The solution to the Ningguo Mansion

Listening to Jia Lian’s words, Wang Xifeng immediately said sadly: “You scold me, you will only scold me.”

“This big family is together, and everyone wants money everywhere. What can I do?”

“The masters of each house need to pay envoys, and the maids and servants need monthly money, which is several thousand taels of expenses every month.”

“Since I took over the key to this warehouse, the entire ledger has been full of holes, and Zhuangzi’s monthly income is not enough to fill it.”

“That’s it, I have to worry about receiving and delivering every month. If I don’t do these things, where will the money come from?”

“The money for you to go out to eat flowers and wine, the money for your father to go out to eat flowers and wine to support your little wife, the money for those cleansers raised by your second uncle, and the money for socializing with colleagues. Is it not me, Wang Xifeng, who is worrying about it?”

“When I used the money, I didn’t say how I got it. Now that something happened, can I bear it alone?”

Wang Xifeng was also wronged. She would do this not because the family’s expenses were too high. When she took over, her aunt almost handed over an empty shell to her.

On the surface, she has handed over the power of the housekeeper, but in fact it is all debts. Ever since she married and took over, she has been busy.

After finally getting some money in a wrong way, but now she is told that she has caused trouble, and she is still to be blamed, of course she is wronged.

But what if she feels wronged? Whether Jia Amnesty or Jia Zheng, or even Mrs. Wang and the old lady, who would think highly of her because of this?

Jia Lian said bitterly: “What’s the use of saying this now? Could it be that I asked you to put usury?”

“I don’t know how many people know about this matter, and whether it has spread to the saints. If it does, disaster will come.”

Jia Lian was afraid that it would be heard by the emperor, and he was thinking about how to solve this matter.

Looking at Wang Xifeng, who was pear blossoms and raining, she couldn’t help feeling pity.

In fact, he already has a plan in his heart. If he really reaches a certain point, he can only give up his family to protect everyone.

Wang Xifeng raised her head and saw Jia Lian’s eyes, but she was shocked. There was no family affection in those eyes, but endless coldness.

Jia Lian seemed to have sensed something too, she looked away and said, “Go to sleep first, I’ll discuss it with my second uncle later, the most important thing now is to put things down.”

After speaking, Jia Lian hurriedly washed up, and then went directly to sleep in the ear room.

“Madam, master will figure out a way. Don’t worry, you’d better rest.” Seeing that Jia Lian didn’t come back, Ping’er knew that he probably wouldn’t come to this room.

Where is Wang Xifeng feeling sleepy? She grabbed Ping’er’s hand and said: “Ping’er, in this family, the only one I can trust is you, and tomorrow you will inquire about the ins and outs of this matter, and I don’t believe any of the Jia family. ”

Wang Xifeng obviously sensed the danger from Jia Lian, saying that the husband and wife were originally birds in the same forest and flew separately when disaster struck.

If Jia Lian surrendered himself in order to protect himself and the Jia family.

They even directly issued a letter of divorce, indicating that things like loan sharks have nothing to do with them.

Wang Xifeng wasn’t even surprised at all.

Daughters who grew up in a big family have seen this kind of operation of breaking arms to survive.

In the matter of protecting the family, anyone can be sacrificed.

But that doesn’t mean she’s willing to do so. Self-preservation is a human instinct.

Ping’er nodded. She and Wang Xifeng were originally masters and servants. If something happened to Wang Xifeng, how could she escape?

Compared to the panic on the Rongguo Mansion, the Ningguo Mansion is quieter.

After Jia Rong returned home, she told Jia Zhen everything without daring to hide it.

Although the absurdity of the Ningguo Mansion has almost become the laughing stock of all noble circles.

But he hadn’t finished plotting against Qin Keqing, and he was told before he ate the mutton. This is unbearable.

The most important thing is that the one who said this was just an unknown person.

What kind of chief executive, in his opinion, is just a dog, and there are other things to kill this dog.

Will the emperor blame him? They are the Jia family, a Jia family with two males, how could they be punished for the death of a dog?

As for the things that Yang Guang knew, which Xungui’s house was clean?

It’s just that everyone is covering it up very well on the surface. As long as these things are not made public, there will be no problem.

“Rong’er, how do you think this matter should be resolved?”

Jia Zhen seemed to be drinking wine leisurely, holding a newly purchased oiran in her hand and groping for it.

In front of his son, he didn’t have any majesty as a father. Instead, he was very dissolute.

However, Jia Rong seems to have gotten used to it, so it can be seen that this is not the first time.

Hearing her father’s question, Jia Rong hesitated for a moment, waved her hand and said, “Father, what do you mean, huh?”

Jia Rong made a movement of raising the knife and dropping it, but Jia Zhen looked at him with disdain and said, “Idiot!”

After scolding Jia Rong, she pattedThe oiran’s butt said: “Go, go back to the house and wash it clean and wait.”

After the oiran walked away with a twist, Jia Zhen kicked Jia Rong’s stomach who was still looking at the woman’s back.

“You bastard, I know you’re dishonest.”

“Since that Yang Guang knows about our affairs, of course he is looking for someone who can solve these matters.”

“Tomorrow, you will go to the Fifth Prince and say that my lineage of the Ningguo Mansion is willing to contribute, as long as this matter can be resolved.”

Jia Zhen didn’t dare not listen to Jia Zhen’s words. Although he still had doubts about this matter, he didn’t dare to speak out.

In fact, what Jia Rong was thinking was to destroy all the criminal evidence.

At the same time, compensate the victims of loan sharks and stop their mouths, and then everything will be fine, right?

But he ignored that his Lao Tzu was an extremely arrogant person, and he looked down on those victims at all.

I even feel that these things are no big deal.

As for the idea of ​​serving the Fifth Prince.

It’s entirely because Jia Zhen can’t see the hope of gaining a higher status from the current emperor.

Since the current emperor can’t get it, then find the next one and place a bet in advance. What if it turns out to be the success of the dragon?

In fact, the current crown prince is the best choice, but Jia Zhen knows her own situation, so it is impossible.

The power of his family has never been seen by the prince, including the other princes, except the fifth prince.

Why is this happening? Let’s start with Jia Jing.

Back then, Jia Jing could be said to be the only person in Jia’s family who had obtained the honor of Jinshi.

Ordinarily, Jia Jing, who was high-spirited and high-spirited back then, won the Jinshi status, so he should be reused.

In the end, even the position of patriarch was given up.

He himself entered the Taoist temple, and he didn’t even want his newly born daughter, so he just left him in the Rongguo Mansion.

It seems that he is going to spend the rest of his life inside. Why is this happening?

Of course it’s because they were on the wrong team. Jia Jing or the Jia family didn’t stand for the current emperor back then.

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