The performance of this small circle painting can be said to be completely divine.

There are three very important settings in Madoka's worldview.

1. The confrontation between magical girls and witches

2. Magical girls must live by the seed of lamentation.

3. The soul gem is too dirty to become a witch, even if the magical girl hopes that the disappearing page will become a witch. And Madoka, in these words, incarnates the principle of the ring and becomes the fourth law.

4. Magical girls disappear before they are born before they become witches.

This setting can be said to be brilliant, which surprised many people who guessed the following plot.

Now, Ryo Ono was very excited, and he turned on the computer immediately, because he wanted to write down Madoka's film review as soon as he had not forgotten his current feelings. At this moment, he felt that there were countless things to write. Originally, he was Going to take a break from writing tomorrow, but now he can't wait.


Facts have proved that Zhang Beichuan's previous flag erection did not fail. After these two words, Xiaoyuan successfully broke the TV viewing record, reaching a 5% chance, and this record can be said to stand in the late night. top. It can be said that there are basically no works that can break through the past in two years, because it can be broadcast in the late night, and it needs to surpass Madoka's popularity. It can be said that it is very difficult.

On the Internet, Madoka's final words caused a lot of discussion.

"I originally thought that the tenth episode was the return of the gods, but the last two episodes had a bigger impact on me. Madoka became a **** and sacrificed herself for Xiaomeiyan and the others. I was so moved."

"It's really good. Starting from the third episode, the climax of each episode is more than one episode. All the plots predicted before have been slapped in the face. Did the editor read the comments at night to give Galen the ending, hahaha, but I Personally, I like the feeling of being beaten in the face.”

"Haha, I predicted your prediction of mine."

"It's really a miracle, not only the ending is completely sublimated, but also the rhythm is not procrastinated at all, a masterpiece, five-star recommendation."

"When I first started watching the animation, I found out that this is "Magic Girl Madoka". After watching a few episodes, it became "Magic Girl Madoka Face" because of the style of painting. After watching the eleventh episode, I felt exclaimed "Magic Girl Xiaomei" Flame! But when I saw the twelfth episode, I sighed "Magic Girl is Madoka"."

"Haha, the image of the speech upstairs."

"Isn't it "Army Girl Xiaomeiyan" when I saw the eleventh episode? Funny, dog head saves life."

Among them, a movie review of "Magic Girl Madoka" was very highly clicked on the Internet.

"Magic Girl Conferred God - Animation Analysis! "——Author: Ono Ryota.

"The animation that I have been chasing for a long time finally ended last night. I felt a lot of emotion and couldn't help writing this film review. "Miao Yuan" is the best animation of this year in my opinion. Many, only five, but the plot is quite perfect."

"Twelve episodes in total have built a warm and cold world for me. The plot of the first two episodes is very warm. It changed from the third episode, and the plot officially began to change. Cruel and dark, the third episode, Ba Mami-san died by decapitation, Sayaka experienced the blackening of Kamijou incident and became a witch, and Kyoko had to die with Sayaka's witch until... Chapter 10 came."

"The tenth chapter is the most important part of the whole story, just read the first nine chapters, it's just an animation used by a dark and crippled man who constantly abuses magical girls to attract attention, but after the tenth chapter appeared, it was different, The connotation of the whole work suddenly improved.

It is also with these words that the whole world view is on the paper, and the foreshadowing in front is also displayed. Here I have to admire the scriptwriter and supervisor of this animation. The foreshadowing in front is really too deep. The whole animation, You can understand it as a circle, and the whole animation is only a part of this circle,

Xiaomeiyan saw Madoka die after fighting Witch Night, so she made a wish to "return to the moment she met Madoka," and then she became a magical girl and returned to the point in time when she first met Madoka. But no matter how he changed the time, he could only watch Madoka die tragically. Knowing that the magical girl is destined to become a witch, Xiaomeiyan keeps going back to the past to prevent Madoka from becoming a magical girl, but she still can only watch Madoka sign a contract with Chubby and die or become a witch in the Night of the Witch. "

"This animation has been a part of the circle from the very beginning, just like the name of Miao Yuan, in the control of the plot, the rhythm is very fast, not at all sloppy, the plot of the twelve chapters is perfectly integrated into it, we all know, Twelve chapters, it is really difficult to tell a story, and it is even more difficult to tell a story well, and Madoka did it perfectly, and the finale that followed shocked me even more."


