Although weak, what lights up on Thanos' hand is indeed a real infinite power.

Just like Marvel's What IF space-time, Kermungo, who has touched the "Infinity Stones", can snatch the gem with Ultron.

Similarly, as the holder of this universe's "Infinity Gauntlet", Thanos also has some infinite power left in his body.

At this time, it burst out, and it was preparing to break the cauldron and sink the boat and forcibly snatch the "Infinity Stones" from Jossen's hands.

And yet....

Killing Thanos also didn't think that the Eternal Clan little brother who appeared out of nowhere, the infinite power in his body was only a lot more than him

! Other "Infinity Stones" users are at most passively bearing, and some inappropriate beautiful boys have a different physique than ordinary people, and when they hold the "Infinity Stones", they take the initiative to feed into their own bodies!

Therefore, at this time, Jossen's chest also flashed with dazzling infinite power, intercepting the colorful energy rays released by Thanos ten meters away!

His own power could not reach the "Infinity Stones" at all, so he was intercepted and eliminated by a stronger infinite force, which meant that he fell into absolute inferiority at the beginning of the struggle.

Thinking of this, the retired titan tyrant raised his hand to summon the "tyrant butcher knife" that was half-inserted into the soil, and with an angry shout, he launched a charge towards Jossen!

Although he has already decided to disarm and return to the field, but now Thanos has not been injured by the terrifying reaction of overloading the use of unlimited power, and he is still the invincible demigod titan, and he can still fight


!The indestructible double-edged tomahawk slashed on an indescribable scarlet energy barrier, emitting a loud sound of gold and iron, and could not advance!

Thanos was shocked, and the brain that carried all the knowledge of the Eternal Race made him quickly distinguish the horror of the essence of this energy, and subconsciously prepared to retreat.

However, the "Chaos Magic" controlled by Johnson was not only three or four stories higher than the original owner Wanda, and the scarlet energy originally used for defense was like a shark smelling blood, suddenly showing its fangs and biting towards the retreating Thanos!

A blazing cosmic secret energy turned into an energy cannon and struck out from Thanos' left fist, and the scarlet chaos magic was blasted open a gap, which was filled in an instant, completely imprisoning his limbs and head in Thanos' struggle, and he couldn't move at all with his titan divine power!

So, after getting the irascible old farmer, Josson's finger emitted a magic light wave, and a fake trumpet "Infinity Gauntlet" suddenly appeared in front of him.

Johnson raised his hand, the metal gloves were worn unusually snugly on his hands, and six suspended "Infinity Stones" landed lightly on the inlaid groove reserved by the gloves.

In Thanos' struggling stare, a new diamond "Infinity Gauntlet" was born.

One after another colorful electricity happily submerged into Qiao Sen's body, and Qiao Sen's breath of receiving the blessing of infinite power climbed step by step, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the familiar all-knowing and all-powerful realm.

"Already here?"

Jonson's gaze ignored Thanos and looked beyond his massive body beyond the planet.

Outside the atmosphere of the garden star, a bird-like spacecraft jumped through space nodes and suddenly appeared outside the atmosphere.

It was the Betana on which the Avengers who came to fight Thanos were riding.

Seeing that he was about to meet his past self, Johnson raised his hand unhurriedly, and with the right hand of the "Infinity Gauntlet" snapped his fingers, a blazing white light burst out from his fingers, and stopped at the moment when he was about to devour the universe.

Rice Tasika Bean Smash Valudo

!!F Cub: ?

—I didn't do it!

Driven by the infinite power of the "Time Gem", the power to change the rules of the universe burst out, whether it was Thanos in front of him or Joson himself in the past, they were all stuck in frozen time and space.

However, Johnson knew very well that even his past self could not be completely imprisoned by unlimited power.

Superman and the Flash run and look at each other.GIF


Do the play and do a full set, and the next operation must be fast.


an arcane leap... No, it was a teleportation to Thanos, and the "Infinity Gauntlet" on the ground rolled up by Chaos Magic was a worn-out treatment on the spot.

After eroding it to a pothole, it was put back on Thanos' left hand, and the infinite power in Joson's body immediately erupted, giving the invincible cosmic tyrant a trip to the Dowji destruction-level ion hot.

After creating the illusion that Thanos snapped his fingers, Johnson successively used the power of the "Mind Gem" and the "Reality Gem".

The former violently rewrites Thanos' rock-solid spiritual realm, implanting false memories of retired farmers who have succeeded in destroying gems.

The latter cleaned up all traces of his arrival and restored it to its original quiet and peaceful pastoral scene.

Restoring the Titan to the appearance he had never been to before, Joson nodded in satisfaction and snapped his fingers one last time.

Snap -

In the snapping of the fingers played by the metal, the blazing snapping white light burst out, instantly covering the entire universe, the rules rewritten by the infinite force once again took effect, and the frozen time scale began to run forward again.

After doing all this, Jossen's figure disappeared in place and soared into the sky.

This is done in order to leave a blurred back for the past self and complete the final closed loop.

After that, Johnson accelerated again, broke through the gravity of the garden star in the blink of an eye, and disappeared into the vast universe of stars.

"That was..."

Outside the planet, a blonde boy frowned suspiciously.

Immediately, the figure flashed, turning into a black-gold streamer and disappearing into the planet.


MCU universe, main space-time.


Deep blue clouds surged up in the space, and a tall and tall handsome figure walked out of it.

Returning from the past timeline, Johnson first went to Karma Taj.

Doctor Strange, who failed to set things right, became an ordinary secret mage, and under the warm reception of the current Supreme Mage King, Joson admired the local customs and lived for a while.

During this period, he used the power of the "Time Gem" to reset the cooldown time of the overrun "Element Picking", and learned the magic of various factions of Karma Taj.

After filling

in the gap on the mysterious side, Johnson approached Wang Cixing.

The current Supreme Mage and Joson cherished each other, and after that, he used the "Space Gem" to open the portal and came here.

Looking at the ruined planet under his feet, Joson nodded with satisfaction.

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