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Yang Guang observed this world treasure, a globe-like thing, but he could still see that there were living creatures on it.

There are mountains, waters, and creatures inside, but there are no other races except the Wolf Man and his vassal races.

This place may have been prosperous once, but now it has become a monotonous home of the wolf man. Apart from continuously providing the god of the wolf man with the power of faith and free soldiers, it has no effect.

A group of creatures that lived in the barbaric era and didn’t seem to have any progress in civilization. Judging from the godhead he mastered, the God of Gnolls came from this world.

After conquering the entire world, he used his authority to kill all disobedient races, leaving only the races in the swamp and sacrificing the entire world to make himself a unique god.

After reaching the apex, he finally succeeded in reaching a higher level of the world with this divine power, which is the universe world.

However, judging from his memory, he is not really a recognized force, but a smuggler. After arriving in this world, except for daring to do things in the world of immortals, he hides in the corner all the time. dare to come out.

Seeing this, Yang Guang knew that this guy had no prospects for development. However, a world of gods and a godhead can be regarded as a kind of gain.

After taking back the shackles of war with a wave of his hand, Yang Guang finally appeared in front of everyone again.

After Wen Zhong saw him coming out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Yang Guang would fall for the jackal’s tricks.

The jackals on the ground saw Yang Guang come out, but their gods did not appear, and they all began to kneel down on the ground one by one.

run? That’s impossible, the sky is full of other people’s hands, where can these people go.

After Wen Zhong waved his hand, all the gods of Leibu and the heavenly soldiers rushed forward in a swarm. Now that the opponent has no protection from the god of gnolls, it is naturally vulnerable in comparison.

After a fight, apart from some heavenly soldiers who fell, few of the gods of Leibu were injured, and the creatures on the ground did not pose a threat to them.

“Teacher, is this the expert you mentioned?” Someone close to him asked Wen Zhong.

The others were also looking at Wen Zhong. After all, Wen Zhong said before that there was a way to escape from the Heavenly Court, and they were all looking forward to it.

Didn’t I come out this time to be able to escape? Otherwise, I would not come out to do things for the Heavenly Court even if I was punished, and I wouldn’t have to come out.

Wen Zhong: “That’s right, this is the Master World Master I mentioned, he has other worlds that can accommodate us.

As long as you enter, you will not be controlled by the Conferred Gods List, and you will abide by their rules as soon as you go to their territory.

It’s up to you to decide whether to go or not. In addition, if you want to go, it’s not completely unconditional.

It is necessary to help the World Master seize more small worlds, and wipe out all the forces that have ascended from these small worlds.

Then find out all the world chains behind them. This is the exchange condition we negotiated.

Whoever wants to, who doesn’t, let’s make a decision now. ”

When Yang Guang showed up, Wen Zhong didn’t hide anything. Before, he only vaguely told these people, but now he has explained everything thoroughly.

It’s mainly because of Yang Guang’s strength that Wen Zhong has the confidence to say this. After all, it’s not without reason that the god of jackals has been able to stir up trouble here for so long.

If they really can’t beat them, they can still hide in their own world. As long as they retreat to their own world, every person here counts as one, and there is really no way to chase them down.

Except for the high-ranking saints and the rulers of great forces, it is obviously unrealistic for others to break through the space barrier and hunt them down.

The gods in the Ministry of Thunder began to communicate with each other, and everyone didn’t know whether Yang Guang was reliable or not.

and when they considerAt that time, I saw another group of people coming from the sky, Wen Zhong and the gods of Leibu all became nervous, and some even took out their weapons.

They are plotting to escape now. This is no different from rebellion. If people find out, they will probably be hunted down by the Emperor of Heaven.

“Don’t do it, your own people!” The people who came were yelling, don’t do it. When they got closer to have a look, they were Erlangshen’s people and Li Tianwang’s family.

“Today, we are here to join Lord World Master. We don’t want to stay here long ago. We also want to leave here after hearing that the world where Lord World Master lives is peaceful and prosperous.”

Li Jing stood up as a representative. After seeing the images brought back by Nezha and the grown-up Li Zhenying, he made a decisive decision to follow Yang Guang.

Anyway, he doesn’t have much status in the Heavenly Court now, and Nezha is determined to go with him.

If this Nezha leaves, his greatest support will be completely gone. If he doesn’t follow, what can he do?

Needless to say, Yang Jian, his subordinates listen to him, and here he has no one else to care about except for Yang Chan, a family member.

Seeing this, the gods of Leibu also understood why Li Jing and his family came. Even Li Tianwang was going to follow, and Erlang God was the same, so it can be seen that everyone planned to leave. Those who were still hesitating, now Also understand how to choose.

Yang Guang took the opportunity to say: “Don’t worry, no matter what you choose, it will not endanger your lives.

Of course, if you can help me keep it a secret, that would be the best. It’s fine if you don’t keep it a secret. Anyway, I’m still somewhat confident in my own strength. ”

“In addition, there are many emerging worlds to be developed in Minecraft, so you don’t have to worry about having nothing to do after you go there.

Or if there is no good treatment, those who want to do things and want to be promoted will naturally have arrangements and places to go.

I guarantee that the treatment you have here will only be better in my world.

And those who just want to be idle clouds and wild cranes can also live in my world with peace of mind.

I can give you a promise, that is to come and go freely! ”

Speaking of which, Yang Guang waved his hand directly, and a screen flashed in front of everyone, and Yang Guang introduced, “This is the spirit net.

You can see some situations in my world through this, you can take a look. ”

There are similar things like spirit nets in this world. After all, there are even mechanical ascensions, so what’s so strange about data gods.

After the operation, everyone really saw the development of Yang Guang’s world. Although some worlds are still very backward, the hope of development can be seen.

Everyone watched and nodded. Compared with all kinds of wars in the heavens, there should be resentment. Yang Guang’s world can be said to be a paradise.

Yang Guang’s words also made those who hesitated in the end put down their worries.

Anyway, if you are not happy staying here, why don’t you go to his world to see it? They also said that they are free to come and go.

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