Full-time BOSS

Vol 3 Chapter 42: Internal welfare

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When Shen Yuan announced the end of the meeting, the phantoms sitting in their seats would gather together in twos and threes and communicate.

Xiao Yu noticed that the female sage left directly.

Xiao Yu did not rush to leave. Since leaving the company, he has also relaxed a lot. Isn't it fun to play games? In that case, there is no need to be too restrained.

With so many legends in front of me, it’s okay to exchange ideas.

He first found Medivh, and speaking of them, the one who had the best relationship with him was Medivh. The two spent time with each other in the Dark Portal for a while. Although they did not have a deep relationship, the relationship between them was good.

"Congratulations, Assatos, it's been a long time. I didn't expect you to be the king of elements now."

Medivh's voice was still a little indifferent as always, as if he was thinking of extremely profound questions anytime, anywhere.

"I think to you, whether it is the child element king or the element lord, is there no difference, after all, compared with the cause we are going to do, the title of the element king is nothing, then you? Did you find the answer you were looking for?"

"I'm afraid not yet, but the Unknown Sage promised to tell me the truth one day in the future. He said he knew all the answers, and he also promised me that he would stop those high-dimensional existences from invading the world in the future. "

The so-called high-dimensional person should refer to Wan Jiale. Xiao Yu is strange to say that he is a high-dimensional person himself.

However, if Shen Yuan's plan is successful, it will allow players like the people in this world to no longer have unlimited rebirth, at least fair.

The two chatted a few words, and Xiao Yu went to Neather again.

"Then I didn't expect you to betray the company, did you get the finalist award?" Xiao Yu asked strangely.

"Hum, what are the millions worth doing, thanks to you, I am now a famous prodigal in the family, and playing games can lose hundreds of millions, which is considered unprecedented, and now I am in the family at all I can't hold my head up, so when Shen Yuan recruited me, I immediately agreed. Instead of being a loser in reality, it would be better to be a **** in the virtual world, don't you say that?

Xiao Yuxin said the same, but he was not embarrassed. In the original situation, no one could keep his hand after changing.

"Sorry man, but I can't rely on me for this matter. If you weren't that greedy, wouldn't you win if you put money directly on me? In the final analysis, you are too arrogant and regard yourself as the protagonist of yy novels. Who can blame?"

Neather grinned bitterly, "Who said no, but now we are on the same front, maybe after we all become gods, we can compare another game and re-share the victory."

Xiao Yu said: "Pull it down, if it becomes a god, it will not be a joke if we fight, but we can let the believers of each other fight each other, and it is okay to start a jihad or something. .

After talking with Neather, Xiao Yu went to Merlin again.

"We will be comrades in the future, so can you tell me clearly, will you ever tell a fortune teller?" Xiao Yu asked in a straightforward way, this Meilin is always nagging, but it feels a little too uncomfortable. Reliable, but he can become a fate sage, it seems that there should be two brushes. 【Love ↑Go △Small ↓Talk △Net wqu】

Merlin smiled slightly, "If I said yes, would you believe it?"

Eh--Xiao Yu hesitated for a moment, and this was really hard to answer.

"That's not enough. Fortune telling is such a thing. Believe it, not believe it, but it doesn't work. But if it only refers to the game, I do have the ability to predict fate. Have you ever heard of great prophecy?"

Xiao Yuxin said that of course I have heard it. The Great Prophecy is one of the four major curses. The effect of this spell is to predict a thing, and this thing will happen.

"Basically, my ability to predict is similar to that of big oracle, except that the delay is longer and the effect is not so obvious, but the advantage is that the usage limit is not so strong. Once I make a prediction, things will be predicted toward me. The direction is skewed, of course, it will not necessarily succeed. For example, I predict that you will kill a dragon. If you are hanging out in the wild, you will probably encounter a dragon, but if you are just staying at home, the dragon will also It is unlikely to go to the elemental plane."

"My prophecy is very useful. It can be used as a curse against enemies, or as a blessing buff for teammates. It is currently only open to members of the council. How about it? Do you want to send it to the old friends? I can give you one free visit."

Xiao Yuxin said that is not the spirit of speech?

Don't give up free things.

"Then give me a shot, the specific content will let me improve my luck in the next period of time."

Merlin nodded and spread his hands in prayer.

Merlin (Sage of Destiny): "Asatos, the King of Elements, I have seen the favor of the God of Destiny in you. I predict that in the next week, you will be lucky."

The system prompts: You have been affected by the fate of fortune-telling, get buff, [Merlin's Prophecy].

Merlin's prediction: Luck improved, duration, 168 hours.

"I depend, so powerful, if you predict that your luck will improve within a year, wouldn't it be invincible?"

"It's not that easy. Basically, the longer I predict, the worse the effect. If I predict a year, you may feel that there is no feeling. If you predict that your luck will become better in a day, it will probably be more effective than a week. Doubled, basically one week is the most cost-effective, you will know if you give it a try, come to me next time you want to predict, but next time you will have to charge."

Xiao Yu nodded, thanked him, and walked towards Kairoz.

Basically, the members of the Sage Council will open their abilities to the inside as a fee-based service and internal welfare. On the one hand, they can exchange a little benefit, on the other hand, they are also showing their strength and value, because each sage All of them have their own unique abilities, so everyone can benefit from each other.

Merlin's internal welfare content is prophecy. Kairoz, as an ancient bronze dragon, has the ability to control time, and his ability to open to the inside is naturally related to time. This is why Xiao Yu will come to him for the second time. Relationship with Kairoz for a while, Kairoz told Xiao Yu that he could help him see himself before.

However, you can only see the images of the past, but you cannot communicate with yourself in the past, because once the timeline is affected, there will be unpredictable results.

Xiao Yu started to feel very magical, but later thought, is this not the game recording function? It's just that he can call it anytime and anywhere.

Xiao Yu asked if there were any other functions, but Kairoz turned away in an unclear language. This bronze dragon felt a little arrogant. The mystery of the open mouth cannot be understood by the mortal. The power of the closed time cannot be confronted, but Reluctant to take out more dry goods, Xiao Yu felt a little too pretentious.

Then, Xiao Yu came to the wise sage Alodi.

Alodi was a very wise old man. When he saw Xiao Yu coming, he suddenly raised his head, "Have we met before?"

Xiao Yu nodded, "It's true, I have seen your copy in another space, you have answered my three questions, and you said that if I have any other questions, just go to the prison of the gods Just look for you."

He was very curious about Alodi. The Alodi he met was able to realize that he was a replica, which was amazing enough, and Alodi seemed to know a lot of things, so Xiao Yu wanted to follow He knew some secrets in his mouth. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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