From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 173 Holy Cultivator

Miss Sparrow, are you in any trouble?

Gilan landed on the island of the other party's soul.

At a glance, he saw the girl wearing a novice nun's robe, raising her hands in a daze, seeming hesitant and at a loss.

Ah! Miss Sparrow was shocked. She turned her head and saw the person coming, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, but soon she was confused: Huh? Mr. Snow Owl? Why are you in my dream?

Miss Sparrow didn't know what suddenly occurred to her, and she blushed a little.


I think about it every day and dream about it at night.

So I dreamed about Mr. Snowy Owl?

Miss Sparrow?

Ji Lan looked at her in a daze and thought something had happened. He frowned and called out again.

Miss Sparrow finally came to her senses, looking suspicious.

Are you really Mr. Snow Owl?

When Jilan saw this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

He explained:

Of course. I tried to fall asleep next to you, but unexpectedly I also entered your lucid dream. turns out to be like this!

Miss Sparrow was startled.

Haven't you been branded yet? Gillan asked.

Hmm... Miss Sparrow nodded, a little surprised. I haven't decided on a name for my 'kingdom' yet.

Ji Lan raised his eyebrows.

He thought there was some accident.

It turns out that Miss Sparrow is a patient with naming difficulty.

Then you might as well think about the scene that impressed you the most.

Gillan tried to guide.

Hearing this, Miss Sparrow looked reminiscing.

The most impressive thing...

She couldn't help but think of her life with the members of the Recording Society in Brak City, so she smiled and raised her hand to the ground.

The gray-black light bloomed from her palm.

Suddenly, a glass coffee table appeared on the ground, surrounded by leather sofas in an L shape. In the dark night above the head, a crystal chandelier with a diameter of two meters hung down out of thin air.

This is exactly the living room decoration of Jishe Apartment.

However, there is an old wooden pipe on the coffee table. The tobacco in the pipe was burning with fire and smoke... It was as if its owner had just left it on the coffee table temporarily and had something to do and would come back soon.

Gillan had seen this pipe in Mr. Fozzie's hand.

Presumably, this is Miss Sparrow's way of remembering her father.

Miss Sparrow looked at the scene she had created and couldn't help showing a soft expression. Then, with firm eyes, she raised her right palm high.

A sharp fist squeeze.

Number 13.

As the name of the kingdom was announced, the chandelier suddenly lit up!

The light immediately illuminated the area around the two people, dispersing the darkness with a diameter of more than ten meters centered on the sofa and coffee table.

Congratulations. Gillan smiled. Miss Sparrow, you are now a true mystic.

Miss Sparrow took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes with a smile.





When both of them woke up from their dreams at the same time.

They sat at the stone table in the monastery courtyard and smiled at each other.

At this time, Ji Lan noticed that he was holding a cold hard object in his hand.

He looked down and saw that it was the horn comb token given to him by Miss Torina.

The colorful entries swayed above it, showing:

Letter comb. It is something that a certain girl cherishes, and gives it as a token to visiting friends. The comb may seem ordinary, but it has unimaginable mysterious power. It can summon the girl's messenger through it, and it can also be used as a medium to directly Arriving at 'Castle Black' in a dream, unaffected by external forces.

Gillan rubbed the smooth surface of the letter comb, put it into his pocket, and then put it directly into the dimensional space and kept it properly.

Mr. Snow Owl, my eyesight seems to have improved a lot. Miss Sparrow said in surprise. As he said that, he looked around. Seeing things more clearly.

Hey, that's not right...

Miss Sparrow realized something again, closed her eyes, raised her head, and took a deep breath.

“You can smell flowers, grass and even earth.”

I can also hear the prayers of the nuns and sisters next door.

A gentle breeze was blowing from the porch and brushing against my cheeks.

Ji Lan observed her quietly for a while, then chuckled:

It seems that after Miss Sparrow entered the first level of the 'Kingdom', the improvement of her body was mainly focused on perception.

Well, that seems to be the case.

Miss Sparrow opened her eyes, nodded and smiled.

She suddenly thought of something and lowered her voice:

Mr. Snow Owl, now... can I see Mr. Stork and the others?

Hearing this, Ji Lan fell silent.

Theoretically, it's okay. He nodded, but said softly: But something unexpected happened right now, and they can't appear in reality for the time being.

So that's it.

Miss Sparrow was slightly disappointed.

Then how can I help?

Gillan shook his head.

The Cross Sword bonfire is about to go out because of his own mental problems. Miss Sparrow can't help at all in this matter.

Immediately, he just said:

As for the practice of meditation, don't fall behind, continue to hone your gnosis, and continue to absorb the elements of the universe... This is the only way to climb to the second level.

Well, I won't slack off.

Miss Sparrow nodded solemnly.

The two chatted for a while, and then Ji Lan said goodbye and agreed to meet again next time. Although Miss Sparrow was reluctant to give up, she just said yes.

She sent Gilan all the way out of the monastery gate, and then turned back. But on the cemetery path, I met a white-haired old nun.

Miss Sparrow was full of thoughts. When she raised her eyes and saw the other party, she couldn't help but be surprised.

Dean Padmell! she said quickly.

After saying hello, the dean smiled kindly at her.

Aurora, I plan to recommend you to join the Holy Sisters of Our Lady Church. The old nun waved her hand and said slowly. Would you like that?


Miss Sparrow was stunned.

She had just arrived and knew very little about the inside of the church. She didn't know what the Holy Sisters the dean mentioned was.

I don’t know why the other party suddenly recommended me.

Dean, I am still a novice nun and have not yet become a regular nun.

Miss Sparrow walked over quickly, lowered her head, and whispered.

And... what is the 'Holy Sisters'?

The requirement of six years of baptism is only for ordinary nuns and sisters.

Dean Padmell explained patiently.

She gestured for Miss Sparrow to follow, then turned and walked toward the church. Seeing this, Miss Sparrow quickly stepped forward and followed closely beside the dean.

At this time, the dean continued:

You have good talents. Being just an ordinary nun in a monastery is a bit of a waste...

The 'Order of Holy Sisters' is a secret organization within the church. The holy sisters are all servants of God who serve the 'Mother of God' and possess mysterious power.

In fact, every registered legal church in the empire has similar institutions, which serve as a strong protect the faith, sometimes words alone are not enough, child.

Miss Sparrow was very surprised by Dean Padmell's words.

Unexpectedly, the special personnel within the church have mysterious powers.

She calmed down, then remembered that she was still too weak to be of much help to Mr. Snow Owl, so she thought this might be an opportunity.

So he said nonchalantly to the dean:

Dean Padmell, may I?


The old dean turned his head and smiled.

If you agree, then I will compile your situation and information into a book and submit it to the church...

Once the review is passed and the documents and certificates are issued, you will be directly converted into a regular member and granted the status of a 'holy nun' and begin to receive mystical education within the church.

Miss Sparrow thought of something and said anxiously:

Dean, will I be transferred out of here?

Not for the time being. Dean Padmell seemed to see the reason for her concerns, but didn't say anything, just shook his head slightly. At that time, you will study with me for a period of time.

The study content is not limited to the church Bible Book of Mercy and Gospel of Sacrifice, but also some occult content, including the unique rituals and spells of the Holy Mother Church.

Miss Sparrow looked forward to it.

She looked at the old dean and nodded vigorously.

Dean, I agree with your recommendation!

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