Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 449 Cloning Organs (2)

Looking at the dense genetic programming information, Huang Junjie was also one of the top two. Fortunately, the Anluo planet and the Blue Star people were also carbon-based organisms, not silicon-based or sulfur-based organisms.

This kind of learning is a painful and joyful process. Over the years, Huang Junjie has played the role of a scientist to perfection.

In order to avoid exposing his secrets, he has been studying hard. With Zhong's assistance, everyone recognized his persona as a top scientist. As he continued to act, he became a real scientist. Even though he cheated, part of his own efforts were still there.

Now he can only continue to be furious, and he has to work hard to finish the scenes he takes.

the other side.

Dongdao District, Keelung City.

At the Life Sciences (Keelung) Hospital, Lin Jingping was lying on the bed at this moment, quietly waiting for the results of the operation.

Her sister Lin Ningxin, Lin's father and Lin's mother were waiting anxiously outside the operating room.

There are many people like them. There were 30 volunteers participating in the organ transplant this time, and 5 of them performed the surgery on August 2.

Since they are all volunteers, all the costs of this transplant operation were borne by the Life Sciences Group, and they were also covered by high medical malpractice insurance.

"Ning Xin, does Gangzi know about Ning Jing's surgery?" Lin's mother suddenly asked.

"I sent an email a few days ago. My brother-in-law seems to have encountered an urgent task and may not be back until the end of the year." Lin Ning thought for a while and replied.

"Then don't disturb Gangzi. He has also paid so much for Tranquility." Father Lin pressed his philtrum after finishing speaking.

They were all quiet for a while, looking at the operating room with anxious eyes from time to time. Suddenly, one of the operating room doors opened, and everyone became nervous.

"Wang Dongdong's family members are coming with me," the head nurse said to the crowd.

"Girl, I am Wang Dongdong's daughter. I wonder how my father is doing?" A middle-aged woman with a haggard look hurriedly stepped forward.

The head nurse replied as she walked: "Your father's operation was very successful. His vital signs are now very stable. We have transferred the patient to the intensive care unit."

"What should we pay attention to?"

"We have a nurse to take care of us for a week, and then..."

Next, two more volunteers were sent to the nursing ward. As there were fewer and fewer people outside the operating room, Lin Jingping's family became even more nervous.

After sending the fourth patient, the head nurse was about to return to the operating room when Father Lin suddenly stepped forward and asked, "Girl, how is Lin Jingjing's condition?"

"Old man, don't worry. Miss Lin has leukemia. The operation will take a little longer, about half an hour, and it's almost enough." The head nurse explained patiently.

"That's good, that's good." Father Lin muttered to himself, and Lin Ningxin quickly helped her father sit down on the chair.

Less than half an hour later, the head nurse came out.

"Lin Jingping's family, please come with me!"

"Sister nurse, how is my sister doing?" Lin Ningxin asked quickly.

"There is no problem with Ms. Lin's surgery. We will see her recovery now. If there is no deterioration, she can recover and be discharged within two months," the head nurse explained.

Stem cell transplantation takes a certain amount of time to work, unlike other organ transplants.

As 30 volunteers completed the transplant operations one after another, some volunteers recovered very quickly, especially the young volunteers, who recovered quite well in less than a week.

Especially for the five volunteers with kidney failure, the effect of the transplantation was immediate. After their kidneys were replaced, their uremia quickly subsided.

This situation has excited the news media following the report. Domestic media often report related news these days.

However, the life science group's organ cloning technology has caused considerable controversy, especially those who flaunt ethics and morals, and are even more opposed to it.

The whole network forum.

[Reprinted from the British Daily News: Organ cloning technology may be used to create cloned humans. We should let the life sciences group announce the relevant technical details and establish a special management agency to prevent someone from abusing cloning technology...]

"There is a sour smell like sour grapes if you can't eat them." - User from New Keelung City, Lunar Province

"It's 2020 and there's still this anti-intellectual scum." - Brotherhood of Mutants

“So sour lemon essence.”——Guangxi Emperor Tangerine

"What are the ethics and morals of human cloning? Could it be that ethics and morality can replace my heart?" - Quexinyan

"The Life Sciences Group has promised that it will not apply cloning technology to human cloning, especially cloning human brains. Everyone who is worried about the problem of human cloning can rest assured." - Official explanation is the deadliest

"Anyway, human cloning has little to do with us ordinary people. My total net worth is tens of thousands of yuan. What are you going to do with cloning me?" - People who eat melons.

" @Melon-eating people, imagine those female celebrities and those rich people⊙﹏⊙." - It's scary to think about it.

"I felt that even the genetic code was no longer safe. I was so scared that I quickly checked my bank card balance. Fortunately, the 2.5 yuan in it was still there." - Manual Funny

"I'm afraid I don't need to use it. Anyway, I support organ cloning technology." - Yangcheng user

"Britannia is just an indigenous country at sunset. We are already an interstellar civilization." - Warren Buffett, Australia

" @Australia Buffett, brother, Britain seems to be somewhat related to you, right? Is that really okay?" - New Zealander who just joined the club

" @New Zealand just joined the club, fart! Why do I have such rubbish relatives?" - Warren Buffett, Australia

In response to concerns expressed by some countries, the Life Sciences Group quickly announced that the technology would be promoted in the Galactic Federation and Eastern Tang, and would not be considered for promotion in other regions for the time being.

Obviously the Life Sciences Group wants to steal money again. It would be better for Wai Guoren to complain and simply not enter their country. If you need to replace an organ, come to the Galactic Federation. We will take good care of you. Of course, the premise is that you have enough money.

Concerns about ethics and morals have to give in before the desire for survival. Those wealthy people who are on the verge of death have begun to take action.

Anyway, Life Sciences Group has received quite a few letters these days, all from foreign rich people or celebrities.

Some people even asked if the Life Sciences Group did not offer whole-body replacement services. What they called whole-body replacement meant replacing everything except the brain.

In response to these requests, the Life Sciences Group will not refuse anyone who comes. Anyway, if you have money but don't make money, you are a bastard.

However, the Life Sciences Group also stated in advance that even if the entire body is replaced, the limit of human life is about 240 years at most, which is determined by the lifespan of brain cells.

Unless the brain is replaced, but replacing the brain is equivalent to formatting. After formatting, they are no longer themselves. This situation is unacceptable to the rich and famous.

Therefore, they replace the whole body organs and extend the life span to about 240 years at most. It is impossible to live forever.

But even so, the temptation for these people is not ordinary. Who doesn't want to have a healthy body and live longer.

The organ replacement services within the Galactic Federation have been officially included in citizen welfare, and the Eastern Tang Dynasty is also implementing related policies.

Especially for scientists, the Galaxy Consortium has arranged organ replacement surgeries for a large number of scientists based on priority. These human elites are the key targets of protection.

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