The entire film review contains thousands of words, including pictures, words, characters, and plots, all of which have been analyzed in great detail.

Therefore, this film review has undoubtedly increased its popularity.

"It's over." Naturally, Zhang Beichuan also saw the comments on the Internet, and he was slightly relieved. He had fully understood the second work he officially supervised, and there was no need to worry about the later plot making the audience feel bad.

In the past two days, Musashino has completely rented the office building next door. It is only a seven-minute walk from the headquarters of Musashino. It can be said that it is very close.

Some of the animation boards inside, the president of the computer and Hayabusa Watanabe will all help to solve it. Therefore, Zhang Beichuan and Miyamori Aoi just need to be busy recruiting new people.

And Musashino Headquarters, "Invasion! Squid Girl has officially started preparations for the pre-production process.


Zhang Beichuan received a temporary notice,

"Webcast?" Zhang Beichuan was a little stunned, then pointed at himself: "You let me go?"

Watanabe Hayabusa nodded: "Yes, that's right, it's you, Radio Tokyo has a live webcast, which is to interview industry people from all walks of life, Madoka is very hot on their TV station, so I specifically want to invite you as a supervisor. I was a guest with screenwriter Xu Yuanxuan, so I came here to ask you your opinion."

"I don't need to go, it's useless if I go." Zhang Beichuan wanted to refuse.

"I'll make it clear to you first that it's not too late for you to refuse. I have already negotiated the disc of "Miao Yuan", and it will be pre-sold in four days. Therefore, my opinion is that you go there and promote it. , with the CD-ROM for pre-sale."

"Of course, if you don't want to participate, it's fine. After all, Madoka's popularity is so hot right now, so there's no need for you to promote it." Watanabe Hayabusa said with relief.


Zhang Beichuan thought about it carefully and asked, "What is the format of this live broadcast? What do you want me to do?"

"I'm just asking you some questions, and you'll be fine to answer. Haven't you seen it? Supervisor Kinoshita has been there too? What, what's your opinion? If you don't go, I'll reject it for you."

Hearing this, Zhang Beichuan said, "I'll go."

"That's I'm going to contact Mr. Takada right away."

"Uncle Takata, I'll just contact him. I happen to be going to him at night." Zhang Beichuan said.

"Then I'll trouble you. The specific time is the day after tomorrow, and I'll notify you when the time comes."


At noon, on the rooftop.

"Senior Beichuan, isn't it a good thing for you to participate in the live webcast? Why are you so frowning?" Imai Green said.

"It's nothing, it's just the first time, I'm a little nervous just thinking about it."

"Don't worry, it's nothing, at most it's just a question about your production, you can answer it when you think about it in advance."

"It's really that easy." Zhang Beichuan smiled bitterly: "By the way, Miao Sen, how's the interview work for our production department?"

"I have already issued a notice of our Musashino recruiting in some industries, because the time is too short, so there is no accurate information yet, but it is estimated that the people who plan to participate in the interview are also newcomers, and generally experienced personnel will be very few."

"If you're just a newcomer, you have to find someone with experience."

Miyamori Kui said angrily: "It's easy to say, but you have to find it."

Zhang Beichuan was silent. District 11 is one of the largest animation regions in Asia, but compared with the entire animation industry, the production staff is really poor compared to the market that produces animation every year, and it is not enough at all. You won't resign casually at this time, so how can you join Musashino at this time?



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