When the "Undocumented Knight" heard Jossen's words, he let go of his hand with relief: "Okay, Master Super Police!"

Although he can suppress the hungry wolf with the advantages of strength and equipment in this battle, the opponent's solid basic skills and exquisite boxing techniques still let him see his shortcomings.

"I'm sorry to get you hurt, I'll take you to bandage it!" Seeing

the "undocumented knight" reach out in a sincere tone, the hungry wolf was stunned for less than a second, and then slapped it away angrily: "Cut, it's just a small injury, I'm very well... Don't worry about it!" Students

: "...""

Fatal Wounds."

Joson: This damn tsundere!

Two weeks passed.

"Water Wolfman" sparring has become one of the daily reserved courses of the training class, and under the diligent and selfless dedication of the tool wolf, the skill level and practical experience of the trainees have increased rapidly with the naked eye.

Coupled with the various rewards for completing credits, it is a complete change from the state when the class started.

Not to mention the "undocumented knights" and "glasses" whose strength can be called earth-shaking, to name a few chestnuts.

The vegetative person "Green", who awakened the superpower "Source of Life" after potential guidance, has now got rid of the label of kidney deficiency, and has developed an eight-pack abs big muscle bully man with the support of vigorous vitality, with a low-end version of "Mu Duan", passing it out will definitely shock the eye!

Other heroes have also grown to a greater or lesser extent, such as "mechanical superpowers", in addition to growing from an unstable superpower to a qualified mental power user, the iconic superpower helmet has also been transformed into a powerful equipment that amplifies mental power fluctuations under the suggestion of Johnson and Dr. Cusseno's modification, and the current combat power is roughly equivalent to three "Blowing Snow in Hell".

Blowing Snow: ???

another example is "Lightning Max", who used credits to exchange for the nano vibranium suit of his heart, and also customized the high-power foot attack armor module, now his kicking skills are very powerful, and the fashion value of the battle has been improved a lot with the mobility of the suit, and the future promotion to the A level is just around the corner.

There is also the "Battery Man", which originally relied on large battery discharge as the main means of attack, but now it is also a shotgun for a cannon, and the equipment has been replaced with a "zero" suit equipped with a storage and charging module, and the combat effectiveness has increased exponentially when fully charged.

Gathering all the students for the last time, Joson looked at this batch of Chinese cabbage that thrived, and felt a sense of satisfaction in cultivating success.

Except for a certain green-haired teaching director who slept in, all the rest of the mentor group were present.

Tornado (glaring): Why don't you have a B in your mind when I sleep in?

(ಠᗣಠ) Jossen (Little Bear Innocent Spread Hand): Ahem...

┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

Except for the interest

of the association, Johnson has already taken care of everything, and the heroes who participate in the training class will not be demoted or expelled for not completing the hero activities as required, and even the allowance must be paid in full.

Don't ask why, the high-ranking cadres who dared to raise objections this time have already been sent to prison by Johnson to accompany the previous one.

“...... So guys, it's time to say goodbye for the time being.

"In the future, when you complete the hero event, you will still automatically accumulate personal credits, and after completing the credits, you can still come back here to redeem rewards for me, and this promise is valid for life." Qiao

Sen's words caused a lot of waves among the students, not coveting the rewards given by the training class, but feeling that the "super police" adult is so powerful, speaks well, and is selfless S-class hero worthy of being the apex of professional heroes, and deserves to become an idol loved by the whole people! "

There is no practice course today, I have booked the Royal Manor Hotel on the outskirts of D City for a day to celebrate everyone's graduation!"

After Joson finished speaking, everyone's eyes brightened!

"If you are joking, take the Royal Manor Hotel - ??? all day

" "That seems to be a super star hotel!?"

"Long live the super police" adult !!


Just when all the mentors saw off the first batch of trainees to graduate, the branch of the S City Heroes Association.


Hurried footsteps came from the corridor, and with the opening of the electronically controlled door of the combat command hall, a group of association cadres in suits and leather shoes walked into the hall with solemn faces, and the first square-faced and broad-faced man who looked at the B-class hero "Mountain Ape" asked in a deep voice: "How is the current situation?" <

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!" In the combat command hall, the head of the operation room of the S City Branch who arrived first answered with sweat, and then ordered the staff to say: "Quickly connect the monitoring screen that can still be connected

to the scene to the big screen!" "Yes!!"

Immediately the staff operated on the computer, and the various video signals were connected to the big screen in front of everyone.

As the sound and image signals were connected, everyone heard a thunderous roar in the stereo, and then they saw that there was a surprisingly long monster in the middle of the smoke-filled city!

Every time it moves, the earth is groaning and turbulent, the terrifying earthquake plus the destruction of the city by the monster itself, in just a moment's work, the huge S City has been destroyed by nearly a quarter!!


kind of joke, such a big centipede! What the hell did it eat and grow up?!"

"..." When

the cadres of the branch saw the terrifying monster whose body occupied the entire screen and could not see the end of the screen, they were in an uproar!

The head of the S city branch turned livid and asked: "Are there any heroes nearby?

The head of the S-class war room immediately looked down at the front-line battle report that he had just obtained, and reported loudly: "Report minister! At present, two A-class heroes and B-class heroes of varying numbers have rushed to the scene to deal with it, but the signals of the on-site personnel have now been lost, and the situation is unknown..."

A monster of this size is not something that ordinary heroes can handle at first glance, so quickly contact the headquarters and ask them to send a strong S-class emergency support!!"



The city continued to collapse and fall like an earth dragon turning over, and a deafening roar came from the ruins, resounding in the sky

!!"Centipede Elder", disaster level - dragon!

(Note: Centipedes are arthropods, called "bugs" according to custom,

such as Spider-Man's love name is "little worm". )

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