Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 445 Roaming in Space

However, Huang Junjie was not the only one who vomited. There were also genetic virus expert Michelle, linguist Shi Mingdao, cryptography and programming expert Zhang Han, materials expert Wen Dadu and others who had just been transferred from the Australian Beehive Base. .

These people were all the people who secretly went to the moon to study alien spacecraft. Although the selected participants were strong middle-aged people, the discomfort of going to outer space for the first time still made them depressed.

After half an hour of repairs, these rookie astronauts recovered from their discomfort.

The first person to recover was Huang Haojie. Despite his busy schedule over the years, he still actively maintained and exercised his body under Zhong's arrangements. Among the scientists at the scene, his health could be said to be the best.

He stood in a one-way transparent passage corridor, looking down at the blue planet where all the living beings were located at his feet, and he felt like he was so high that he could see all the mountains at a glance.

At this time, the New Kaohsiung Space Station is no longer in the previous 450-kilometer low-Earth orbit. After two orbit increases, the orbital height of the New Kaohsiung Space Station is about 640 kilometers in the low-Earth orbit.

Suddenly Michelle squeezed his arm: "My Mr. Chairman, are you here in person?"

"Why do you see it?" Huang Junjie continued to look outside.

Michelle raised the corner of her mouth and said, "If it's a stand-in robot, you shouldn't be in the life-support and load-bearing cabin, right?"

"Madam, don't use your intelligence in detective games." Huang Junjie said with narrowed eyes.

"I'm just curious. What on earth would make you go to outer space in person?" Perhaps due to Westerners' nature, Michelle was not too afraid of Huang Junjie.

"You'll know when the time comes." After Huang Junjie said that, he floated towards Yin Tianshun.

Watching Huang Junjie leave, Michelle's heart started to turn over and over again. It was absolutely no small matter that the head of the empire could go to outer space in person.

Could it be that something happened to the moon? Suddenly she thought that among the people traveling with her, there were linguists and cryptographic programming experts. Could it be... Michelle seemed to have guessed something, but she did not say anything.

If her guess is true, then she can be sure that everyone on the space station has been controlled by information.

Michelle opened the holographic bracelet, entered an email at random, wrote some of her guess words in it, and clicked send.

[Dear user, because your email contains temporarily prohibited words, please modify it before sending it out...]

Looking at a lot of forbidden words, Michelle suddenly understood what happened this time.

[Master, Dr. Michelle just sent an email containing a large number of prohibited words to the Australian Beehive, and the system has rejected it. ]

Huang Junjie chuckled and shook his head: "You're so clever."

[Master, (╬Van╬), do you want to warn her?]

"No, she will keep it a secret." Huang Junjie knew about this matter, and Michelle and others would know the truth sooner or later. The possibility of sending the information out is almost zero. After all, artificial intelligence screening is pervasive.

What's more, Huang Junjie believes that they are all smart people, and leaking this matter will definitely lead to death.

Yin Tianshun, who was declaring the customs list with Zhang Yunfeng, suddenly saw Huang Haojie floating over and said hello quickly: "Chairman, why are you here?"

"Chairman." Zhang Yunfeng was not too surprised by Huang Junjie's appearance.

After all, Huang Junjie's stand-in robot often moves around the space station, but he doesn't know that this time Huang Junjie is a real person. If he knew, he would be scared to death.

"Are the materials and equipment ready?" Huang Junjie asked calmly.

"It's ready. In three hours, we will set off for the lunar space station." Yin Tianshun replied quickly.

Huang Junjie nodded and continued to float around the space station. Although the stand-in robot claimed to be able to simulate 100%, many feelings really need to be experienced by humans themselves.

Just like he is in the new Kaohsiung Space Station at this moment, this floating and relaxing feeling is difficult for a stand-in robot to completely simulate.

As soon as Shi Mingdao, Zhang Han, and Wen Dadu, who were in outer space for the first time, recovered, they started touring the space station with great animation.

Wen Dadu looked at the new Kaohsiung Space Station like a honeycomb through the one-way transparent layer in the corridor, and couldn't help but feel generous: "This is our space station. It is really huge. Maybe we can travel around the solar system in our lifetime."

The scale of the New Kaohsiung Space Station, after many expansions, has now reached a huge scale of 151 standard cabins, just like a real space city.

"Look, another spaceship has entered the port." Shi Mingdao pointed to the parking area and said.

Due to the cheap electricity brought by nuclear fusion power generation, the launch cost of mass projectors has dropped again. The current transportation cost from Blue Star ground launch to the new Kaohsiung Space Station is about 16 Mars coins per kilogram, compared with about 45 Mars coins per kilogram before.

Increase the large-scale expansion of space business, such as lunar bases, geostationary space stations, space mining, etc. The number of spacecraft launched from the Kaohsiung Mass Projector to the space station is no less than 20 times a day, and can reach 50 times a day at peak times about.

Now Shi Mingdao looked around and saw that there were six spacecraft docked in the parking area of ​​the New Kaohsiung Space Station, and there were two Union-class spacecraft on the other side.

As for how to identify the spaceship and the space station cabin, this is very simple. The spaceship of the Galactic Federation is painted in blue, and the space station is painted in silver gray.

On the two dark blue Union-class spacecraft, you can even clearly see the numbers and names on them, which are LH002 Guam and LH004 Penghu.

After the few people visited for more than half an hour, as soon as the freshness wore off, they gathered together to chat.

"Mr. Shi majored in linguistics?" Wen Dadu frowned when he heard this major.

"What happened to linguistics?" Zhang Han asked in surprise.

"I'm also very surprised about this." Shi Mingdao himself was also confused. Why do we need linguists in outer space?

Suddenly Zhang Han's eyes widened, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"What did Zhang Bo discover?" Shi Mingdao asked.

"What do you think the use of linguistics is?" Zhang Han asked rhetorically.

"Of course language research, generally if a new language is discovered, then..." Shi Mingdao said smoothly, but stopped mid-sentence. Apparently he had guessed something.

Others also began to think about it. Obviously their IQs were not a problem. This kind of thing made sense immediately. New language in outer space = alien language = alien.

The more they thought about it, the more certain they became about it, but they were all smart people and knew what things should be said and what things should not be said.

July 22, 16:54 pm.

Huang Junjie and his party took the Guam to the lunar space station, accompanied by the Penghu, which was loaded with supplies.

The spacecraft is expected to arrive at the lunar space station around six o'clock in the morning on the 23rd. Except for Huang Junjie, who already knows the details of the spacecraft, everyone else is excited and uneasy.

Compared with the busy low-Earth orbit area, the area between Blue Star and the Moon is currently relatively deserted, but with the upcoming lunar mass projector, the area between Blue Star and the Moon will also become very busy. .

In order to avoid space collisions, the Space Development Committee has already planned relevant matters and carefully divided the navigation orbit to avoid space collisions as much as possible.

At this time, Guam and Penghu were on two parallel orbits not far apart, and they were flying towards the moon at full speed.

If you observe from Blue Star's ground observatory, you can find two light spots heading towards the moon. However, now that the spacecraft of the Galaxy Federation and Dongtang often shuttle between Blue Star and the moon, many people are no longer surprised by these things.

No one doubts the purpose of the two Union-class spacecraft, and even if they do, they don't have the ability to investigate the matter.

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