After listening to the appeal of the dark shadow doppelganger, the corner of Jossen's mouth twitched.

This tone, this demand.

It's me....

Joson thought for a moment, a light bulb lit up above his head, and then said, "Then you will be called "Darkseid", isn't it very ∇suitable for the natural dark lord

?" It's worthy of you, another me

!" "Less verbosity, you just say if you want it or not!" "

Then I definitely want ah, Sa!

One Punch Man World, City Z.

The bright sun falls quietly, setting off the city in the afternoon in peace and beauty.

Joson stepped out of the black hole portal and time began to flow.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, which made Josen, who had just left the "dark dimension", a little uncomfortable.

Not because the sun was too dazzling, but because Joson had just loaded a card.


Card: Lord of Darkness] [Card Type: Ability Card

] [Rarity: SSR] [

Introduction: Marvel Multiverse, someone who masters unlimited power doppelganger Darkseid steals the power of darkness and becomes a superpower mastered after becoming the lord of the "Dark Dimension".

【Effect 1: Dark Power】

【Darkseid is the master of the world when he is in the "dark dimension", has the authority to control the world, a single thought can change matter, energy form or the rules of time and space, can easily create darkness itself from energy and matter, reduce the life below himself to non-existence, or create souls to make dark slaves. 【

Effect 2: Dark Energy】

【Darkseid, even if he is far away from the "dark dimension", he can invoke the endless dark energy in it. 【

Effect 3: Dark Avatar

】【Darkseid can condense darkness and create dark avatars infinitely.】 【

Effect 4: Dark Magic】

【Darkseid can use darkness to cast magic, or transform into various elemental and material forms.

[Effect 5: Dimensional Devourer]

[Darkseid can teleport arbitrarily in the "dark dimension", and can also open a dimensional channel to devour the material world. That's

right, Jossen's new SSR is not from the original version of the evil god Dormammu, but from Joson's dark shadow avatar -


's family bucket set unlocks a rule node like a pitch-black star on the brilliant colorful crystal.

This dark star does not look very inconspicuous, but in fact, it condenses the essence of the entire "dark dimension", and it is a treasure that Dormammu attaches great importance to.

Scream: My precious!

It's just that it didn't take long for this darkness to be like ink stained in water, digested and absorbed by the infinite power of all things, and turned into part of infinite authority.

The only change brought about is that Jossen's occasional evil temperament has become deeper, and the temperament of the villain BOSS is directly full.


! I Jo Sentang police elite, the hero of the S-class heroes, how can I be a villain?

No matter how bad it is, it is also an underground worker who has broken into the evil forces!

After figuring this out, the sky above Jossen's head seemed to become much clearer, and his gaze turned back to the S Season hero training class in full swing, and the corners of his mouth habitually smiled evilly.

Boys, bring the king back!


S-level training class, martial arts training ground.

The heroic trainees who participated in the training, including the squad leader Genos and the three squad committees, all changed into white martial arts uniforms.

The original professional heroes' personalized uniforms disappeared, and despite their different heights and temperaments, they still looked uniform, like a well-trained team.

Visiting professor Bungu demonstrated the basic rack of the flowing water fist and walked around the venue with his back hand.

The rejuvenated old man is at the peak of his life, and his revived body and strong spirit make him a step further from the original grandmaster and become a strong man beyond the limits of human beings.

This group of trainees had no secrets in his eyes, and their talents in the martial arts path were also uneven.

Some of them are masters from the regular school, such as "Lightning Max", this excellent young martial artist can go to the next level with just a little dialing, and Bungu is very easy to teach.

It is that this little guy's leg method is too dependent on the blessing of modern technology, and this deep-rooted concept cannot be reversed in a short time, and it is beyond the scope of the training class, which makes Bungu very regretful.

Among the remaining students, some are martial arts Xiaobai without any foundation, this part of the students accounts for the vast majority of the total, the more prominent are the "glasses" of B-level heroes and the "undocumented knights" of C-level heroes, both of whom have the best physical qualities in their class, but neither has any martial arts foundation, but the acceptance of martial arts is fast, and they are good seedlings for practicing martial arts.

There are also guys who don't have any martial arts talent themselves, such as the vegetative person "Green" who seems to be low blood sugar all the time.

But one thing is for sure, all people here have a true heroic heart and are trustworthy juniors.

Just like the vegetative person "Green", don't look at people standing teetering, but every movement is done very hard, and strive not to compromise.

This kind of super-powered hero who is not good at hand-to-hand combat, can have this learning attitude, which has made Bungu look good.


old man once again corrected the posture mistakes of a wave of trainees, and explained them in simple terms in combination with the power skills of martial arts.

The trainees who are professional heroes themselves have more or less comprehended and have gone back to practice on their own.

For a time, the sound of shouting in the training hall was endless.

Bungu sat down in front of the tea seat on the side, made a pot of hot tea for himself, and just took a sip, he saw a handsome and tall black-haired beautiful boy walking at the gate, and his expression couldn't help but be stunned.

Blinking, the old man found that he really didn't have old eyes dizzy, and the person who came was indeed Jossen.

——Hehe, the young man now, he played more than when he was younger.

Bungu motioned for Qiao Sen to sit down, poured him a cup of hot tea, and said with a smile: "Qiao Sen-kun, you are here." "

Well, Master Bungu. "

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