Chapter 179 The first level on the Supreme Road (seeking subscription)

Chapter 178 The first level on the Supreme Road (seeking subscription)

In the distant universe starry sky, vibration came from.

This shock is not perceived. Only the emperor can clearly feel that his soul follows the vibration and trembles together.

At this moment, in the fairy world, countless emperors were happy, and they knew that the Supreme Road appeared.

The road that has been waiting for a long time is finally coming.

At present, the emperor is excited, crying with a smile, thousands of words, only to a sigh: “Finally!”

In order to wait for the Supreme Road, I do n’t know how many emperors’ self -banned places, locking their lives, and solidifying time, just to wait for this infinite possibilities.

The Star Wars thousands of years ago, at the critical moment, many emperors in the fairy world chose to unblock and participate in the war.

After winning that war, they could not continue to dormant. They could only go through this life and seek a way to break through the supreme.

But Supreme is so easy to break.

Therefore, in this life, the end of the supreme way, these unsealed emperors will fall sadly.

Although unblocking is willing to be willing, if they can’t see the Supreme Road in this life, they will be unwilling, after all, they have waited for millions of years.

Fortunately, nowadays, Supreme Road has appeared.

They can see the dawn in this life.

Even if the dawn is weak, they can still catch it.

Therefore, some emperors shed tears, and some emperors sighed.

He died in the world, mediocre, and it was better to die on the way of Supreme.

Although I have never set foot in the future, it is also a kind of happiness to see the future.

For these emperors, the Supreme Road has been a deep obsession after millions of years, engraved in the soul.




At this moment, the major restricted areas of the immortal world were boiling, and the emperor’s voice was mighty. As the rivers on the river, the waves were quickly rolled out, which surprised the world.

One, two, three …

An emperor recovered, and the emperors in ancient times set foot in this world.

“The Emperor Western Inspiration, who had been fighting with the Jade Emperor, he was not dead, and the dust was sealed in the penalty area.”

“That was the Emperor Beihe. He once unified the four seas and established the Shanghai Empire without the Shanghai Empire. He also recovered.”

“The ancient God of War, the former king, and the emperors of the past have recovered one by one. What happened?”

The old people in the immortal world shocked, watching the emperor in the book only in the book record, from the rest of the penalty area, from the ancient times to the present, shaking a dust, and then did not hesitate, flying into the sky, disappearing in the vast vastness, disappearing in the vastness universe.

On this day, hundreds of emperors were born and launched the name of the penalty area. Subsequently, they fluttered.

The world doesn’t know what happened.

It is just that they know that since then, the fairyland has no restricted area.

Western soil.

Li Qingshan looked at the breath of the emperor, flying into the sky, eagerly entered the universe, and pursuing the supreme road of talents.

He looked calmly, carrying his hands without anxiety.

Behind him, Xiao Jiu stood.

“Is this Supreme?” Xiao Jiu murmured.

“Yes, this is the supreme road that countless people are waiting for, leading to the Supreme Road to the six major universe.” Li Qingshan nodded.

“Sir, when will you go in?” A Wei asked.

Xiao Jiu, little fox, looked at Li Qingshan nervously.

Li Qingshan looked at them and said, “Tomorrow.”

“Can’t you really take me?” The little fox said pity.

“No, on the road of Supreme, I don’t know anything. I can’t take you to adventure. Wait a while. When I get to pick you up, I will pick you up to the six equal universe.” Li Qingshan said gently.

The little fox bites his lips, hugged Li Qingshan, snuggled on his chest, and couldn’t bear to distinguish.

On the other side, Huayun and Hua Xiangrong are also separate.

“Sister, you are careful all the way.” Hua Xiangrong looked at Huayun, very reluctant.

This time, Li Qingshan only planned to work with Huayun. Others did not bring them, and they were not allowed to enter.

Hua Yun also agreed to Li Qingshan’s decision, and she didn’t want to follow the adventure. After all, she was really dangerous on the Supreme Road.

“Give me the blue beads, and my brother -in -law and I will work hard. At that time, I will take you in the past and stay in the immortal world with peace of mind and take care of others.” Huayun gently instructed.

Hua Xiangrong passed the blue beads passing by, and then reluctant to hug Huayun.

“When Tomorrow, Beichen Fairy and Xia Wuji come back, we will go in.” Huayun said.

This day is destined to be extraordinary.

Many emperors can’t wait to rush into the supreme path, but some people are continuing to wait and see.

On this day, Li Qingshan had been hugging the little fox. On the occasion of the other people, the little fox was reluctant to disturb them.

Accompanied by the little fox for a day to relieve her emotions, Li Qingshan was gentle and delicate, and then coaxed the little fox.

The next day, Li Changsheng saw Xia Wuji, Beichen Fairy, Demon Frog.

