It was another morning, and the gate of Fangshi finally opened.

The people in the 54th Lane of Wannian County started their day’s work.

The only difference from the past is that the people in every square city saw small carts.

I saw “Can Afford a Barbecue Chain Food Cart” written on the trolley

There are two people standing behind the trolley. They are in uniform and have standard smiles on their faces. They look very formal.

If it weren’t for the ferocious smiles of these people, I believe many people would go up and try it.

However, even with the ferocious faces of these peddlers, some people gradually couldn’t bear it anymore.

Without him, it’s so fragrant!

On the small barbecue trolley, there are not only greasy skewers, but also other skewers like green vegetables.

Sprinkled with special barbecue spices, the charcoal-grilled skewers exude a charming aroma.

He directly seduced the gluttons of a bunch of people who woke up early in the morning and hadn’t eaten yet, and finally someone couldn’t help but stepped forward to speak.

“Are these meat dishes for sale? May I ask how much the price is?”

“Meat skewers cost one penny, and vegetable skewers cost three skewers!”

The two stall owners guarding the booth gave the price, not to mention it was really cheap.

When the people around heard it, they could eat meat for a penny, which is so cool, and the vegetable skewers, three skewers for a penny, wouldn’t they be enough for breakfast?

A child looked at the five cents in his hand. It was the breakfast money given by his family when he was about to leave the house, so that he could eat something to fill his stomach.

“Uncle, give me a bunch of meat, and the rest will be vegetables.”

Seeing the child’s timid eyes and the five cents handed over, the two stall owners were a little at a loss.

In the past, they were all gangsters and thugs on the street. The way to ask people for money was simple and straightforward, that is, to use their own fists.

Wherever you go, you will be disgusted by people. Although those people don’t say it,But they themselves know how much those people dislike them.

How long has it been since they faced other people peacefully like this? Moreover, this is the first time I have received money willingly given by a child.

“All right, all right, here, I’ll give you a skewer of meat, and the rest is for vegetables, right? There are thirteen skewers in total. Do you want to take it away or eat it here?”

Looking at the child’s raised hands, the two of them finally put away the money and quickly gave the skewers.

Looking at the large bunch of skewers in hand, the child was a little confused, but more joyful.

Aren’t the oily and fragrant grilled skewers not attractive enough?

“Thank you, uncle!” The child politely thanked him with a skewer and left.

The two looked at each other, and it seemed that no one had said thank you to them since they started messing around.

This feeling is quite good.

Seeing the kid happily eating the skewers and leaving, everyone confirmed the authenticity of the skewers booth, so they donated generously.

The main reason is that it’s really too cheap. The portion of the barbecue is quite a lot, and the dishes are the same.

From being uninterested to being overwhelmed, it only took a moment.

And this kind of scene appeared in all the fifty-four workshops in Wannian County. For a while, every workshop was filled with the smell of grilled skewers and the shouts of small mobile skewer carts.

Is there anyone making trouble? These people themselves were transformed from members of the Black Tiger Gang, which was the largest gang in Wannian County before.

It’s fine if they don’t mess with others, why would anyone mess with them?

The launch of the barbecue trolley can be described as an instant hit. It is delicious, cheap, convenient and can be seen everywhere. This is the biggest advantage of the barbecue stall.

Can’t help but make people sigh, the name is really right, it’s really affordable!

The Affordable Barbecue stall has successfully let people in Wannian County know about it, and it has been integrated into people’s lives.

In just three days, some people have already started to eat this for three meals a day. Not to mention it’s cheap, it also saves cooking time.

Luo Heihu looked at the mountains of copper coins at home, and never dreamed that there would be a day when he would worry about more money.

Are the people in Wannian County so rich? Looking at the accountant and others who were frowning and threading copper coins with ropes.

These guys used to feel that they were getting a lot of money every month without doing anything, and they were a little complacent.

Now they can’t wait to change jobs directly. They would rather go outside and push the cart from 9 to 5, rather than worry about these more and more copper coins every day.

When will this count.

Although the price of barbecue looks cheap, it can’t support the large quantity.

How many people are there in Shenjing City? How many people are there in Wannian County, not to mention the daily floating population.

With these and the existence of barbecue carts in fifty-four squares, the accumulation of these copper coins and silver is of course scary.

For three days, the turnover of each car was in the range of one hundred taels of silver, some of the poorer ones would be worse, but the average income was close to six thousand taels in three days.

When Shi Kelang and Yang Guang checked the turnover at night, Shi Kelang was also shocked.

He never imagined that this seemingly insignificant business could be so profitable?

There are six thousand taels in three days, which is faster than robbery.

“Don’t be so excited, this is just gross income, not all profit, like labor and raw materials, all of which have to be deducted.”

“Half of the raw materials is deducted from the income, which is three thousand taels, and the remaining staff in the accounting room and booths are close to three hundred.”

“Each person calculates an average of two taels of wages and subsidies per month, that’s three thousand six hundred taels.”

“Equivalent to this order, we earned 2,400 taels, which is not a lot.”

Shi Kelang widened his eyes and said, “Two thousand? Two thousand four hundred taels???”

Seeing Yang Guang’s tone of voice saying that his net income was 2,400 taels, Shi Kelang couldn’t faint. It’s only been three days.

“What are you looking at? How about five people? How much is each person? The days of making big money are still to come.”

After being told by Yang Guang, Shi Kelang discovered that there were indeed five people, one for Yang Guang, one for him, plus two little guys, Shi Xiangyun and Jia Baoyu Jia Huan.

Isn’t it just five people?

Before, Shi Kelang thought it was just a joke and didn’t care about it, but now that he knows the profit, how can he be willing to do so.

“Really, if you really want to give it to them, let’s forget about Xiangyun. It’s just a left hand to you, and you have to take it back in the future.”

“But the two boys from Jia’s family, one paid three hundred taels for capital, and the other was stingy and only paid two hundred taels. How do we divide it?”

Shi Kelang himself contributed 400 taels to make capital, and also set up his own shop, while Shi Xiangyun’s was replaced by Yang Guang’s dry stock, and no one had any objections.

As a result, Shi Kelang is a bit reluctant to pay dividends now. In his opinion, Jia Baoyu and Jia Huan are completely dispensable people.

“Being a person requires sincerity. Besides, when I was imprisoned before, the Jia family also helped out. It’s just money. Why are you so stingy?”

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