Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 464 Chasing the Sun

The first year of the Milky Way, December 12th.

Above the New Chang'an Geosynchronous Orbital Space Station (formerly Dongtang Geosynchronous Orbital Space Station).

A combined spacecraft composed of one Qinglong-class Type 2 spacecraft and four Xuanwu-class Type 2 spacecraft is currently parked quietly next to the space station.

Wang Tiejun and Li Zhongting from the Department of Aerospace and Aerospace were floating in the space station cabin. They were quietly observing the construction work of this spacecraft. This is the largest spacecraft ever built by the Human Innovation Alliance.

How big is it?

We can deduce it from the specifications of the Xuanwu-class Type 2 spacecraft. The specifications of the Xuanwu-class Type 2 spacecraft are a regular hexagonal cylinder with a side length of 6 meters and a height of 18 meters. The total volume is 1683.5 cubic meters and the dry weight is 124 tons. The effective The payload is about 420 tons, and the specifications of the Qinglong-class Type 2 are almost the same as those of the Xuanwu-class Type 2.

The spaceship in front of me is composed of one Qinglong-class Type 2 spacecraft and four Xuanwu-class Type 2 spacecraft.

Its length is 56 meters, height is 12 meters, total volume reaches 8513 cubic meters, dry weight is 846 tons, fuel reserve is 120 tons (110 tons of plasma fuel, 10 tons of nuclear fuel), 45 tons of human life support equipment (10 astronauts ), with a payload of 2,000 tons.

"Is that a sublight engine?" Wang Tiejun asked, pointing to a piece of equipment that had just been transported from the ground.

"Yes, it was manufactured by the Ion Engine Research Institute to imitate the Anluo star's sublight engine. The two pieces of equipment on the side are the Jinwu 3 nuclear fusion reactor developed by the Qinling base." Li Zhongting explained.

"With only a payload of 2,000 tons, it can carry relatively few combat units." Wang Tiejun was somewhat dissatisfied.

Li Zhongting shook his head and smiled bitterly: "My General Wang, this is an experimental spacecraft, not a space battleship."

"How long will it take to build a spaceship with a full load of 100,000 tons?" Wang Tiejun continued to ask.

"This..." Li Zhongting hesitated, thought for a while and replied: "I can't guarantee how long it will take for the time being. After all, no one has built such a thing. We must see how the experimental spacecraft is tested this time."

"Okay! Just wait for the experimental spacecraft to test the situation."

"Don't be too stressed." Li Zhongting patted Wang Tiejun on the shoulder and comforted him.

Wang Tiejun did not answer, but quietly watched the construction work of the experimental spacecraft. Against the backdrop of the blue waves, the insignificance and greatness of human beings were paradoxically united. He secretly clenched his fists and pondered.

The construction work of the experimental spacecraft is getting faster and faster. In the parking area of ​​New Chang'an, it has been transformed into a spacecraft assembly factory.

Countless materials, parts, and equipment were transported from the Blue Star ground through mass projectors. However, this situation will soon change, because the Lunar Industrial Zone and the New Wuhan Geosynchronous Orbital Space Station (Space Factory) will gradually assume part of the parts and components. production to reduce over-reliance on Blue Star Ground.

At the same time, there are two other mass projectors under rapid construction on the Blue Star ground. They are located in Omsk in the West Siberian Plain and Lake Carnegie in Western Australia, Australia.

The construction progress of these two mass projectors has caught up with the Wenchang mass projector. After all, the Wenchang mass projector is an international project, and the mass projectors in Omsk and Carnegie Lake are used by the Human Innovation Alliance itself, and of course they cannot be used by foreigners.

Obviously, the crazy actions of the Human Innovation Alliance in the past few months have put a lot of pressure on both the Milijia and the Xizhou Alliance, especially since the Low Earth Orbit Corps has deployed a small space fleet of 500 people.

