From White Box To Supervision

Chapter 205: New project, original painting supervision

Not only District 11, this live broadcast was also recorded by netizens and posted on Huaxia Station B. Maybe it was just for fun, but who would have thought that this screen recording became popular in Huaxia under the translation of the big guy. Therefore, Zhang Beichuan and Xu Yuanxuan are famous.

This made Zhang Beichuan secretly startled. When he turned back and was making animations, should he change his name, such as Nanze Shiba, but after thinking about it, forget it, it's too troublesome.

However, Zhang Beichuan finally received a new plan today. In the conference room, there are Zhang Beichuan, Miyamori Aoi, and Imai Green.

"Did you change the animation?" Zhang Beichuan pondered.

Watanabe Hayabusa nodded: "Yes, this is a manga serialized in Kodansha's "Weekly Youth MAGAZINE", it is a funny manga, we initially planned to make it into ten chapters, because the single book is going to be released, they plan to release it To increase the popularity of animation, it is simply to advertise manga, so we entrusted Musashino.”

Zhang Beichuan said worriedly: "But at present our second production department is just an empty shelf, and we can't start production at all."

"Don't worry, because it's an advertisement for comics, they don't care about the quality of production. We will assign some people to you, coloring, photography, part-time Squid Girl and this one are completely fine, but the original artist only It's up to you to find a way to get it, after all, we have already followed up, and the script adapted from the manga can be handed over to Imai Green."

"But I also look at the quality, I can't ruin my reputation." Zhang Beichuan complained in his heart.

"Okay, let me take a look at the plan first."

Watanabe Hayabusa handed over the plan to Zhang Beichuan. This is a comic called "Backstreet Girls". The story tells the story of 'Yamamoto Kentaro, Tachibana Ryo and Sugihara Kazuya, three gangsters of the underworld, because they committed crimes. Wrong, and the boss of the organization ordered to transform into a female idol singer to make money for the boss. Originally, the three wanted to refuse, but they accepted this condition because they did not want to die. But I didn't expect that after they became idol singers, they actually became popular and gained many fans. But they are still iron men in their hearts, and they are very distressed every day.”

On this topic, Zhang Beichuan's mouth twitched. How should I put it? Just looking at the introduction is very strange, but it seems that it should be full marks for the funny effect. You, it doesn't matter if the quality is not good, the time given to you is to complete the production before April."

Zhang Beichuan knows that this animation is likely to be sacrificed, and even the production time given is less than half a year. Just as a supervisor, Zhang Beichuan does not want to fool things for the sake of work. Do your best to make it good.

"What can I do?" Gong Senkui looked at Zhang Beichuan.

"Do I need to contact the freelance original artist to pick it up temporarily? Or outsource it." Miyamori Aoi asked a little worriedly.

"No need, the original painting... I'll just do it for the time being."

Miyamori Aoi was a little surprised: "Do you want the original painting by one person? It's too much work, no way."

"It's fine for me to serve temporarily, and I'll just hire the original artist to replace me." Zhang Beichuan didn't care, but thought about the style of production.

The lack of funding and personnel is destined that the quality of this animation will not be very high, and it can only add a lot of still pictures to it. If it is made into ppt form, it can be ppt, but ppt... Although it saves trouble, Zhang Beichuan still gave up and made it into Ordinary TV animation should be able to bear it, but the word of mouth of PPT will collapse.

"Xiaojin, the script is up to you."

"No problem." Imai Green said excitedly.

As a screenwriter, if the original script written by oneself can be adapted into animation, it is the best, and most of them will fail. Many screenwriters, according to the arrangement of the company, will adapt the original comics or light novels into supervisors. required script.

Some people wonder if it's better to just adapt it based on the comics? Do you have a ready-made story that needs to be adapted by a screenwriter? But in fact, the screenwriter is very important to the production. The screenwriter will adapt the original work to the rhythm and supplements suitable for the animation. Some supervising production animations are not adapted from comics, but the script. Some supervising even the original work may not be seen~www. They just need to read the script, of course it's a small part.

And some animations even invite the original author to write the script, but the evaluation is rarely successful, because the story and the script are always two industries, your original writing is good, but the script is not necessarily good.

"Mr. Watanabe, please help me contact the teacher of the original work. I still need to discuss with the teacher about the adaptation."

"What time?"



"Are you really going to do the original painting alone?" Aoi Miyamori asked.

"Well, although I can trouble Ogasawara Rinko and other original artists, I am still very interested in this one-person original painting. If I want to challenge a wave, it is not too late to recruit other original artists to hand them over."

Zhang Beichuan did intend to challenge a wave of original paintings by one person. Original paintings by one person does not mean that they are bad. In fact, there are still many original paintings by one person in the industry. The ten original paintings and dozens of them were piled up by the number of people who were forced to do so by the construction period.

The original paintings of multiple people will definitely have different styles, and the energy for repairing will be the greatest at that time, and there are not so many things for one person. Of course, according to the current market, the original paintings of one person are only used when the construction period is relatively full. The main thing is to let the original artist show off his skills.

Zhang Beichuan took the time to read all the comics, and then he felt that it was necessary to put away all his styles. It was the first time for him to make funny comics, and he wondered if he could get it right.

In the evening, Zhang Beichuan had a simple meal and began to make pre-planning.

"Obviously, Miao Yuan can definitely make money by looking at popularity. Why did he give so little money this time?"

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