
Hearing what his bodyguard said, the Fifth Prince rolled his eyes at him.

“Could it be that I’m such a reckless and unreliable person in your heart?”

In front of his personal guards, the fifth prince was very relaxed.

Shadow was taken aback when he heard the words, and then shook his head. He had already remembered the image of the fifth prince outside.

I don’t know if the Fifth Prince’s performance was too successful, or if he has such a character himself and just took the opportunity to play it.

Of course, no matter what, the fifth prince’s image of lawlessness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which is good for his current situation.

“Sorry, I got confused, so what is your Highness going to do?” Shadow said casually.

The relationship between the two is called master and servant, but in fact they depend on each other, and they speak very casually.

Li Ren gave the shadow everything he wanted, and the shadow gave him his own abilities, and he was proficient in protecting and assassinating everything.

“We must do something to Yang Guang. Of course I can do it, but I can’t use my own name.””You’re right, we don’t know the details of Yang Guang for the time being, and it will be troublesome if we provoke him.”

“So, we have to let someone else go. Now we have two choices, one is Xiuguo Hou’s family, and the other is Ningguo Mansion Jia’s family. Which one do you think is suitable?”

After Li Ren revealed his plan, Ying Ying felt relieved after hearing that.

The strengths of these two companies are all acceptable. Even though the Ningguo Mansion has been defeated, they still have a strong foundation.

Not to mention the Duke Xiu’s family, everyone started their careers with military exploits, and Hou Xiaokang even became an imperial guard by virtue of his martial arts.

The Hou family had many dead soldiers. In fact, the Hou family had long wanted to take revenge, and had already done something to Yang Guang before.

It’s just that it didn’t work, and there was no chance later, because the Jia family’s obstruction was released, and because the emperor valued them so much that they forbeared.

Now Emperor Yongzheng intends to do something to Yang Guang, but he is unwilling to do it himself, and wants to borrow the hand of the Fifth Prince.

As for the fifth prince, the first thing that comes to mind is the Jia family and the Hou family. One has a grudge, and the other has a grudge.

“The Jia family is too weak, and the Hou family is too obvious. It seems that the two can only go together.”

Li Ren didn’t wait for his shadow to give an answer, and directly stated his plan.

Shadow, who was about to talk just now, shut up. Since his master has already made up his mind, let’s do it this way.

The next day, Li Ren sent word to the two houses that Hou Tong, the heir of the Hou family, and Jia Zhen, the heir of the Jia family, were summoned to the fifth prince’s house.

After seeing the fifth prince, the two saluted each other, and then glanced at each other again.

It turns out that everyone is in the same group, and they have taken refuge in the fifth prince, and it is a tacit understanding.

Li Ren: “I called you here today because I have something good to tell you.”

“I got an oral order from my father, Yang Guang, who has no respect for the Holy One, actually refused to collect money and food for my father.”

“I don’t like this person. I want his money and food. I don’t want him to survive. What do you say?”

What can they say, it’s a surprise.

In the entire city of Shenjing, there is no one who wishes Yang Guang to die more than the people from these two families.

“Your Highness, what do you mean?” Although Jia Zhen was happy, she still had some doubts about being called suddenly.

You can’t call him here just to tell him the news. Wouldn’t it be enough to just find a servant?

Li Ren glanced at Jia Zhen and said, “Of course you are asked to complete this matter. Hou Tong, if you complete this mission, you will be the successor.”

“As for you, let’s go together as a test for you to join my subordinates. If you can’t even do this well, then it goes without saying that you are under my subordinates.”

The smile on Jia Zhen’s face froze immediately, cursing crazily in her heart, he even gave away his rarest woman.

In the end, I just got a chance to join, didn’t I even officially join?

Isn’t this too deceitful?

But is he capable of objecting? Obviously not, so he can only obey.

Compared to Jia Zhen’s displeasure, Hou Tong was very excited, because Cheng Jue was very attractive to him.

You must know that the Hou family is in a mess now. The failure of the previous action against Yang Guang directly caused other people in the Hou family to have ideas.

There is indeed a saying in the Hou family, that is, whoever finds out who the murderer of Hou Xiaokang is, or kills the suspect and avenges himself, can become a successor.

But when the members of the Hou family were about to take revenge, they discovered the fact that the Tiger Gang involved in this incident disappeared, Yang Guang became the emperor’s official, and Luo Heihu, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, also disappeared.

They want revenge, but there is no way to get revenge, and the heir to the title is still pending.

Now that Hou Tong had such an opportunity, he was of course happy. He even wished he could run to kill Yang Guang right now.

Together with Jia Zhen? It’s not that Hou Tong looked down on Jia Zhen, he looked down on the entire Ningguo Mansion.

From his point of view, there is no one in Ningguo Mansion who can fight, and it is nothing more than a burden.

But this was what the fifth prince said, so he reluctantly accepted it.

As if he could see the disdain on his face, Li Ren said, “Don’t think it’s superfluous to let your two families together.”

“We must know that this person has something to do with Hou Xiaokang’s death, and there may be hidden forces behind it, so the two of you must cooperate.”

“Ningguo Mansion may not have force, but they can lure him out in the name of Rongguo Mansion or historians.”

“Then the people from the Hou family will make a move. When the time comes, they will be able to kill him by surprise. Do you understand?”

Although Hou Tong felt it was unnecessary, he still nodded in agreement.

Jia Zhen also nodded and agreed, as long as she didn’t ask him to kill herself.

After a brief explanation, the fifth prince let the two of them leave. As for when to do it, it’s up to them.

After the two went out, they began to discuss this matter, and finally decided that the sooner the better.

After the separation, Hou Tong returned to the Hou family to select the dead men.

Although he despised Yang Guang, he would not make the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

And Jia Zhen returned to her home.

Then I found a seal engraver and carved a private seal of Jia Zheng.

They are all acquaintances. Of course, he has seen what Jia Zheng’s seal looks like, and he also knows what Jia Zheng’s pen looks like.

They forged a letter and sent it to Yang Guang’s home.

Yang Guang was taken aback when he saw the letter, then shook his head with a smile.After reading the contents of the letter, it turned out that he was invited to go hunting outside the city, which was regarded as an apology for the unhappiness caused by Jia’s family.

Yang Guang didn’t think too much, and nodded in agreement.

However, he decided on the location of the safari in his pasture, and then wrote a letter for the servant to take back.

Seeing the letter brought back by the servant, Jia Zhen laughed loudly and said, “It’s done! Let’s see how you die this time.”

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