Galaxy Technology Empire

Chapter 429 Cloning and Defects

In the life-sustaining cultivation warehouse.

The cloned monkey's heart is beating vigorously.

"Replace this heart with the original heart in the monkey and see if there is any problem." Huang Haojie ordered.

"Okay." Zhao Zhangde responded. It was very simple to perform heart replacement surgery at the Beehive Base.

Outside the operating room, Huang Junjie watched several surgeons methodically performing heart replacement surgery on the monkey.

"Boss, if this rebirth factor continues, can a complete life be cloned?" Michelle asked.

"Cloning of rebirth factors is a kind of asexual reproduction, but whether it can copy a complete organism requires your continued research." Huang Junjie actually knew that a complete organism could be cloned.

However, cloning organisms has a fatal flaw. This technology comes from the parallel time and space-the Virus Era. However, when the Virus Era cloned organisms, a very strange phenomenon was discovered.

This phenomenon is that the more advanced the organism, the shorter the life span of the clone. It seems that something is limiting the life span of the clone. They call this phenomenon "Cloning Syndrome".

However, based on the quantum soul theory of the quantum era, Huang Junjie has some speculations about this so-called "clone syndrome". He suspects that the body's accelerated decline is caused by the loss of the soul.

Why do more advanced organisms have a greater impact? However, clones of insects and the like have almost no changes and are almost the same as normal individuals.

Because the lower-level creatures have very weak quantum souls, which are completely different from the strength of the quantum souls of mammals.

The rapid production of rebirth factors can allow a clone to grow from a cell to an 18-year-old adult in less than a week.

This kind of overthrowing will most likely result in the clone's quantum soul strength being incomplete, or incompletely developed.

Clones in the virus era generally only have a lifespan of 2 to 3 years. After this time, the clones will become a vegetative state as if they were brain dead. If the clones are maintained in a vegetative state regardless of cost, the body can be preserved for up to 5 to 6 years. about.

This is why Huang Haojie suspects that it is related to the strength of the quantum soul. At the same time, he also has a bold idea. It seems that using the technology of the quantum era and the virus era, maybe he can create a different spark.

After a while, the door to the operating room was pushed open, and Kenji Takahashi took off his mask and said:

"Chairman, the operation was very successful. We have successfully replaced the native heart and the cloned heart in the monkey. The monkey has no problems for the time being. We will need some time to observe other situations."

"You can take advantage of this period to do more experiments, such as the cloning and replacement of other organs, and in-depth research on regeneration factors." Huang Haojie suggested.

"Yes, Chairman."

"Boss, can we conduct experiments on human cloning?" Michelle asked suddenly.

Huang Haojie waved his hand: "Don't carry out human cloning experiments for the time being. You can clone monkeys or chimpanzees. Let's see if there are any problems first, and then consider cloning humans."

He obviously has concerns about human cloning, not just a matter of ethics.

The more important reason is that it is not cost-effective. The lifespan of a clone is only 2 to 3 years, and the newly cloned clone needs at least half a year of training before it can adapt to simple tasks.

In this way, it takes less than 2 years to produce a clone that can work and can only do simple tasks. So what is the purpose of producing this kind of cannon fodder? It is better to use the money to build robots, which is more cost-effective.

Huang Junjie is even more optimistic about the applications of cloned organ transplantation, artificial blood, cloned stem cells, artificial meat, and species protection.

Soon, more than a dozen research projects that were extended by the rebirth factor were established. These research projects were established based on Huang Junjie's ideas.

For example, the organ cloning project is divided into many smaller projects, including hearts, livers, kidneys, lungs, eyeballs, skin, etc.

If these projects are successful, many diseases will be solved.

May 27th.

Huang Junjie once again launched the stand-in robot at the hive base.

At this time, five days had passed since the birth of the rebirth factor, and the monkey that had undergone a heart transplant was already jumping up and down.

Huang Junjie handed it a banana, and the little monkey quickly snatched the banana and started chewing it.

"Chairman, the monkey's vital signs are almost the same as before, and no rejection has been found yet." Kenji Takahashi said while passing a document to Huang Haojie.

Huang Junjie opened the holographic file and flipped through it before discovering that Kenji Takahashi and the others had conducted several experiments in the past few days, including liver, kidney, lung, and eyeball transplants.

"Are the monkeys in these cages other transplanted monkeys?"

"Yes, Chairman." Kenji Takahashi pointed to a monkey in a cage and said, "This is a kidney transplant, this is a lung transplant..."

"Takahashi, if these monkeys have no problems within a month, we will prepare for human experiments." Huang Haojie ordered.

"Okay, Chairman." Kenji Takahashi nodded.

The subjects of these human experiments are those on death row, pirates, violent terrorists, etc. These people are to be destroyed anyway, so it is better to let them contribute to mankind.

After visiting the cloned organ project, he then visited the artificial blood, artificial stem cell, and artificial meat projects for inspection.

Artificial meat lab.

In a life-sustaining culture chamber, in a shaping mold, a piece of meat is being rapidly produced.

"Chairman, these are the artificial meats we cloned." Su Yong, the person in charge of the artificial meat project, introduced excitedly.

There were six artificial meat samples on the workbench. Huang Haojie even saw a piece of snowflake beef. When he picked up the piece of snowflake beef, he knew it was a piece of top-quality Kobe beef because Sun Country had a special supply for him. Kobe beef farm.

And this piece of artificial meat is almost exactly the same, with light pink marble texture, which is more real than the real thing.

He picked up the scalpel on the side and cut into the piece of artificial meat. There were still beautiful marble patterns inside.

"Exactly like real Kobe beef."

"Chairman, this artificial meat is actually the same as real Kobe beef. From a biological point of view, the genes of this beef are Wagyu genes. The nutritional content, taste, appearance, and smell are exactly the same." Su Yong explained.

"Have you eaten it?" Huang Junjie turned his head and asked in surprise.

Su Yong nodded and said, "I did eat it, and it tastes exactly like the real thing."

"Don't be afraid. This is an experimental product and has not been tested for safety. Please don't mess around next time." Huang Haojie reminded.

"Don't worry, Chairman, I know that this thing has no problem with the human body. If there is a problem, let me, the manufacturer, test it." Su Yong said confidently.

Huang Haojie was noncommittal. He did not agree with Su Yong's practice of trying the law himself.

However, there is actually no problem with artificial meat, at least in the era of viruses, where humans have been eating artificial meat for decades and there are still no problems.

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