The team base is now all single rooms, and it has been like this since the official start of the game.

Chen Guo arrived at Fang Rui's room all the way. The door was open. When she looked inside, she saw that many people, including everyone from Happy, were there...

what happened?

Chen Guo was about to go in, but she heard Fang Rui's voice yelling: "Do you think I'm going to die?"

"You're in good spirits!" Chen Guo said and walked into the room. When she heard Fang Rui shouting like this, her mood suddenly improved a lot.

"There are a lot of people around here, but no one brings me breakfast?" Fang Rui said angrily.

"I brought you a newspaper." Chen Guo raised the newspaper in his hand and pointed the front page towards Fang Rui's perspective.

The title was so conspicuous that Fang Rui glanced at it at a glance. His eyes lit up at that moment, but he soon pretended to be nonchalant, with an expression like "I've seen big events before" and said disdainfully: "Tsk, this have what."

Fang Rui didn't stay on the bed.

After all, it was an e-sports game played while sitting in front of the computer. Although it could be tiring, it was not so tiring that he couldn't get out of bed. Chen Guo put the newspaper aside on the bed and observed Fang Rui carefully. My complexion seems to be no different from usual.

Others had also communicated with Fang Rui before she came. At this time, it was a bit crowded with a bunch of people gathered in this room, so they said hello and started to leave in twos and threes.

"Do you need me to bring you breakfast?" Chen Guo asked Fang Rui at this time. Although she was the boss, Chen Guo had no airs like this at all.

"No, no, no, I'll go out for a walk and eat by the way." Fang Rui said.

"That's okay, I won't bother you anymore." Chen Guo didn't ask Fang Rui any more questions like "How is it, is it okay?", and left with the others in a hurry.

Fang Rui stood by the window. There was a newspaper left by Chen Guo on the table next to him. The front page was facing up and was being hit by the sunlight that slanted into the window. The words in the headline were illuminated. A bit dazzling.

Fang Rui looked down and didn't go to get it. He just smiled and then turned to look out the window. The weather was really nice.

"Champion..." Fang Rui murmured.

Happy didn't have any plans in the morning. He wanted everyone to rest as much as possible after a fierce battle. In the afternoon, they arranged a tactical meeting. It wasn't about high-intensity training, but just a review of the game they had just played. Let’s take a look at the review. This is what professional teams do after every game.

In a high-intensity event like the playoffs where you will encounter repeated opponents, review has become an extremely efficient way to adjust.

During the review process, summarizing the gains and losses in the previous game and deploying some tactics and ideas for the next game will be particularly targeted. This has a different tactical significance than the review in the regular season.

So at 1:30 in the afternoon, everyone from Xingxin showed up in the team conference room on time. Ye Xiu had naturally prepared the video files of the game. When he saw that everyone was here, he didn't say much nonsense and started to use the projection to show it. Competition.

"Let's watch the team competition first!" Ye Xiu said. The first thing that appeared on the projection screen was the team competition of this round.

"In this team match, if I want to sum it up, I think Samsara was largely lost to accidents. Our arrangements ranged from maps to tactics to personal performance. There were too many unexpected situations that happened. By messing up their plans, we can win, and a small part of it involves luck." Ye Xiu said.

"From the initial point of view, the progress of reincarnation." Ye Xiu replaced the treatment with the reincarnation hand on the screen, and then the team was divided into three teams. Zhou Zekai was in the middle and stood by. The other two teams were divided into two groups and clicked on the process of action. "Xiao Yu used Goblins. Their group really didn't know much about this map, but Jiang Botao at least knew the location of each trap, but obviously he didn't know what the traps were at each location. Maybe it was the time. Too long to forget, otherwise our tactics will not be so easy to implement."

"After that, it's basically about personal performance." Ye Xiu said.

After that, except for Fang Rui, the rest of the players were basically duel-on-one. What I want to talk about is the issue of duel-on-one. It depends on whether there are any problems with each person's performance, or if there is anything worth emulating for others.

When it comes to personal performance, even Ye Xiu and Mu Qiu cannot be completely impeccable, and the others certainly are not perfect either.

However, the real focus is not only these, but also the response to the performance of their respective opponents. This is also one of the meanings of tactical review.

Not only Xingxin, but any team in the league that aspires to win the championship will definitely regard this as a very important research topic. I can’t say that I have a complete understanding of this content, but at least they have made efforts within their capabilities. The most profound interpretation.

Because everyone has different roles and professional skills, it is impossible to deal with the same situation in exactly the same way, but at least the ideas can be common, just like Fang Rui's obscene style can be used on thieves, It can also be used on qigong masters, or Mu Qiu can use any gun-type profession to perform gun body skills.

Only by understanding the ideas can you draw inferences and apply them to your own profession and role.

The main player in this part is of course Ye Xiu. After all, even Mu Qiu can't compare to him in the Glory textbook.

Sometimes Ye Xiu narrates, sometimes Mu Qiu puts forward opinions, sometimes someone asks questions, someone expresses opinions, discusses, and even debates...

Chen Guo stood by quietly.

She always insisted on attending Xingxin's tactical meetings, and at first she happily spoke, asked questions, and shared her opinions. But gradually, she began to just listen quietly as she is now.

In fact, compared to the beginning, Chen Guo's knowledge has been greatly improved. If she expresses her opinions now, I am afraid that there are many things she can say. But Chen Guo didn't say anything because what she wanted to say was never missed by anyone.

Look at Tang Rou, she was a complete layman two years ago, but now, from time to time she can express some insights that even her own thinking can't keep up with.

It would be a bit false to say that there is no melancholy at all. Chen Guo also looked forward to being a professional player and fighting on the field with these partners in front of her.

It's a pity that this is the reality. All she can do is take care of everything off the field for them.

A little disappointed, but not worth hanging down.

Because Chen Guo knew very well that she was one of these people. Their dreams and the goals they fought for had never left her behind. They were always tied together...

The final battle in two days’ time, everyone, please work hard!

Chen Guo silently encouraged everyone. At this time, she didn't even think about whether Fang Rui could compete in the final battle. Because just like what Ye Xiu said to her in the morning, whether Fang Rui makes it or not, their goal will not change. They want to win, they want to be the champion.

The review continues.

Chen Guo just stood by and watched silently until the end.

"In the evening, do you want to make your own arrangements or have a meal together or something?" Chen Guo asked. (End of chapter)

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