From White Box To Supervision

Chapter 187: regretful person

Now, Chuan Yuanchong really regrets it in his heart, but the fact is officially the case. Now, the more I watch "Magic Girl Madoka", the better my score, the more my heart hurts. Now, Madoka's CD score has not come out yet, and I feel better a little.

Not to mention Chuan Yuanchong, the tail of Nighthawk's study also has the same regretful attitude, but his attitude is better than that of Chuan Yuanchong. He knows that he may have a way to make up for it.

Immediately, he did not hesitate to call Watanabe Hayabusa.


After thinking for a moment, the phone was connected.

"Is that Watanabe-kun? Haha, I'm Ogae from Nighthawk's study."

"Hello, Mr. Ogata." Watanabe Hayabusa said, but he became cautious in his heart. This old fox is not the kind of person who calls himself when nothing happens.

"Watanabe-kun, it's like this. We haven't come out to play cards for a long time. Let's come out and play at night. By the way, I'll have dinner with you and discuss something."

Sure enough, but Watanabe Hayabusa is not a newcomer who has just entered the society.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Ogami. Our construction schedule here has been a little tight recently. I have too much work to do, and I really don't have time. I'm very sorry."

"This...that's it, that's fine, but I have something I want to discuss with you, so I told you on the phone, Watanabe-kun, I have inquired, you Musashino's "Magic Girl Little" Yuan" has been financially lacking recently, and even the funds for the production of the last two episodes are almost exhausted, our Nighthawk Study can invest for you Musashino, I don't know what you think."

"Hehe." Watanabe Falcon sneered silently, this old fox, he scolded secretly, he didn't come when he begged him to invest, and now he was so hot that he wanted to invest and pick peaches, he was really thick-skinned, and he didn't even have to think about it.

"Mr. Ogami, there is no need for this. Our Musashino's funds can fully afford the production of the remaining animations, so you don't have to worry about it."

But Watanabe Hayabusa obviously didn't understand the nature of the old fox above the tail. For him, the face is nothing but profit. Even if you pay a little face, it's fine. If you want to mix in this society, face is the most useless thing. .

"Watanabe-kun, the planning for the second season of "Three Girls" is starting. I wonder if your company wants to take over."

Watanabe Hayabusa was stunned for a moment, not knowing his intentions, and said, "Of course I think."

"But recently another animation production company 'Vacant' applied to us to take over, and the people in the company are hesitating. It stands to reason that after we have cooperated in the last film, we will definitely choose you, but the problem is the spare animation company. The production is very strong, so there are a lot of people in the company who are going to consider them.”

Although he didn't say it clearly, he could clearly hear the meaning of the words.

How can it be repaired.

Watanabe Hayabusa felt a little resentful in his heart.

But he pretended not to understand and said, "This is something that your company has to consider. We Musashino also like the "Three Girls" project very much, and it is naturally better to accept the second part. Please also ask Oyuki Please consider us Musashino more, Mr. Kame."


After hanging up the phone, Watanabe Falcon forcibly calmed down his anger, then scolded him fiercely, and then came to the production department to find Zhang Beichuan.

"What's wrong? Mr. Watanabe, you look really scary."

It was the first time that Zhang Beichuan saw such a terrifying expression of Hayabusa Watanabe.

"The old fox at the end of Nighthawk's study just called me, it really is... hey, I refused to pick peaches, and threatened with "Three Girls", alas, you said that our production company is really Are you a part-time worker? I work hard every day to complete the entrusted animation work, and I earn only a little bit of money. The money is all divided by the committee. Now I finally succeeded at the cost of failure and bankruptcy. Pick peaches."

Watanabe Hayabusa's tone is full of resentment and helplessness. For the original author, there are many animation production companies. For them, it is entirely up to them whether to cooperate with you.

In the second season of the animation, in addition to seeing whether the sales can pass the second phase, the more important thing is the meaning of the original creator. In the final analysis, the original creator decides whether to do the second phase, not the animation company.

"Mr. Watanabe, calm down, calm down, you don't need to be angry about this. Now our "Madoka" is quite popular, and you don't have to pick up the second issue of "Three Girls"."

"I know, but I'm just a little unwilling. Now this market is completely wrong. It can be said that it is deformed. Sometimes, I really envy the production environment in Huaxia, which is not as harsh as ours."

Zhang Beichuan smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Recently, the president has won the funds, and the production of the last two episodes has to be carried out as soon as possible. It's been a little delayed these two days." Watanabe Hayabusa said.

"I know that too, but I want to make the last two episodes better, so it's normal to spend some effort."

"You, Beichuan-kun, I don't know what to say. Your attitude towards the work is indeed very serious, but you also need to consider our actual situation. Absolutely more than enough to complete the production of the twelve episodes, but you have exceeded a lot by not following the form at"

Zhang Beichuan smiled awkwardly: "I can't help it, things will never keep up with the changes, sometimes some pictures don't work, or the number of original pictures is not enough, this is not a dead thing, and we must change the strategy according to the actual situation. ."

"By the way, Mr. Watanabe, the president's expenses are..."

Watanabe Hayabusa knew what Zhang Beichuan was going to say, and smiled: "It's not an investment of a committee nature, but simply borrowed money from the president. Now that Madoka is very popular, how could it be possible for others to invest and share money."

Zhang Beichuan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"Okay, don't disturb you, I'll go first."

After Watanabe Falcon finished speaking, he hurried away.

"Okay, let's get to work now. More than half of episode 11 has been made, and the beginning of episode 12 has been made, so let's speed up."

Time has passed, and four weeks have passed. On the Internet, Magical Girl Madoka has been updated to the level of Chapter 6, and the popularity is even more intense.

Perhaps the huge discussion in the early stage was caused by the huge reversal of the third chapter, but now, "Madoka" has completely made many people like this new magical girl animation with its own quality.

Starting from the third episode, each subsequent episode has a turning point. The rhythm is very moderate, neither fast nor procrastinating.

What's more important is that this animation is not as profound as the superficial level of fighting monsters.

From the fourth episode, Sayaka and Kyuubi signed a contract to become a magical girl. The plot has become supernatural, and people can't stop one after another.



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