From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 177 Uproar 2




The two canes passed through the afterimages, fighting with rapidity and fierceness.

The crisp sound echoed on the field.

After just a few rounds, Prince was already sweating profusely.

His opponent is very strong, far stronger than him.

Faced with Lenohan's fierce offensive, Prince could only defend passively. The skills he had learned and used had no room or opportunity to display in this lightning-fast fight.

Looking at the other party's face, which was somewhat similar to Cordell's but more handsome and calm, Prince knew that the other party did not use all his strength at all.


Another blow.

Prince's expression changed slightly.

Because Lenoir was smiling and exploring his cane.

The other person's cane was like a thin brown snake. With a squeaking sound, it rubbed around his cane and slid down, tapping his wrist lightly.


Prince's hand hurt and he couldn't hold the weapon.

The cane fell out of his hand and clattered to the ground.

A fluke is better than a trick, Mr. Prince.

Renault retracted his cane and extended his other hand with a polite smile.

It was a great matchup and it was an honor to play against you.

Prince rubbed his wrist, but the pain soon stopped.

He raised his head and glanced at the gentlemanly Renaudian, knowing that the other party was showing mercy. And it was very possible that, in order to save his face, he deliberately let loose and fought with him for several rounds.

Although he was a little depressed after losing the game, Prince could not bring up his bad feelings towards Lenohan. There was only frustration, and a hint of admiration.

If you lose, you lose.

Prince reached out his hand and shook it.

You are strong, Renoan.

He said, hesitated for a moment, and then reminded:

But your opponent in the next game is also not easy. I wish you good luck.

Thanks for the reminder. Renault smiled. I'll pay attention.

Wait for the two of them to take a break.

The entire audience is looking forward to the next final.

On one side is Renault Lotito, a star of the younger generation in the upper class circles of the capital, and on the other side is a strange young man who is ridiculously powerful.

In fact, during the short intermissions of these rounds, many gentlemen and ladies have already found out about Gillan's identity. When they learned that he was the illegitimate son of the Farhan family, these people's faces showed surprise and interest.

An illegitimate son is actually more dazzling than Prince, the eldest son.

When Prince went up to the second floor and came to the box, he saw everyone gathered around the glass wall, intensely discussing the outcome of the final, wondering who would win in the end.

Especially when he saw Miss Didier saying with a smile that she thought Mr. Gillan was more likely to win the championship, his mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

Prince, you're here.

Cordell turned his head and glanced at him. Surprisingly, he didn't taunt him. Instead, he said muffledly:

You have performed very well for being able to fight against Reno An for so long. There is no shame in losing to him.

Hearing this, Prince felt mixed.

He would rather this nemesis could laugh at him than hear such comfort.

Your brother didn't fight me seriously at all.

Prince walked over and said in a deep voice.

His level of stick skills is very high, even higher than my stick skills teacher.

Who do you think can win between the two of them?

have no idea.

Cordell crossed his elbows and shook his head in disinterest.

But since I was a child, I have never seen my brother lose to his peers.

Then let's see.

Prince looked under the glass wall and took a deep breath.

In the box, ten men and women were discussing endlessly.

Except for Prince who did not express his position, the remaining three brothers and sisters of the Farhan family all believed that Gillan would win, and Miss Deidier also agreed.

After all, after four rounds, Gillan ended the game with just one move. This is really hard to imagine how strong he is.

Cordell, Ziguy and others firmly believe that Renoian will win.

Because this dazzling genius is so famous in the circle.

Fifteen minutes flew by.

The bell was rung.


The eyes of all the spectators on the first and second floors were focused on the field.

Two young men each came to the stage holding a cane.

It was as if an invisible spotlight was shining on them.

Both of them have outstanding looks and tall figures, and can be regarded as young talents. Many young ladies and even ladies who were watching the game showed different expressions.

As a descendant of the Hiru nation, the Bremen Empire inherited the tradition of martial arts, otherwise it would not regard fighting, stick skills, archery and equestrian skills as national sports.

Especially the aristocratic circle.

The higher the level of people, the more they value these skills.

Therefore, under such a background, the two young men, who are elegant, handsome, and have excellent stick skills, are naturally very attractive to the women present.

Many ladies and ladies have already made small plans in their minds, preparing to have contact with the illegitimate son of the Farhan family after the game.

Mr. Renault! Come on!

I think you're good!

Some female voices came from the auditorium, causing a burst of laughter.

Of course, some ladies were not willing to be outdone and shouted to the court:

Mr. Gillan! Come on, too!

We must win the championship!

On the field.

Gilan was indifferent to the movements coming from around him.

The black-haired young man first bowed politely to the audience, then looked at his opponent, smiled slightly and said:

Please show mercy, Mr. Guillen Iros.

Will do.

Jilan said calmly.

Renault was startled.

Immediately, he found this blond young man very interesting.

As the referee blows his whistle.

Beep! !

Renault's expression suddenly became serious.

Although he is confident, he will not underestimate the enemy.

The opponent made it through four rounds with only one move, which is enough to explain a lot of problems. Although Renault thought he could do it, he would never be as light as his opponent.

This shows that the opponent in front of him is by no means simple.

Lenoir stepped forward.

The next moment, his figure suddenly changed direction and moved sideways, which was extremely confusing. This is a step he has practiced for many years, and when used in conjunction with the staff technique, it is always beneficial.

At the same time, the steel-core lattice-carved wooden cane in his hand poked out.

Like a stabbing spear, it burst out from under the arm.

The cane trembled and changed at an extremely weird angle, piercing the blond young man's abdomen.

Once up, Renoan gave it his all.

This attack was a secret stick technique he developed alone, named Sleeve Letter. Using the steps, waist, back and wrists to work simultaneously, with the attitude of a viper spitting out a message, it can unexpectedly attack the opponent's vital points, achieving a fatal blow.

However, he did not make a fatal move, but attacked the abdomen in a very disciplined manner.

The force is just right, and it can make the opponent lose combat power without being seriously injured.

But the next second.

Renoan's serious expression suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank sharply.

This is impossible!

He shouted in disbelief in his mind.

I saw the blond young man's eyes glance and his hands move.

The bronze cane came first and swung straight like a blue-gray python, leaving two afterimages in the air and hitting his own cane!

Pong! !

With a click, the cane with a steel core and wood was broken!


The upper half of the cane rotated across his cheek and flew towards the back of his head!

The bronze cane continued to gain momentum and hit the elbow of his right arm again!

puff! !

After the muffled sound, Renoan felt that the right half of his body was numb.

Then he looked at his hand with a dull look on his face, unable to hold it, and dropped the half-remaining cane.


And he, like his opponents in the previous rounds, couldn't maintain his balance, staggered two steps, and fell down.

His right arm and right leg lost feeling at the same time.

After a brief period of confusion, Lenoir's eyes were horrified.

He lost.

Defeated in one move!

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