From Propulsion City To Multiverse

Chapter 322: New World (7)

Inside the temporary base of Union Harbor.

Wang Gao, Begapunk, Darwin and others have read the various data collected by Skynet agents.

Looking at the holographic map in front of me, at the junction of the human world and the new world, the Skynet Intelligence Department of the National Revolutionary League currently has not only conducted a comprehensive exploration of the human world, but also for Lake Mobius outside the human world. A large-scale reconnaissance was carried out.

"I didn't expect this to be the case." Dr. Darwin said thoughtfully.

He re-adjusted the holographic map, stripping the seawater on the holographic map, exposing the seabed terrain below sea level.

At this time, Mobius Lake has become a very peculiar shape. It is located in the sea areas on the eastern and western sides of the human world, and its seabed topography is significantly lower than that of the human world.

Begapunk lifted his glasses: "This terrain is a bit familiar!"

"This is the remains of the submarine volcano after the eruption. The entire human world is actually a volcanic crater." Wang Gao has already seen the secret.

From the morphological point of view, the human world in the middle of Lake Mobius is the relics of submarine volcanic eruptions in ancient times.

According to current geological analysis, about 390 million years ago, the Hunter Star, in the central waters of Lake Mobius, once erupted in a large-scale volcanic eruption.

The crater radius of the entire volcano has reached an astonishing 67,500 kilometers.

After the eruption of the Mobius super submarine volcano at that time, Lake Mobius became two parts, one large and one small.

Part of the current human world, that is, within the volcanic crater, due to the land-making activities of magma, a ring of shallow seas formed on the edge of the crater. The average depth of this shallow sea is only about 132 meters.

This circle of shallow sea has an average depth of 132 meters and an average width of about 1,763 kilometers.

Over hundreds of millions of years, the magma-making activities within the crater have not stopped. This is the reason for the formation of various lands in the human world.

However, with the passage of time, the land-making activities of underground magma caused the seabed rock layer in the human world to become thicker and thicker, not only forming land, but also blocking the entire volcanic crater.

But Wang Gao understood that the magma chamber beneath Mobius Lake was still accumulating energy, and sooner or later, this dormant super volcano would erupt again.

At that time, the entire human world is estimated to be completely destroyed by volcanic eruptions.

Of course, according to the current geological exploration results, the energy of the Mobius super volcano will need to be accumulated for at least another 80 million years before it enters the active period.

It is under this special environment that the human world has formed a huge natural isolation zone—the crater zone—with other areas of Mobius Lake for hundreds of millions of years.

Under the transformation of a large number of coral reefs, this ring zone with a width of 1,763 kilometers has further reduced its average depth, forming a reef sea with dense islands and reefs.

This is also the reason why many large marine creatures in the New World cannot enter the human world.

For example, the demon king octopus, which can reach several hundred kilometers in length, will basically destroy the world if this creature enters the human world.

In addition, the existence of the reef sea also helped the human world block the extreme weather in Mobius.

For example, the whistling waves that often appear in Mobius Lake are often more than ten kilometers in height from a wave, which is more terrifying than a tsunami.

The seabed corals in the sea of ​​reefs are very shallow, causing the seabed terrain to be very fragmented, which can effectively eliminate the howling waves and prevent them from rushing into the human world.

Even if it rushes in, after more than 1,700 kilometers of continuous consumption, it can only become a huge wave of tens of meters at most.

Of course, if a huge wave tens of meters high directly appears in the inner layer of the human world, it is also a tsunami-level disaster, but fortunately, there is a huge buffer zone in the outer layer of the human world.

The whale ship designed and built by V5, the super-large hull, is designed to counter disasters such as these huge waves.

Begapunk was a little puzzled:

"If only this is the case, then the human world will still face the invasion of new world creatures. After the volcanic land-making activities in the human world are over, there should be many new world creatures entrenched here. Why is there such a creature that is generally weak? Case?"

"Nutrient!" Wang Gao said a key factor.

"Nutrients?" Begapunk reacted after tasting.

Nutrient is indeed a very important influencing factor. The tree where Jin and Xiaojie met is actually the world tree brought back from the new world by mankind.

That tree is 1,784 meters in height, which is the tallest tree in the human world, but it is only because the human world does not have enough nutrients to supply the world tree to continue to grow.

The real world tree can reach about 10,000 kilometers in diameter and more than 100,000 kilometers in height. Among the Hunter stars, it is truly towering into the clouds.

In other words, the reason why the human world has not been invaded by high-level New World creatures is that geographical isolation is only a factor. The real reason is that the human world has insufficient nutrients.

For those giant creatures that are hundreds of kilometers in size, it is estimated that they will starve to death when they come to the human world.

The huge body size means that the energy that needs to be consumed is also very large, and the living beings also have to observe the conservation of energy.

And the extremely barren human world, for the creatures of the new world, is like a human seeing a desert.

No one would want to go hunting in the desert, because the nutrients here are not enough to supply too many large creatures to survive, so they ran over and could only starve themselves to death.

This special area was a natural refuge for humans in ancient times.

Although resources are scarce, they can still thrive, and there are no too powerful creatures.

After reading this information, Wang Gao focused on the gatekeepers on the border again, which was a very peculiar race of demihumans.

The gatekeepers are just what humans call them. In fact, their real name should be called "coral people."

Coral people also have a variety of skin tones. The royal family is red coral people. They are also humanoid, that is, their skin has the texture of a coral reef, and the body structure is similar to arthropods. Usually, there are no eyes or nose on the face, so they are a faceless person. Look like.

This demi-human race lived in Lake Mobius earlier than humans. They also wanted to avoid the powerful creatures of the New World. They migrated from the east coast of Lake Mobius to the sea of ​​reef in ancient times.

Their level of civilization is in primitive tribal status, and they are divided into four large tribes. These four tribes have established four major gates on the boundary of the human world

Humans and other demi-human races fled to the human world. Without the help of the corals, it would be very difficult.

Coral people really hate industrial products such as machinery and plastics. In the LGN autonomous country in the human world, their beliefs are actually learning from Coral people.

As for the so-called "leader", it is a sub-race of the Coral People-the Shark Tribe, which can also be called the Mermaid Tribe.

The sharks are very familiar with the hydrology, submarine reefs, dangerous creatures, climate and weather of Mobius Lake, and they are very good leaders.

However, it is not an easy task for the Shark Race to cross the sea, because every time it leads the way, there is a huge risk. The human exploration team must pay a huge price to hire Shark People to go to the new world.

As for the daring hunters like Nitro, Jin, and Biyang De, they don't need to hire sharks to lead the way.

The existence of the Coral people now has no conflict with the Federation of People's Revolution, because the Federation of People's Republic of China can fly directly.

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