Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 470 Mind and Quantum

Shanmei, Quantum Chip Research Institute.

Huang Junjie has returned to the Blue Star from the moon and inherited the technology of a civilization, allowing his knowledge reserve to transcend the boundaries of mankind.

At this time, the Quantum Chip Research Institute has been able to mass-produce quantum chips on a small scale, but today he came here not for quantum chips, but for quantum communications.

Why are quantum communications related to quantum chips? In fact, this is an idea of ​​Huang Haojie.

"Tianlin, how is the quantum chip I asked you to develop now?" Huang Haojie asked.

"Head of State, we have already developed it, so we know whether the talisman meets your requirements." Zhang Tianlin, director of the Quantum Chip Research Institute, quickly replied.

"Just take me and have a look."

"Führer, please come with me."

Zhang Tianlin quickly led the way to the research institute, and Huang Junjie walked in with the four robots beside him.

After a while, the group came to a laboratory. Zhang Tianlin asked his assistant to take out a box, and he handed the box to Huang Haojie personally.

"Führer, these are your customized quantum chips, 1,000 of them in total."

The robot on the side took over the box under the control of Zhong, and Huang Haojie ordered: "Prepare a laboratory for me. Here are the equipment and conditions."

Ding dong! A holographic file was sent to Zhang Tianlin. Zhang Tianlin quickly opened the holographic file and looked through it. After a while, he nodded and said: "Führer, wait a moment, I will make arrangements right away."


In about half an hour, a laboratory according to Huang Junjie's requirements was ready, and Zhang Tianlin led the way there.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Zhang Tianlin first asked: "Führer, this is the laboratory prepared according to your instructions. Is there anything else that I can help you with?"

Huang Haojie thought for a while, then looked at Zhang Tianlin who looked eager, and then said: "Bring a few people over to be experimental assistants!"

"Okay." Zhang Tianlin was ecstatic and quickly whispered a few instructions in his assistant's ear.

Huang Junjie took another box from the robot on the side, came to the workbench and opened the box. Inside the box were things that looked like light green test tubes. In the light green liquid inside the test tubes, there were stored a particle as big as a fingernail. flesh-colored items.

The flesh-colored item in the light blue liquid was actually Huang Junjie's imitation of the Anluo star biochip. This thing was a failure. It was indeed a biochip, but Huang Junjie's expected function was not realized.

This is a psychic communication biochip that Huang Junjie imitated from the Anluo people. The reason why it failed was actually Huang Junjie had some vague guesses.

The Anluo people are born with the ability to communicate spiritually, and the spiritual communication biochip has been developed by them based on the advantages of this race. However, the manufacturing method of their spiritual communication biochip is very strange and cruel.

That is to cut off the brains of the dying Anluo people, extract a type of cells called telepathic brain cells, and then deeply process these telepathic brain cells into telepathic communication biochips. One brain can generally extract 7 to 12 copies of the soul. Sensing brain cells, only one chip can be made from one copy.

The 20 imitation chips in Huang Junjie's hands are products that use cloning technology to clone the brain of the Anluo star.

However, these imitations have indeed successfully established a psychic communication network, but the communication distance is so impressive. As long as the distance exceeds about 23 meters, the communication will be automatically disconnected. What can a 23-meter communication distance be used for? Even walkie-talkies are better than this. .

After careful research, Huang Junjie found that the reason for such severe weakening was related to the quantum soul he had discovered before. The quantum soul or dark energy content of the cloned brain was insufficient, causing the effective distance of telepathy or quantum communication to be reduced. Weakened to the extreme.

He calls this situation "Clone Syndrome - Dark Energy Deficiency" or "Quantum Soul Loss Phenomenon". In ancient Chinese terms, it is a congenital deficiency. Since humans are still unable to observe dark energy, Huang Haojie has no way to do it. solve this problem.

Although this problem cannot be fundamentally solved, Huang Haojie still found a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

After a while, Huang Junjie, with the assistance of Zhang Tianlin and others, took out one of the biochips through the equipment in the laboratory.

"Tianlin, just combine the biochip and the quantum chip." Huang Junjie turned around and ordered.


Zhang Tianlin and several assistants used an electron microscope to slowly embed the square biochip on the quantum chip. The quantum chip was specially made with a square hole in the middle.

But this alone is not enough. They must connect the 80,000 pins of the quantum chip to the cells of the biochip to achieve quantum information exchange. These pins exist at the nanometer level, and there is no electron microscope to assist them. None can be seen.

Zhang Tianlin and others carefully used the C31 nanorobot to connect the pins to the cells of the biochip. Fortunately, they were assisted by supercomputers and artificial intelligence, otherwise this work would really not be done by humans.

However, this kind of experiment is not always smooth sailing. Two hours later, they successfully scrapped the first biochip. Without even knowing the reason, the biochip went out of control and became chaotic.

"Take a rest and continue the experiment." Huang Junjie was not surprised by the failure. Cloned brain cells were too fragile compared with natural brain cells.

For three consecutive days, Huang Haojie worked at Shanmei's Quantum Chip Research Institute. Of the 20 biochips he brought, only 6 were successfully integrated with quantum chips, and the rest were scrapped.

The six biochips that have completed the fusion are stored in a special light green nutrient solution test tube, and the quantum chip is connected to some circuits and auxiliary chips.

Huang Haojie calls this chip "biological quantum communication chip". The outer quantum chip is used by the core biological chip to increase the quantum energy level, which is equivalent to a quantum signal amplifier.

"Zhong, write the bio-quantum communication system I prepared before into the chip." Huang Haojie ordered.

[yes. ]

A robot opened its chest, took out a data cable and inserted it into the laboratory's holographic computer. It immediately wrote countless programming information into the biological quantum communication chip.

As the programming information is written, the chip begins to initialize, and the previously messy inside of the chip suddenly becomes orderly.

[Master, (ˊωˋ*) has been written. ]

Huang Haojie thought for a while and ordered: "Get ready for the test! You drive a mecha over and we test the communication distance."

[yes. ]

Huang Haojie, Zhang Tianlin and others modified a communicator. This communicator is actually a cylinder like a hot water bottle. The communication of the communicator relies on the quantum resonance of simulated mind brain cells, and other parts of the entire communicator are auxiliary.

About half an hour later, Zhong borrowed a Xingtian mecha from the nearby Alliance Army base and drove over. Huang Junjie asked a robot to drive the Xingtian Mecha with a quantum communicator and head toward the Luzon District in the southeast.

The ion engine pushed the Xingtian mecha to fly southeast, while Huang Haojie, Zhang Tianlin and others turned on the remaining five quantum communicators, preparing to connect with the quantum communicator on the Xingtian mecha.

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