Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 477 Past Events on Mars (2)

Dr. Doom made a KO gesture, and then was pulled into a strange place, as if he had a brand new body.

He opened his eyes and found that he was in a box. Suddenly the box was opened, and Emma's holographic projection appeared in front of him. There were two silver-white robots beside him. It seemed to make it easier for everyone to identify themselves. There was a floating robot above its head. Holographic projection font.

The two robots have the red letters "Di Ying" and "Kudo Enji" suspended above their heads respectively, so there should also be the red letters "Victor Von Doom" above his head.

"Doctors, you are trying to move your body now. There is a five-sense test on the side." Emma pointed to a workbench nearby.

The so-called five senses test is actually to ensure that the stand-in robot can truly convey these feelings to the user and avoid serious errors.

Dr. Doom was very curious and picked up a piece of something similar to soap.

[Please put it in your mouth and taste the taste of this item. ] Dr. Doom put the "soap" into his mouth, and a strawberry smell suddenly filled his mouth.

"Strawberry flavor."

[correct answer. ]

Di Ying and Kudo Yanzhi also started testing everything. After half an hour of testing, they found that the body movements, bionic functions, and five senses of their stand-in robots were completely normal.

At this time, Emma took them to meet the director of the Mars base, Liao Qingsong. After introducing Liao Qingsong and the three doctors to each other, Emma's holographic projection disappeared in front of everyone.

"Liao, can you take us to see the Martian paleontological fossils?" Dr. Doom asked impatiently.

Di Ying and Kudo Yanzhi also looked at Liao Qingsong eagerly. Liao Qingsong nodded and said, "Okay, the three doctors will follow me!"

Led by Liao Qingsong, after bypassing five cabins, everyone entered an isolated storage cabin, which contained 50 samples of Martian paleontological fossils collected from Centipede Canyon.

Looking at the samples in each storage box, Dr. Doom knew at a glance that these things were very likely to be fossils. He asked eagerly: "Can I open it?"

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the next cabin so you can open it." Liao Qingsong is now in the storage cabin himself. He cannot have direct contact with these fossil samples.

After he got out of the storage cabin, he closed the door and said through the intercom: "Three doctors, you can open the sample storage box now. The password is four zeros."

"OK." Dr. Doom quickly selected a centipede-like fossil, and... [0000] After entering the password, the storage box automatically popped open, and the centipede-like fossil inside appeared in front of him.

This piece of sedimentary rock is gray-white as a whole, and the centipede-like fossil is entrenched in the middle of the sedimentary rock. The centipede-like fossil is black and red, about 1.2 meters in length and 0.13 to 0.15 meters in width. It has a pair of antipodal legs. How many pairs are there? It remains to be studied; the other is the segmented carapace-like body, which really looks like an enlarged version of a centipede.

"Liao, do you have research equipment?" Dr. Doom turned his head and asked.

Liao Qingsong replied through the intercom: "The cabin on the left is a small laboratory, and the password is also four zeros."

"Thank you." Dr. Doom quickly put down the fossil and opened the small laboratory on the left. He was looking for tools to move the fossil to the laboratory. Suddenly he remembered that this stand-in robot could lift a maximum weight of 800 kilograms. Dr. Doom tried Lifting the fossil storage box, it was really easy to lift the box.

After entering the laboratory, he couldn't wait to start researching. Di Ying and Kudo Yanzhi also took action and began to study these fossil samples.

Time flies, and before we know it, we have arrived on March 3rd, Year 1 of the Milky Way.

On the Mars space station, Dr. Doom, who had just eaten, came to the lounge and saw the fat little-eyed Dr. Di Ying and Kudo Enchi who was immersed in reading materials.

Yanzhi Kudo raised his glasses and asked, "How is your research going?"

"I have preliminarily divided these paleontological fossils. So far, a total of 6 classes and 46 species of paleontological organisms have been discovered. However, there are no reptiles, mammals, or birds, the three common species in Blue Star." Di Ying held her chin and said.

"Have you discovered a phenomenon?" Dr. Doom said suddenly.

"What's happening?" Di Ying asked curiously.

"Disang has been classifying fossils these days, and may not have studied this aspect yet." Kudo Yanzhi seemed to know what Dr. Doom wanted to say.

"The fossils in the geological age of 120.54 to 120.55 million years are too dense." Doom said as he turned on the holographic bracelet, and some pictures and data from his field trip to Centipede Canyon through the stand-in robot appeared in front of the three of them.

Kudo Yanzhi raised his glasses and said: "I also discovered this problem. After counting fossil samples and field investigation and analysis, I found that during the period from 1.2054 to 1.2055, a huge number of fossils appeared. The total number of all fossils we have discovered so far There are 19,764, of which the geological age 1.2054~1.2055 accounts for 31%. The distribution of fossils in the geological era before this was relatively even. 1.2054~1.2055 showed the peak of fossil formation, and then there was a cliff-like situation. After 1.193, The fossil did not reappear."

Di Ying immediately frowned upon hearing this: "There is only one explanation for this situation, and that is that a mass extinction occurred on Mars between 1.2054 and 1.2055."

Dr. Doom nodded: "I think so too. Many fossils before 1.2054~1.2055 are incomplete, but during 1.2054~1.2055, most of the fossils are complete, which shows that they died. It was very dense and close in time, and it was mass extinction.”

"However, we cannot draw a direct conclusion yet. This survey result can only prove that there has been a biological extinction event in the southern area of ​​​​Utopia Plain." Kudo Yanji continued.

"Indeed, we need to conduct investigations in other areas of Mars. If this situation also occurs in other areas, the results will be self-evident." Di Ying agreed.

Dr. Doom continued to look at the laboratory data. This kind of sudden biological extinction has also happened in the history of Blue Star, such as the most famous mass extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. The more he studies paleontology, the more Dr. Doom learns about nature. I am more and more in awe that human beings have been able to develop peacefully and steadily for so long. It can be said that it is unlucky.

How difficult is it for an intelligent race to develop to the interstellar civilization stage? The universe is like a big filter, killing 99% of planets suitable for life in the microbial stage, and the remaining 1% can evolve into multi-cellular biological planets; and 99% The multi-cellular biological planets will stop here, and the remaining 1% may give birth to intelligent life; and 99% of the intelligent life planets will not become interstellar civilizations.

The universe is like a big filter, filtering out living planets layer by layer. It is extremely rare that two quasi-interstellar civilizations (Blue Star Civilization and Triangle Civilization) can be born within 100 light-years.

There are many planets like Venus that were killed in the microbial stage, and there are also countless planets like Mars that were killed in the multi-cell biological stage.

Dr. Doom opened the light-shielding layer and looked at the red planet under his feet. He had mixed feelings for a while.

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