They have long said that they have entered the supreme road with Li Qingshan, and they are now back.

Everyone gathered together, watching the depths of the universe, the bright road.

“Now the Supreme Road has stabilized, as long as it is the emperor, you can set foot in it.” Xia Wou -ki said with his chin.

“But the emperor entered the Supreme Road, and 99 % of them were cannon fodder. They could not adapt to the strong impact on the Supreme Road. Even if they were the Supreme, they were just getting started. Everyone still be careful.” Huayun said seriously.

The magic frog also nodded, and said, “I am also the Supreme Nine, but I still dare not walk alone by myself, because it is really dangerous because of a single shot.”

“It’s okay, we have Li Qingshan, he is not an ordinary supreme.” Bei Chenxian looked at Li Qingshan and said with a smile. He believed in Li Qingshan very firmly.

“Let’s go in too. I am now looking forward to the six major universes behind the Supreme Road, even the six major universes behind the Supreme Road.” Li Qingshan’s eyes were flourishing, and he was excited in words. He was very happy and returned.

For a thousand years of rest, Li Qingshan has not shot once. He has reached the extreme of the universe and cannot break through. Only by the Supreme Road can he excite him.

Li Qingshan hugs everyone who stayed.

Little Jiu, Little Fox, A Wei, Five Ghosts, Flowers.

These are all along the way, accompanying him, Li Qingshan has long regarded them as family members.

After the hug was over, Li Qingshan smiled: “Wait for my good news.”

Several people nodded firmly and chose to believe Li Qingshan.

“Okay, let’s go too.” Li Qingshan said to Huayun.


Subsequently, Li Qingshan turned into a gorgeous light and exposed the universe.

Huayun, Xia Wuji, Beichen fairy, the demon frog followed closely.

Below, Xiao Jiu looked up at the most sincere blessing.


Deep in the universe, cold and silent.

A sky road, horizontal in the universe, as eternal, exuding a shiny light, illuminating a touch of light in the dark.

This light is desired by many emperors.

Seeing this light, Li Qingshan stopped the pace of progress and looked seriously.

“What is the difference with you from entering the Supreme Road last time?” Li Qingshan asked Huayun.

“There is no difference, the same external, just don’t know that the inside is the same?” Huayun said.

“This light is so attractive that people can’t help but enter it.” Xia Wuji said.

“Indeed, this light seems to be actively absorbing others in. From the outside, this is a path that cannot be seen in the future, leading to an eternal unknown.” Beichen Xianren nodded.

“Someone went in.” The demon frog saw that the emperor flew into the Supreme Road, and the light swallowed him. Then he disappeared. From the outside, he didn’t see the shadow at all.

“It is definitely not a thing to look inside and outside.” Xia Wuxi said solemnly.

Li Qingshan’s eyes have been observing. He calmed down and said, “From the outside, I can’t see anything. Only when I go in, I know what the inside is.”

When the words fell to the ground, Li Qingshan took the lead and entered the light.

Huayun, Xia Wuji, Beichen fairy, and the demon frogs followed, all entered the light.

The light invaded his body, Li Qingshan observed carefully and found no problems. After the light was completely drowned, the world was white, and he could not see anything, and there was no feeling up, down, left and right, as if he had fallen into a chaotic space.

Li Qingshan wanted to spread Yuan Shen, but the Yuanshen was locked in the flesh in the white light and could not be revealed, making him frown.

Fortunately, this situation did not last for a long time, Li Qingshan quickly returned to light and was down -to -earth.

The eye -catching place is an ancient battlefield, broken walls, broken weapons inserted on the ground, full of desolation, vicissitudes.

Looking at it, he was endless, and he was in the corner of the ancient battlefield.

Behind him is a white waterfall, which falls from the sky and blocks his retreat.

“This is the Supreme Road?” Li Qingshan frowned. He reached out and touched the waterfall behind him, feeling a layer of enchantment.

He came from the waterfall, but could not return to the waterfall.

“Outside the waterfall is the universe of the world, in the waterfall, inside the Supreme Road.” Li Qingshan came to a conclusion.

He was watching four weeks, no one, Huaying, Xia Wuji, Beichen fairy, and the demon frog disappeared.

“Is this random transmission?” Li Qingshan frowned. If it was random, it would be dangerous. It was not easy to find them.

Li Qingshan was worried, but unexpectedly found a jade card, which slowly emerged from the white waterfall.

On the jade card, a line of words are written.

[Li Qingshan, from the universe on earth, a little points! .

The jade card flew in front of Li Qingshan and was held in his hand and lost his spirituality.

“Is this … identity jade card?” Li Qingshan murmured. He observed again, but found nothing.

Li Qingshan left here. He flew to the highest place for the first time.

Li Qingshan’s current Yuanshen is not horrible, at least in the world universe, no one can compare to him.