Although the Human Revolution Alliance's deployment of weapons and troops in outer space violates the Outer Space Treaty, the Human Revolution Alliance can already ignore international rules at this time, and countries are helpless.

For example, a West Asian native who danced happily was directly pressed to the ground and rubbed by a team of Xingtian mechas, and the friction was back and forth. This was also the first time that the world saw the terrifying combat power of the Human Revolution Alliance.

No matter whether it is precision-guided missiles, saturated rocket launchers, or even a sea of ​​aircraft or tanks, they are useless. The Xingtian mecha is simply invincible, and it is invincible without cooling down.

In November, Wang Tiejun also organized a low-Earth orbit airborne exercise, airdropping 10 space-model Xingtian mechas from low-Earth orbit to the Blue Star ground.

These terrifying deterrents immediately silenced those clowns, fearing that they would be picked on by the Human Revolution Alliance.

December 18th.

The experimental spacecraft was finally completed.

There were five people floating in the platform cabin in the parking area, or rather four people plus a robot. They were members of the first team of the Space Expeditionary Force.

Because it is a sublight-speed spacecraft, if remote control is used, the spacecraft may hit a celestial body, and it will take several minutes for the control center to respond. Unless the quantum communication system is completed, astronauts can only operate the spacecraft.

However, quantum communication technology has never been able to enter the practical stage, and the Ministry of Aerospace and Aeronautics has had to adopt a more risky manual driving method.

Zhi! The airtight hatch of the platform cabin opened automatically, and Wang Tiejun and two Space Force soldiers floated in.

"Salute!" The four of them saluted immediately.

"Stand at attention and take a break." Wang Tiejun saluted and said: "Very good, the alliance needs your energy and energy. I remind you again that you may sacrifice yourself on the mission of driving the Sun Chaser to Mars. It's not too late for you to quit now."

"Promise to complete the mission." Squad leader Fang Tianbo replied with his head raised and chest raised.

"Make sure to complete the task." Political Commissar Lin Lei also shouted back.

The other two team members, Yuri Ifanov and Masashi Kishimoto, also replied in unison: "Make sure to complete the mission."

"Very good, no matter what, you are all heroes of mankind." Wang Tiejun awarded everyone the hero medal: "Come back alive."

"Yes." Fang Tianbo replied immediately.

After a while, the first team of the Space Expeditionary Force began to board the Sun Chaser spacecraft. Wang Tiejun looked at the robot No. 9527 following the first team of the Expeditionary Force, and couldn't help but think of Huang Zhong, who had always seen the beginning and end of the dragon.

Obviously he had doubts about Huang Zhong's identity, but now was not the time to pursue this matter, so Wang Tiejun secretly suppressed this doubt.

After the first team of the Space Expeditionary Force boarded the cockpit of the Sun Chaser, they immediately entered the life-sustaining and anti-load cabin. Of course, being in the life-sustaining and anti-load cabin did not affect their operation of the spacecraft, and their work of driving the spacecraft was very easy. Most of the work is done by the spacecraft's artificial intelligence, which mainly makes decisions and corrections, and responds to emergencies.

Robot No. 9527 is actually operated by Tadashi's subroutine. It is following the first team of the Space Expeditionary Force this time, mainly just in case.

At 10:12 a.m., the Sun Chaser spacecraft began to leave the parking area of ​​the New Chang'an Space Station. However, the spacecraft did not start the photon engine at this time, but used the ion engine.

Because the spacecraft is too close to the space station, starting the photon engine may affect the space station until the Sun Chase spacecraft leaves the New Chang'an Space Station about 100 kilometers away.

[The spacecraft has entered the acceleration zone. There is no threat to the space ahead. The photon engine can be started. ] Masashi Kishimoto sends messages through the brain control system.

[Activate condensed matter shield. ] Fang Tianbo ordered.

[The condensed matter shield has been activated. ] Yuri Ifanov replied.

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