From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 141 Inquiry

I think I've seen it before. Gillan said.

Really, sir? The red-haired female student looked happy and asked quickly: Where is it?

Hold on.

Gilan said, turned around and walked towards the end of the carriage.

Sure enough, he saw the wrench next to the trash can in the corner.

Bending down to pick it up, Gilan sighed secretly.

When he watched this film for the first time in the secret room of the police station, he used this wrench to unexpectedly attack a death row prisoner, and then he immediately escaped from the forest and escaped the hunting of the wolf pack. .

He returned to the front seat with the wrench and handed it to the female student.

Thank you! the red-haired female student said in surprise. She put it back into the toolbox and then remembered something. She quickly looked up and apologized to Gillan: Sorry sir, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lilia Eng, a recent graduate of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Guillan Iros, a wine merchant.

Ji Lan took advantage of the situation.

Miss Lilia, do you need my help?

Ah, thank you very much.

The red-haired girl stood up with the toolbox in hand and smiled.

She said, crossing Gilan and walking straight towards the car at the front of the train.

At this moment, the other passengers followed the plot and began to open the train doors and get off one after another.

Gilan ignored them and followed Lilia.

He planned to watch the movie this time while collecting points, and at the same time contact other passengers to see if he could dig out more details about the movie.

Red-haired female students are a good target.

In the front compartment of the train, Gillan found the boiler room, which was located on the side of the control room. Lilia was squatting next to the coal stove, opening a cover and prying something with a wrench.

Mr. Gillan, please help me see if there are any loose screws on the other side. She said without raising her head.

Gillan remained silent, went to the other side, and opened the symmetrical cover, revealing some metal levers and gear structures inside.

Nothing is loose, everything is intact. He glanced at it and took the opportunity to say: I didn't expect Miss Lilia to even know how to repair trains.

Not really, I only know some basic checks.

Lilia closed the cover, raised her head, wiped her sweat and smiled at Gilan.

Her face showed pride again.

My sister Barbara Engel is the real mechanical genius. She is four years older than me. She was admitted to the Imperial Military in advance when she was studying in the academy. Now she is involved in some extremely important research and development operations.

With that said, Lilia stood up and sighed.

But I haven't been in contact with her for almost two years. This time I am taking advantage of my graduation and plan to go north to Peel City to find her.

So that's it. Jilan nodded. It sounds like Miss Barbara is also an extremely good mechanical engineer.

But he thought secretly in his heart:

'The girl Maiev went north to study in Pill City to avoid the Cult of Heavenly Evil, while Lilia in front of her came to find her sister... Most of the twelve passengers on the train had their own reasons, but the final destination , both in the city of Peel. ’

‘That’s where the story takes place. ’

It's really strange. There was no fault, so why did the train stop suddenly and everyone disappeared...

Lilia said with a confused look on her face.

boom! Bang bang!

Suddenly gunfire rang out outside the train.

It was also accompanied by some faint screams of panic and angry shouts.

What happened?! Lilia was startled and turned to look.

Of course Gillan knew.

Because according to the plot, the passengers waiting for rescue outside the train should have been attacked by the tribute wolves at this time.

But he pretended to be confused, turned around and ran to the car window to look around, and then said in a deep voice:

A monster attacked other passengers! Let's go!

After that, he pulled Lilia out of the boiler room, ran to the next car, opened the door and jumped out.

As soon as they got out of the car, before Lilia could stand still, she was shocked.

Because nearly ten headless gray-black beasts appeared all around and were attacking the remaining passengers. Some people shot, and some fought with bare hands. The scene was dangerous, but fortunately there were no casualties yet.

Let's go this way.

Gillan pulled her and pointed in the direction of the train tracks.

Well, okay! Lilia also knew the seriousness of the matter, so she ran forward closely behind the blond young man.

The two ran a long distance and came to the beach.

There was no trace of the train behind him.

Lilia fell to the ground exhausted, squatting on the ground panting, sweating profusely.

Ji Lan didn't blush or breath, and slowly took out a handkerchief and handed it over.

Thank you... thank you. Lilia took the handkerchief and thanked her.

She wiped her sweat and looked up to see the young man looking as if nothing had happened, and was surprised.

Is this man made of iron?

I've been running for so long, but there's no reaction at all!

By the way, have Miss Lilia heard of 'mercury batteries'?

Jilan's eyes swept across the distance of the seaside without leaving any trace, and he asked.

Mercury battery...

Lilia was stunned for a moment, and then she was thoughtful.

Two years ago, I seemed to have heard my sister talk about it, but it was confidential, so she didn't say much to me... She just said that the raw materials were very rare and needed to be extracted from the body of a special creature, but the technology is not mature yet. This kind of Energy exists only in theory.

How does Mr. Gillan know this? she asked suspiciously.

I also heard people talk about it.

Gillan said perfunctorily.

He actually didn't expect that this red-haired female student would actually know after he asked casually. And from what the other party said, it seems that mercury batteries have not been developed at the current stage.

He was thoughtful, thought of something, and said abruptly:

Miss Lilia, your sister is working in the secret department of the Bremen Empire?

The Bremen Empire? Lilia looked strange. Sorry sir, I have never heard of this country, and this is the Munich Empire...

Ji Lan was startled.

Did you guess wrong?

‘No, maybe it’s the artistic processing of the film that makes the name different. ’

Gillan thought.

He had an intuition that this film was probably based on the Bremen Empire.

After all, Ms. Wood Pigeon watched Hammer of Justice and discovered that Sabotea Louis' retreat was located in Braque City, but it was called Black Town in the film.

This is a typical example.

Sorry, I made a slip of the tongue. Gillan said. “I was reading some fictional novels recently, and there was an ‘Empire of Bremen’ in it, and I got confused.”

So that's it. Lilia was doubtful.

She was silent for a while, nodded, and answered Gilan's question:

My sister does work in a classified department, but I don't know what she is doing specifically.

Gillan nodded.

At this time, he noticed that some moving figures began to appear on the seaside in the distance, heading here.


His eyes were indifferent.

Accompanied by the distorted colored light, an ax suddenly appeared in his hand.

Miss Lilia, please wait for me here for a while. I will be back soon.

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