Full-time BOSS

Chapter 105: Everything is ready

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[Dare not to participate], [Can’t be done by ordinary people], these two words deeply stimulated the female mage, and at the same time she noticed the last sentence.

Esmehalda (Mysterious Master of Dalaran): "Do you have any other contractors?"

"Of course," Xiao Yu said without changing his face. "You won't be the only one who has summoned me."

Esme Harda (Mystery of Dalaran): "No, wait a minute, I mean, I think I can do it, but it takes a little time to prepare."

She said as if she had made up her mind, "Yes, I have decided on this matter, Mr. Kirin Tor. I will decide on this title."

Azatos (Prince of Water Elemental): "Okay, let's make up our minds, but we have to hold on, because who knows when that Amarari will run or be killed by others, of course, I didn’t plan to let you challenge Amarari immediately. Your current level is not enough, at least you have to upgrade to level 30, and this time, although the plot is for me and you to challenge Amarari , But in essence, it’s the adventurers, so we still need to recruit some powerful adventurers as cannon fodder. So, do you think three days are enough?"

"Three days?" Esme Harda thought for a while, "It should be enough, then three days, after three days, I will form an adventure group and you will meet, yes, his copy is in Where?"

Assatos (Prince of Water Elemental): "The name of the copy is Amalari's Tower, and the location is in the Western Plaguelands, then it's finalized, but have you ever played a team book before?"

"This--" Esme Harda shook his head. "No, but I used to play the team book when playing the adventurer mode. Shouldn't it make any difference? Isn't it the tank that pulls the treatment and the dps is pumping hard? "

Xiao Yu shook his head, "That's a big difference. There are heroes and no heroes. It's totally two concepts to play a copy."

Generally speaking, if there are no heroes in the team, you can only play according to the tactics that Esmehalda just said. To deal with this copy that has never been played before, ordinary adventure groups often need to try more. At times, through continuous summary of experience to finally open the copy, the attempt process will often destroy many times, lose a lot of equipment experience, and some guilds even went bankrupt in the process of raiding the copy, but once the copy can get through, then go back At this stage, the guild can also make a profit, of course, the premise is that the boss of this copy is not killed by the plot.

Therefore, some of the copies that are better and easier to find are produced by the Grand Guild. Many heroes want to fight against the bosses in these copies. They have to defeat the janitor’s adventurer first, which is a bit ironic. Meaning.

However, if there is a hero in the adventurer team, it will be different. The most popular player in the current copy is the tank hero, because the hero's blood volume is several times that of ordinary players, so the fault tolerance rate has also become higher, basically There is no risk of falling t.

Of course, because the heroes are powerful, they can also use some more aggressive tactics. For example, Xiao Yu has seen a warrior hero with thirty-five healing professional adventurers brushing an ancient dragon.

Generally speaking, the tactics are different according to the types of heroes in the team, but basically they are arranged with the hero as the core.

Assatos (Prince of Water Elements): "So what are your specialties?"

Esme Halda thought about it, her two hero skills, one is to summon Xiao Yu, the other is frost blast, and among them is to summon Xiao Yu as the core, after all, an intermediate boss, in some five copies Boss can be singled out.

Assatos (prince of the water element): "Since I am here, I will naturally take this strategy as the tank, so when choosing the adventurer, the tank profession can be ignored."

Esme Harda (Mysterious Master of Dalaran): "But wait a minute, you don't have taunt skills. If you don't have taunt skills, you can only use hate to create hatred. What if you miss it?"

Assatos (Prince of Water Elemental): "Hey, this is not a problem, as long as you bring more hunters, hunters have a skill called "misleading". The effect of this skill is to mislead a target. In the next paragraph The hatred caused by the hunter within the time is transferred to the target.

So as long as we bring more hunters, we will all mislead me when we enter the game.

In addition, because your frost blasting requires the target to be frozen in order to achieve the maximum effect, so bring some ice.

Of course, treatment is also indispensable. Someone must add blood to me. Apart from these three occupations, other things are not very necessary.

The two men discussed for a while, and the final staffing arrangement was: 1 hero (Esme Harda), 8 hunters were responsible for misleading, guiding monster hatred to Xiao Yu, and outputting a lot of damage at the same time, in case of a leak The hunter's baby can also resist.

6 ice methods, using Frost Nova, Blizzard and other skills throughout the process, output a large amount of damage and add a freezing effect, so that Esmehalda can use Frost Blast.

Finally, six places were left for treatment, and two priest groups were arranged to add blood, two Paladins added blood, and two druids continued to recover blood.

All adventurers participating in this action must be at least 30. If they are not enough, find a class with similar abilities. For example, elemental can replace ice, shaman can replace druid, and priest can replace priest.

After arranging the composition of the adventure group, Xiao Yu arranged the location of the team trigger, and then returned to the water elemental plane separately from Esmehalda. The remaining things needed Esmehalda himself Once that was done, Xiao Yu was very confident in her.

However, he had to work harder. The reason why he set a three-day period was to raise his wounds just a few days in order to recover the injury.

In the next three days, Xiao Yu continued to upgrade while healed. After spending three days, he finally reached level 30. This time, he finally acquired the aoe skills he wanted.

Skill 1: Froststorm. Summons the cold wind to inflict continuous cold damage to enemies within a range and slow them down, skill range 30 yards.

Skill 2: Flame Storm. Summons a flaming storm that causes continuous massive fire damage and burns enemies within a radius of 30 yards.

Skill 3: Maelstrom, summon a huge vortex to cause continuous damage to enemies within a range and drag them towards the center of the vortex. Skill range of 30 yards (Water elemental creatures are not affected by the effect of the skill. If this skill is actually released in water, the influence range of the skill is increased by 100%.)

Xiao Yuxin said that he did not make a mistake. Why did he make some dilemma choices every time?

Strictly speaking, Frost Storm and Flame Storm are very good skills, with high damage and large range, and have special effects. One slows down and one burns, which is suitable for groups of enemies.

However, this mutant skill is also awesome. From the skill description, this skill not only has a large damage limitation effect, but also has a power bonus in the water.

But hesitating again and again, Xiao Yu still chose the flaming storm. There is no way. If the damage is single, the skill is still the strongest. The most important thing is that he will be mixed in the water elemental plane for a long time. It is undoubtedly a very powerful skill for Xiao Yu to apply a large-scale killing spell.

In addition to upgrading his skills, Xiao Yu also contacted an old friend, old e, during his days as the Lord of the Demon, he met many boss friends, although it is not good. It’s okay to help each other, this old e is a necromancer, and the western plague land happens to be undead everywhere, so it is very necessary to find a help who is familiar with the land, the scope of the western plague land is very It’s huge, and it’s normal to walk for a day or two. Without a guide, it is inevitable to fight the strength of the local monsters. .

The old e was very happy and promised to help, so that this time the action was a little more winning.

After contacting the old e, and looking at the time, it was also time to meet with Esmehalda. Xiao Yu waited for a while and really received Esmehalda’s call.

Xiao Yu happily chose the summoning, white light flashed, and Xiao Yu appeared on the main material plane.

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