From White Box To Supervision

Chapter 190: manufacture complete

November 1st, Tuesday, weather: light snow.

Because of the light snow, there were a lot more people on the train today than usual, which also caused Zhang Beichuan to arrive at Musashino late.

Zhang Beichuan took off his down jacket, put the scarf on the chair, took out the cup and poured a cup of hot water.

"It's so cold."

Zhang Beichuan shrank his neck.

"This weather is actually very suitable for sleeping late at home, or eating sukiyaki by the fireplace." Yamada Masashi smiled.

"Haha, Mr. Yamada, if you skip work because of this, Miss Xingjin will tell you again." Mr. Hitoshi Nakahara just wanted to pick up a cigarette, but remembered that this is the production department, and you can't smoke.

"Mr. Zhongyuan, don't smoke less, this is not good." Zhang Beichuan advised.

Nakaharan shook his head: "Hey, I don't know how many times I quit smoking, but it's always unsuccessful, I'm used to it."

He put the cigarette in his mouth, but didn't light it.

"The current progress will be over soon, and it will be the New Year soon. You will have plenty of time to quit smoking by then." Zhang Beichuan joked.

"I hope it's good to quit successfully." Zhongyuan Ren smiled bitterly, he didn't have any expectations for himself.

Gong Senkui came over in a hurry, she wanted to make the next arrangement with Zhang Beichuan.

"At eight o'clock, "Magic Girl Madoka" chapter 12 finished product inspection, please prepare a little."

"Okay." Zhang Beichuan nodded.

At 8 o'clock, Zhang Beichuan came to the conference room, where Aoi Miyamori and Rinko Ogasawara, who was the chief painting supervisor, were basically the core backbone, and of course Erica Yano was in charge of the production of this episode.

Zhang Beichuan said, "Let's start."


The finished product inspection is nothing more than a check from the beginning to the end to see if there are any mistakes or changes.

On the projection stage, the twelfth episode of Magical Girl Madoka began to play.


Just looking at it, I found the problem.

"There are some mistakes in the mouth shape here, and when Madoka is making a wish, the music is not good, the music is a little high, the music is used to highlight the characters, not to cover up the characters, Miss Sato, please remember Tell me back."

Sato Sara, who was beside him, took notes in the notebook and said, "I see."

"And the climax of the music must also be stuck on the key to the climax of the plot."

At this time, the plot reached the scene where Madoka opened the arrow, and the impact of the painting in this scene broke the table.

"The painting level of this section is really high." Zhang Beichuan said with a smile, "I remember it was the original painting drawn by Nozomi Abe."

"I can draw it, but I can't draw it so well." Rinko Ogasawara, who was wearing a gothic loli dress, said.

Ronko Ogasawara's original paintings are very powerful, but what she is good at is the expressiveness of details. For example, it is the type of Kyo Ani, who can use the details to bring out the shape of the characters very well, but it is very difficult to play. The play can only be said to be ordinary.

There is a saying that an original painter can influence the people around him. Under the influence of Ronko Ogasawara, Ema Yasuhara, Yumi Iguchi, Ai Kunagi, the original painters they belong to have the style of Ronko Ogasawara. At present, I have drawn Eryuan for Ema Yasuhara, and the style is slightly the same as theirs.

The shortcomings of Musashino came out at this time. The original artist has a single type, and the style of the work is limited by this.

"It seems that I need to ask the president to see if we can recruit original painters in this field." Zhang Beichuan secretly said.

A lot of problems were exposed in the words that followed. In addition to the above-mentioned problems, there were subtle situations such as the need to modify expressions and lines.

At noon, Zhang Beichuan was sitting in his seat and eating a bento.

Looking at the snowflakes on the glass, Taro Taro Taro sighed: "This weather is really suitable for eating barbecue hot pot, but I am sadly eating instant noodles. I really want to eat it."

"Go to sleep, you have everything in your dreams." Zhang Beichuan joked.

"But... I really want to eat the game, but unfortunately the salary of krypton gold krypton is not enough recently." Gao Litaro said sadly.

"Who told you to charge so much." Zhang Beichuan hated that iron could not become steel.

After a whole day, the work is almost finished. It can be said that the production of "Magic Girl Madoka", which is a full twelve episodes, is officially completed, and we are waiting for the final editing task.

The rest is nothing more than the modification of the details, and basically there will be no major work.

"Finally, another animation has been completed."

Although it was not the first time, Zhang Beichuan saw that he could complete a complete animation in his own hands, and the sense of achievement in his heart could not be described in words.

At this moment, the president, Masato Kawamaru, walked over slowly.

He called everyone up.

Maybe Taro Taro Taro's response at noon had an effect, and the news from the president made me happy.

"In order to celebrate the successful production of "Magic Girl Madoka", and to thank everyone for their hard work during these hours, we will have a dinner in Musashino tonight, and everyone must come tonight."

Hearing the president's voice, the people present couldn't help Seeing everyone's happy appearance, Masato Kawamaru didn't care. Musashino has developed so far, and it can be said that the most important thing is the people present. Without these people, it is impossible to get to this level.

In the evening, at seven o'clock, Zhang Beichuan came to this 'Yuji BBQ Restaurant' according to the address posted in the group.

This place is really a little far from the company.

In the past, I would choose an izakaya here, because it is the first choice for Japanese-style company dinners, it is cheap and the atmosphere is very good, but tonight, it is to celebrate the production of "Magic Girl Madoka", plus Madoka on the Internet. The results are already very hot, so this time Musashino did not choose an izakaya, but chose a yakiniku restaurant extravagantly.

The reason why I chose this place is because the store manager here is a friend of the president and can enjoy preferential policies, so the president decided to stay here.

Although the president's network is a bit strange, it has little influence.

The crowd of Musashino is not as large as that of big companies, but there are quite a few, but some people consider family reasons, and a few people can't come.

Probably because of the snow today, there are far more people at the barbecue shop than usual.

"Barbecue, barbecue, I want to eat it for a while." Taro Taro's eyes were glowing green, and he stared at the barbecue on the table with no dignity.

Erica Yano couldn't help but patted him and whispered: "You guys have patience, really, you have no patience at all."

"Hey, am I too hungry?" Taro Taro said with a little embarrassment.



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