Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 483 Genetic Potion (5) (Added update for the Great Way of Creation)

After Huang Junjie encouraged everyone, the experiment was finally ready.

The first person to receive genetic enhancement was the ghost agent Zhang Heng. He took off his clothes and walked into the life-support cabin. The life-sustaining fluid immediately filled the entire life-sustaining cabin. After spitting out a bunch of bubbles, he made an OK gesture to the outside. .

"Let's start!" Huang Haojie turned to Zhao Zhangde and ordered.

"Okay, head of state." Zhao Zhangde began to instruct the staff to genetically enhance Zhang Heng.

In the life-saving cabin, the prepared allicin injection was slowly injected into Zhang Heng's body with the needle. Zhang Heng began to calm down his mood and prepare for the next genetic enhancement. He had been informed in advance that the genetic enhancement process was It will be very painful, because anesthetics cannot be injected during the genetic enhancement process, and the recipient will not be comatose.

Five minutes later, one-fifth of the Sun Staircase gene-enhancing potion was slowly injected into Zhang Heng's body. First he felt like ants crawling in his blood vessels, and then he felt hot and slightly tingling all over his body. This was the feeling inside his body. The immune system attempts to clear the Solar Staircase virus.

Although allicin is suppressing the Sun Staircase in Zhang Heng's body, the extremely aggressive Sun Staircase still easily breaks through the human immune system. The unstoppable Sun Staircase RNA chain has spread to Zhang Heng's DNA chain, and then the two are entangled with each other. Combined.

"The strengthening has begun." Zhao Zhangde said calmly.

The other nine people watching on the side also looked nervously at Zhang Heng in the life-saving cabin.

But at this time, Zhang Heng no longer had the energy to pay attention to things outside. As the Sun Staircase merged with his DNA chain, an unforgettable and severe pain swept over him, and he gritted his teeth.

The Sun Staircase in his body quickly eliminated bad genes, and Zhang Heng's genes were repaired again, and then destroyed and eliminated. Only when the genes became perfect did the Sun Staircase give up.

In fact, among humans, the pure race is called Homo sapiens (Black African), while the white race and East Asian race are not pure Homo sapiens. Most of them are a mixture of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. The white race and East Asian race are The human race contains approximately 1 to 4% Nigerian genes.

In fact, these Nigerian genes have brought some hybrid advantages (such as high IQ) to the white race and East Asian race, but they have also brought some genetic diseases, which can be said to have advantages and disadvantages.

The focus of the Ladder of the Sun is to target the Neanderthal genes, eliminate the bad genes in the Neanderthal genes, and then strengthen the intelligence genes to make the hybrid advantages more obvious. In fact, the brain capacity of the Neanderthals is larger than that of Homo sapiens. This is also why Homo sapiens and Neanderthals will become smarter after mixing (those who are not smart will be eliminated).

This kind of optimization and evolution is taking place in Zhang Heng's body, but only one-fifth of the gene enhancement potion is not enough to complete all the optimization and evolution.

Time passes minute by minute, 35 hours later.

As the last fifth of the Sun Staircase virus was injected into Zhang Heng's body, Zhang Heng, who was already numb from pain, could no longer feel anything.

However, not only the genes in his body have been optimized, but his physical performance has also changed. His bones have become denser, and the carbon content has increased rapidly, forming a molecular structure similar to carbon nanotubes. This carbon molecular structure will Increase his bone strength by about 7 times.

Muscles, skin, hair, and organs have all been strengthened and evolved to varying degrees. Especially his brain, whose brain capacity has increased by about 6%. However, this strengthening has not made his head bigger, but has become more... Complex and dense.

Suddenly Zhang Heng opened his eyes. At this time, he felt that his eyes were clearer than ever before. Some of his eyes that were slightly myopic before were actually better. In fact, this was the dynamic vision after evolution. From now on, he would no longer have myopia and presbyopia.

With an adequate supply of nutrient solution, Zhang Heng is rapidly transforming, and his life level is rising. It can be said that he is now two species from the previous one. Although there is no reproductive isolation between the two parties at present, once the enhanced human beings and ordinary people After more than ten generations of isolation, reproductive isolation will occur (provided there is no interbreeding).

Zhao Zhangde saw that all indicators of Zhang Heng's physical condition had stabilized. After about ten minutes, he said: "Strengthening completed."

drop! The nutrient solution in the life-support cabin dropped rapidly, and Zhang Heng finally appeared clearly in front of everyone, with perfect streamlined muscles, and the previous bald head turned into a head of thick long hair.

Zhang Heng was a little embarrassed to be seen by everyone. Huang Junjie took out a towel and threw it over, and Zhang Heng subconsciously caught it.

"You have just finished strengthening and are still a little uncomfortable. Go to the cabin with Dr. Takahashi to get used to your body." Huang Haojie said.

"Yes." Zhang Heng held a towel in one hand to cover his lower body and saluted with the other.

Kenji Takahashi quickly took Zhang Heng to a nearby cabin for physical examination and adaptive training. While others continue to undergo genetic enhancement.

Kong Kenan looked at Zhang Heng walking past. That powerful body exuded an indescribable aura. In fact, this was caused by the different levels of life. His envious mood made him temporarily forget about the failure of genetic enhancement. of fear.

"Come on, rookie." Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows at Kong Kenan and followed Kenci Takahashi.

Inside the cabin.

"Zhang Sang, please stand inside the examination cabin." Kenji Takahashi pointed to the examination cabin aside and said. This examination cabin is exactly the same as the equipment used by Tadashi to conduct physical examinations with Zhang Heng and others.

Zhang Heng stood up without hesitation, and Kenji Takahashi immediately started the inspection process.

[Height: 184.41 cm; weight: 85.17 kg;...bone strength 764%...telomere length 243%; cell activity 164%;...gene comparison difference before and after 24.67%...]

Kenji Takahashi nodded and said, "No problem. Your physical condition is within our expectations. There are no malignant genetic mutations. You can come down now and let's test other items."

"Okay." Zhang Heng felt relieved as soon as he heard that there was nothing wrong with his body, and cooperated with Kenji Takahashi to do various tests. Previously, due to the lack of cooperation of the experimental subjects on death row, they had some data that required the experimental subjects to cooperate with the test. Didn't get it.

For example, IQ, biological superpowers, etc., these require the cooperation of experimental subjects before they can be tested.

Kenji Takahashi opened a set of questions specifically used to test IQ within the alliance for Zhang Heng to do. Half an hour later, Kenji Takahashi looked at [IQ test comprehensive evaluation result: 197].

"Dr. Takahashi, is an IQ of 197 considered high?" Zhang Heng asked.

"Haha, I'm only 133, what do you think?" Kenji Takahashi said with a wry smile.

In fact, the IQ of East Asians is generally higher than the world average. Human IQs are between 90 and 110, and the average level is around 100. East Asians are around 105, whites are around 100, brown people are around 95, and melanin averages The level is below 90.

"Test other items!" Kenji Takahashi led Zhang Heng to conduct a comprehensive test on each item. During the test, another new discovery was made, that is, the human digestive system has become stronger after genetic enhancement, and the same food can Produces 167~183% energy.

Not only that, the strengthened body has higher density energy storage chemical bonds and can store more energy. The overall energy reserve is equivalent to about 349% of that of ordinary people.

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