Through Saitama's unremarkable and even a hundred million points of rustic uniform, seeing the strong flesh hidden below, the "Lord General Mizuki", who is himself a heavy muscle lover, suddenly turned into a fan girl and said: "I ignored it before, but now it seems that his muscles are also so good!"

Genos: ???

- what B movement!?

"Of course!" Genos

calmly closed the record book and put it in his pocket, while appreciating the eyes of the "Lord General Mizuki", while vigilantly looking at this little who may be a potential enemy, his eyes were full of pride, "The teacher is the strong???est!"

——Do you know who brought back the bio-type artificial human technology, who came out with the "vibranium" material to make you a battle suit?

——□ Ye!

Hearing that Genos directly put his Saitama-sensei in the strongest position, Joson couldn't help but stare at death, and his heart was output to the young reformed young man who didn't know his uncle's good.


Without noticing a chill in the body's spine, Genos felt the urge to sweat cold, and then reacted suspiciously.


Well, that's all I can share.

On the podium, Saitama scratched his head, turned to the side and asked, "Josen, what should I do next?"

"Next, free group battle training," Jossen got up, clapped his hands and said, "If you need it, you can find me or Saitama-sensei to fight, let's start now."

"Yes!" Before the words of the ×

N, Genos had already raised his hand quickly before the "Lord General Mizuki", causing the tall athletic girl to stare at him with a small face and dissatisfaction.

"Teacher, I need it!"

Josson: "..."

I want it very well, don't ask for it next time!..."

A week later.

After the rotation of teaching by major instructors, the comprehensive quality of the first batch of students of the S-level training class has been greatly improved.

Even the tornado occasionally comes over, seeing that these weak chickens are no different from when they first came, they casually customized a gravity field auxiliary training for each person.

Although the effect was outstanding, the training class with a positive atmosphere suddenly became wailing.


"Hmph, isn't it a bad taste, is this to help them improve themselves quickly?"


Joson didn't know how the little brain of the tornado came up with the Super Race training method, but this training method had been tested and effective on the Dragon Ball Earth next door, so he acquiesced to her coming in the training class.

Anyway, if you have your own watch, you will brush a wave of "ordinary treatment" for the struggling trainees and it's over.

With this help, plus all the heroes in the training class are hard enough, for a while, their strength rises so fast that others can't understand

it! If this is released, it can break the original ecosystem of professional heroes in minutes like the "House of Evolution" super legion!

...... This day.

Nearly halfway through the course, the head teacher Qiao Sen gave half a day off to the students who had been practicing hard in recent days, and all the instructor group arrived to prepare for an open-air barbecue dinner in the evening.

Although the previous dinner was not less, but the open-air barbecue is always more interesting if friends prepare it together.

The tornado that went out to deal with a dragon-level disaster was also brought back by Jossen, but as the only girl present and the only designated lady in this training class, she did not have to participate in the processing of ingredients.

At this time, she was lying on a sun lounger on the edge of the pool on the roof of the tutor's dormitory, drinking drinks, eating snacks, and sunbathing with sunglasses.

After work, you can also enjoy the joy of vacation, and the corners of your mouth under the tornado sunglasses can't help but raise slightly.

(ಠ ಠ✔)

The fresh ingredients purchased by Joson were cleaned by disciples such as Genos and "Iai-an", and sent to the "Atomic Samurai" to be cut and plated.

The atomic samurai played with a bone-removing knife in his hand, and whether food or vegetables arrived in his hand, it was broken down into uniform sizes in a blink of an eye, and scrambled to land on the dinner plate on its own.

Saitama, Qiao Sen and Bungu were responsible for the final pickling skewer process, and Bungu looked at the impeccable sword skills of the "atomic samurai", and couldn't help but sigh: "I haven't seen it for a few days, it seems that the strength of the "atomic samurai" has improved again.

"Hey, Silver Fangs," I came here with a learning mindset, and I didn't dare to slack off for a moment." "Atomic Samurai" grabbed his extra-long toothpick, smiled crookedly, "Recently, I have privately asked Qiao Sensang for advice, and it is indeed a lot of gains, how about it, do you want to have a little after-dinner exercise in a while, let's have a discussion?"

"Yes, that's good!" Bungu glanced at Jossen unexpectedly, but he didn't expect that this stinky boy actually had this kind of leisure and willingness to serve as a sparring partner, and immediately nodded and replied, "The old man has also gained a little recently, and it is good to exercise after dinner."

Joson on the side shrugged: I have to accompany my brother and wife again, of course, I don't have time, but JoJo I am a shadow doppelganger!

The sharp knife in the hand of the "atomic samurai" emitted an excited ringing, jumping between his fingers into a flexible silver streamer, "Yes, that would be great!" After a

period of deep mountain cultivation, coupled with the exchange with Joson this week, the "atomic samurai" did not feel that his kendo cultivation had improved much.

Most of the strong people of his level have touched the bottleneck of the ceiling level, and it may be difficult to take another step forward for the rest of their lives.

This is where the limiter comes in.


"Atomic Samurai" was shocked to find that after Johnson used a special superpower called "Potential Channeling Technique" on him, the improvement brought

by it reached an unprecedented level! The sword speed of the signature "Atomic Slash" reached unprecedented speed, and the "Atomic Samurai" felt that his current self was enough to cut off everything!!


meat and vegetables into the same size per piece, the eyes of the "Atomic Samurai" swept warily towards the surrounding S-class heroes.

Prepare to challenge Bangu and then pick a suitable opponent.

"Super Police" Josson!

"Atomic Samurai" knows very well that his strength can improve so much, just this casual action.

And he saw the terrifying picture of Joson punching through time and space with his own eyes, and he still remembers it vividly

! His hands are itchy, but not itchy! Out

of respect for the strong, his gaze quickly moved to the next one.

Jossen (crooked mouth sneering) who is massaging fresh beef and mutton: Count your old boy acquaintance!

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