human Revolution Alliance had two Sun-class spacecraft, and the Soth Civilization had 16 spaceships... The result of the war, the Human Revolution Alliance Defeated 16 spaceships of the Soth civilization, destroying 15 and capturing 1].

"How did they do it? Is the Human Revolutionary Alliance already powerful enough to defeat the aliens?" John Burns was simply unbelievable when he saw the end.

Archimedes spread his hands and said: "I also hope this is not true, but the facts are before our eyes. Director John, you should report this matter to the Commonwealth Council as soon as possible!"

"Okay! I'm too difficult, I shouldn't take this position." John Burns complained while shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Archimedes patted John Burns on the shoulder and comforted him: "Brother, you can't leave."

"Fuck!" John Burns even cursed. He grabbed his suit jacket and hurried outside. The North Atlantic Alliance had a liaison office at the Houston Space Center. He needed to immediately report to the Alliance through this office. Parliament reported this matter.

At the same time, the West Continent Alliance, the third largest force in Blue Star, also learned about the war between the Human Revolution Alliance and aliens in outer space.

After all, full-channel radio waves are equivalent to clear-coded telegrams. The forces with radio telescopes or communication satellites on Blue Star already know about this.

Shanghai - Headquarters of Human Innovation Alliance, Department of Foreign Affairs.

Western Continent Alliance Foreign Minister Andry Disteffe met with Human Innovation Alliance Foreign Minister Ai Heping through the function of the holographic conference room.

"Mr. Ai, how long are you going to hide things about Soth's civilization from us?" Andri Distef asked with an ugly face.

Ai Heping glanced at the other party, and soon the foreign ministers of the North Atlantic Alliance, OPEC-Arab League, and Tianzhu Ocean Alliance also appeared in the holographic conference room.

As soon as they appeared, they all asked Ai Heping about the Soth civilization.

"Mr. Ai, we hope you can give us an explanation. Have you discovered the existence of Soth civilization a long time ago? This is a selfish manifestation of yours." North Atlantic Joint Foreign Minister Anthony asked angrily.

"Have you finished speaking?" Ai Heping asked calmly.

Suddenly, Anthony and Andri felt a look of contempt.

"It's for your own good not to let you know. Can you compete with alien civilization?" Ai Heping said directly.

For this kind of slap in the face, Andre and Anthony dare not say anything. Faced with alien civilizations that can cross the sea of ​​​​stars and come to the solar system, they have no choice but to commit suicide or beg for mercy, even though they know what Ai Heping said It's true, but saying this to someone's face is simply trampling their self-esteem under their feet.

"It's good that you know this. If you tell it, you will be responsible for the consequences." Ai Heping warned.

"..." It was so humiliating. Only then did Anthony and the others realize that the Human Revolution Alliance didn't take them seriously at all. This tone was almost like ordering subordinates.

"Mr. Ai, we are not your subordinates and have no obligation to keep secrets for you." Anthony refused righteously.

"Haha, don't be too self-righteous. It's up to you to do whatever you want, but if you hold back at this critical moment, I guarantee you will regret it." Ai Heping sneered. After saying that, he logged off and left the holographic conference room. .

"Fake Squid! Damn the People's Revolutionary League, do you really think you are the boss of the world, so you can ignore us?" Anthony was furious.

The expressions of the other three people were not much better. The Mi Li family was not so domineering back then. At least they could complain and make suggestions. However, they did not expect the Human Revolution Alliance to directly ignore them. This incident made them feel extremely sad. Frustrated.

But now they really dare to be angry and dare not speak out. It's okay to let them talk and talk. If they really fight with the Human Revolution Alliance with real swords and guns, they will have the same result. They can only shut up and watch.

If you really talk nonsense on Blue Star, unless you don’t want to go to outer space in the future, judging from the current situation, the Soth civilization may not be an opponent of the Human Revolution Alliance, and even aliens can defeat it. Suddenly they had no choice but to tuck their tails between their legs and behave.

the other side.

In the vast void of the universe, the first squadron of the solar system, composed of a Kuafu-class space battleship and four Sun-class spacecraft, is rapidly approaching the rogue planet.

Wang Tiejun was on the Kuafu-class space battleship, calmly looking at the holographic star map.

[Report, Commander Wang, our fleet has arrived near the scout spacecraft. ]

[The flagship merges with two Sun-class ships and the scout spacecraft, and the other two Sun-class ships are on guard outside. ] Wang Tiejun ordered.

[yes. ]

The scout spacecraft still stayed in the combat zone, which was about 170 million kilometers away from the rogue planet.

As for the Sothian civilization's Babalai spacecraft, it was controlled by Zhang Heng's Space Marines. Zhang Heng and Zheng Xian have not been idle these days. Zheng Xian negotiated with the top management of the Sothian civilization through the Sothian Leke, and continued to Test the opponent's bottom line.

Zhang Heng, on the other hand, is trying every means to collect information about the Soth civilization, especially now that they have captured a Soth warship, which can be used to analyze the situation of the Soth civilization.

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