Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 462 Sublight Speed ​​(4)

Huang Junjie used nuclear fusion reaction to forcibly produce radium elements, completing the research and development tasks one step ahead of Li Xiang and the others. However, this method is a way of vigorously producing miracles, and Li Xiang and the others' replacement project is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

In less than a week, the 11th Branch of the Institute of Materials artificially synthesized 50 kilograms of radium elements, which were quickly sent to the Laser Research Institute.

The Laser Research Institute, which had obtained abundant raw materials, completed the improvement of the beta-ray laser head in three strokes, five by five, and divided by two. After all, Huang Junjie had already extracted the manufacturing technology of the beta-ray laser head to them from [Pandora].

It has a complete technical process, and the process difficulty is not much higher than that of Blue Star. If it cannot be copied, the Laser Research Institute will be ashamed of Huang Haojie's investment and cultivation.

November 10th.

As the Double Eleven Carnival approaches, Australia's e-commerce industry is developing very rapidly, especially with the large number of immigrants joining Australia, which has brought huge changes here.

The Double Eleven Carnival was brought over by the Tang Dynasty. Coupled with the vigorous development of the three giants, and, many local Australians are also obsessed with this convenient online shopping.

The festive atmosphere diluted some of the depression within the Human Innovation Alliance. Many people temporarily abandoned their worries and immersed themselves in the carnival of shopping.

This year's Double Eleven Carnival must have reached a new high. Although the Human Innovation Alliance is vigorously promoting industries such as aerospace, military industry, and materials, the living standards of the people have not been greatly affected.

This is due to the large-scale application of nuclear fusion power generation technology and the abundant raw materials brought by space mining. Large-scale plans have stimulated the overall development of society. After all, technologies such as materials, aerospace, and military industry can be transformed into civilian applications.

In particular, artificial meat, which has been promoted on a small scale since October, and artificial organ medical treatment, which has been vigorously promoted by the Alliance for Human Innovation, have once again improved people's happiness.

Human life is about birth, old age, illness and death. Artificial organs are a kind of fate-changing way to deal with birth, old age, illness and death. The frightening organ diseases such as leukemia, uremia, diabetes, and heart disease have become as minor as the cold. This sense of peace of mind is absolutely It's something that many people couldn't imagine before.

Zhou Botong took advantage of this rare opportunity to give everyone at the institute a day off. He was currently shopping in Nandu with Mishima Ji and Yier Jin, but the three grown men were really just hanging out.

"This was a desert half a year ago, but now it is a modern metropolis, a metropolis surrounded by oases, lakes, farms, and forest parks." Zhou Botong sighed.

"Huh? There is actually a swimming pool, why don't we go sunbathing?" Ilkin said as he walked.

It turned out that they came to an artificial lake. This was an artificial lake contracted for private development, and many people were already playing in it.

"Okay." Zhou Botong nodded.

The three of them bought tickets and entered. It was obvious that the boss had invested a lot of money. As soon as they walked in, they saw a large artificial beach, full of tropical style, with some coconut trees and palm trees scattered on the beach. superior.

There are also stilt wooden houses and a Southeast Asian restaurant. Outside the beach is an endless artificial lake that makes people feel like they are on a tropical island. It is obviously visually enhanced using holographic projection technology.

Zhou Botong sunbathed directly on the beach, while Yi Jin was swimming. As for Mishima Ji, he went to buy juice and watermelon.

"Zhou Sang, eat watermelon."


The two of them were chatting while eating watermelon. Suddenly, a message popped up on Zhou Botong's holographic watch, and he quickly read it.

Mishima glanced at it: "The beta ray laser head of the Laser Research Institute has been completed, which is great."

Zhou Bo cleared the holographic projection and said with a smile: "Thanks to the head of state's personal intervention this time, he used nuclear fusion reaction to synthesize the radium element. Otherwise, the Laser Research Institute would be too clever to make a meal without rice."

"Do you want to go back to the institute right away?"

Zhou Botong waved his hand: "It's not too late to go back tomorrow, let's balance work and rest! Everyone has been under too much pressure recently, and it's rare to relax."

"Oh well!"

Mishima Ji also knows the situation inside the research institute. They have hardly had any rest these days. Sometimes they sleep for two or three hours a day or even stay up all night. If this continues, they will die before human civilization is defeated.

"Phew! It's so refreshing! I haven't had such a fun swim in a long time." Ilkin walked up from the swimming pool.

"Eat watermelon." Mishima Ji handed over a piece of watermelon.

Iljin sat directly on the beach and ate the watermelon quickly. The sunlight, which was tempered by the ceiling, shone directly on the three of them, causing their bodies to feel slightly hot. However, it was not as vicious as the summer sun outside. Zhou Botong didn't even know it. I fell asleep on the beach.

At noon, the three of them had a meal at a Southeast Asian restaurant next to the beach, and then went to visit the farm and forest park in Nandu.

November 11th.

Zhou Botong and others invested in research and development this time and replaced the beta-ray laser head newly released by the Laser Research Institute. They once again sent the photon engine to the No. 5 test site for testing.

Although the speed of the photon engine is not greatly increased, it only increases the cruising speed to 13.8% of the speed of light and the maximum speed to 16.2% of the speed of light.

However, the fuel utilization efficiency has improved a lot. Currently, their fuel consumption has dropped to 103% to 106% compared to the Anluo star's photon engine, which was previously 206% to 214%.

Previously, approximately 700 grams of nuclear fuel was consumed per second at cruising speed, but now it is approximately 350 grams per second. This improvement is huge, equivalent to using the same fuel to achieve twice the previous cruising range.

In other words, the spacecraft only needs to consume about 23 kilograms of nuclear fuel to fly back and forth between Blue Star and Mars.

"The prototype has reached the limit of what we humans can currently do. If we want to improve the photon engine, I think we can only go in the direction of higher-energy gamma rays." Mishima put down the test report and said.

"I think we can still work on stability. After all, the cruising speed is only 13.8% of the speed of light, which is still some distance from the maximum speed of 16.2% of the speed of light." Zhou Botong said.

"This is indeed a direction." Jin Rucai also nodded and said.

"I don't know, has that kind of adsorption material come out? If the adsorption material comes out, the self-sustainment of the spacecraft's nuclear fuel can be partly solved." Zhou Botong said suddenly.

"Adsorption materials? Zhou, do you mean hydrogen adsorption materials?" Ilkin asked.

Zhou Botong nodded: "That's it. I don't know if the Materials Research Institute has come up with it yet."

"It shouldn't be that fast. The Materials Research Institute has been busy with a lot of tasks recently, but this thing shouldn't be too difficult. After all, it has complete technical information." Jin Rucai said.

Hydrogen adsorption material is a special material developed by the Anluo people in order to solve the problem of long-distance (light-year) interstellar navigation. It is mainly used to absorb the hydrogen element in the interstellar space while flying.

Although interstellar space is a vacuum environment, as the most abundant element in the universe, the distribution of hydrogen is ubiquitous.

Even the interstellar space between star systems contains a lot of hydrogen. The Anluo people's hydrogen can absorb 0.2 to 6 grams of hydrogen from space per second. This hydrogen can solve part of the spacecraft fuel. Self-sustainability.

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