Full-time BOSS

Vol 3 Chapter 68: Luna Elune's Fury

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Such a large-scale action in the game has almost affected the entire game world. Naturally, it is impossible to completely avoid the eyes and ears of players. Many players think of it to make a copy and brush a boss. As a result, when they enter the copy, they find that the boss is no longer. The monster player asked and told our boss to go to the Pantheon. This suddenly caused all kinds of shocking and inexplicable reactions.

There are also those who follow the monster army into the monster template of God Realm, many of them like selfies, various videos have been posted on the forum, but the result is only a few hours of effort, this matter is in the game forum The upload is on.

So soon someone reported this news to Li Mingfei. Unfortunately, due to the time being too late, it would have been more than four o'clock in the middle of the night. Li Mingfei had already gone to bed already. When he woke up and went online, the coalition forces had entered. Going inside the Pantheon, came towards the room of Luna.

As soon as Li Mingfei went online, he found that he appeared in the Holy Light Hall of the Pantheon. This situation is obviously a sign that the copy has been opened.

According to his previous design, once the copy of the Pantheon is opened, all the gods will be automatically sent back to the copy as the guard boss.

Before, he was clearly in Paradise Mountain, which would appear in the Pantheon, indicating that the copy has been activated.

As soon as he reacted, he was anxious and hurriedly entered the copy monitoring room and opened the copy monitoring system. At this moment, the temple of Luna was already full of monsters, and the guard of the moon **** had begun to engage in battle. The appearance of destruction, and once the guards are completely destroyed, the moon **** will appear.

Damn, where did these guys gather so many monsters, how did the people of the Alliance and the Horde mix with them, and it was abominable, even Li Mingfei, the king of elements, saw the element king flying above the army at a glance, and also saw Shen Yuan beside the King of Elements.

"Damn, it turned out to be this guy. Damn you waiting, I'll let the police catch you." Li Mingfei said looking at the screen fiercely, and the words fell.

With a bang, the knight of the last month was also killed. Above the hall between the moon gods, the bright moon suddenly released a bright silver-white brilliance, a female figure composed of pure white light, appeared in On the throne of the main hall.

The figure of this woman is about 30 meters high and looks like a silver phantom. The place where the light shines gives a particularly holy feeling.

Although it is impossible to see the true appearance, everyone will produce a feeling that is undoubtedly the manifestation of the moon **** Elune.

Looking at the graceful figure made up of moonlight, Xiao Yu couldn't help but see the message of Elune, the moon god, which Shen Yuan handed to him.

Title: Luna, Shadow Goddess, Virgin of Night.

In general, the Moon God is much weaker than the God of Light, but as a deity, it is still far stronger than any boss present.

However, Xiao Yu is not without its advantages. The sacred armor seems to be powerful, and 99 is injury-free. However, chaos damage ignores all the damage reduction effects, that is to say, sacred armor is completely useless to Xiao Yu.

Not only him, but many monsters can cause damage to the sacred armor, such as the chaotic attack of the demon, such as some monsters with real damage ability.

Although the size does not seem to be particularly huge, the radiance of the Moon God made her the focus of the audience, overlooking the people around, Elune said in an ethereal voice.

Elune: "Humble mortal, you broke into a place you shouldn't break into. The Pantheon is the realm of the gods, a sacred dwelling, not a place where you inferior race should come. Leave it, mortals, in Before the wrath of my God burns you all out, before my light of mercy is not destroyed, retreat."

A very awesome opening speech, giving a feeling.

If it is a general adventurer, it is really possible to bluff, but who are the bosses present, who are all bragging and do not make drafts, what humble ants, small mortals, stupid down Waiting for race is almost used as a mantra. It is naturally completely immune to these few pretending lines of Elune.

Everyone is a boss, who is better than anyone.

So it was a hammer of chaos that responded to her. Xiao Yu shot a hammer of chaos directly on Elune's face. With a touch, 512311 a huge red letter interrupted Elune's voice.

Assatos: "Shut up, you bitch, we have seen through the true face of the gods, you are not qualified to rule us, the age of the gods is over, now it is our age, for the future of all races , Let's **** this old woman"

This seemed like a signal that the army of monsters around him attacked together.

All kinds of bows and arrows, fireballs, lightning, saliva, bricks, all smashed towards Elune, but this group of guys did not hurt as high as Xiao Yu.

The 124123 dense numbers are constantly popping up, and sometimes there are several hundreds or thousands of injuries. Generally, some people play the skills of real damage or chaotic damage.

However, there are too many people. There are tens of thousands of monsters squeezed in between the entire Luna. Even if one person knocks off a few drops of blood, it will hurt more than 100,000 people in a round.

Elune: "Stupid mortals, your rudeness is destined to lead to your destruction, and let the moonlight purify everything." God's Moonfire

In the sky, a huge moon appeared directly above people, as if it might fall at any time, and the next second, the moonfire fell from the sky like a machine gun.

Xiao Yu is very familiar with the technique of moonfire. Druid’s moonfire has been seen by almost everyone, but the moonfire used by the moon **** is completely different. The summoned moon is sufficient. The diameter of the kilometer, the light beam at the core of the shot is about ten meters thick, and the hundreds of monsters gathered by the hedgehog evaporate into ashes where the light beam fell.

There are hundreds of small light beams falling continuously around the core light beam. The light beams are just relative. These light beams actually have the thickness of a bucket. Each light beam falls, and can kill a monster soldier.

The psionic moon passed by, leaving an empty space, and those creatures purified by the moonfire did not even leave dust.

At first, Xiao Yu was a little worried that the casualties were too big, but soon Xiao Yu found that he didn't need to save troops at all. What is missing now is time. Despite the killing, there are millions of Laozi's army anyway. A little boss generally has flying ability, which can easily escape the attack of moonfire.

Assatos: "Rush up, all rush up to me"

While the monster army has attracted Elune's firepower, the hero bosses who are really the main force have been surrounded from all sides.

Find a location and start output.

The damage of these powerful heroes and bosses is not comparable to those of small soldiers. Even if the sacred armor has 99 damage reduction, each hit can also deal dozens of hundreds of points of damage.

However, it was still not enough. Compared with Elune's billions of blood, this injury would hit the year of the monkey, and Xiao Yu couldn't help but think anxiously.

But Xiao Yu suddenly remembered one of his skills.

The Chaos Spirit is strengthened, so that a unit can obtain the Chaos Body effect within 60 minutes, reduce all damage received by 33, and be immune to all negative states. The attack type is changed to Chaos Attack.

He has rarely used this skill before. As a boss, he doesn't need help from others at all, but now, this skill seems to be useful. To be continued.

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