Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 441 Galactic Federation

Huang Haojie held a special research meeting on the current control area of ​​the Galaxy Consortium. It had been called the Galaxy Consortium before, but now it feels inappropriate at all.

After some discussion, Huang Haojie, Wang Zhiqiang, Li Jianhua and others decided to officially rename the entire consortium [Galaxy Technology Federal Empire], referred to as Galaxy Federation or UnionPay.

The capital of the Galactic Federation is set in Nandu, Australia, and there is also a companion capital called Haidu on the island of Palau in the Western Pacific.

The existence of Haidu is very important, because the Western Pacific District will become an important transportation hub area, including the Gaoli District, Dongying District, and Fusang District in the north of the Galaxy Federation, the Luzon District and Siam District in the west, and the Papua New Guinea and Australia District in the south. Seven districts must pass through the Western Pacific District.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the importance of the Western Pacific region. However, the Western Pacific is full of islands, and they are all small islands, which must be reclaimed to create land.

However, the technology of the Galactic Federation is sufficient to complete it, and the area required for land reclamation does not need to be too large. After all, the future of the Galactic Federation lies in the universe.

Blue Star's territory is currently used to produce grains, vegetables and fruits, but with the maturity of artificial meat technology, there is no need for too many pastures and farms.

After all, in the future, they will travel across the universe and develop alien colonies. The name of Galaxy Consortium is not grand enough, so after changing the name, it becomes more formal.

All this is for the development of the universe. Humanity's struggle in the Blue Star is no longer the first priority of the Galactic Federation. The development of the universe is the first priority.

The Space Development Committee has suddenly become a real hot potato. After all, with the shift of strategic focus of the Human Innovation Alliance, the power of the Space Development Committee will inevitably increase greatly.

On June 22, Huang Haojie officially announced to the world through the global live broadcast system:

"I announce that the Galactic Technology Federation Empire has been officially established. For the future of mankind and for the stars and the sea, we will lead everyone to explore the universe."

Bang bang bang... The audience burst into applause, and everyone was excited.

The whole network forum.

"Congratulations on the establishment of the Galaxy Technology Federation Empire." - Busan user

"Holy shit, this is how it happened?" - Kaohsiung user

"It's better to formalize it. In the past, it always felt weird to have a consortium." - Pretend to be a panda for 100 yuan

"It feels like we can defeat the whole world now." - Expanded Heart

" @Inflated heart, don't be proud, our journey is the stars and the sea" - Australia Eats Hare

"Warmly celebrate the founding of the empire." - Manila user

"The future of human union is what everyone hopes for, but who will merge with whom is indeed a question." - Beef Balls

" @Beef balls, I feel it is unlikely that the whole world will be unified. After all, there are many problems in each region." - Don't eat coriander

" @Don't eat coriander. Food without coriander has no soul, just like evil food like sweet tofu." ——Long live salty tofu

" @Salty tofu brain, sweet tofu brain are the real tofu brain, salty tofu brain is heresy." - Wuren Mooncake

Everyone on the Internet was discussing and talking about coriander, tofu curd, rice dumplings and moon cakes, the love and hatred between sweet tofu curd and salty tofu curd, and the love and hatred between five kernel mooncakes and lotus paste mooncakes.

However, domestic netizens are pretending to be happy melon-eaters, while foreign news media have a look of sour grapes.

However, with the formalization of the Galactic Federation, the world situation has indeed undergone subtle changes. The main reason is that the Galactic Federation has begun to implement a global shrinkage strategy. After taking back these forces, it will concentrate on exploring the universe.

Other countries are even more anxious about aerospace. NASA has announced the Space Development Council's base and space station on the moon on June 10. Obviously, this speed exceeds their expectations.

At this rate, the Galactic Federation will soon develop a huge base on the moon, especially according to the latest "Moon Development Act" promulgated by the Galactic Federation, their base buildings extend 16 kilometers outward, and they are all permanent properties of the Galactic Federation. territory.

Although the whole world does not recognize the legality of the Lunar Development Act, the problem is that the condensed matter shield equipped with the base can encircle a 16-kilometer radius of the base. It is useless if they do not recognize it.

Because the Galactic Federation has achieved actual control, not to mention that they can't go to outer space now. No matter how loud they roar on the ground, no one will pay attention to them.

For a time, visitors from the Space Development Committee came in droves, for example, those who commissioned the launch of lunar probes, or those who hoped to purchase a portion of the Wenchang Mass Projector launch share from the Space Development Committee, and those who urged the Wenchang Mass Projector to be constructed as soon as possible.

However, the Space Development Committee is not a fool. It directly said that construction takes time and the mass projector needs to be safe and reliable, and refused to speed up the progress of the Wenchang mass projector project.

When they thought that the Wenchang mass projector would not be completed until March 2021, Mi Lijia and Xizhou Alliance became anxious.

This feeling of having to watch others eat meat while you can only do it in a hurry is simply more uncomfortable than killing them.

And those forces that have never been qualified to bid for the Wenchang mass projector are now even more anxious. Except for those who are waiting to die, any force with a little bit of enterprising spirit is unwilling to give up outer space.

But the bidding qualifications are in the hands of Dongtang and the Galaxy Federation. Of course, this initiative should be used well, and the talks will slowly whet their appetite.

The other is the officially divided area between the Galactic Federation and the Eastern Tang Dynasty in outer space. The brothers will settle accounts clearly to avoid big trouble in the future.

The cooperative organization of the Space Development Committee was retained, but the Galactic Federation and Dongtang each formed their own space management agencies.

The space agency of the Galactic Federation is the Department of Space and Space, which was upgraded from the Space Agency to the Department of Space and Space.

Dongfanghong Base is temporarily jointly controlled by both parties, but soon the Galactic Federation will establish a new base in the Zah Crater, about 310 kilometers west of Dongfanghong Base.

This new base will belong to the Galaxy Federation alone. As for the Dongfanghong base, it was purchased by Dongtang. The sovereignty and use rights will belong to Dongtang.

Among the divided areas of the moon, the Galactic Federation occupies two-fifths of the front side of the moon and three-fifths of the back side of the moon, while Dongtang occupies two-fifths of the front side of the moon and two-fifths of the back side.

The remaining one-fifth of the moon's front side serves as a buffer zone. If Blue Star's other forces don't work hard, it is estimated that even this one-fifth of the moon's front side may not be able to get it.

As for the Lunar Space Station, which was purchased by the Galactic Federation, Dongtang will also build a new Queqiao Space Station here.

The Galaxy Consortium, which is trying its best to open up the universe, is very scary. You can see it just from the spacecraft production line.

The Xuanwu-class spacecraft manufacturing plant that has just been relocated to Western Australia is producing one Xuanwu-class spacecraft every three days, and the Qinglong-class spacecraft manufacturing plant is also producing at a similar rate.

In addition, the research and development progress of a new generation of spacecraft is almost completed. The size of the new generation of spacecraft is a regular hexagonal cylinder with a side length of 6 meters and a height of 18 meters. The total volume is 1683.5 cubic meters and the dry weight is 124 tons. The payload is about 420 tons.

Apparently, the payload of the new generation spacecraft is seven times that of the Xuanwu-class spacecraft.

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