From White Box To Supervision

Chapter 193: no longer depend on anyone

Under the lens of time reversal, Xiaomeiyan returned to the day before the school transfer a few months before the Witch's Night.

Xiaomeiyan was very excited to go back to the past for the first time. After she introduced herself just now, she immediately ran to Madoka and said to this gentle girl:

"Madoka, I've also become a magical girl, let's work hard together in the future."

At this time, Xiao Meiyan is very confident. She knows what will happen next, and she believes that it can change their future.

At this moment, at this moment, Miyajima Ryota saw this scene, and his mind was shocked for a while, and suddenly he became enlightened. He was connected to the plot of the first nine episodes, the sudden transfer of Xiaomeiyan, and her performance, all the The paving details suddenly condensed into a complete puzzle in his mind.

"Xiaomeiyan's ability is similar to turning back time. No wonder, no wonder it was so mysterious and cold when they met in the first episode, but why did the two people change so much." Miyajima Ryota thought.

In animation, Xiaomeiyan constantly develops her abilities, and wants to be able to help them in front of the witch's night. In the daily battle with witches, Xiaomeiyan's ability is constantly proficient, and the world seems to be moving towards Xiaomeiyan. Go in the direction you want.

However, the next scene flashed, Xiaomeiyan and the others, who had gained strength, barely defeated the powerful witch in the night of the extremely powerful witch, but everyone except Xiaomeiyan and Madoka also died, and the camera turned, The background is a broken city, and the camera at this time gives a close-up of the Soul Gem in Xiao Yuan's hand.

Because Madoka's soul gem was already turbid in the battle just now, the soul gem suddenly shattered and turned into thick black smoke. When the soul gem shattered, Madoka suddenly screamed in pain.

Black smoke gathered in mid-air, and Madoka turned into a witch.

"why why."

Because of this, Xiaomei Homura had to use her time ability again and go back to the past.

"The witch is a magical girl." Ryota Miyajima was instantly stunned by this setting. He had this idea before when Sayaka was blackened, but now, it has undoubtedly been confirmed.

"If the soul gem is too dirty in a magical girl, she will become a witch."

Going back to the past again, Xiaomeiyan wanted to tell the news to Ba Mami and Sayaka, but in fact, not everyone would unconditionally believe what Xiaomeiyan said, and Sayaka even thought that what she said was really provoking them. Relationship.

Because this news is really too shocking, the witch who became a magical girl, who even gave up her own life in order to protect the people, turned out to be a magical girl.

Sign a contract to become a magical girl, become a witch if you are too dirty, even if you have no hope, you will become a witch, the witch will split into a demon, split more witches who hurt people, how can you not let the magical girls do it startled.

Since the signing of the contract, their fate has been destined to have no hope, but endless despair.

At least, Ryota Miyajima in front of the TV really felt a chill in her heart, and at the same time, she felt heartache for them.

Sayaka inevitably turned black, Ba Mami, Madoka, Kyoko, Xiaomeiyan, gathered the power of four magical girls, and finally killed Sayaka's blackened witch, but the reality was in front of everyone, The rest did have to believe what Xiaomeiyan said, but their hearts were broken.

After killing the witch Sayaka, Ms. Ba Mamei suddenly trapped Xiaomeiyan with a strap, and then shattered Kyoko's soul gem. The magic gem is the lifeblood of a magical girl, and Kyoko fell to the ground instantly and died.

"If the soul gem will give birth to witches, then what's the point of our existence." Miss Ba Mamei's heart has completely collapsed. She wanted to kill everyone, but at this moment, a pink light arrow suddenly hit The soul gem of Miss Ba Mamei was instantly shattered.

It was Madoka who shot. At this moment, Madoka was extremely decisive in the animation, and even, decisively shocked Ryo Miyajima.

But after the shot, Madoka also collapsed. However, Xiaomeiyan encouraged her by the side, and they decided to fight against this witch's night in the end, even if she died.

As soon as the screen changed, Madoka and Xiaomeiyan both fell into a pool of blood at the same time. Both of their soul gems were on the verge of becoming witches, and they would definitely become witches.

"Madoka, why don't we turn into witches and destroy this world without reason." Xiaomeiyan said in a self-sacrificing way.

"Until all the sad and bad things have happened, the destruction, the constant destruction, don't you think it's good too?"

But at this moment, Madoka didn't know when she took out a seed of lamentation and absorbed the filth in Xiaomeiyan's soul gem.

Xiaomeiyan's eyes were incredible, while Madoka's face was a warm smile.

"I lied to you just now. I still have one of the seeds of lamentation. I want to ask for something that I can't do, but only Xiao Yan can do." Madoka's tone began to be a little weak, but it was still the same. gentle.

"Homura, you said that you can go back in time and change history, right?" At this moment, Madoka's voice was already crying.

"What a great seiyuu acting." Miyajima Ryota praised.

He could hear the seiyuu's performance exploded.

"Can you go and save the stupid me who hasn't been deceived by Kyuubi?"

"I promise you, I will definitely save you, no matter how many times I repeat it, I will definitely protect you." Xiaomeiyan said.

"Can I ask you one last thing? Homura." Madoka struggled to get up, but the pain still made her unable to move. In the end, she raised the soul gem full of black filth in her hand.

"I don't want to become a witch."

"Even if there are annoying things and sad things, there are still many things in this world that I want to protect."

Xiao Meiyan's tears came out of her eyes and mixed in the misty drizzle. She pulled out her gun, struggled, and suddenly fired with her fingers trembling.

"Who wrote this script? It's ruthless." Miyajima Ryota said with a heartache.

The plot that followed was abruptly abused, Xiaomeiyan returned to the time endlessly, but she could not change the fate of Madoka's death. In the reincarnation, you can clearly see Xiaomeiyan's character changing little by little.

Once again, back to the first day of transfer, Xiao Meiyan's heart had already hardened. She took off her glasses, her hair became long and straight, and her image became cold and mysterious in Chapter 1. image.

The plot was perfectly on track with the first episode, and everything became logical, like a circle, and everything returned to the starting point.


After reading this, it is not the ED of the past, but the OP that was not played at the beginning, but the pictures and singing above at this time made Ryota Miyajima feel even more heartbroken, which was very heartbreaking.



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