Even if you come to the Supreme Road, the rules here, the world’s energy, seem to be the same, but it is very different. He cannot sweep everything like a fairy world like a fairy world, but it is no problem to use the range of hundreds of miles around.

“Someone in the distance!” Li Qingshan’s eyes brightened, and his Yuanshen found a figure in the distance.

Unfortunately, in the Supreme Road, Yuan Shen was restricted, and he didn’t even find that each other was a male or female.

Perhaps Li Qingshan was not suitable for the energy here, and Yuan Shen was limited.

Li Qingshan didn’t care about Yuan Shen. When he found others, he rushed over and wanted to see if it was Huayun.

Hundreds of miles, but for a moment, Li Qingshan came here and saw each other.

Xia Wuji!

Li Qingshan’s heart was relieved, just his own person. Since this is Xia Wuji, it means that everyone is near this, and it is not too far away.

“Li Qingshan, what’s the matter with all this?” After seeing Li Qingshan, Xia Wuji asked, he asked in surprise. He came in, didn’t understand anything, and didn’t see others. He thought he wanted to break alone.

“You hold your identity jade card, I continue to find others.” Li Qingshan did not explain, let Xia Woo -Chi wait for his identity jade card, and then continued to search for a few hundred miles.

For the second search, Li Qingshan adapted to some, and even expanded its scope to 800 miles.

Sure enough, in the range of 800 miles, Li Qingshan found several other people.

It happened that Xia Wuji got his identity jade card. Like Li Qingshan, he wrote the name, the universe on earth, and a little points.

“Come with me, first find someone, and talk about others.” Li Qingshan said decisively, taking Xia Wuji, and quickly rushed towards others.

He always feels that this is very dangerous, and the power of the Yuanshen can’t spread. Li Qingshan didn’t dare to care. This is not the universe on the earth, he is not invincible, everything is careful.

Xia Wuji did not dare to delay, followed Li Qingshan, and said nothing.

Li Qingshan was fast. He found the Beichen Fairy, Demon Frog, Huayun together, and let them hold their identity jade cards, and quickly took them, found a cave, and set off a large array. Eliminate their whereabouts.

After doing all of this, Li Qingshan was relieved and looked outside seriously, and the sense of crisis in his heart was still not eliminated.

“What’s wrong with you?” Hua Yun asked with concern.

“Is there any danger?” Xia Wuji asked.

Li Qingshan did not explain, but stretched out his fingers. In the same range of the ancient battlefield outside, there were several empty figures. The breath was very terrible and scanned little by little.

“Don’t, there should be a few miscellaneous fish here. The initial points of everyone are a little bit. If they kill them, they can get it. Near the cave, I said in doubt.

In the cave, everyone dare not breathe.

This tall person is the realm of the world!

Beyond the Supreme, it is a realm that the universe cannot reach.

But now, there are actually newcomers who have come to the first place in the Supreme Road here.

Everyone trembled a little. In the cave, looking at Li Qingshan, I was fortunate.

Fortunately, Li Qingshan quickly gathered them together. Otherwise, I am afraid that when they just enter the Supreme Road, they will fall.

You are not sure of running away under the master of the world.

Li Qingshan didn’t say a word, and gently pressed it with his hands to let everyone calm down. Don’t speak.

He Li Qingshan is not only the first master of the universe, but also the god of formation.

He controlled the three thousand rules, arranging the formation method, and concealing a bound to the owner.

In fact, after searching for a lap of the tall world, no clues were found, and they turned away. They thought that Li Qingshan was escaping. Choose a direction and hurry up to chase out.

Everyone was relieved.

“Is this the Supreme Road?” Xia Wuxi breathed a sigh of relief and wiped a cold sweat. As soon as he came in, he encountered a crisis of life and death.

“Supreme Road is different from last time.” Huayun said gently.

“After millions of years have passed, it must be different. The newcomers of us who entered the Supreme Road will get a jade card with a point on it. Listening to the word of the world just now, the points are very important and we can grab each other. Only here, staying with the rabbits and hunting us newcomers. Although there are few points, but we must not beat them. “Beichen Xianren calmly analyzed.

“Fortunately, there is Li Qingshan, otherwise we all have to be unlucky.” The demon frog was afraid.

“This supreme road is cruel. Fortunately, Xiao Jiu did not come in.” Li Qingshan calmedly said.

If this is one more person, it is too late to hide.

“What do we do now?” Xia Wuji asked.

“Find a safe place, work hard to practice, adapt to here, we come from the universe on the world, and the energy here is incompatible. We need to improve the energy, otherwise the Yuanshen is suppressed, which is a visual disorder.” Adapt to it here, talk about others, anyway, the first level they crossed.

The stability of Li Qingshan’s personality, or the attributes of seclusion, started again.

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