Doctor Strange, who had long been ready to cast a spell, opened his hands, and the huge Guardian Magic Array expanded to the edge of the Earth Alliance, covering each of them with a layer of guardian armor constructed of law gold thread!

"My Guardian Spell won't last long, destroy them!" As

Doctor Strange shouted, many human warriors found themselves with seemingly nothing-looking golden light armor on their bodies.

Even if he was hit head-on by the zombie robot charge, he was protected in it without any damage!

With Strange's guardian magic, the earth side received the first wave of mechanical zombies without injury.

However, due to the large gap in the number of the two sides, they were completely overwhelmed by the mechanical wave at the first time!

Scarlet Witch raised her hand is a piece of chaotic magic that does not want money, sweeping away mechanical zombies in one direction

! Thor held up the "Storm Tomahawk", jumped into the air and jumped into the air, also destroying a large number of enemies!

The secret mages in the field also came out with the same means, and finally opened up a space for the human side, at least through the head of the originally densely packed zombie robot, to see the clear sky but leaving a large hole.

At this time, the captain has his back to Bucky, and can only shoot "BiuBiuBiu" like a small soldier to destroy the rushing zombie robots.

In the sky to his left, the resurrected Falcon acts as a wingman, responsible for solving the remaining fish that slipped through the net with his flying ability and high maneuverability.

For a while, this improvised veteran detachment turned out to be very popular.

Even so, however, some problems have come to light.

The captain took up the energy gun produced by Wakanda Vibranium Technology and his momentum remained unchanged, with accurate shooting and handsome posture.

But this does not affect the fact that his current combat power can no longer keep up with the version update.

I can only follow Bucky and Falcon to team up to clear the minions and gangsters.

Yanzu, please hit the public screen on the distress.

Seeing this, Dio in Dio, the shadow doppelganger, sighed angrily, his eyes swept, and he immediately had an idea.

I saw him teleport behind Thor, the god of thunder, and use the Chatonra replica "Infinity Gauntlet" to snatch a pure thunder divine power in the latter's "nagging" howl.

Thor: I am me? Where am I? How come my thunder divine power is missing!??The

sneak attack is successful, and the shadow doppelganger beautiful boy uses the copycat "reality gem" to rewrite part of the rules of the world, shaping this thunder divine power into a brand new meow hammer and throwing it at the captain.

"Here, Captain..."

"Try this. "

The wind in the back of his head, Steve Rogers didn't want to jump up agilely

! A 360° propped up on the ground in place, very handsome to catch the meow hammer thrown by the shadow doppelganger beautiful boy

! "This is

?" "Wang Defa! Myrnier!?"

At this time, two people exclaimed almost at the same time.

The natural scolding street is the thunder god Thor who suddenly has a green on his head, at this time, he is like seeing the sexy dead wife come back from the dead, but he turned his head and threw himself into the arms of the old king next door, not to mention how broken his mood is at the moment.

And Lao Wang... Ah, no, it was Lao Shi's emotions that were an unexpected surprise, the moment he held the handle of the hammer, he clearly felt a long-lost thunder divine power poured into his body, swimming around his body!

At Tony's party.

Coincidentally, that time the Avengers heroes joined forces to go out of the mountain precisely to solve the Ultron crisis in Sokovia.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, he was given the opportunity to use the Divine Hammer because of Ultron's invasion.

"Thank you!" the

captain sincerely thanked the shadow doppelganger beautiful boy, who smiled kindly, indicating that our Dio family...

At this moment, Steve Rogers has a clear understanding that as long as he is willing, the divine hammer in his hand can inspire a thunder slam that is no less than the genuine Thor!


Electricity! Energy! Stir! Swing!

casually strengthened a wave of captains, and the shadow doppelganger beautiful boy found that the "Infinity Gauntlet" power from the Chatongla cottage seemed to have lost a lot.

He immediately understood that if the similar operation was repeated a few times, the infinite power obtained from the genuine white would be consumed, and then this replica of the artifact encrusted with "Infinity Stones" would be reduced to an iron pimple with pure decorative functions, and it would never be as magical as before.

Immediately, he repeated his old trick, learning from the previous practice of the ontology, using the "heart net" to cut off the electromagnetic signal of the Ultron robot, trying to limit the movement of this group of crazy robots with the power of the magnetic field.

The result was...

This group of zombie robots was not affected at all!

He immediately knew that the dog thing of infinite Ultron actually upgraded the version before leaving, fixing the bug that the Ultron robot would be affected by the magnetic field.

Rewrite the rules of physics at will, this is the power of the genuine "Infinity Gauntlet".

The shadow avatar beautiful boy tried it and found that the pirated "Infinity Gauntlet" could not reset the rules of genuine overwriting, most likely because the Chakra replica was a pure grandson, and the right to speak was not enough, so naturally there was no permission to modify the instructions of the genuine version.

"In that case..."

With a "pop", the shadow doppelganger beautiful boy clapped his hands -

"Ninfa Mudun Vine Early Dance"

! In an instant, the earth shook without warning, and countless vines penetrated the soil and danced wildly in the wind!

This is the basic wooden ninjutsu developed by Josen after mastering the superpowers of two vegetative heroes, barely increasing the strength of a wave and strengthening the superpower-spawned plants to the extraordinary threshold.

Rounding up, that's Mu Duan!

It really has a limited effect for others, but for a player like Jossen who has his own cha tonla, it is useful.


this time, thousands of flying vines frightened many Earth heroes

, such as Tony Stark, who almost didn't fire a palm cannon to set fire to these plants that looked like mutant vipers!

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