Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 455 Second Generation Spaceship

The Mili family is gritting their teeth to support scientific research and secretly carry out the Cherubim Project.

The Western Continent Alliance on the other side is not idle either. After all, the Lucia Federation has joined the Human Revolutionary Alliance, which means that the alliance's power has spread to the hinterland of Western Continent.

"Mr. Chairman, it is a great honor to meet you." Western Continental Alliance Foreign Minister Andry Distef said shaking hands with Fang Dongliang.

"Mr. Distef, please take a seat." Fang Dongliang said with a smile.

Andri Distef sat down on the sofa and asked tentatively: "Mr. Chairman, I wonder if the alliance policy is consistent with Lucia's?"

"We are a unified alliance. The alliance council is higher than the joining countries. The joining countries cannot violate the alliance charter." Fang Dongliang's attitude is firm on this issue.

"We in the Western League hope to coexist peacefully with the Alliance. After all, confrontation is not good for both sides, is it?" Andri Disteffe glanced at Fang Dongliang after finishing speaking.

"Peace is the purpose of our alliance, and we don't want Blue Star to be destroyed by war." Fang Dongliang knew that now was not the time for Blue Star to fight.

Hearing this news, Andridist breathed a sigh of relief. The Western Continent Alliance is now completely unable to compete with the Alliance. Whether it is the economy, quality projectors, or energy, the Western Continent Alliance relies on the Alliance.

The Western Continent Alliance is already in a difficult situation. A full-scale confrontation will inevitably make the Western Continent Alliance even worse. They are no longer the developed countries in the AD era that could be extravagant, but an interstellar country that is unsustainable.

Soon the two sides held comprehensive consultations on border defense issues, natural gas transportation issues, entry and exit issues for port and rail transportation, etc.

The negotiations lasted for a week, and the Xizhou Alliance and the Human Innovation Alliance reached an agreement. Andry Distef and Fang Dongliang signed the "Shanghai Friendship Agreement" on behalf of both parties.

As the Western Continent Alliance and the Human Innovation Alliance reached an agreement, the Mili family's strategy shrank, and for a while everything was calm in Blue Star. Of course, there were many secret confrontations.

Western Australia District.

Galaxy Spaceship Group - Xuanwu-class spacecraft manufacturing factory. Wang Tu and a group of people were visiting the construction project of the Xuanwu-class Type 2 spacecraft.

The specifications of the Xuanwu-class Type 2 spacecraft are a regular hexagonal cylinder with a side length of 6 meters and a height of 18 meters. The total volume is 1683.5 cubic meters, the dry weight is 124 tons, and the payload is about 420 tons.

It uses a new generation of Jinwu nuclear fusion batteries and ion engines. Although the thrust of the new generation ion engine is about 30% smaller than that of the hydrogen-oxygen engine, it has a very good feature, which is the diversification of propellants.

"Wang Bu, this ion engine is the latest product of the Ion Engine Research Institute. Under the surging electric energy of the nuclear fusion battery, it can provide 750 tons of thrust at full power." Hu Tingyu, chief engineer of the Xuanwu-class spacecraft, introduced.

"Isn't that weaker than the latest-level hydrogen-oxygen engine? I heard that the latest-level hydrogen-oxygen engine can reach a thrust of 1,200 tons." Lin Zhengfeng, director of the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Space and Space, asked in surprise.

Hu Tingyu nodded and replied: "Yes, it is indeed difficult for the ion engine to compete with the hydrogen-oxygen engine in terms of thrust, but in terms of specific impulse, the ion engine can continue to run as long as there is working fluid. The latest level of ion engine can be used More than a dozen elements such as hydrogen, helium, oxygen, nitrogen, silicon, carbon, sulfur, sodium, and calcium are used as working fluids. If there is an emergency, unfinished space rocks, soil, and gases can even be used directly as working fluids."

"Then how do you plan to solve the problem of working medium supply in deep space?" Wang Tu asked.

"Wang Bu, when we fly between planets, we do not plan to use ion engines. The Ion Engine Research Institute is currently developing photon engines and directly use photon engines as the power between planets. Ion engines are more suitable for planets with rich materials. Apply within the circle." Hu Tingyu explained.

"Photon engine?" Wang Tu obviously knew about the photon engine and nodded.

Ion engines that can use a variety of working fluids are indeed more suitable for use in planetary circles. Many substances in planetary circles are directly used as working fluids, such as water, calcium carbonate, and silicon dioxide, which are rich compounds.

"When will the spaceship be put into use?" Wang Tu asked.

"We are conducting the last test and are expected to be put into use on September 24. There will be a total of five Xuanwu-class Type 2 spacecraft in the first batch." Hu Tingyu looked at his watch and replied.

"Very good." Wang Tu nodded with satisfaction.

Suddenly, Assistant Wang Tu approached him and whispered a few words in Wang Tu's ear. Wang Tu sneered after hearing this.

"Wang Bu! What's wrong?" Lin Zhengfeng asked.

"It's nothing, just a bunch of clowns. Representative Tu Shiqi made nonsense at the United Nations, saying that we should open up the space field and ask to share the resources of the moon." Wang Tu sneered.

Hu Tingyu burst out laughing: "Haha, you overestimated native dogs, who do they think they are? Sharing the moon?"

"I'm afraid there are people behind the local dogs who are adding fuel to the flames, otherwise they wouldn't have the guts." Lin Zhengfeng touched his chin and said.

"Okay, someone will take care of the local dogs' affairs. Tingyu, you guys try to keep up the good work. I'll go to the Ion Engine Research Institute to take a look."

"Then I won't give it away."

Wang Tu led the people to the Ion Engine Research Institute 134 kilometers away.

The Ion Engine Research Institute has now figured out the Anluo star's photon engine, but just because it's figured out, it doesn't mean it can be copied.

The problem of beta ray radiation alone is a big trouble, and the Anluo star's spacecraft protective layer can filter up to about 60% of beta ray radiation, and the remaining 40% of beta ray radiation can only be resisted by the body.

However, the human body is not as good as the Anluo star, and the astronauts can only die if they directly resist. If everyone is dead, what's the use even if we can fly at the speed of light? Is it possible to transport a corpse for space navigation?

In the institute, many researchers are at a loss. The beta-ray laser must be focused on the light reflector inside the engine. Through focusing, the beta-ray light pressure acts on the reflector. In this process, some beta-ray radiation will be emitted. Infiltrate into the ship.

They must find a way to isolate these deadly beta-ray radiation, otherwise it will not only be a fatal threat to the astronauts on the spacecraft, but also the instruments on the spacecraft will not be optimistic.

"By the way, we can use magnetic field deflection technology." Li Qijun suddenly reacted.

Mishima Ji's eyes suddenly lit up: "Magnetic field deflection? Magnetic field deflection! Yes, magnetic field deflection may be able to isolate beta rays."

"Beta rays are charged particle flows and can use magnetic field deflection pairs. We will immediately model and design them and simulate them on a supercomputer." Zhou Botong also became happy.

Soon they added a magnetic field generator to the already modeled photon engine. In supercomputer simulations, they found that they could indeed effectively isolate some beta rays.

Zhou Botong was excited when he saw the supercomputer simulation results: "With the Anluo star's isolation layer material, our unique hybrid gel coating, and magnetic field deflection technology, we can isolate 100% of beta rays."

"Zhou Sang, let's not be too happy too early. It seems that the Materials Research Institute has not copied the insulation layer material of the Anluo people." Mishima Ji reminded.

"Haha, take it step by step. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Zhou Botong said optimistically.

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